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T.Y.P.O.: Get Some Series

Page 4

by Love, Frankie

  The kiss deepens and I feel like the parts of myself that were so beat up for so damn long are healing.

  “Is the yurt as private as that water hole you took me to last week?” she asks, looking up at me. Her brown eyes flecked with sunlight.

  “I’d say so. Why?”

  She smiles, lacing her hand with mine and leading the way to the shelter. “Because I want to properly thank you for taking me out here today. You bring me out of my comfort zone and with you, I feel safe.”

  “You don’t need to thank me,” I tell her as we enter the yurt. There are a few camping chairs and a cooler filled with lunch, but not much else. “I’m loving every minute of it.”

  She presses her palm to my chest, urging me to back up, to sit in a chair. “I know I don’t have to, Jac. But I want to.”

  She drops to her knees and reaches for the fly on my pants. My cock twitches in anticipation and I groan, feeling like the luckiest man alive. “I don’t want to do this wrong,” she tells me, my cock now in her hands.

  I cup her face with my hands. “It would be impossible to mess this up, Aylee. I promise.”

  She nods ever so slightly, then lowers her head, parting her lips, and taking me in her mouth. My cock loves it, the way her mouth takes, the way her silky tongue glides over my rock hard ridges. My cock is hard and needy, and she is needy too. She begins to suck me more fervently, as if she loves it just as much as I do. When she lifts her eyes to meet mine, blood rushes to my cock and my balls ache, needing the sweet release only she can offer.

  “God,” I groan, the deep desire mounting and I can’t help it. I need her. “Let me fuck you, baby,” I tell her. “Let me come inside you.”

  She pulls back, taking me out of her mouth. “No,” she pants. “I want your cum to run down my throat. Let me taste you, Jac. Please.”

  I can feel my cock grow at her words and she takes me back in her mouth before I can resist. She knows what she wants - she wants my goddamn cock and I’m gonna give it to her. I come hard as she sucks me with her innocent mouth. She swallows my milky release and when I finish, she’s moaning, just as pleased as I am. But it’s not enough. We both need more.

  “Now,” I tell her. “You’re already on your knees. Now all you need to do is bend over.”

  She does as she’s told. “Bossy much, I like it.”

  “You said I was the guide today. Let me teach you.”

  I push down her shorts, her lacy panties, and I run my hand over her slit, she’s nice and wet, already so close to coming for me.

  “God, Aylee,” I say, slapping her bare milky ass. “Do you have any idea how sexy you are?”

  She whimpers against my lips when I kiss her.

  It doesn’t take much to get me hard again, and when I fill her completely, her head falls back as she lets out a gasp of pleasure.

  I draw her to me as I thrust deeper, filling the girl I am falling head over heels for.

  But that’s not true. There’s no more falling. I’ve crashed into her, heart and soul. We both know it, and so when we fuck, it’s...real. We’ve pushed past all our fears and what’s left is just us, this - perfect and primal and everything.

  I lose control, but she does too, and I’m glad there’s no one for miles around, because when she reaches her final climax, she screams so loud that birds take flight from the trees around us.

  We finish and I pull Aylee to me, pulling her against my chest protectively. “Damn, woman, what got into you?” I say, grinning against the top of her head.

  She looks up at me and smiles, running her hands over the scruff on my jaw. “Got into me? You went into beast mode on my pussy.” She’s chuckling, but I instantly worry that I hurt her.

  “Too rough?”

  She shakes her head, pulling my mouth to hers. “No. It was perfect.”

  “Good.” I kiss her back, then say against her lips, “You like it a little dirty then?”

  “I don’t think that liking your cum in my mouth is dirty,” she tells me, my cock twitching at her words. God, she gets me all riled up. I fucking love it.

  “Me either,” I tell her, squeezing her cute little ass. “I think it’s hot as hell.”

  I kiss her again, knowing that we don’t have time for another round if we’re going to make it down the river by the end of the day.

  “All right,” I tell her, hating the words coming from my mouth. “We should eat lunch and then get moving. The river waits for no one.”

  Not too long after, we are back in the raft, and Aylee seems more relaxed than ever.

  “I’ve never seen you with such a big smile,” I tell her, handing her a paddle.

  “Well, I’ve never given a blow job before today. Turns out it makes me ridiculously happy to get you off.”

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “You do realize every time we’ve had sex, I get off because of you.”

  She laughs. “I know, but I liked being on my knees... And maybe it sounds weird, but it made me happy to make you happy.”

  I give her a quick kiss but then focus on the water. It is my job to take care of her today, to be the one at her side as she conquers her fears.

  “There’s a bit of rough water ahead,” I tell her, glad I’m looking when I am. “But it’s only for a couple miles, then we’re back to calm.”

  “Okay,” she says, but it comes out as a small whimper.

  I wish I could squeeze her hand, or do something to reassure her, but the rapids pick up quickly and I need to focus on keeping the raft from hitting the boulders that jut out of the water.

  Aylee lets out a small shriek when we hit some even rougher water. “ it supposed to be like this?”

  No. Shit. For some reason, the river has swelled. I’d just been on this course last week and it had been fine. We hadn’t experienced an excess of rain, so I’m not sure why the danger level has increased. But the rapids are strong.

  “Jac,” Aylee cries out when the raft tips slightly.

  “Keep your paddle on your lap,” I yell. “And lean to your right.”

  I’ve experienced way rougher water than this, but her fear has me focusing on her rather than the river, and I don’t see the rock in front of us.

  For an instant, we are completely parallel with the river. I’m shouting commands, but Aylee is in a full-out panic and she does the opposite of what I yell, and then we’re tipping.

  It’s not the first time I’ve tipped a raft. But I’ve never experienced the panic I feel now. And all my training goes out the window, because I can’t think about anything other than Aylee.

  One second I see her, her head going under then resurfacing and the next she’s being pulled under the water.

  This time she doesn’t re-emerge.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m drowning. Again. All my fears smack into my chest, squeezing the last amount of air from my lungs.

  I’m trapped on something. Something sharp that digs into my side, a branch. Panicked, I twist and fight with it, but I can’t get free.

  This is it.

  How I die.

  The water is murky. I can’t see. But I know there’s no way out of this. At least that’s what fear screams in my head.

  The first time I’d gone under when I was twelve years old, the water had been so cold that I’d been unable to fight my way to the surface. I don’t remember my dad pulling me from the water or the ride to the hospital. All I remember is waking up in the emergency room, fear my new companion.

  And here I am, again, facing the same thing. But this time my dad won’t save me, and I know I can’t wait for Jac to save me. There’s no time. I can feel the fuzziness of unconsciousness clouding my head. I don’t have much strength left, but I know if I don’t push through my fear and fight, I’ll take my last breath here, now.

  I unbuckle the life jacket that’s caught in the twisted branches, and struggle out of it, then push up. I gasp in a painful breath when my head breaks the surface.

  “Aylee,” Jac’s screams echo across the river. He’s not far from me, and I yell back before swimming as hard as I can toward him. He catches me against his side and struggles to get us both to the edge of the river.

  The rapids aren’t forgiving, and we both take a beating before he’s pulling me away from the fast moving water. He’s breathing heavy, and so am I in between coughing.

  “Shit, Aylee.” He pulls me against his chest, his hands all over me, searching for any sign of injury. “I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t...fuck...I thought...”

  “I’m okay,” I say, still trembling. Whatever fear I’d had is replaced with relief, and I burrow against him, needing his touch, the feel of his body against mine - his strength.

  Those large arms are wrapped tight around me. Protective. Possessive. And when he tilts my head up, I see all his own fears in his eyes.

  “God, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “It is...I...I screwed up. I’m so sorry.”

  I have no anger toward him, only compassion. Jac did nothing wrong. He took control of the situation and helped me to shore. He was my hero, my protector. And yes, it was scary as hell, but I survived. I got through it. My fears do not own me ... instead, for the first time in my life, I believe that I can overcome any challenge life might throw my way.

  And right now, as I look at Jac, his eyes wounded and his heart tortured - I know he is the one who needs comforting - not me.

  He brought me here to face my own fears ... but in doing so, his own demons came calling.

  “Don’t apologize,” I tell him, resting my face against his solid chest. “Just take me somewhere dry. Maybe I can try to warm you up.” I say it to be playful, to help ease some of his pain - but it doesn’t seem to release the tension he is holding.

  Instead, he pulls me closer to himself, muttering under his breath how he fucked everything up.

  But he didn’t. He didn’t ruin anything. In fact, going overboard saved me from myself. I’m no longer bound to the past - for the first time since I was a little girl, I truly feel free.

  Chapter Nine


  I know I’ve gone quiet. I can feel Aylee’s eyes on me. But guilt has wrapped itself so tight around my chest, that I swear I feel like I’m drowning. With no paddles, the raft which I found a quarter mile upstream caught between two rocks, is useless.

  I was able to get a hold of Nash, to let him know what happened, but we have to reach the next outpost for him to get a Jeep to us.

  “We’re almost there,” I tell her, glancing up at the cliffs.

  Aylee walks beside me, as quiet as I am. I can only imagine what she’s thinking. And I know I probably fucked things up with her. Hell, I almost got her killed.

  “I’m sorry,” I mutter again, rubbing the back of my neck.

  “Stop,” she says, taking my hand. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not fucking okay, Aylee. None of this is okay.” I don’t even know where the anger comes from. It’s not directed at her, but the way her eyes widen I know she doesn’t realize that. “Shit. I just keep screwing up.” I turn and keep walking, and she follows in silence until we come across the campground.

  She shivers, and I resist the need to pull her into my arms. But so many emotions. So many demons that I’d thought were long and buried are warring inside of me.

  “I’ll start a fire,” I tell her, knowing this outpost well. “There should be some blankets and food in the yurt at this site. There’s a bed in there too.”

  She disappears inside, giving me time to think. But the time alone only draws me deeper into the darkness of memory.




  How many hours had they left me in that closet? Five? Six? Hungry and thirsty, I’d peed my pants, because I couldn’t hold it any longer. But no one came for me. They’d forgotten about me.

  It hits me now that that was the worst part.

  I flinch when I feel Aylee’s hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “I should be asking you that.” The fire is blazing now, and even though I know I don’t deserve her touch, I pull Aylee into my lap.

  She’s wrapped only in a wool blanket, and my hand touches her bare skin when I snake it underneath. “I’m drying out my clothes. You should too, so you don’t get sick.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Her palm rests on my cheek. “You don’t seem fine. Talk to me.”

  I grind my back teeth, hating the weakness I feel. The horror at almost losing her. The ... abandonment. But this shouldn’t be about me. I’m not the one who almost drowned. I’m the fuck up that almost lost her.

  “Aylee, I’m sorry—”

  “Stop saying you’re sorry.”

  “But I pushed you to do this.”

  “In case you forgot, I’m the one who wanted to do this. Even before I met you. And I’m glad I did.” She chuckles, giving me a dimpled smile. “White water rafting may never be my favorite thing to do, but I’m glad I did it.”

  “You almost drowned.”

  “But I didn’t. I pushed through my fears.” She snuggles close. “And this, right now, it isn’t so bad.”

  I breathe her in, holding her close. It’s crazy how quickly I fell for her. But the truth is, “I don’t want to lose you, Aylee.”

  She blinks up at me, the fire crackling behind her. “Who says you have to?”

  I sigh, knowing I need to open up, tell her how I feel...tell her about my past. Not only for her sake but for my own. I’ve kept them bottled up for too long. I rough my knuckles across her cheek, wanting to accept the love and acceptance I see shining in her eyes.

  “I told you about my fear of small spaces.”

  “Yeah.” Her lips tug down. “I remember.”

  “How my foster brother locked me in the closet. I was left there for hours, Aylee. Almost a whole day passed before anyone thought to look for me.”

  She nods, not looking at me with pity like most people would, just concern, and love. It gives me the strength to continue.

  “I think it was then that I started to realize that no one really cared about me. That I’d always be alone.” I scoff, pulling her tighter. “Pathetic, right? I’m twenty-five years old, and I’m still dealing with shit from when I was a kid.”

  “We all do. But...” She twists in my lap and places her arms around my neck. “You don’t have to be alone anymore. You have people who care about you, who...” She sucks in a small, shaky breath. “People who love you.”

  A lump forms in my throat, and I have a hard time swallowing. “I’ve never said those words before,” I tell her, running my hands up her back and tangling my fingers in her hair.

  “To anyone?” she asks, studying me.

  “No one. But for the first time in my life, I’m ready to. ” I rest my forehead against hers. She overcame her own fears today. Took a risk. I need to do the same. “I love you, Aylee.”

  She sucks in a small breath and pulls back slightly. “Jac—”

  “I’m not telling you it so you’ll say it back.” I drag my thumb across her bottom lip, seeing it tremble. “All of this is so fast, and—”

  “I love you, too.” Her words are simple and sweet, the ones I longed to hear. Her eyes tell me that she is totally and utterly sincere. That she is absolutely mine.

  “God,” I growl, running my fingers through her hair, breathing her in, never wanting to let go. “If I lost you ...”

  “But you didn’t,” she says, this time firm. The sweetness is gone - now all I hear is strength. “You are here and so am I and we’re fighters, Jac, no getting around that.” She kisses me, pressed against my chest. “Earlier, I got on my knees to thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone. Now come into the yurt and let’s see if we can find a way to thank our lucky stars that we’re alive, that we’re together. That we’re in love.”

  My eyes fill with tears then, and maybe
some women might think that makes me weak, but when I look at Aylee, I know she sees it as strength. “I’m so glad I fucking have you,” I tell her. This girl who has made me feel like I can open up in a way I never have before.

  Once in the yurt, I pull my girl to the bed, stripping off my still-wet clothes and drawing her to me. The wool blanket has warmed her up, along with the fire and I’m glad she is no longer shivering from the cold.

  “Come here,” I tell her, drawing her close. Her body is soft and comforting in a way I never knew I needed. Telling her I loved her seems to have cracked open my heart. Made me fucking whole.

  “God, I love you,” she moans, running her hands over my chest, down my length.

  “It’s crazy, falling in love so damn fast. But it’s real, this. You and me.” I move over her, kissing her round tits, sucking her nipples, taking my time to wake her up.

  “I wanted to say something earlier, Jo told me to, but I was scared.”

  “Scared of what?” I ask, running my hand over her slit. Her center so warm, so wet and ready.

  “Of you not feeling the same way, Jac.” She laughs softly. “I didn’t want to ruin what we just started.”

  I kiss her, my cock finding its way home. She moans as I fill her, her body so ready to be taken, to be consumed. To be mine.

  Chapter Ten


  Work is extra busy, as a massive shipment just arrived from an estate sale. I admit that it’s hard to focus on my job when my mind is constantly on Jac ... but he has work to do as well. And as much as we would love to spend every waking moment going at it like a pair of rabbits - we are both entrepreneurs with businesses to run.

  “There are still so many boxes to go through,” my sister Leila says as she slices open another box filled with vintage dresses. “Oh, this one is a good score though. Look at all this organza!” She starts pulling out a cream-colored dress, and then she gasps. “Aylee, it’s a wedding dress!”


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