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Real Magic

Page 28

by Wayne W. Dyer


  The formula for allowing miracles into your life includes taking an active role in reprogramming yourself to create what you previously believed impossible, and using the following miracle mind-set guidelines adapted from chapter 3.

  • Reserve judgment and disbelief by practicing affirmations. As a part of your daily agenda, practice these affirmations, which will help you remove the doubt and judgment that keep you from moving to the next level on the physical plane.

  • I am in the process of creating the miracle that I deserve.

  • I am willing to release that which has inhibited me up until now.

  • I trust that I am not alone and that I will receive guidance when I am ready.

  • I am ready.

  • I know that I have the capacity to accomplish anything that I conceive of in my mind.

  • I am willing to do what it takes to make my dream a reality.

  Use these and any others you can write for yourself. When said aloud and repeatedly they will help you dislodge disbelief.

  • Create a real-magic zone by listening carefully to your body and all that it is telling you. This is your private real-magic zone that you needn’t share with anyone else. If you feel bloated, sickly, tired, anxious, lethargic, achy or any other physical symptom, say to yourself, “What is my body saying to me? What lesson do I have to learn here?” Simply listen and take notice of what you are hearing. Before long you will get the message your body is delivering.

  “Exercise me. I hate sitting around and getting flabby.”

  “Pay attention. Stop putting so much food into me.”

  “I hate sugar and that’s why I give you headaches.”

  “I love it when you give me large amounts of clean, filtered water. It helps me flush out the poisons.”

  “Use those oils and creams on me that keep my skin fresh.”

  “Stop with the drugs please! Why do you think I respond with hangovers, sniffles, lethargy, muddled thinking, slurring, anxiety, blood pressure increases, increased heart rates, congestion, coughing and so on?”

  Listen to your body and it will tell you exactly what you need to know. Every cell in your body has infinite universal intelligence within it. Nurture that intelligence. Revere it and treat it with the sacredness that it deserves. Miracles will be your reward.

  • Affirm yourself as a no-limit person by practicing new areas of activity. Note what it is you absolutely were certain you could not accomplish one year ago. Let’s say, for example, it is being able to run one mile without stopping. Or to go one full year without having a cold, or twenty-one days without having a drink. Or to go for a week reducing your fat intake by 50 percent. These examples are quite specific for you to have a mind-set of being able to go beyond self-imposed limitations.

  Choose one limitation and literally see yourself in your mind going past it one day at a time. Create your own personal challenge to go to a new level. One mile, one day, one year, but all a day at a time. You will be amazed at the results, which started with a thought. You will find yourself believing there is nothing you cannot accomplish if you put your mind to it and believe it. This is the inner circuitry of a miracle worker.

  • Trust those inner hunches and intuitions concerning your physical body. Pay attention to whatever seems to be a forceful dramatic inclination within you. Listen and follow those inner dictates. Your inner voices will tell you what to avoid, whom to seek out, what to read, whom to trust, what to eat, when to exercise and when to rest. Certainly you want to seek out the help of knowledgeable others, but be wary of those who tell you what is impossible for you. Or at least, see their negativity as a great lesson for you and use it to go beyond the limitations they are attempting to impose on you. Know you are not alone and trust you will be guided in the proper way. Fill yourself with awe and wonderment at the vastness and mystery of the nonphysical transmitting messages concerning your physical self. You will find yourself experiencing the miracles I am writing about.

  • Begin to trust the secret that sits in the center and knows. Though you may not yet have accessed your highest self, it is a part of you. Trust in the silent invisible intelligence that flows through your form. Go to it often in meditation and simply ask, “How may I give my life to others?” “How may I serve?” “Guide me to be the best and most purposeful person I can be.”

  You will discover that in order to give of yourself in a life-time of purpose, you will want to be as healthy, positive and confident in your own divinity as is possible. This will help you to get on the path of physical miracle making and real magic.

  After every meditation I always feel I can accomplish anything, and I am filled with enormous love and awe for everything I encounter in the physical universe. I notice the shape and color and beauty of trees, and I literally feel that way about myself as well. I am in awe of being alive and I want to treat my body well. I have touched a place within me that is love and harmony, and this place allows me to go beyond anything I ever thought I could accomplish before. Since I have been meditating and greeting that secret that sits in the center and knows, I have reduced my own body fat considerably, and returned to the weight I was when I graduated from high school in 1958. I feel free from disease and addictive substances and I find myself accomplishing more than ever before. My speaking and writing have gone to new levels, and I have never felt better in my life.

  All this from a willingness to know that I am something far more than a body with a soul. As a soul with a body, I know I can live healthier so my soul will have an exquisite container for its heroic mission. I believe the same is possible for you. I know you can make miracles happen within your body, but you must go within and make contact and then all else will fall into place.

  • Substitute knowing and trusting for doubting and fearing. In everything you examine in your physical life, and all you would like to see happen for you, just for a short period of time replace doubting and fearing with knowing and trusting. All of your doubts are obstacles inhibiting your entry into the kingdom of real magic. Just know and trust! And let the doubts others offer serve to solidify your own knowing.

  Look at the lives of the doubters and ask yourself if that is what you want as a model for what you can achieve. Then look at the lives of the “knowers” and see the difference. The knowers are out there making a difference in their lives—exercising, being healthy, and shocking the world with their grand accomplishments. The doubters generally are sitting around behaving in their accustomed role of critic.

  • Affirm that your intention to make yourself healthy creates your reality. Once you have put your new ideas into focus and gotten a clear picture of what you are going to accomplish, and you believe in your capacity to make them happen, shift into high gear, which is called intention. Reaffirm your intention to make yourself healthy. “I am healthy and capable of achieving what I set out to do.” “I will heal myself.” “I am not smoking today.” This is intention.

  My wife, Marcie, does this with amazing results. She once was diagnosed with a nodule on her thyroid, which three doctors said required surgery. Her response? An intention, “I will shrink that nodule and remove it from my body,” not a wish. Nothing could dissuade her. No agonizing, no worry on her part. A simple intention that was followed by her putting those intentions into action. She spent a week at Dr. Chopra’s Ayurvedic health center in Lancaster, Massachusetts, learning about diet and how it affects the thyroid.

  Her nodule is now almost gone. Her doctors still are expressing disbelief at this miracle. It all came about because Marcie’s inner voices told her how to proceed in her treatment.

  • Experience satori in your body. Instant awakening is available. It isn’t going to take a long period of suffering for you to get miracle making in your body. Once you know within that you are on the right path, you will find yourself in possession of the will and strength you need. Be open to the possibilities of it happening
in a moment. Encourage the sudden flash of insight, “I can truly do this.” Then you are a new person, looking back on what you used to tell yourself. That old addict is not only gone, but you can’t even find him any more in your mind. The person who always had colds and fevers has disappeared completely, replaced in a moment with a flash of knowing. Going through the gate happens in a present moment, the very working unit of your life. Be prepared for it. Watch for it. Go with it when it arrives.

  I left behind so many self-defeating behaviors without, it seems, even trying. In a moment I decided, and while that moment was transpiring, I was outside of my body watching as I was making those declarations. Satori! Instant awakening. It is available and will come into your life. It happens first in your mind, and then you will carry it out with ease in whatever physical activity you need to manifest. Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing!

  • Behave in your body as if it were already what you want it to be. That’s right. Fake it! If you see yourself in your mind as svelte and capable of new and dramatic accomplishments, then act right now as if that were your reality. When you understand you are what you think about, and you act on what you think about, you can see the wisdom of thinking of yourself as fantastic and powerful. The more you treat yourself to this kind of belief the quicker your body will react to the image.

  If, on the other hand, you think vast miracle improvements in your physical being are going to be very difficult and time-consuming and you are going to spend a lot of time suffering, you will act on that image. I would wager that that is precisely what you have been doing for a long period of time. Act on the image that you want right now. Behave as if it were already here. If you see yourself as healthy and attractive in your mind, and you believe it firmly, then when you sit down to eat you will act according to that belief. This is the key to manifesting miracles.

  • Remind yourself that your spiritual self has primary importance. Realign yourself so that your spiritual self has primary importance and your physical self will follow. Treat your entire being—body, mind and soul—as one great big spiritual package that cannot be separated. Your pancreas, lungs, eyes—every organ in your body—have infinite intelligence within them. Be a spiritual being first.

  See in your mind in advance what your physical results are going to be. Then surrender and let your divine body do what it already knows perfectly well how to do.

  • Remember each day that you can never get enough of what you don’t want. Look at all of your addictions, minor and major. Remind yourself that when you are pursuing poisons, you can never get enough of what you don’t want. Your body doesn’t want that addictive substance or that excess food. But you can never get enough. Why? Because you are operating from a physical self first and a spiritual self second. This is a self-sabotaging strategy to keep you from experiencing real magic. The more you poison yourself, the more you convince yourself that you cannot overcome the addiction. This fills you with doubt, coupled with fear, and lo and behold, there you are, incapable of getting past your addictive behavior.

  If it is true that you can never get enough of what you don’t want, then it is time to stop pursuing what you don’t want, and get onto what you do want. When you pursue what you do want, you don’t operate from scarcity. No need to chase after more. No need to look outside of yourself for miracles. Everything you need for perfect balance and health is already within you. You don’t need another body, you need to trust in the divine intelligence inhabiting the one you already have.

  • Ask nothing of anyone in terms of helping you to get better. Do not expect assistance from anyone in your physical world. If help comes along accept it and be grateful, but know in your heart that only you experience this human life in its physical form called you. It is all taking place in your invisible self where you process everything in the physical world. Send out love to others, radiate your divineness out there, but know that no one else can do it for you. And if you know that no one else can do it for you, then it only makes sense to expect nothing of them as you create your own miraculous existence.

  • Begin to develop authentic power, which is not located in the physical body. Your power and authenticity as a person will not be measured in duration, but in your donations of love. This is authentic power. Seek miracles in the physical body you occupy so that you can be even more purposeful, not so that you can control others. If your power is in your strength, then it will leave when your strength dissipates. That is inauthentic power!

  To know real magic in the physical sense, you must want that miracle for the purpose of being able to distribute love and harmony wherever you go. When this is your motivation, you will see that whatever you accomplish within your body, or whatever the condition of that body, it will be authentically powerful and you will not be attached to it like you used to be. You will not need it to look a certain way to please some external standard of beauty. Your goal will be how healthy and serving it is, rather than in how strong and attractive it is to others. You will not need to primp and preen and fragrance it for the benefit of attracting others. You will know that you are not that body, and that the real measure of your humanity is in your soul housed in that body. Your sense of self will shift from being totally identified with your body, to being identified with your invisible self. This will give you an incredible power like that of holy people who are said to affect the consciousness of an entire room simply by their presence. Go for authentic power, and you will see your physical body going along nicely for the ride.

  • Meditate daily. Finally, and most importantly, meditate every day or as often as possible. Use the guidelines offered on pages 120–29, or any method you choose from the many that are available. Accustom yourself to going within and seeing your physical self accomplishing all you know will constitute a miracle for you. When you create the picture in your mind and know it there through meditation, it will come about in the physical domain as well. Everything comes from the invisible intelligence that is our spiritual nature into the physical world.

  There it is, the world of real magic for you in your physical body. That perfect divine physical specimen appears to be solid, but always, as you look from a new perspective, it is silent, empty, invisible. That is the source of your miracle, or, as Hermann Hesse put it in his wondrous novel Siddhartha, “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” That “yourself is a miracle. Know it!





  Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.


  Just as the state of your life is a reflection of your state of mind, so too is the state of the world a reflection of our collective state of mind. All that you see in the physical world has a mental equivalent in the minds of each of us. We act upon what we think about personally as individuals and collectively as a people. Understanding this leads to knowing that we are capable of creating a world of real magic in the same way that I have been encouraging you to create real

  The universe we live in works in exactly the same way as the universe that is within us. It is a perfect interconnection of infinite systems, working in harmony to create a whole. Within you are trillions of subatomic particles, making up atoms, making up molecules, making up cells, making up bones and arteries, and on and on into the physical system that is you. Everything that makes up the visible you that is reading these words has a quantum invisible equivalent and is created and directed by that invisible force that is also you. The molecules of your physical body have an invisible component that allows them to be manifested in the physical you that sits there right now reading these words. The words are there on paper, but the thoughts that process the words are in another realm. You cannot separate any part of you from the whole, nor can you sep
arate you from the whole that is your physical world. Interdependence between mind and body rules the cosmic order. And so it is with your relationship to the physical world you find yourself in.

  You can be a messenger of miracles to the world. You do not need anything else to create this universal miracle. You are already all that you need to make a world of real magic. You must keep in mind that the world as you see it through your senses exists only because you process it to exist. For instance, when you go to sleep at night you completely leave this physical world and create another world with your mind. The world of your dreams becomes your reality for the entire time of your sleeping state. That is all that there is for you, nothing more. You create the cast of characters that will play out their roles in your dreams. You create the physical reality that you require for your dreams, including a reality in which you can fly, or breathe underwater or defy aging. You create a world in a formless dimension of pure thought when you are dreaming that is every bit as real as your waking world when you are not dreaming.

  In order to create a world of real magic then, it is necessary to know within that this is your job to accomplish. You cannot give your responsibility for your efforts to anyone else. You cannot resign in anguish if others refuse to see the light. Know that you can radiate outwardly all of the messages in this book and create the kind of real magical world that you envision.

  If some of the cast of characters refuse to go along with your vision, send them love and then ask yourself what you can do to make their presence a part of the perfection that you envision. No matter how tempting, judging or blaming must be left outside of your consciousness. One of your biggest challenges may be in refusing to make them wrong and yourself right. To sit in judgment of those things which you perceive to be wrong or imperfect is to be one more person who is a part of judgment, evil or imperfection. The perceived inequities in the world are truly part of the perfection of the universe, and so is your desire to end them. Those whose purpose does not match yours are not wrong; they have their mission, and finding their own purposeful way may involve many detours and acts that seem destructive.


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