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Resisting Cupid

Page 10

by Chanta Rand

  “That doesn’t sound like a man who’s trying to make you a notch in his belt. That sounds like words of love and commitment to me.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Kendra forced away the feelings of melancholy eating at her. She missed Mark terribly. She didn’t want to think about him being in Paris or any other country with any woman except her. She’d been so blind before. Her perfect man was right in front of her eyes and she’d shoved him away. All her rules and hard-headedness had served no purpose other than to create walls around her heart. Now that he was gone, she realized how ridiculous she’d behaved. Her eyes watered, and she turned away, not wanting Tatum to see her tears.

  “Oh, Kendra,” Tatum pulled her into a side hug, fighting the barrier of the arm on the over-sized salon chair. “Don’t cry.”

  “I can’t help it,” she hiccupped. “I’m in love with him. And I’ll never see him again.” One of the nail technicians offered Kendra a Kleenex. “I can’t believe I’m bawling in the damn nail salon,” Kendra said.

  Tatum squeezed her arm assuredly. “Kendra, there’s only one way to handle this.”

  She blew her nose. “I know. Suck it up and deal with it. I messed up this time.”

  “No. This is something that can be fixed. You are going to go get your man.”

  “He’s halfway around the world by now.”

  “So. You’re the new V.P. of Operations for a very successful chain of travel agencies. And your passport is up to date. You can take the next flight to Paris.”

  Kendra’s heartbeat stuttered. A myriad of possibilities raced through her mind. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Now that the seed had been planted, her brain was cultivating it. She could do it. It was a simple matter of booking a trip on the internal reservation system. But how would Mark receive her? What if he was with Stella?

  “What if he’s already moved on with his new life?”

  “In less than a week?” Tatum scoffed. “If that’s the case, he was never the man for you.”

  “What about work? I’m supposed to start my new position on Monday.”

  “Ever heard of this invention called a cell phone? Your staff members will still be able to reach you with any critical issues.”

  A well of hope sprung inside her chest. Suddenly, the impossible was very possible. “Should I really do it?”

  “You’re the ENFJ. You tell me.”

  For the first time in days, Kendra smiled. “That was a good one.”

  Tatum grinned. “See, I knew I could get a laugh out of you.”

  Kendra stood, sloshing the water and startling the nail technician. “What are you doing?” Tatum asked.

  “Girl, I have a plane to catch!”


  Mark stared out of the large window in his executive suite on the fourth floor offices of Escape Travel &Tours. The baroque-influenced building was located near the heart of The Avenue de Champs-Élysées. With its cinemas, cafés, and luxury specialty shops, it was arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and one of the most expensive strips of real estate on the planet. From his vantage point, he watched a multitude of people milling around the expensive retail shops below.

  The new position was everything Alfonse had promised. More money. More prestige, and one more secretary. Well, the correct word was Administrative Assistant. He had two of them now. Genevieve and Claudette. Genevieve was supposed to be dedicated to agency business. Claudette was his personal assistant. She was here to help with his household functions, banking, and personal errands. Claudette’s duties would be scant for a while. Mark had no personal life to speak of. All of his family and friends were back in the States. Cayson was still teasing him about Stella’s phone call. He was never going to let him live the double-date idea down. Mark hadn’t met any friends in Paris. He didn’t want to. Other than the obligatory welcome dinner with Alfonse, he kept himself secluded in his hotel room. Claudette had lined up a realtor so he could find a nice flat near the agency. But his first appointment wasn’t until tomorrow afternoon.

  In the meantime, he planned to throw himself into his work. Maybe that would make him forget about the life he’d left behind in Houston–and Kendra. He wondered what she was doing right now. Was she being romanced by Carl or some other guy? Their positions didn’t allow for a lot of contact. Kendra would probably interface more with Alfonse than him. It was for the best. He didn’t think he could hear her voice on a conference call without thinking of her smooth skin beneath his fingertips. Without imagining those hazel eyes and those honey ringlets of curls. There wasn’t a night that went by that he didn’t dream of her.

  He turned away from the window. The feeling of being cooped up in his office became too much to bear. He had to clear his head and go for a walk. He glanced at his watch. It was almost lunchtime anyway. He grabbed his heavy overcoat and made his excuses to Claudette, telling her he needed to pick up a souvenir for his family back home.

  Once outside, he pulled his collar tight to shut out the chilly Paris air. He was unaccustomed to the frosty temperatures. Houston was known for its milder climate, even during the winter months. Paris, on the other hand was wet and cold today. That was one more thing he’d have to get used to, in addition to the foreign cuisine. Maybe he was an uncultured hick, but he preferred the eclectic mix of Asian, African, and Indian foods that Houston offered. The Port of Houston made it possible for a blend of cultures to ship a variety of culinary delights into the city. French food was bland in comparison.

  He sighed. He was truly pathetic. He was in a The City of Lights, a classical metropolis that countless numbers of people would love to call home. Yet all he could do was complain. He had a successful career. He was in top physical condition. He was mentally sharp. What was the old saying? Healthy, wealthy, and wise. So why wasn’t he satisfied?

  He shoved his hands deep into his coat pockets as he strolled along the Champs-Élysées. On each side of the avenue, fancy retail storefronts beckoned shoppers to part with their dollars. The tourist season would be in full bloom during spring and summer, but today, the sidewalks were sparse with shoppers. He wandered with no purpose, glancing through the glass display windows of the high-end boutiques. He paused when a striking mannequin in the window of a specialty shop caught his eye. The fiberglass siren was twisted into a provocative pose, showing off a black, leather mini dress complete with dozens of silver zippers and buckles. Kendra would look fantastic in an outfit like this. He imagined the short leather hem caressing her sexy, toned thighs. Better yet, he could imagine himself unzipping all the zippers and unfastening the buckles to reveal her lush curves.

  Peering at the glass, he noticed the reflection of a woman with Kendra’s same caramel skin over his shoulder. He closed his eyes and expelled a deep breath. Not only did she invade his dreams; now he was starting to have hallucinations about her.

  “I don’t think that dress would work on you,” a familiar voice said.

  Mark turned to find a stunning woman standing behind him. Her caramel skin and honey-bronzed hair were the first things to catch his eye. His gaze dropped to her full lips. Lightly dipped in gold lip gloss, they were the embodiment of temptation. Her black sweater dress was belted in the middle, hugging her slender waist. His heart pounded to a frenzied beat inside his ribcage as his eyes blinked in disbelief.

  It couldn’t be!

  His chest tightened as he gazed into her hazel eyes. His body knew what was happening even though his brain couldn’t comprehend it. Every nerve ending blazed with fire. Goosebumps puckered on his skin. The air between them sparked with electricity. This was no vision. His dream had become reality. “Kendra.” Her name hung in the air like a recovered memory he never wanted to forget.


  Kendra’s eyes swept Mark’s tall physique from head to toe. Blue eyes framed by long lashes and man-scaped brows brazenly appraised her. Lord, he’d never looked so good! She was rooted to the spot, her legs threatening to turn to jelly if she took anothe
r step. The thrum of her heartbeat roared in her ears. Her mouth was drier than cotton. She was finally face-to-face with him. The shock in his eyes was both frightening and comforting. At least he wasn’t angry. “Mark, please, hear me out,” she rambled before he could say anything. “There was never was anything between me and Carl. It was a total misunderstanding.”

  Other than his initial astonishment, his face was unreadable. “You flew all the way to Paris to tell me that?”

  “No,” she admitted. Tiny needles of drizzle fell from the sky, stinging her nose and cheeks. The weather matched how she felt inside. There was no sunshine without Mark in her life. “I flew here to thank you for showing me the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. Thank you for making me see how jaded and unrealistic I was being.” She looked at the toes of her pumps before having the courage to face him again. She bit back a sob. “I also came here to tell you I’m miserable without you. Nobody makes me feel the way you do. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I can’t function without you by my side. I love you, and if you don’t feel the same–”

  Mark pulled her into his embrace and claimed her lips with a kiss so fierce she thought she would melt from the heat of it. He took command of the kiss, putting his stamp of passion on her lips and making her whimper in response. When his tongue swept inside and boldly stroked the insides of her mouth, she thought she’d died and gone to Heaven. She returned the favor, fondling his tongue with hers, enjoying the erotic dance. His hands cupped her face, his fingers trailing whisper-soft caresses down her cheeks. They clung to each other on the cold streets of Paris. Kendra didn’t care that others might be gawking at them. She was in Mark’s arms. Nothing else mattered.

  When he released her, her body tingled with anticipation. His forefinger caressed her swollen lips, sending shivers down her spine. He grinned. “You were saying?”

  His mood was contagious and she smiled too. “I was saying I love you, Mark.”

  Pleasure danced in his blue irises. He kissed her on the nose. “I love you too, Kendra.”

  Happiness coursed through her when he said the words. “Too bad you had to leave in order for me to realize how much I missed you.”

  “How in the world did you know where to find me?”

  “I stopped by the office first. When I told a wonderful lady named Claudette that I was a friend of yours, she told me where I might find you. I figured I would catch up with you at some point.”

  He put his hand in hers and strolled down the Champs-Élysées, past tree-lined promenades and buildings with intricate architectural details. “What are we going to do about this?” he teased. “I know you have a strict policy of not mixing business with pleasure.”

  Kendra shrugged. “One of us will have to quit our jobs. Or we can have a long-distance relationship. We can use the hell out of our frequent flyer miles.”

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t sound good to me. To tell you the truth, the more I think about it, the more I realize Paris is not for me. I thought this was what I wanted, but truthfully, all I want is you, Kendra.”

  She stopped midstride. “Does that mean you’re coming back to the Houston office?” If so, she would be the one quitting. Could she do it? Was it worth it? Yes. She might be setting the feminist movement back a hundred years, but she’d gladly sacrifice her new position to have a piece of happiness with Mark. She had plenty of money saved up. She could afford to take her time finding another job she was passionate about. After all, if she was talented enough to get promoted at Escape Travel & Tours, she could do it anywhere.

  Mark interrupted her musings. “I’m thinking of a place where the commissions are always guaranteed.”

  She shot him a confused look. “I don’t get it.”

  “You will. I’ll tell you all the details.” He headed toward the office, tugging her hand. “But first, come back with me to that boutique. I want to buy you that leather dress.”

  “You don’t have to do that for me, Mark.”

  “It’s not for you–it’s for me. I want the pleasure of taking it off your lovely body.”

  A thrill of excitement spiraled through her as she envisioned him peeling the dress from her curves. She smiled, then linked her arm in his and began walking back. The meddlesome rain lifted, and the sun struggled to peep through the gray clouds. It had been weeks since she’d felt this happy. She turned to Mark. “Y’know, I think Rufus is gonna like you.”

  This time it was his turn to look confused. “Who the heck is Rufus?”

  Kendra laughed. “It’s a long story.”


  5 months later

  Kendra locked her computer and stepped outside into the fresh air. Her flip flops smacked against the wood planks as she made her way from her office to the pier where she knew Mark would be returning from the snorkeling tour he conducted. The sun caressed her bare shoulders and the ocean breeze tickled her bare legs. This was so much better than freezing her butt off in Paris. It was hard to believe how much her life had changed in a few months. She was back in the Maldives, running her own travel agency. Guaranteed commissions and sun every day. It was Mark’s idea. Alfonse was sad to see them leave Escape Travel & Tours, but he was smart enough to become a silent partner in the new agency, Cupid Travels.

  This new business was a natural transition for Kendra and Mark. They had connections, and they knew all the ins and outs of the travel industry. Kendra owned the agency and Mark owned the tour operation. A perfect partnership. While she sweet-talked vendors, he took clients on snorkeling tours, dives, and parasailing. He was a natural athlete who never tired of the water. Life was laid back in the Maldives, and although their agency was flourishing, they were taking it one day at a time with regard to their relationship.

  By the time Kendra reached the pier, Mark had already removed his wet suit. His bronzed body glistened beneath the sun, pebbles of water beading on his muscles. She gazed hungrily at him, anticipating the moment they could be alone. He smiled when he noticed her standing nearby. He pulled a gigantic clam shell from his backpack and held it up for the tour group of six people to see.

  “Folks,” he declared, “when you find something as rare as this, you give it to someone you love, like my amazing woman, Kendra.”

  Kendra burned with embarrassment as the group’s focus shifted toward her. She should be used to Mark’s open displays of affection by now, but there were times like this when he still surprised her. Her breath caught as he stepped forward and dropped to one knee. He opened the clam to reveal an exquisite diamond engagement ring nestled in the center. She realized it wasn’t a real clam, but a plastic one that had been converted into a tourist piece, lined with velvet.

  “Kendra, my life wasn’t complete until I met you. You fulfilled my wildest dreams by agreeing to my crazy plan to come back to the Maldives to live. You’re my best friend, my lover, and the woman I want to spend every Valentine’s Day with. Will you marry me?”

  Her heart surged. Only a year ago, they were here frolicking in the sands, discovering each other’s bodies for the first time. They’d weathered their storms, and she could think of no one else she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. “Yes!” She answered without hesitation.

  The people in the tour group applauded and began snapping pictures with their cell phones. This was definitly not part of the tour! Mark stood and placed the ring on her finger. When he sealed the deal with a soul-stirring kiss, a few of the guys assembled whistled loudly.

  “When is the wedding?” a woman in a polka dot swimsuit asked.

  Kendra bubbled with laughter, happier than she’d been in years. There was only one day that would do. “In six months,” she replied. “On Valentine’s Day.”

  Mark gazed at her, his blue eyes filled with love. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who believe in that Valentine’s stuff,” he teased.

  She nodded. “I sure am. I’ve learned my lesson. No more resisting Cupid.”


bsp; ***********************************

  Wait a minute. Were you thinking this was over much too soon? Well after all, it is a short story. But don’t fret. I’ve got more plans for the Sullivan Brothers as well as some juicy stories about the ladies who work in the call center with Tatum. Look for the next book in the “Resisting” series, Resisting Temptation. You’ll get to see more of Mark’s older brother, Dane.

  For more of my books, visit my website at

  Other Books by Chanta Jefferson Rand





  Short stories



  Are you ccurious about the Myers-Briggs personality types? Kendra is an ENFJ. Mark is an ISTJ. Take a look and decide if these fit. To take the test and find your type: click here.

  ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller

  ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals who are interested in security and peaceful living. They have a strongly-felt internal sense of duty, which lends them a serious air and the motivation to follow through on tasks. Organized and methodical in their approach, they can generally succeed at any task which they undertake.

  ISTJs are very loyal, faithful, and dependable. They place great importance on honesty and integrity. They are "good citizens" who can be depended on to do the right thing for their families and communities. While they generally take things very seriously, they also usually have an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun - especially at family or work-related gatherings.

  The ISTJ is extremely dependable on following through with things which he or she has promised. For this reason, they sometimes get more and more work piled on them. Because the ISTJ has such a strong sense of duty, they may have a difficult time saying "no" when they are given more work than they can reasonably handle. For this reason, the ISTJ often works long hours, and may be unwittingly taken advantage of.


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