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Lila's Thunder: The Almeida Brothers, Book One

Page 13

by Burns, Trevion

  “Just get the shit over with, right?"

  Lila jolted at his words. It was the kind of venom she was used to hearing in Jack’s voice, but this time she hadn’t been prepared for it. “What?” she asked.

  He turned to her, his hands still out in front of him. “Are you just having your fun with me or what?"

  “Well of course I’m having fun with you,” she said, with a laugh. “I came three times tonight.”

  Jack stood from the bed and walked to the window, burying his head in his hands.

  Lila sat in the middle of the bed, stunned. “Jack…” she started, breathlessly, before jumping off of the bed and coming up behind him. “I don’t know what you want from me but we never said that this was a… a serious thing. God, just a week ago we were at each other’s throats…” She lost her voice when he turned to face her, and had to take a moment before speaking again. “You treated me like a second class citizen for three years, okay? I’m sorry if I come off a little cold toward you sometimes but you can’t act like you had nothing to do with it. That isn’t fair.”

  “I watched you,” Jack started, looking at her from under his eyes. “I watched you for years and years with him.” He pointed to the window. “And it was easy, at first. It was. It was easy to pretend that it didn't matter. But I can’t do that anymore, Lila.”

  Lila was completely lost. “Can’t do what anymore Jack?"

  He scoffed and brushed passed her.

  Lila followed as he swept all of his clothes up from the floor and began to frantically dress himself. "What, you're leaving?"

  "Am I going to stick around here while you play dumb with me?" He threw on his shirt. "I'm good on that, baby. Thanks though."

  Lila was struck by the way he was speaking to her. "Don't call me baby."

  "Yeah, I guess that position is taken isn't it?" he asked, pulling his pants on. "I guess the only job I qualify for is treating you like trash."

  Fury coursed through her. "Fuck you,” she spat.

  Jack stopped buttoning his pants, letting them hang open. "Yeah?" he asked, breathlessly.

  "Yeah." Lila nodded, tears touching the corners of her eyes. "You got what you wanted and now you're back to the same old asshole you always were. God!" She threw her head back. "I'm not even mad at you about it...Honestly? I should have seen it coming all along." She stomped over to the dresser and snatched up his watch before throwing it at him, "God damned if you're not consistent." She left the room.

  Jack followed her.

  "Hey, hey!" He took her arm, rearing back when she snatched it away from him like poison. "You don't get to do that anymore, all right? You don't get to make me the villain while you bop around like the doe eyed innocent in all of this-- you're not!"

  Lila cringed. "You're pissed off at me because I won’t look into your eyes while you're inside me, because I won’t let you c..." She looked away, struggling for words passed her bleary eyes and pounding heart. " me baby and act like you're some great man in my life? I'm sorry Jack, but you're not! You've treated me like shit from the day we met. You don't get to do that for five years and then call me 'baby' the next day."

  "No, I get it," Jack said, once he got his watch on and his pants fasted. He held his hands out in surrender. "That's fine. Chase will be there to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and I'll be there to fuck them all away when they turn you on. Everybody knows their place now."

  It happened in a flash, so quickly that Lila didn't even realize she'd slapped him until it had already happened. She covered her mouth with the hand that burned from the impact with Jack's cheek.

  He zeroed in on her until her back was against the wall. "You want to beat me up, that's fine, but it doesn't change a god damn thing, Lila. I can’t pretend that I’m okay with it, anymore. I won’t. I’m not okay that you two were arguing with each other tonight. I’m not okay that it upset you to the point of fucking tears. I'm not okay with helping you fuck the pain away-- not anymore."

  Lila brought her hand from her lips and used it to cover her heart.

  "You clearly need something that I can't give you."

  "You're the one who said that we could keep this casual."

  "I was wrong,” he said. "I was stupid..." He hesitated, and then looked into her eyes. "I would have believed anything to have you... even my own bullshit."

  “It wasn't bulls..." She couldn't even finish the words.

  He raised his arms. “I gotta get out… right now.” A bitter laugh touched his lips, and he said again, “right now,” with a trembling voice before grabbing his jacket and walking out the door.

  "Why?" Lila suddenly asked, causing his retreating figure to pause in the middle of the living room. "Why were you so awful to me for all these years if..." Tears plummeted from her eyes. "If you felt like this?”

  Jack turned slowly back to her, designer jacket hanging lifelessly at his side. He tried to speak, but couldn't, the sight of her with tears in her eyes was too much to bear.

  "Tell me," Lila demanded, forcing herself to suck it up and stop crying.

  Jack held his arms out, and then let them fall. "I treated you like shit because..." He swallowed hard, then looked up at her with cloudy eyes, "Because at least then I couldn't lose you. Can't lose something you never had, right?”

  "Well now you've had me," Lila whispered. "So now what?"

  "Now..." His eyes searched hers. "Now..."

  Lila crossed the room to him and tried to take his face in her hands, but he stopped her, holding her wrists. Slowly, he broke and before he could stop himself he was backing her against the wall, once more. Just touching her made him hard, but looking into her eyes sent him into pure insanity. Lila allowed him to press her against the wall before cupping his face. "I was always yours,” she said, watching a feeling so intense cross Jack's face that it almost made her want to look away. Instead she rose to her toes and kissed his lips. "I was always yours, Jack... why can't you see it?"

  He held solid as she kissed him once, twice, three times, begging himself to leave right now, to walk away before he really was a dead man walking, but he couldn't walk. With every peck on his lips she pecked away at his stony exterior a little more, until his arms were wrapped around her and he was returning her kiss desperately.

  "I'm sorry," she whispered between urgent kisses, lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist. Her gasps warmed his lips as she reached between them and dipped her hands into his slacks. "I’m sorry, you're the only one I want."

  "I'm sorry, baby,” he breathed, gripping a chunk of her hair in his hand when her fingers wrapped around his heat like a vise.

  Lila lost herself and said the only thing she could. "Fuck me."


  Lila stirred awake in her bed the next morning, squinting against the sun seeping through the curtains of her apartment. For a moment, she wondered why she felt so at peace, so content. Usually whenever she woke up in the mornings there was an indescribable pit at the bottom of her stomach that didn't seem to be there this time. She breathed deeply and rolled over with a smile, nearly screaming at the top of her lungs when her eyes caught sight of Jack Almeida sleeping soundly next to her.

  She jumped into a seating position with wide eyes, her hand covering her mouth as realization washed over her. She and Jack had gotten into a huge fight the night before and he'd almost stormed out. It was the first time in her life that she'd ever chased a man.

  As her hand slowly fell from her mouth, scene after scene from the night before came plummeting back to her.

  Her second orgasm of the night was the last thing she could remember and, looking out of the open door of her bedroom and at the fallen chairs and random knick knacks scattered all over the floor, it was clear that they'd nearly torn her entire apartment apart in their desperation to get to her bed-- which they hadn't even made it to. The vision of him pounding her until she screamed on her kitchen table sent a chill through her spine. She looked to Jack’s sleeping face
. What was with them and kitchens?

  A smile crept to her lips and she bit around the tips of her fingers while looking over her shoulder and back at Jack. He was lying on his stomach, leaving his strong back naked and chiseled in the usually unforgiving morning light. Lila almost groaned. It shouldn't be legal for a man to be so beautiful. Her white sheet was covering his ass by only an inch and her fingers itched to reach out and touch him. As she took in his sleeping face, lips smashed into the pillow he was holding, smiling ever so softly, she didn't have the heart to wake him. Jack was asleep in her bed... and it didn't feel the way she thought it would, at all. It felt... right.

  She climbed out of the bed as quietly as she could, surprised to find herself still as naked as the man sleeping in her bed. Lila made her way out of her bedroom, closing the door softly behind her and holding her heart while making her way to the living room. What she saw stopped her cold.

  Her front door was open, wide open, so much so that the wind blowing outside was making the door hit the wall, again and again, back and forth. Boom, boom, boom. Lila's heart froze in her chest and she hurried over to the door.

  "No, no, no." She said, the entire way, reaching for the keys hanging off of the front of the door.

  Chase's keys.

  Taped to the front of the door was a black and white photo of she and Jack sleeping naked next to each other, fluttering violently against the wind.

  Chapter 8

  Lila's disheveled hair blew into her eyes, causing her to blink rapidly at the sight of the black and white photo of her and Jack sleeping hanging on her door. She was so horror stricken at the idea that Chase had not only been in her apartment, but had been watching she and Jack sleeping for so long that he'd had time to take a photo of them. With a hand over her mouth she ran into the kitchen and grabbed the first cover up she saw, Jack's white button down, and threw it over her naked body before making her way back to the door.

  After snatching the photo down she stared at it under the tight grips of her fingers. It had been taken head on, with Jack spooning her from behind. To the casual observer, it wouldn't appear as an even slightly erotic photo, but peaceful, like two people who'd been sleeping together for years. How had they not heard him? Chill after chill ran down Lila's spine, and when she heard heavy footsteps coming from her bedroom she hid the photo behind her back. Just in time for Jack to turn the corner wearing only a pair of boxers.

  He smiled at the sight of her.

  Lila smiled as well, clutching the photo behind her back and standing on her toes.

  "I hope you don't mind, but I have to get to the school early this morning." She began to make her way towards the bathroom. "I have a million things to take care of."

  Jack took her arm as she was passing him. "Whoa, whoa." He smiled at her with sleepy eyes and pulled her back. "Slow down,” he whispered, waiting until she was next to him again before leaning down and placing a slow, soft kiss on her lips.

  Lila’s entire body shook from head to toe at the feeling of his lips on hers. She had to force herself to focus, placing a hand on his chest. "Make yourself at home, okay? There's... no rush, but I really have to get to work."

  "I'll drive you."

  "I can take the train.”

  "Don't be ridiculous." He frowned. "I'll drive you."

  Lila still held the photo in a death grip behind her back as she searched his eyes. She wanted so badly to tell him what she'd just found, but for some reason she just couldn't.

  After a long moment she finally relented. "Okay. Thanks."


  "So have I mentioned how much I hate my husband? Because I do. With a burning passion..."

  Lila was speed walking through the school's office, giving halfhearted hellos to her coworkers and struggling to listen to Tracy all the while freaking out about what had transpired earlier that morning.

  "Only every day of our lives,” she responded, hearing Tracy's high heels clicking behind her as they approached the door to Lila's office.

  Both women slowed to a stop at the sight of a white, unaddressed envelope hanging down from Lila's door. Lila's mouth immediately went dry as de-ja-vu from her front door that morning came rocketing back. Tracy, unaware of the torment plaguing her best friend's mind, pushed past Lila and opened the door to her office while snatching the envelope down and singing, "Package for Lila."

  Lila panicked and followed Tracy in, snatching the envelope out of her hand.

  "Give me that,” Lila demanded, turning back to the open door of her office and taking in the inquisitive faces of her nosey coworkers before slamming the door shut.

  Tracy had a fake pout splattered across her lips and it deepened dramatically once Lila had closed the door. "Well who pissed in your Cheerios this morning,” she mumbled. As she watched Lila practically tear the envelope open the pout on her face was replaced with a perplexed frown. "Where's the fire, woman?"

  Lila had the envelope opened in seconds and when she reached inside her fingers froze. She could already feel it, the slippery glossiness on one side and the matte construction on the other. It was a photograph. She immediately withdrew her hand from the envelope, as if it was on fire.

  Tracy took in the alarm all over Lila and was suddenly irrationally angry. It never took much to shake Lila up, she was far from the strongest person Tracy knew, so when anyone tampered with her friend's fragile emotions she immediately went into momma bear mode.

  “What the hell is going on?" she demanded. Without waiting for an answer, she snatched the envelope out of Lila's hands and removed its contents before there was even a second to object. Her dark brown eyes scanned the photo before widening in complete and utter, shock.

  "What?" Lila asked, already knowing the answer. "What is it?"

  Tracy swallowed hard and wordlessly handed the picture over to Lila, who took it with trembling fingers.

  There they were, she and Jack, in the throes of their lovemaking. His long body lay between her splayed legs, every muscle in his arms and torso taunt, as if he were in mid thrust, his eyes gently closed and his mouth hovering over Lila's. Her head was thrown back, fingernails dug deep into Jack's hips and lips parted in ecstasy, too enthralled with the pleasure that was clearly engulfing her to even manage to return the kiss that Jack was offering her. It was a highly erotic, highly personal photo that appeared to have been taken from her bedroom window, which she rarely closed.

  Without another word she blew past Tracy and jammed her trembling pointer finger into the multi-line phone on her desk.

  "Principal's office." The songbird quality of the lead secretary's voice wafted through the speaker and was a direct contradiction to the dark tone in Lila's office.

  "I need to see Chase Almeida in my office, immediately." Lila attempted to control her wavering voice.


  Lila was about to come unglued. "Immediately Marsha,” she said, before hanging up completely.

  Tracy already had the door in her hand. "I'll walk him down myself."

  "Room 202, World Lit," Lila said. "Don't say anything to him. Just bring him to me."

  "Got it." Tracy nodded, and then she was gone.

  Lila covered her mouth with her hand and jammed her eyes shut while pacing her office back and forth.

  Tracy was back in the office in less than five minutes, holding a clearly reluctant Chase's arm in a death grip under her small hand. Her normally youthful face was contorted in angry wrinkles and her full lips had transformed into a tight, straight line. Chase's face didn't look much different. The walk to Lila's office had clearly been a rough one.

  Lila crossed her arms over her chest at the sight of Chase. She stopped pacing in the middle of her office, eyes boring into his.

  Having demanded an explanation for what the hell was going on during the entire walk to the office, Chase was clearly frustrated, but the sight of distress on Lila's face made all traces of anger vanish. He removed his arm from Tracy's death grip and took a
step toward Lila. He was stunned when Tracy placed a hand on his chest, stopping him.

  "What happened?" he asked, gently. Tracy removed her gaze from Chase and looked over her shoulder at Lila, eyes full of protectiveness.

  "As if you don't know," Lila said, skeptically, her entire body trembling.

  Chase raised his eyebrows and looked around the room before returning his gaze to her and shaking his head in dismay.

  Lila’s blood boiled. "Trace, can you give us a minute?"

  Tracy was hesitant.

  "It's okay," Lila said, in the most soothing voice she could manage. "I've got this."

  Tracy reluctantly stepped out of Chase's path and made her way to the door. After taking one last look at Lila, she opened the door and slowly left the office.

  Chase waited for the door to click closed before making his way over to her. "Lila what is it?"

  Lila broke their eye contact and opted instead to stare at the wall above her desk where various pictures and cards that she'd collected from her students over the years hung. Right in the middle was a picture of she and Chase at a basketball game during his freshman year. He was no NBA All-star, and had spent the better part of the season sitting on the bench until the coach finally put him in the game. He’d scored the winning three-point. She remembered that day fondly, like it was yesterday, but looking at the picture now suddenly made her ill.

  Chase was becoming frantic, and he took her arms.

  Lila shrugged out of his hold and turned away from him, her face going grey with agony.

  Horror filled Chase’s eyes and he circled around her. "Is it Jack?" He looked like he might be sick. His voice rose desperately, "is it Jack?"

  "Jack's fine," Lila spat, "But I don't think he would be if he had any idea what you've done. What the hell are you doing, Chase? What are you thinking? To hang that envelope on the door of my goddamn office? I could lose my job! Not to mention the insane fact that you took them in the first place."


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