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Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5

Page 6

by K. D. Jones


  Hammer felt horrible. He hadn’t spent a lot of time with the kids while Molly was around. He wasn’t ignoring them, he was trying to avoid being alone with Molly and avoid having to face the feelings he was developing. He was going to have to face these emotions and deal with them, just not yet.

  He headed to the dining hall where most of the fighters go to grab breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. Everything was served buffet style. To be honest, Molly was a much better cook. He just didn’t think he could sit across the table from her without reaching for her and taking another delicious kiss. One would not be enough. And that was a problem.

  “Why are you here?” Zen came up behind him in line.

  Hammer didn’t look at Zen, just piled food on his plate and kept going down the line. “What do you mean?”

  “You have a female up in your suite, which you have expounded on how great a cook she is and you come here to eat instead? That’s a bit insulting to Molly don’t you think?”

  Hammer felt a tightness in his chest. Had he insulted Molly by not staying to eat? She did have a sad expression on her face. Fuck!

  He carried his food over to the table but he seemed to have lost his appetite. He didn’t want to hurt Molly. She was a sweet and funny female and she was great with the kids. Even with the kids giving her a hard time, she was tough and kind, which was exactly what they needed. It was kind of what he needed too. What the hell was he thinking?

  Zen sat down across from him and stared at him as he started to eat. Hammer tried to ignore his friend. He really didn’t want to talk about anything. Finally, Hammer looked up.

  “What?” he demanded.

  “You’re an ass.” Zen then stood and left the room.

  Yeah, he was an ass.


  Jerry tapped the window of the shuttle he was in. Molly had been avoiding his phone calls. The bitch. He was going to have to start taking drastic measures. The loan shark was not going to wait forever. He needed the money and soon.

  One of his old gambling buddies referred him to a guy who would handle difficult situations. Molly was definitely a difficult situation. He was on his way to meet this guy to see what plans could be made.

  If Molly won’t see reason, he’ll forcer her hand.


  The GCFA ship arrived at the next spaceport and there was a Friday night event. Molly was given the night off and tickets to VIP seating to enjoy the event. The kids had a babysitter for the night. Molly had to go by herself because Maya was working as ring girl.

  She was looking forward to it, though it wasn’t really what she liked to watch. Hammer was fighting tonight. She was all excited in anticipation of seeing him. He had been keeping to himself the last few days. She would make breakfast only to have him say he'd grab something downstairs with the other fighters.

  The kids were acting strangely toward one another. She knew something was up with them, but she didn’t know what that was. If Hammer was talking to her, they could discuss it. Instead, he left her on her own to try to figure things out. It was getting frustrating. The least he could do was pay attention to what was happening with his nieces and nephew. As soon as she got a chance, she would have a serious talk with him about spending time with the kids. They needed to know he cared about them. But tonight, she was concentrating on having a good time.


  “Welcome everyone to the beautiful sports arena here at the North Western Alpha Region. I am Poland and this is my fellow commentator, Johann. We are coming to you live at the Galactic Cage Fighters' circuit event.”

  “Poland, what is in the line-up for this evening?”

  “First up, we have the newest member to join the GCFA, a Voltan halfsie called Torch. We have a few matches set with the armature league. Then Hammer is up against a full Beastial.”

  “It looks like a fine line up. Stay with us for what could prove to be an exciting evening here at the GCFA.”


  Molly sat in the VIP section. She wore a black halter dress she had purchased earlier that day just for tonight. She had second thoughts when one of the attendants handed her a towel. Did this mean there was going to be blood everywhere? She felt a little queasy.

  She looked around her but no one else seemed to have a problem with the thought. The other women in the VIP section were all young and gorgeous. With perfect skin, perfect hair, and perfect size two figures. Was this what Hammer was used to? No wonder he lost interest in her. How could she compete with petite beauties like them? She felt sad but her attention was redirected when the announcers began the event.

  Molly cringed through the entire first few fights. She actually thought about leaving. But she didn’t want to leave before Hammer had his fight. She was grateful for the small breaks they had in between. She used that time to refresh her face and steel herself for the next bloodbath. She was ready when they finally announced Hammer’s fight.


  Hammer made his way to the cage. The crowd went crazy as soon as the music started. He glanced toward the VIP section. Molly was there watching him. He knew this wasn’t really her thing, but he appreciated that she made an effort. He gave her a smile. He motioned to one of the VIP attendants to come forward.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “The tall brown haired female in the VIP section is my special guest. Whatever she wants you give to her. Make sure she is escorted to the banquet afterwards.”

  “My pleasure.” The attendant walked off.

  Hammer turned his focus back to the cage. He needed to clear his mind. He climbed in and waited for the Beastial to show up. It didn’t take that long.

  Round One: The Beastial opened in a surprising southpaw, and landed a jab right away. He managed to take Hammer to the mat with a takedown immediately. Then the Beastial tried for a mounted guillotine, but Hammer threw the Beastial off him and got to his feet. Hammer took the Beastial in a clinch, but the referee separated them. Hammer landed an uppercut as the Beastial tried to get Hammer against the fence. The Beastial relented after Hammer landed a few hard elbows. Hammer twisted positions and managed to get the Beastial against the fence. The full species fought to get out of Hammer’s hold. He tried to crack Hammer with a hard knee but Hammer was a Biclops halfsie, it would take more than that. The Beastial jabbed and kicked until he was finally off the fence. The bell rang out announcing the end of the first round. Both fighters went to opposite sides of the cage.


  Molly had winced with every hit that Hammer took. She closed her eyes only to open them quickly to see what was happening next. She breathed a sigh of relief when the first round finally ended. She knew Hammer would be sporting quite a few bruises. How did he do this every fight night? Before she had time to adjust and settle her nerves, the bell rang for the next round.


  Round Two: Hammer took an outside leg kick from the Beastial. He growled at the male and they both traded leg kicks. He jabbed at the Beastial to no avail, which had him flaring with anger. The Beastial used his abilities to enlarge his body. He was now about the same size as Hammer. Hammer smiled. This was what he wanted. The sooner the Beastial drew on his Beastial strength, the sooner he could tire him out. With renewed vigor, Hammer traded kicks with the Beastial. Two left jabs from the Beastial found their mark. A returned jab from Hammer set the Beastial backwards. Another jab. And another. The Beastial was eating shot after shot from Hammer, but they clinched and hit the fence in a hold. The referee temporarily halted the fight and the two had to separate. The Beastial tried to press on Hammer giving him a right hand. Hammer just barely missed the quick kick sent his way. The bell rang ending round two. Hammer watched the Beastial breathing heavy as he went back to his side of the cage. Hopefully the Beastial would tire soon.


  Molly had been on the edge of her seat with that last round. Hammer was taking a lot of hits. She didn’t know why he didn’t lay the other guy out on h
is ass. No one was stronger than Hammer. What the hell? Why was she so bloodthirsty all of a sudden? She just didn’t want to see Hammer get hurt any further. Damn it, where was the bell?

  The bell rang and Molly scooted to the edge of her seat, deciding she needed to make sure Hammer would be okay. It had nothing to do with the anticipation of what was going to happen in the round. None at all.


  Round Three: Both fighters missed a lot trying to counter each other. Hammer scored with a jab—the Beastial scored with a knee—Hammer countered left. Good left hook from the Beastial. Good jab by Hammer. Nice left hook from Hammer. Counter left from the Beastial and a right. The Beastial was doing a lot of pressuring. He was using his enhanced Beastial strength to apply right hand scores against Hammer. The Beastial opened up and scored. Hammer was getting winded. The biggest downfall for a Cyclops or a Biclops was their stamina. They could get tired easily. The Beastial used an arm drag to stand. Hammer tried to press the Beastial into the fence with a minute left. The bell rung out.

  Hammer went to his corner, grabbed the towel handed to him and wiped the sweat from his brow. He felt winded and there was still another round. He needed to pull himself together and get this done. With a glance over at his opponent, he saw he too was winded. All he need was for the Beastial to tire. Hammer was up and moving when the bell rang.

  Round Four: The round opened with an outside leg kick for the Beastial and a light double jab for Hammer. Nice counter left for the Beastial scores again. The Beastial tripped and went backwards. Hammer worked on the Beastial’s guard getting him half down on the mat. He scored some elbows from on top but then he let the Beastial up. The Beastial pressed Hammer against the fence. His breathing labored. Hammer missed the blow that was aimed for his head and stepped off the fence.

  “Kick his ass!” Molly was now on her feet yelling with the rest of the crowd. Hammer needed to take this guy down.

  Hammer tried to dirty box with the left and scored a good shot. The Beastial was tiring. His size was shrinking little by little. Hammer threw a right hand. The Beastial blocked. The Beastial tried to press Hammer down once more but he couldn’t get a takedown. Hammer got a body kick on the Beastial weakening him. He took advantage of the Beastial’s weakness and flipped him over his head. The Beastial hit the fence hard before falling to the mat. The Beastial didn't move. He was out. The mechanical arm referee was there and the countdown began.

  Molly was on her feet counting down with the rest of the crowd. “...Five…four…three…two…one!”

  The crowd erupted. The Sledge Hammer had taken the match in the final seconds.


  “The Sledge Hammer has beat the Beastial! Can you believe it, Johann? It was real touch and go for a while. It was the match of the circuit so far!” Poland shouted.

  “I agree, Poland. It has been quite a fantastic match. Hammer proved that a halfsie Biclops is still strong enough to take out a full Beastial. Thank you for joining us. We will see you all again at the next event. This is Poland with Johann signing off.”

  Chapter Nine

  Molly was so caught up in the celebration from the crowd around her that it took a moment for her to realize someone was talking to her. She looked at the attractive attendant. The man had been catering to her all evening. He brought her drinks and food.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “Ma’am, I am here to take you to the banquet room for the after party.”

  “Oh. Okay then.” She followed the man out of the arena and back to the GCFA ship. She asked the attendant. “Will Hammer be at the banquet?”

  “Yes, ma’am. After he goes to the healing facility, he will then come to the banquet. All fighters are required to make an appearance.” He pointed to the open French doors.

  Molly nodded and the attendant left. She was wondering if she should leave early. Hammer was supposed to make an appearance at the banquet. Thus far, he had pretty much ignored her. But maybe that was what she could confront him about. They needed to work together to help raise these kids. She pulled her shoulders back and walked through the double doors.

  The party was already going strong. There were women from the VIP section there, some people in suits who looked to be executives with the GCFA. Fighters who were not on the roster that evening were there. They looked familiar but she didn’t know any of their names except for Taurus and Zen.

  Zen spotted her at the door and gave her a warm smile. He headed her way. “Glad you made it. What did you think about the event?”

  She gave Zen a quick hug. He was gorgeous wearing a sexy leather vest and silk red shirt. His red brown hair was tied back, which made his facial features with strong jawline accentuated. He was every woman’s wet dream, except for hers.

  “It was…violent.” She blushed because it was true that it was one of the bloodiest things she had ever seen, but it had also turned her on to see how strong Hammer was. His body was simply amazing.

  Zen burst out laughing. “You could say that again. I hope it wasn’t too much for you.”

  “I enjoyed myself. Especially when Hammer…”

  “Ah…we might make you a fan yet. Come on, I will introduce you to some of the other fighters.” He took her hand and pulled her along.

  “Zen, you are my favorite, could I have a dance with you?” One of the pretty blond VIP women came up to Zen. The fan gave Molly a dirty look but made sure to smile radiantly at Zen.

  “Maybe later.” He gave her a sexy smile to soften the brush off.

  “Zen, you don’t have to tour me around. You can go ahead and have fun with…” She nodded toward the fan who was now standing with two other pretty women all eye fucking Zen.

  Zen leaned toward her and whispered, “Truthfully, it all gets tiring.”

  Molly blinked. “Really? You don’t enjoy the women falling at your feet?”

  Zen sighed pulling her to a stop in a secluded corner. “Look, don’t get me wrong. I love women, I enjoy all shapes and sizes. I have enjoyed them without qualms, multiples at the same time. And…they always seem to ‘love’ me too, at first. But their love only lasts the night, or maybe two nights. Until they get their fill, then they move on.”

  “Isn’t that what you prefer? To be a swinging bachelor having a different woman every night?”

  He had a sad look on his face. “Everyone believes that about me and I allow them to because it keeps up my fight persona, ‘Zen the Sin’. But if I could find a female that loved me, truly loved me, I would mate her in a heartbeat and cherish her for always.”

  Molly was shocked. “You’re a romantic.”

  Zen pulled away a little. “Keep that to yourself.”

  Molly nodded. But she felt a little bad for Zen. He built this image for himself of a player and ladies’ man, and now, it had become a trap for him. No one could see past it.

  “Come on. There are fighters you haven’t met yet.” Zen pulled her along to introduce her.


  Hammer walked with purposeful strides. People jumped out of his way. He didn’t pay them any attention. His focus was getting to the banquet before Molly left. What if someone hit on her? He growled, which made more people move out of his way.

  When he got to the banquet, he found Molly surrounded by all the male fighters. Zen was right there with her. Even though Zen said Molly showed no interest, Zen didn’t say that he wasn’t interested. He could still try to seduce her.

  Molly looked up and her gaze locked onto Hammer’s. Everything and everyone around her seemed to fade away. She felt a strong pull toward him like some kind of magnetic pull. She tried to look away, but she couldn’t break the connection.

  Hammer stood just a few feet away. He was massive. The black silk shirt he wore stretched across his wide chest. The buttons would surely pop if he took a deep breath. Oh that reminded her, she needed to breathe or she would pass out from lack of oxygen.

  “Hi,” his deep voice rumbled.

/>   Molly shivered. She had never noticed anybody’s heat before, but with Hammer, heat seemed to roll off him and it covered her like a blanket. It drew her in.

  “Hi,” she answered. She looked around and found everyone that had been there a moment ago were now all gone. She was alone with Hammer in a secluded corner of the room.

  “Congratulations on the win.” Crap, is that what people usually say about these things?

  Hammer smiled. It made his dimples come out. “Thanks. I hope you enjoyed the event. I know it's not something you usually go for.” He couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t someone she would usually go for either.

  She blushed. “It was more entertaining than I expected. I found myself shouting out with everyone else.”

  He nodded. “There’s a vibe that happens and it gets people going. It's almost like an adrenaline rush. Afterwards there is a crash.”

  “And you do this every weekend?”

  “No, I don’t fight at each regional fight. We alternate to give fighters time off.”

  “Oh.” Wow he must really be impressed with her conversation skills. They both stood there staring at each other. Zen approached out of nowhere.

  “Molly, I was wondering if you would like to dance?” Zen asked.

  “She’s dancing with me.” Hammer didn’t wait for her response. He took Molly’s hand and led her to the designated dance floor. He gave Zen a warning glare. Zen just laughed and walked away.

  Molly felt a zap when Hammer took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. The small electrical energy went straight to her pussy. Her nipples hardened and her breath quickened. Was he sniffing her?

  Hammer growled when he got a whiff of Molly’s building desire. His cock was instantly hard and throbbing. They were in a room full of people and all he wanted to do was rip her clothes off her. Fuck!


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