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Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5

Page 12

by K. D. Jones

  Molly threw her head back and screamed her release. Hammer followed her bucking and then arching his hips as his seed left him and coated her womb. Mine, Hammer thought as he felt himself slowly floating back to his body. He felt light. No female had ever made him feel this way and he knew that no other female ever would. Molly was precious and she was his. He loved her.

  The realization was like a splash of cold water in his face. He had never been in love before. What if she didn’t feel the same? What if she decided to leave once her condo sold? What was he going to do?

  “Are you okay? You have a frown on your face.” Molly rubbed his forehead. Her eyes showed concern even though her face glowed with happiness.

  “I’m fine. If you take a quick shower, I’ll make you lunch before I have to go back for more training.”

  “What kind of lunch.” She nibbled on his smooth chin.

  “Sandwiches?” he offered. His cock twitched within her. “You could skip the shower.” He moved his hips pushing himself deeper.

  “Yeah, I’m not that hungry either,” Molly said when Hammer took a nipple into his mouth and sucked. That tug went straight to her pussy. Who needed food anyway.


  Two men stood facing each other in the small hotel room. One paced back and forth while the other leaned against the door.

  “The security is too tight. It cannot be done,” the man leaning against the door said.

  “I paid good money and I want results!” The man pacing turned his blond head to look at the window. “My ex is causing havoc on my life financially. I want something done about it.”

  “Mr. Fields, I gave you the findings from my observations on board the GCFA ship. The Maynard woman is definitely fucking the Biclops. I could not get much closer because a former IDJ officer heads the ship’s security. The bitch is cracking down on anyone who is unauthorized. I was escorted off the ship and won’t be let back on.”

  “I don’t care about that!” It pissed him off. Molly was always so frigid in bed. He couldn’t believe she would lower herself to sleep with the alien scum. But none of that mattered. He needed to get his money. The loan shark was only going to wait so long before they took it out of his hide—literally.

  “I did all I could, Mr. Fields.” The man opened the door and left.

  Jerry picked up a lamp and threw it, smashing it against the wall. He was going to have to take care of things himself. Molly was going to pay for causing him so much trouble.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Damn you, Jerry!” Molly was beyond pissed. After Hammer left for the afternoon training, she had received a call from her ex-husband. He said the condo had an offer, but he wasn’t sure it was good enough. Molly just wanted to sell the damn thing so she could end her last tie to Jerry. He said he was in the area and wanted her to meet him in the lobby of his hotel so he could go over the offer with her.

  She left a voice message for Hammer to let him know she would be gone for an hour to go over the offer. She had the front desk attendant call for a shuttle while she paced the lobby. She didn’t care about all this crap anymore. She wanted to be done with all this crap.

  “Ma’am, your shuttle is here,” one of the attendants told her.

  She nodded her head. This was it. She wasn’t going to deal with Jerry any more after this. She'd give up some of her share of the condo in order to put an end to it. She had a life here and she wanted to concentrate on that.

  Feeling lighter having made the difficult decision, she walked out of the main entrance to the GCFA ship. She loved Hammer and wanted to be with him and the kids for always. She smiled, excited that this would all be over soon. She waved to the shuttle driver as she made her way over. She never heard the shot before something hit her from behind. She fell to the ground. Pain wracked her body and she hit her head.


  Hammer was finishing a match with Taurus in the cage when Maya came running into the training facility. He looked up and thought something must have happened with one of Maya’s kids. Taurus jumped out of the cage and went to his mate only to have her shake her head and point to Hammer. Fear clutched Hammer’s heart.

  “What is it?” Hammer asked, jumping down from the cage. “Is it one of my kids?”

  “The kids are fine. They are with my grandmother,” Maya told him, breathing heavy from running.

  “Why are they with your grandmother? Where’s Molly?” Hammer demanded.

  “You need to remain calm,” Maya told him. She allowed Taurus to hold her. “Molly was taken to an emergency hospital.”

  “What for?” Hammer was making his way out of the training facility. Maya and Taurus followed him.

  “She was shot,” Maya said with tears now coming down her face.

  Hammer stumbled to a stop. “Shot?”

  “She was going to sign the paperwork for the sale of her condo. She had called and told me that her ex was at a nearby hotel and needed her signature. When she left the GCFA ship she was shot before she got to her shuttle,” Maya told him.

  “When did this happen?” Hammer headed to the lobby. He was going to get a shuttle and go directly to the hospital.

  “An hour ago. I was called because I am listed as an emergency contact person for Molly and they couldn’t get hold of you. I went ahead and took the kids out of school and to my suite with my grandparents.”

  “Thanks, Maya.” Hammer was grateful to have friends to help.

  When he got to the lobby it was under lockdown. Rachel and Trig were there directing the security. He couldn’t deal with any of that right now. He had to get to Molly.

  “Wait, Hammer!” Rachel called out.

  “I need to go,” Hammer told her.

  “Okay, but let us take you out the back way. We have the main entrance under lockdown and the local IDJ are investigating the crime scene right now out front.

  Crime scene. Two words he never wanted to associate with Molly. “Fine.” He followed Rachel and Trig as they led him to the back exit that was rarely used. An IDJ shuttle was waiting.

  “Maya, could you stay with the kids?” Hammer didn’t want them to worry or be scared.

  “Of course. Call me when you get there.” Maya stood to the side with Taurus’s arms wrapped around her for comfort. She prayed her friend would be okay.


  Ten minutes later Hammer stormed down the hospital hallway. One of the hospital staff was running behind him. “Sir, you can’t go in there.”

  Hammer ignored them and barged into the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, PACU for short. He pushed aside the privacy screen. Finally, he found her. Oh God, she looked so pale.

  “Molly,” Hammer whispered. He fell to his knees next to her bed. His head was level with hers. He reached to take her hand. Her eyes fluttered open.

  Her beautiful brown eyes sought his out. “Hammer? Are you okay?”

  He croaked trying to hold back tears. Cyclops and Biclops were not known for their emotions. But he could have lost her. “You were shot.”

  “Uh…yeah. That’s why I’m at the hospital.”

  “Damn it! You were shot!” Hammer’s voice was loud and he growled.

  Molly winced as she sat up and reached out for him. She cupped his face. “I’m fine, baby. I promise. The shot went in through the back of my shoulder. It lodged but they were able to get the bullet out. I’ll be sore for a little while and won’t be able to move my right arm for a couple of weeks.”

  Hammer moved to sit on the bed and gathered her carefully into his arms. “I thought I might lose you. I wouldn’t survive that, Molly. You are everything to me and I love you.”

  Molly pulled back to look into his face. “I'm in love with you too.” They kissed gently at first and then harder until Molly winced in pain.

  “Sorry.” Hammer laid her back on the bed afraid he would hurt her further.

  “I’m just sorry, honey.” She used her left hand to hold him close to her.

  “Molly, could we
ask you a few questions?” Rachel asked from the side. Trig was next to her.

  “Can’t this wait?” Hammer asked with frustration.

  “It’s okay,” Molly reassured him.

  “Where were you going when you were shot?” Rachel questioned.

  “I was going to the Southend Hotel to meet with my ex-husband, Jerry.” She noticed Hammer stiffen next to her. She looked at him. “He said he had an offer for the condo and that I needed to sign off on it for the sale to go through.”

  “What is your ex-husband’s last name?” Trig asked. He was texting on his phone as Molly responded.

  “Fields. Jerry Fields,” Molly told him.

  “Did you get any prints off the letters?” Hammer asked.

  “Prints didn't come back from the letters. The perpetrator probably used gloves. But we did find out the letters were not delivered to the GCFA ship using regular mail. An individual was caught on feed. His face was sent through the IDJ database and we have a hit. It’s a man named Manny Colton.”

  “I don’t know who that is,” Molly said, shaking her head.

  “He has an arrest record for assault, money laundering, gambling, the list goes on and on.”

  “Why would he have anything to do with the letters delivered to me?” Molly was confused.

  Rachel came closer. “We suspect your ex-husband hired him to kill you.”

  “Jerry? But he has nothing to gain from my death. He’s not on my life insurance policy. Wait, he had me sign a policy covering the condo. If something happens to either of us then the policy pays off the condo.”

  “That must be it. We have confirmed by a reliable source that Jerry Fields has a lot of gambling debts,” Trig told them.

  “So you think the ex-husband planned to kill Molly to collect the insurance for the condo and pay off his debts?” Hammer asked.

  “That can’t be right. Jerry wouldn’t…” Molly wasn’t positive though. It was hard for her to believe that he would do that. However, the last few years he had become someone she didn’t recognize.

  “Go get him then,” Hammer ordered.

  “He’s gone,” Trig answered, looking at his text he received. “The IDJ officers went to check his hotel. They texted me that he has checked out already.”

  “So he’s going to get away?” Molly asked with concern.

  “Not unless we can convince him to come back here,” Trig told them.

  “How do you get him to come back?” Hammer asked.

  “We give him what he wants,” Rachel said with a devilish grin.


  “Hello?” Jerry answered his cell phone as he climbed into the shuttle. He was trying to get out of there as quick as possible.

  “Is this Mr. Fields?” a woman’s voice asked over the line.

  “Yes. Who is this?”

  “Mr. Fields, I am sorry to have to relay the bad news… Your wife died this afternoon.”

  “Ex-wife actually. She died. How?” he tried to keep the glee from his voice.

  “It was declared a drive-by shooting. It could be gang related. You would have to confirm this with the IDJ.” There was a long pause. “Sir? Are you alright?”

  “Yes, sorry. I am in shock.”

  “That is understandable. I am calling not only to inform you, but also to ask if there is any way you can come in to positively identify the body.”

  “What about her parents?”

  “We have not been able to reach anyone else who might have known Ms. Maynard. We cannot record her death without a positive ID.”

  Damn it! “Fine. I mean…yes, I will come tonight to identify the body.”

  “When you come in ask for Carmen. She will direct you to the morgue.”

  “Thank you.” Jerry hung up the phone. He immediately pulled up the Internet and looked for the local news report. He scrolled down until he found what he was looking for.

  News Channel 2214: Shooting of an unidentified woman across from the docking location of the GCFA ship this afternoon. The woman was taken to the local hospital where she suffered complications in the OR. The report stated the victim did not make it. The IDJ officers have not positively confirmed it but it is heavily suspected this was a gang related drive-by shooting. More details later tonight on the identity of the victim.

  Yes! He was finally free of that hag. He wished he could have seen her face as she felt the bullet go in. He almost missed her. He was glad he took that quick tutorial class right before he came here. He would identify the body and then call the insurance company. As soon as he paid the loan shark off, he would sell the condo and move to a warmer climate. Things were finally going his way.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I don’t like this,” Hammer said for the fifth time.

  “I will be perfectly safe. There are IDJ officers all over the hospital. Rachel and Trig will be right outside the door. This will be quick and easy.”

  “I don’t want to leave you.” Hammer shook his head.

  “Baby, this might be our only chance of catching Jerry. If we don’t, he could bolt and it might take years for him to be caught. I don’t want him to get away with this. I am pissed that he could have shot one of the kids if I had them with me or even you if you had gone with me. He is dangerous and I have to do something about it.” Molly cupped his face in her hands.

  “I don’t like it.”

  She kissed his lips, wincing. “It won’t take long. Jerry will mess up somehow.”

  “If you get hurt again, I will be extremely angry,” Hammer told her as he adjusted her so she was more comfortable.

  She smiled up at him. “I love you too. Now go away.”


  Eleven p.m. Jerry walked through the hospital doors. He approached the front desk looking around the hospital. He didn’t see anything suspicious. There were sick people everywhere. He hated hospitals.

  “Can I help you, sir?” the woman asked.

  Jerry gave her a charming smile. “I was told to ask for Carmen.”

  She looked at him with sympathy. “Oh, you have someone who passed away?”

  Jerry quickly schooled his features to reflect a sad mournful look. “Yes, my wife passed away.”

  “Oh you poor thing. Let me call Carmen for you.” She patted his hand comfortingly as she picked up the phone.

  Five minutes later a pretty blond came up to him. “Hi, I’m Carmen. Are you Mr. Fields?”

  “Yes. You can call me Jerry.”

  She motioned for him to follow her. “This shouldn’t take too long Mr. Fiel…Jerry.”

  “Perhaps you could accompany me afterwards for coffee. I may need someone to talk to. This has been so devastating.” Jerry made a sound as if he was about to cry.

  “Perhaps.” The woman didn’t turn to look at him. She led him to an elevator and pushed for the sublevel floor. “The morgue is on the bottom level.”

  Jerry shivered. Funeral homes, hospitals, anything that had to deal with sick people and death gave him the creeps. “What exactly do I need to do?”

  The elevator doors opened and they walked out into an abandoned hallway. She led him down to the very end and motioned for him to walk into the room. “It shouldn’t take long. We need you to look at the body and give a positive ID. Then we have the personal items that were found with the body that can be signed over to you.”

  Jerry tried not to smile. He could get the credit cards and her checkbook and clear out the accounts. This might be easier than he thought. He knew she had some money saved aside and was furious that he had not been able to get a freeze put on that. Everything was going to be better now.

  He watched as the sexy Carmen pulled a handle that he guessed would have the roll out bed with the body. The body was covered with a sheet. His heart beat faster with anticipation and excitement. Carmen pulled the sheet down to reveal the face.

  “It’s her. It’s Molly.” He was shaking with glee. “Could I have a moment alone with her?”

  Carmen n
odded her head. “Of course. I will go get the paperwork for you to sign that you identified her. Then we can go to security and pick up her personal items from the safe.” Carmen walked out of the room.

  Jerry waited a few minutes. “Yes!” He did a little jig. “You thought you were so much better than me. Well, how you like me now, bitch? You are dead and I will finally be able to pay the loan shark. Wish I could have been face-to-face when I shot you so I could see the stupid look on your fat face. But my bullet hit the mark anyway. I am taking it all and retiring somewhere where clothing is optional. While I am drinking, spending money, and fucking beautiful women, you’ll be turning over in your grave.”

  “Not really,” Molly said as she opened her eyes and glared at Jerry.

  Jerry screamed like a woman as he stumbled and fell backwards on his ass. He tried to scramble to the door but Carmen was there and a tall, dark skinned man stood behind her.

  “What’s going on here, Carmen?”

  “It’s Rachel actually. I am a former IDJ officer. The place is surrounded.”

  “I’ve done nothing. She should be arrested for faking her death!” He pointed a bony finger at Molly who pulled herself to a sitting position.

  “You’re an idiot, Jerry. You just confessed to trying to kill me.”

  “It’s your word against mine!” Jerry screamed at her.

  “Actually, we were in the hallway and heard everything,” Rachel told him.

  “You didn’t see me say it.” Jerry shook his head in denial.

  “No, but I did,” Hammer said from behind him.

  Jerry twirled around and had to crane his head back to take in all seven foot pissed off Biclops before him. “You’re fucking her. No one will believe you.”

  “That’s why I recorded it on my cell phone.” Hammer lifted his left hand that held a slim cell phone.

  Jerry tried to grab for it but Hammer caught the man’s face with his right hand and held him still. All it would take is one twist and the human’s neck would snap. The male deserved to die.


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