Book Read Free

Undercover Husband

Page 9

by Rebecca Winters

  Roman’s gaze flew to Deke’s, the pupils of his eyes dilating. He rewound the tape, then played it back.

  “...was coming. You’re smarter than the others. You’re hiding from me—”

  Again Roman pressed the stop button. “There were others. I knew it,” he said fiercely.

  “Oh, man.”

  “Baird could very well have a pattern of stalking young women he meets on tours, then working to hoard his money until the next trip,” Roman theorized. “Heaven only knows what he does when he makes contact with them.”

  “I’ll see what I can find out,” Deke murmured.

  “Start in Tennessee.”


  Roman listened to the rest of the tape.

  “You’re going to be sorry for what you did to me. So’s Denise.”

  At the mention of Denise’s name, Roman straightened to his full height.

  “Deke? I’ll be on the phone with Chief Bayless. We’ve already got Baird on a half dozen counts of breaking and entering, animal death, mail harassment, stalking. I want that pervert picked up tonight at the youth hostel and booked, his van searched. By the time I’m through with him, he’ll be put away where he can’t bother anybody again.”

  “I’m going to help you.” His avowal coincided with the ringing of Deke’s cellular phone.

  Roman hovered in the doorway. The sudden quiet on Deke’s end, his uncharacteristic pallor, was like a fist planted squarely in his gut.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Deke put his hand over the mouthpiece. “Jon trailed Baird to a gas station, then lost him. He’s hoping Eric is still on him, but he hasn’t heard from Eric yet.”

  The image of Denise alone in her parents’ house prompted Roman to action. “Tell Jon to drive to Denise Martin’s house and wait for my call in his car. Then I want you to get her on the line. Baird may already know where she lives and could be headed there right now.

  “Tell her not to ask any questions. Just find her brother, Rod, and drive over to my house immediately. Lyle will be watching for her to let them in. I’ll call my wif—”

  Too late Roman realized his slip. Deke had the good manners not to remind him he wasn’t really married. “I’ll call Brit and warn her they’re coming.”


  He punched in the numbers of his own home and waited for her to answer.


  Hearing her voice appealed to him far too much.

  “Brit? It’s Roman.”

  He felt her sigh of relief straight through the phone wires to his insides. “I was hoping you’d call. Is there any n—”

  “Yes,” he interrupted, knowing it came out too tersely, but he couldn’t help it. By some strange twist of fate he’d become emotionally involved and couldn’t seem to get a handle on it. “Baird came right on cue, Brit.”

  The silence on her end didn’t surprise him. When she’d been praying it wouldn’t go this far, to hear that Baird was in Salt Lake had to be shattering news. He rubbed the back of his neck. The worst of it was, he didn’t know the outcome yet. But Eric was the best.

  “We have pictures. We have sound. We have enough information to do damage. Brit—listen carefully. Now that Baird has shown up, I don’t want Denise on her own, so you’re going to have company in the next little while. She and her brother will be over shortly. Lyle will let them in.”

  After a tension-filled silence, “Does Rod know what’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve decided to leave that up to Denise’s discretion.”

  On a moan she cried, “That fiend couldn’t find me, so he’s gone after her, hasn’t he!”

  He sucked in his breath. There were some things Brit didn’t need to know. This was one of them.

  “My men are tailing him, but at this point I’m not prepared to take any risks. Denise will use your bedroom. You can put all your things in mine so Rod won’t suspect anything. I don’t think he’ll mind sleeping on the Hide-A-Bed in my study. You and I will work out our own sleeping arrangements later.”

  More silence filled the phone wires while she worked that one out. He’d worry about it when he had the time.

  “Thank you for being so concerned about them.” Her voice trembled. “You’re a good man, Roman Lufka.”

  “Don’t thank me. It’s my job.”

  “No. It’s not your job. Let’s be honest here. Providing refuge for Denise and Rod goes far beyond what I’m able to pay you for investigating this case. All I can say is, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this for them.”

  Her warmth reached out to envelop him. “It’s my pleasure, Brit.”

  “I’ll get things ready. When will you be home?”

  “Depending on how the case proceeds, I may not be coming home tonight.” That was the only solution he could think of that made any sense.



  “Who takes care of you?”

  He couldn’t handle much more of this. She was a client. He was in mortal danger of forgetting that fact.

  “I do. Good night, Brit.”

  Lufkilovich, you fool.



  “We shouldn’t keep meeting in the kitchen like this.”

  Brit smiled, staring at her friend out of bleary eyes. They’d been up till four talking, then had called it a night. But obviously neither one of them had been able to relax.

  “Couldn’t sleep, either?”

  “No. Fortunately Rod doesn’t suffer from the same problem.”

  “That’s because he has no idea what is going on. I think you were wise not to tell him the truth.”

  “Thank goodness he likes you so much. I didn’t have to ask twice if he wanted to come over for a get-together.”

  “That’s because he’s crazy about Roman,” Brit whispered, but Denise heard her. “The thing is, Roman called again and said that if Glen isn’t caught right away, he wants you to take Rod out of school and go visit your grandparents in California.”

  Denise shivered. “I’m all for that. They’ll be thrilled if I call and tell them we’re coming. Of course my boss at the hospital lab won’t be too pleased, not when I’ve already had five weeks’ vacation, but it can’t be helped.”

  Brit nodded. “If it comes to that, I know Roman and I will breathe a lot easier.”

  “Someday I’ll think of a way to repay Roman. He’s like some modern day knight in shining armor.”

  “He’s exactly like that, Denise. I’m just praying that this hero worship phase will pass. I’m already starting to panic.”

  “Why?” she fired back pointedly.

  Brit averted her eyes. “Because he’s a P.I. doing his job. Moreover I’m positive there’s a woman in his life. She would have to be someone exceptional I think.”

  “You’re exceptional.”

  “Thanks, Denise. But you know what I mean. When I asked him if he had a wife, he said no, but maybe that means he’s divorced and hasn’t recovered, or she died, or something.”

  “Maybe he’s a bachelor.”

  “Somehow he doesn’t strike me as that kind of man. He’s too—” She broke off talking before she gave herself away completely.

  “He’s too male,” Denise finished for her. “I agree.”

  “The thing is, if for some reason he’s suffering from a broken heart, then he’s probably having as much problem as you letting go of the past.”

  “Wow. Sometimes you don’t fight fair.”

  “That’s because I’m a realist, Denise. I’ve seen what your fiancé’s death has done to you. Roman’s past is a complete mystery to me. But the point is, if there was a woman, she would most likely be unforgettable or he would be married again with a family.”

  Denise didn’t have a ready comeback. Brit knew she wouldn’t have one, but the knowledge shouldn’t have hurt so much. It shouldn’t hurt at all!

  “Contrary to the Brothers Grimm, dear frie
nd, when Roman catches Glen Baird, Cinderella will not live happily ever after at the castle.”

  “You haven’t been married long enough to make a statement like that,” Denise fired back.

  “We’re not married!”

  “Until Glen is caught, you are Roman’s wife.”

  “You know what I mean, Denise.”

  “No. I don’t. Tell me.”

  “You’re choosing to be difficult.”

  “Because you’re choosing to close your eyes to what is happening.”

  Brit averted her face. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Oh, yes, you do. You’ve fallen for him. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve finally met someone worthy of you. I think it’s terrific.”

  She shook her head. “I’m only a client to him. He made that abundantly clear earlier today. Trust me, Denise. The attraction is not mutual.”

  “I don’t believe you. I saw that kiss he gave you at the wedding. The sparks were flying all over the place.”

  “We had to make it look real.” Brit’s voice reverberated in the kitchen. “Besides, you’re forgetting something very important.”


  They stared at each other.

  “Justin was a hard act, to follow. In fact you haven’t found anyone else you’re remotely interested in since your fiancé died, agreed?”

  Denise’s eyes fell away. “Since it’s honesty time, I’ll admit that.”

  “Then I have to assume the same could be said of any woman Roman loved. In fact I’m beginning to think that’s why he moved here from the East Coast. Do you realize he left his whole family behind? His brother, Yuri, runs the company without him, yet they’re all very close.

  “Denise—you should see his credentials! He had a fantastic career going in New York, yet he gave it all up and moved clear out here. No doubt he’s still running away from memories.” She bit her lip. “The point is, I want a man who has no past.”

  “Everyone has a past, Brit.”

  “True. But not everyone has experienced love like you had with Justin. That’s what we’re talking about here. We both agree Roman Lufka is no ordinary man, either. Can you imagine what kind of woman it was who held him? Who might still hold him?

  “If they shared the same kind of love as you and Justin—” Her voice caught. “Then I can’t imagine anything worse than hoping and waiting and praying that someday Rom—” Brit had to pause to catch her breath. “Oh...let’s just leave the subject alone.”

  She started banging things in an attempt to get breakfast ready. “Why don’t you wake up Rod while I fix him some pancakes and sausage?”

  “Make enough for me, will you?”

  At the sound of Roman’s voice, Brit spun around guiltily. Had he heard them talking?

  Heat crept into her face. She flashed Denise a signal of distress. “I—I didn’t realize you were home.”

  “I just walked in the house.”

  Which could or could not have been the truth. He would never tell. She couldn’t bear to think he might have caught the last of her conversation with Denise.

  Heavens, she didn’t know how it was possible, but he was even better looking when he needed a shave. Suddenly it came to her that she was staring at him. She looked away abruptly.

  “Good morning, Denise. I’m glad to see you and Rod safely installed here.”

  “I am, too,” she responded warmly. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough, Roman.”

  “Nonsense. This is my job.”

  Like Brit, Denise would never be able to pay Roman back for all his help. She, too, was full of questions, but by tacit agreement the three of them knew not to discuss the case when Rod was anywhere around.

  “I’ll look in on him,” Roman offered, as if reading their minds. “You two finish talking. It might be a while before you see each other again, but we’ll sit tight until I hear from Eric later in the day.”

  As soon as he disappeared out the door Denise whispered, “I hope we do have to go to California.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “What do you think I mean? The longer you have to stay underfoot here—”

  “Denise? Are you forgetting that I have to pay this man for all the luxurious round-the-clock bodyguard stuff? Already I’m in hock financially for a couple of years.”

  “It’s obviously not worrying him. Besides, you didn’t see what I saw.”

  “You’re being cryptic again.”

  “You’re being obtuse. I saw something in his eyes when he was looking at you just now. It disappeared when he looked at me. Don’t pretend you didn’t notice.”

  “I’m not pretending anything.”

  “Then you must be in shock. Not that I blame you. I can hear Maureen now. ‘Hey, girls—who’s that ripper bloke over there? The tall, dark one with those nice, firm muscles and all that gorgeous black hair I’m itching to run my fingers through. What is it you Yanks say? Oh yeah, that’s right—he’s drop-dead gorgeous. Oh, dear, I do hope Alan didn’t overhear me.”’

  Brit broke into laughter. She couldn’t help it. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine Maureen in the room with them. They both adored the Australian woman who had been on their European tour and had become a close friend. Denise was a master of imitation and could mimic Maureen’s Aussie accent to perfection. Brit could well imagine their older friend’s reaction to Roman. Denise was right about that!

  “You’ve made your point, Denise,” she said, attempting to calm down while trying unsuccessfully to pour nice, even circles of batter into the frying pan.

  “Oh, I hope so,” she continued with her takeoff. “You know, there simply aren’t that many gorgeous guys out there. The second I spotted Alan, I was knocked for nine pins and simply over the moon—”

  “Oh, stop!” Brit cried out. She supposed hysteria had something to do with her mood. By now Denise had joined her.

  “Can anyone come to the party or do we need a special invitation? I think Rod and I feel left out.”

  “Oh, they always act like that,” Rod interjected. “Morning, everybody.”

  An affectionate and demonstrative Denise hugged her brother who probably liked it, but pretended not to care.

  Roman was right behind him. To Brit’s shock, he pulled Brit into his arms. Looking down at her out of enigmatic eyes more green than hazel, he said, “Good morning, Mrs. Lufka. Now that I’ve shaved, I’d like to greet my wife properly.”

  Brit’s heart leaped in her chest as he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her warmly. If it hadn’t been for his brusque behavior yesterday, she might have construed this as a comfortable, welcoming kind of kiss that said, “Hello, how are you? I’ve had a long night. It’s good to be home. I’ve missed you.”

  But she knew differently. Everything was for Rod’s benefit. She schooled herself not to give anything more than a token response. If he noticed her lack of enthusiasm, so much the better. She’d made a promise to herself to keep everything on a professional level from here on out.

  She heard Rod whisper to Denise, “Roman says they’re still on their honeymoon.”

  “They are, and we’re in the way,” Denise whispered back.

  Feeling that the charade had gone on long enough, Brit broke their kiss and eased out of Roman’s arms, glancing away quickly from the probing eyes narrowed on her mouth. A thrill of excitement chased down her spine.

  “Everybody to the table.” Her voice shook. “Breakfast is on.”

  “I’ve got a phone call to make to the hospital lab. I’ll do it from your bedroom if that’s okay, Brit.”


  “Umm...” Rod uttered minutes later, working on his fifth pancake. Roman kept up with him. At this rate Brit would have to make more batter.

  “You can say that again, Rod. There’s nothing like homemade food. I think I’m going to love married life.”

  “Brit’s the best! Hey, Brit? Make Roman your marshmallow squares and those
tacos with the blue tortillas. They’re better than anything!”

  “Really?” Roman asked, his gaze flicking to her as she stood hovering over the stove.

  She felt something was expected of her. “Do you like Mexican food, Roman?”

  “I love it. When I lived back East, there weren’t any good Mexican restaurants. My family’s part Italian so we ate a lot of pasta instead.”

  “How come you didn’t get married until now?” Rod’s mouth was full of pancakes and questions that Brit didn’t have the temerity to ask.

  “I never had the time.”

  “Denise thinks it’s because you fell in love with Brit and never got over her.”

  “She’s right about that, too. Unfortunately Brit and I were too young to do anything about it in our teens. I had to move with my parents. Sometimes unavoidable separations cause changes in people’s lives.”

  The lies rolled off his lips with such ease, Brit was staggered.

  “Didn’t you ever want kids?”

  “I do now,” Roman stated without missing a heartbeat as he poured more syrup over the last stack of pancakes.

  Brit groaned inwardly and moved quickly to the sink for a glass of water.

  Stop, Rod, before this question and answer session gets any more painful for all of us.

  “You love Brit a lot, huh.”

  “Yes, I do.” She felt Roman’s eyes seeking hers, but she couldn’t meet his gaze without giving too much of her emotions away. “We love each other very much, don’t we, darling?”

  Somehow Brit managed to squeak out a “yes.”

  “You’re lucky,” Rod piped up. “My sister’s fiancé died in a car crash. She doesn’t date anymore.”

  “That’s because she hasn’t met the right man to create new memories.”

  “Is that what happened to you and Brit?”

  “It sure did, and it will happen to your sister one day. Just wait and see.”

  “There’s this one guy, Pete, who just keeps calling her, but she always tells me to tell him she’s not home.”

  “That’s natural when you’ve loved someone else so much. Her fiancé must have been pretty terrific.”

  “Yeah. He was great.”

  “Well, give it time. Maybe deep down she likes this new guy, but is afraid of losing him, too, so she’s not prepared to take the risk of falling in love again.”


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