Book Read Free

Undercover Husband

Page 12

by Rebecca Winters

  “That tipped me off it could be Baird, so I followed the van. When it started up the canyon, I had an idea I was on the right track. Unfortunately, the battery in my cellular had worn down and that’s why I couldn’t contact anybody. There were batteries in the glove compartment, but during the chase I didn’t have time to put them in.

  “When he pulled off to the side of the road beyond the ski lift area, I figured it was Baird. I hid my car behind some pines. As soon as he jumped out of the van and looked around, I had a positive ID.

  “He started for the mine ahead. I crept up on him and saw him disappear into the shaft. That’s when I fixed the phone to call for police backup and inform you.”

  Roman sucked in his breath before clapping him on the shoulder. “You did great work, Eric.”

  “Ja? Well I knew this was a special case.”

  There was no room for pretense. “It is,” Roman’s voice rasped with emotion.

  That monster would never terrorize Brit or anyone else again.

  “Sid can ride back with me. We’ll handle things from here on out. Why don’t you go on home and tell your wife she’s out of danger,” Eric suggested with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Roman nodded, deciding to let the teasing comment pass. Earlier he’d wanted to take Eric to task for telling Yuri something that patently wasn’t true. But right now he was so relieved that hairy-faced pervert was about to be arrested, he didn’t have the heart to rip into Eric. Not when he’d brought Baird down.

  With hindsight Roman felt somewhat responsible anyway. He should have taken the time to phone Yuri in the first place and tell him about his latest case so he wouldn’t be surprised if Brit answered the phone.

  “One more thing before I leave, Eric. Baird could be a serial stalker. Maybe he keeps pictures of all the women in his van.”

  Eric’s brows lifted. “I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ll look into it.”

  “Call me at home later and give me a rundown.”

  “Ja vohl,” he called out as Roman made his way to the company car.

  Sid had left the keys in the ignition. Roman started up the motor and headed down the canyon for home. He couldn’t wait to tell Brit her nightmare was over.

  But he hadn’t gone five miles when his euphoria changed to something else. As soon as she learns Baird has been taken into custody, there’ll be no more reason for her to stay with you. Tomorrow she’ll move back to her condo and you’ll move on to another case.

  Roman pressed on the accelerator. She hadn’t even heard the news, let alone packed up her things and left. Yet Roman was experiencing a horrifying sense of loss. One week. That was all it had been, but he felt like Brit’s advent into his world had altered it beyond recognition.

  There were certain signs she’d given that she was more than a little attracted to him, but he couldn’t possibly ask her to stay on. For a dozen different reasons—all legitimate and moral—it was out of the question.

  Even if you decided to break every role, you still have no right to ask or expect anything. of her when you’re involved in CIA affairs. Better to cut it off clean, the way you’ve done with all your other cases. No mess. No fuss. No aftermath.

  Just... emptiness.

  The closer he drew to his house, the larger that emptiness yawned until he was swallowed up by it.

  So deep was his turmoil, when he came in from the garage, he didn’t realize Yuri was waiting for him in the hallway until he heard his name called.

  Roman’s head jerked around. His brother’s sober expression stopped him cold.

  “We’ve got to talk, buddy.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck absently. “You’re right. But first I need to see Brit.”

  “Is there any word on the man who’s been stalking her?”

  Nonplussed, Roman stared at Yuri. “Brit told you.”

  Yuri nodded grimly. “Everything. Even the fact that she’s not your wife. I could wring Eric’s neck.”

  A deep sigh escaped. “Don’t blame him too much. I should’ve called you and told you what was happening, but because of the time restraints involved, her case took top prio—”


  Over Yuri’s shoulder he saw Brit timidly enter the foyer with Jeannie at her heels. Brit looked pale. Quite a different greeting from the last time when she flew into his arms.

  Is that what you were hoping for tonight? Did you really think it would happen a second time?

  “Baird is in the hands of the police as we speak, Brit. It’s over.”

  Their gazes fused. She looked like a person who’d gone into shock. “You’re serious.”

  “I am,” he answered in a thick-toned voice. “Why don’t we all go in the living room and I’ll tell you everything.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Jeannie cried out and gave Brit a hug before the four of them left the hallway. It didn’t surprise Roman that Jeannie was already on such a friendly footing with Brit.

  A warmhearted person by nature, his sister-in-law had been under the impression for several days that Brit was his wife. She’d been prepared to love her unconditionally.

  Yuri wasn’t any different. The news that they weren’t married had come as a blow to his brother. Roman could feel his disappointment and understood why.

  When Roman moved to Salt Lake, his brother thought he was grieving for Angela who’d ended up marrying Roman’s good friend, Frank Berkowitz. Like all his old friends, plus everyone else in the family, he assumed Roman’s heartache had been so great, he’d decided to pull up stakes and relocate to try to get over the pain.

  For them to hear through Eric that Roman had fallen in love with another woman and married her would have thrilled Yuri and Jeannie.

  Roman knew how much his brother wanted him to get married and have a family—a normal life. Because of this knowledge, there’d been many agonizing moments in the past when Roman suffered guilt over the choice he’d made to work for the CIA.

  At the time he’d been approached while serving in the Marines, Roman had looked upon it as a kind of culmination of the adventurous life, one he’d openly embraced since his teens. It had been an easy decision because though he’d dated his share of women, there was no special woman in his life.

  Once inducted, he couldn’t see marriage fitting into the scheme of things. He had no desire to expose a wife and children to the inherent dangers of being tied to a man who led a double life. It would make him too vulnerable. It made no sense. Much to Yuri’s chagrin, Roman had remained single.

  Nothing’s changed. You’re still single. So how come you feel like you’re getting ready to go through a divorce you don’t want?

  “W-where did they catch him?” Brit wanted to know the second they were all seated around the coffee table.

  “In Alta.”


  Her astonishment intensified the blue of her eyes, making it impossible for him to look anywhere else.

  “Eric followed him up there.”

  For the next few minutes Roman explained what had happened, patiently answering her questions until she was satisfied that it was truly over. “He’ll never bother you or anyone else again.”

  Yuri clapped his hands on his thighs. “I think this calls for a celebration. Why don’t we all go out to dinner?”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth, big brother. Where would you like to eat, Brit?”

  To his surprise, she’d gotten to her feet. Avoiding his eyes she said, “That’s very kind of you to offer, but you’ve done too much for me already. I’ll be in your debt forever.” Her voice shook.

  “Since it’s not too late, I’m going to call my parents, who’ve been anxious, and ask them to come and get me. I’ll stay with them until I move back into my condo. Next week I’ll get paid and send you the first installment on the bill.

  “Please—don’t let me interfere with your plans. Yuri—Jeannie—” She turned to them. “It’s been wonderful meeting you, getting to know you. Now tha
t Roman’s back, I realize you’d like to spend some private time with him.

  “If you all want to leave now, don’t worry about me. I’ll let myself out later, after I’ve done a little cleaning up and packed my bags.”

  Roman felt as if he’d just been cut off from the light and tossed into an inky, bottomless void.

  Brit flew out of the living room and headed for Roman’s bedroom where she’d slept last night. Alone. She flung herself across the bed and buried her face in it to stifle the sound of her convulsion.

  The case was over. She had no more reason to stay under Roman’s roof.

  The thought of going back to her empty condo was tearing her apart. In a week’s time she’d grown so used to being with Roman, she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  She’d fallen in love with him. Hopelessly. Irrevocably.

  Furious with herself for giving in to her emotions, she sat up and wiped her eyes with her arms. That’s when her gaze caught the glint of the diamond sparkling from her ring finger. No, not her diamond. The diamond Roman had whipped out to make everything look real.

  She remembered the night he’d put it there. It had felt so right when he’d slid it home. Then his mouth had descended. Though she’d only known him a few hours, oh, how she’d wanted to respond. It had taken all her willpower not to deepen their kiss and forget everything else.

  As foolish as it might sound to anyone else, when she’d walked into the police station and had first laid eyes on Roman, it was as if he was the man her heart had been holding out for.

  But the same experience hadn’t happened to Roman. Another woman had a stranglehold on his emotions, and he’d only been carrying out the job Brit had hired him to do. To stop Glen Baird from torturing her...

  Brittany Langford! How can you be feeling so sorry for yourself when he has just told you that maniac will never harass you again—when he has put his life on the line for you, never once thinking of his own safety—

  Because of Roman, you’re free from fear, you ungrateful wretch!

  You should be crying tears of gratitude and thanksgiving!

  You’re a mess!

  You don’t deserve this great blessing!

  A soft rap on the door made her jump. She got to her feet praying there were no signs of tears left on her undoubtedly ravaged face. “Yes?”

  “Brit?” came the deep voice she loved. She loved.

  “Yes, Roman?”

  “Have you already called your parents?”

  “I—I was just about to.”

  “When you talk to them, tell them I’ll drive you over to their house. I have to go downtown anyway and meet Eric there. It will probably be an all-nighter. En route, there are still a few things we need to discuss. All right?”

  No. It’s not all right. I’m terrified again, but it’s because I’m afraid you’ll sense what I’m trying to hide from you.

  “Brit—What’s wrong?”

  “N-nothing. In fact I’m wonderful,” she lied, experiencing another painful lurch of her heart. “I guess I’m still in shock.”

  After a sustained pause he said, “You don’t need to pretend with me. I know you’re worried, but you don’t have to be. I’m not going to make you face Baird. You’ve already given your information to the police. What you have to do now is to put this incident behind you.”

  Her eyes closed tightly. He was always concerned about her welfare, always putting her needs first.

  “Thank you, Roman. I appreciate that more than you know. I’ll tell my parents you’re bringing me home. Give me about ten minutes and I should be ready to go.”

  It took her more like a half hour. By the time she’d contacted her folks who were overjoyed that the reign of terror was over, she started gathering up everything to pack.

  What a joke—Her stuff was all over the house, like she belonged there!

  Everytime she found something of hers in an unlikely spot—such as one of her hair clips in the kitchen by the toaster—it was a wrench to have to remove it, knowing this was the last time she’d be in this room fixing Roman’s breakfast.

  She found it even more difficult to straighten the study. Her clutter from the office lay everywhere. Roman had never said one word except to order her to make herself at home. Brit preferred his study to any other room in the house because it contained books and paintings and artifacts he loved. There were dozens of little framed pictures on the mantel of him and his family, at all different ages.

  If she didn’t think lightning would strike her, she would steal the one of Roman when he was about seventeen years old, obviously a high school heartthrob, already at his full height looking incredibly fierce and fit in a karate outfit, his fists in the air. A young man who wanted to live his life on the edge and had managed to fulfill his dreams.

  “I didn’t see Jeannie or Yuri,” she said by way of conversation as they drove away from his house, her bags packed in the trunk. There was a tension between them she hadn’t felt before, making it awkward for her to produce desultory conversation.

  “Since they knew I probably wouldn’t be home until morning, they decided to go to dinner by themselves.” His voice sounded unusually bleak.

  “I—I’m sorry this case caused complications for you with your family. I know you’d rather be with your brother than anything.” She stared out the passenger window, afraid to even look in his direction.

  “Don’t apologize for something that wasn’t anyone’s fault. Yuri and I see plenty of each other. This is a nice vacation for them without the children, much as they love them.”

  “They’re wonderful people, Roman.”

  “I agree. Now, let’s talk about your situation. First thing in the morning, I’ll phone your landlord and tell him you’re ready to move back in. Then I’ll contact the movers, post office and utilities and have them call you tomorrow at your parents’, or at work, to arrange times to come to the condo that meet with your schedule.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, dying a little more with every word he spoke because it meant she was drifting farther and farther away from him.

  Too soon they arrived in front of her parents’ home. Before he’d even turned off the ignition, she’d pulled the ring from her finger.

  More than a little short of breath she murmured, “This is valuable. Let me give it to you before I forget.”

  Roman stared down at the ring lying in her extended palm. She couldn’t understand the hesitation before he reached for it, clasping it in a fist before slipping it in his front trouser pocket.

  The brush of his fingers against her skin electrified every cell in her throbbing body. If she could hear her heart pounding in her ears, he probably could, too.

  Mortified by her reaction, she opened the door and climbed out, anxious to remove herself from his allsearching gaze.

  He had to know how she felt about him. But he was probably used to women falling in love with him and didn’t let it phase him. The gentleman to the bitter end...

  She reached the trunk in time to pick up her train case so he wouldn’t have to carry everything she’d brought with her. He’d done more than enough.

  When they climbed the steps to the front porch she wheeled around and faced him. “I can handle everything from here.”

  His eyes, more black than hazel in the dim porch light impaled her. “Not until you’ve opened the door and I see you safely inside.”

  Fumbling for the key, she finally found it and inserted it in the lock, then opened the door. Roman placed the bags inside the door.

  Brit heard her mother’s voice, urging her to bring Roman on in.

  No! No more!

  “He can’t, Mom,” Brit called without consulting Roman. “He has to go down to police headquarters!”

  A tiny nerve near his temple throbbed. She noticed that it only did that when he had something vastly important on his mind. Though she could forget Glen Baird, Roman had a night’s work ahead of him. In fact she had an idea he plan
ned to interrogate him and was anxious to get going on the gruesome task.

  Far be it from Brit to detain him.

  Staring no higher than his chin she said bravely, “There aren’t any words to thank you for what you’ve done. Send me the bill as soon as you’ve figured out all the expenses. If it takes me the rest of my life, I’ll pay you back what I owe you. But it will never be enough.” Her voice trembled. “God bless you, Roman.”

  Before she broke down, she hurried inside and closed the door. The last thing she saw before it clicked shut was the stonelike set of his handsome, rock-hard features, permanently etched in her memory.

  The sun peeking over the mountaintops stung Roman’s bleary eyes as he turned into his driveway. It had been the night from hell.

  Certainly the evidence turned up by the crime lab after searching Baird’s van gave the experts enough fodder in the form of pictures, maps and travel brochures to open up a half dozen unsolved stalking incidents in various states.

  Sickened by the sight of Baird who was definitely a candidate for a mental institution if not life imprisonment, Roman decided to let Eric take over the interrogation.

  He was the one who’d trailed Baird to the mountains. Roman and he conferred several hours while Baird was being booked, deciding on the best strategy to get information out of him. But the whole time they were talking, Roman’s mind kept replaying the events after he’d come back home from Alta, those tension-packed scenes with Brit which were still torturing him until he felt an unspeakable sickness threatening.

  Dear God. He felt as if he’d lost something vital to his very existence. It was unlike any other feeling he’d experienced in his thirty-eight years.

  You made your initial mistake when you decided to play the role of her husband.

  The problem with you, Luflcilovich, you don’t know when to turn it off and on anymore. You’ve been acting out a part so long, you don’t even know who you are or what’s real—

  “Good morning.”

  “Yuri!” Roman stopped in stride as he entered the kitchen from the hallway, intent on a stiff whiskey to numb the pain. “It’s not even seven. What are you doing up?”


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