The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy)

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The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy) Page 51

by Natasja Hellenthal

  After dinner Almaz and Jolaz performed a short act. They had even dressed up for the occasion like bats. Every one applauded them and laughed afterwards and they were allowed to stay up a little longer to hear one of Shazar’s tales before going home to bed. Everybody listened eagerly to his pleasant, low, appealing voice.

  ‘I heard it from my parents who learned it from their parents,’ Shazar said, glancing from one person to the next, not missing anyone. His eyes sparkled with the intensity of an inner fire when he rested his gaze on them, whilst twisting and turning his pendant between his fingers.

  ‘Every Comyenti should know this, that’s why I am telling you this.’

  They all hurdled a little closer to him so as not to miss anything. It sounded important.

  ‘It is said that we came from the stars centuries ago,’ Shazar started and pulled the pendant off over his head. He held it up by its string so that everyone could see the round, almost golden, object with a hole in the middle, made of some kind of metal with strange runes all over the side. The fire shone upon it, making it glow and shine even more. ‘This is proof enough. My father, peace upon his soul, gave this ancient piece to me on my eighteenth birthday, as did his father before him and so on. How long back this tradition goes, no one remembers. But we do know that this here doesn’t belong to Bhan, and neither do we.’

  There was a stir among the small group. Of course Sula had mentioned it to her children, but she was never sure, disbelieving her mother who had had a great imagination and she had never had any proof. How could she trust Shazar or this pendant of his?

  ‘The exact story is lost to us, just as our language has been, apart from some words. Comyentis never held a written record for safety reasons. Where we come from or why we left, or even why we stayed here on Bhan where there was so much danger…’ he shrugged his shoulders. ‘How did we arrive? Did we fly here through the outer atmosphere, far above the clouds where no bird has ever flown, not even the eagle? Our bodies are the same as any other mammal; so therefore our home planet and it habitants must have been quite like Bhan with a similar atmosphere and environment. Is that why we look so much like humans, physically, because of a very similar development? Non-human animals, our spiritual brothers and sisters in essence, but like humans unrelated to us, have been kind and shared their abilities with us. We asked, they gave, and we protected them in return; whereas man took and never returned any favours.’ He looked around at the small crowd and Shazar smiled weakly. ‘I know that the villagers you live so close to seem different, have embraced animals as their brothers and sisters too and do not use them the same way most people do. I admire that and hope that more people will follow in opening their eyes and hearts, and treating everyone with the same kindness. It would be a grand day for all Bhan’s creatures. If it works here, why couldn’t it everywhere? But man being man…well… I must not give up hope, neither should you. Most of all we owe our spiritual brothers and sisters so much; so help other animals as much as you can, but do not risk your own life more than necessary. ’

  ‘But-’ Almaz started to ask. ‘Let me finish, Almaz, in a moment there will be time for questions, I promise. Later when we are many again, we will we be able to help them more, when our future is secured.’ He looked at his pendant. ‘I have tried to do a Mindmerge with this as I thought it might be of the same material that we’re made of, somehow. It’s almost organic and there is a strange pulling sensation emanating from it.’

  Holding the end of the string gently between his fingers, he swung the pendant lightly in front of the others, and handed it over to the person sitting closest to him: Aigle.

  ‘Here, pass it round and feel for yourselves.’

  Aigle’s eyes grew bigger when the pendant fell in his hand, it was lighter than he had expected it to be. Sula, who sat next to Aigle, stared at it in awe, and even Felix leaned forward to have a closer look.

  ‘I’ve not succeeded in merging with it yet, but I have feeling that this piece of mysterious metal is the key to our past.’ He stared intently at Aigle who followed the inscription with his finger. Runes, written in their old language, lost to them.

  ‘Pass it round, Aigle, but it should return to you after everyone has had a look. It’s yours from now on.’

  Aigle raised his head up to see if Shazar was being serious. He was.

  ‘Yes, it’s as much your birthright as it was mine. It’s your turn to try now, Aigle. You’ve got great potential. Even if you don’t succeed to merg with it, to unlock our secret, it is a family heirloom and you’ll have to pass on to your first born.’

  They saw Aigle swallow at that and feel the pendant in his hand. He opened his mouth.

  ‘I…I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Just say that you will try and wear it from now on.’

  ‘I will, I swear on it with my Comyenti Oath that I will wear it and try to merge with it.’ He crossed his hands in front of his chest. But what if I never have a first born? He kept that thought to himself and decided to ignore that part of Shazar’s wish, not willing to risk promising something he might not want or be able to make happen whilst, at the same time, trying to distract Shazar away from Valera to himself.

  Let him think I’m his only hope…

  The air felt very heavy all of a sudden and Felix felt awe and also a little envious. Sula rolled her eyes. She wasn’t that impressed.

  Men and their rituals!

  Sula decided it was time for Shazar to know about the lizard people. Somehow she felt it was just as important, even though it would most likely mean he wouldn’t agree with her staying put in Rosinhill.

  Whilst the pendant was going round the group, she took Shazar to the side and told him about the trap that Felix had found years ago, the dwarf he had rescued, the magical hammer he had received as a reward, the attack in the Moany Mountains by a lizard man (she didn’t mention that the ypaka which attacked her was disguised as a unicos at the time). Then she told him about the attack on Aigle and Felix by the three ypakas, and one of the shapeshifters disguised in the dwarf’s body to try once again to get to Sula. She mentioned the yellow brown, almost golden, irises and vertical pupils which the creatures all had in common.

  ‘Shape-shifting lizard people?’ Shazar asked incredulously.

  Sula nodded. ‘Ypaka.’

  ‘I felt you were in danger about five years ago and was on my way here!’

  ‘That was about the same time I was in a coma! The name Ypaka came to me, and luckily my body managed to fight off the poison in my blood. You must have sensed that.’

  ‘Ypaka,’ he tried the word out in his mouth. ‘It doesn’t sound familiar, nor is it in the comyenti language, at least the little I know, and that’s only a couple of words.’ He shook his head confused. ‘They can’t be from the same planet as us.’

  ‘Why not? People speak different languages all over Bhan?’ And she sighed. ‘It just doesn’t sit right with me. They wanted to merge, Shazar, so if they aren’t from Yentil where do they come from, and how do they know about us? They seem a lot more powerful with their shape-shifting abilities! Their true bodies appeared to be some kind of lizard humanoid, Shazar, all three of them had golden eyes, forked tongues, had scaly greenish skins as they all spoke with a lisp. Ypaka can physically change into any animal at will it seems. They killed the dwarf prince, Felix discovered when he went to return the hammer to Prince Oro’s people. Felix didn’t want it anymore after he had killed with it. The lizard men had taken Oro’s life in order to take on his body, but the most peculiar thing is,’ she almost whispered. ‘after they’d killed the dwarf, they left his body in the mountains. It seems they don’t literally take over a body, but very much like us, recall the essence; the memory of it. But what they do is so much more than an imprint on the mind and consequently fooling the body. They physically change into someone else, with all their unique skills and memories, at will and in any situation! First the bear, then the dwarf, then the tiger, and it was a
ll the same person! And most alarming of all; they kill whatever they want to get it!’

  Shazar’s face was as white as a sheet by now and his mouth hung open. With a dry throat he asked, ‘Why haven’t you told me this before? I knew you had kept some secret from me! I felt it as soon as I entered your garden.’

  Feline… Sula thought in a flash, about how the gate had closed on Shazar, having always suspected Feline of closing it, before she could shield her mind while thinking about her.

  Feline? Shazar thought puzzled, wondering what the girl had anything to do with this.

  Sula hid it from him straight away, but it was too late. He had seen Feline’s image, again. Sula’s eyes showed confusion at his expression, as did Shazar’s.

  ‘I know it’s a bit much to take in,’ Sula started saying. ‘But I’m using my Shield Of Light, like you no doubt can do too and-’ and again she thought about the gate that had shut in front of Shazar with force. Why oh why had Feline tried to warn her? Just because she didn’t like him or had she been jealous? “It’s your own people you can’t trust; Shazar, stay far away from him.” Those had been Feline’s words and it was as if she wanted to tell her more, but somehow couldn’t… And here Sula was, ignoring Feline’s warning, sitting with the man around a cosy fire, sharing stories.

  ‘No, no. You cannot possibly stay here now that you’ve been found! They’ll be back!’

  ‘We’re capable enough of defending ourselves. We have so far and the Shield is strong. No harm can happen even if there are more ypaka left out there.’

  She looked Shazar intently in the eye.

  ‘Shazar, tell me honestly. Have you ever encountered creatures like this during your search?’

  He shot her a shocked look back.

  ‘What? No, I would have told you!’


  ‘No, seriously. You don’t trust me, do you?’ Shazar was appalled.

  ‘It seems strange that they’re only after me! You are a full comyenti! Why aren’t they attacking you? I know that you’re hiding something from me!’

  ‘As are you!’ He stared back at her, hurt but not invading her thoughts to get the answer.

  ‘I’m entitled to my own thoughts and so are you! You have no right to be in my mind!’ And she stood, feeling angry, turning round away from him. Shazar seized her hand. She looked down at it. Sensing Felix’ questioning stare upon them, she looked up, shaking her head at him to ease his mind. Her husband had promised to give her some time alone with Shazar, to discuss their comyenti past and the ypaka threat, but all the same he was keeping an eye on Shazar. Sula shook Shazar’s hand off and he was hurt by it.

  ‘Please, I’m sorry. No more secrets… if it’s our kind concerned. I am after all…your brother.’ He spoke with warmth.

  She smiled down at him, but it wasn’t a friendly smile. She sat down in silence.

  ‘You know, Aigle is very skilled,’ Shazar started. ‘From what you’ve told me, he managed to break free of those ropes and to ‘be’ the tiger during such a time of great distress, chaos and over-stimulation of his senses; and all of this in front of a seemingly real tiger! I myself really struggle to even use any ability and need precious moments; and even then I mostly fail. It is, as you know, our greatest weakness. But, Sula, do you know what this means?’


  ‘There is hope. Even with this threat hanging over us, we have Aigle who can teach us how to defend ourselves. He is our hope for a real comyenti future.’

  Chapter 26 Past And Future

  As the evening progressed Shazar went over to Aigle. He sat next to Twello and Valera quietly chatting to each other by the now dying fire. The atmosphere was pleasant.

  ‘Aigle, I’d like to speak to you.’

  ‘Sure, go ahead.’

  Shazar glanced expectantly at his son, and then at Valera and his other son, and waited for Aigle to get up. Instead Aigle spoke, ‘Sit down. Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of my family.’

  Shazar noticed with pride that Aigle was wearing the pendant around his neck.

  ‘Of course,’ and Shazar perched down beside them. ‘I’ve heard about the shapeshifters from your mother. It is very disturbing news, but I’m glad you’re all still in one piece. Are you not afraid they’ll come again?’

  Aigle nodded, ‘Yes, but I’m ready for them.’ Aigle tried to forget the conversation he had had with Shazar the day before about his wish for the comyenti to stay pure. Glancing over at Valera he mentally shrugged. How can Shazar expect us to breed with one another? All for the survival of the comyenti species? I’d rather lose my abilities than do that!

  ‘Are you?’ Shazar asked him again and Aigle shook up out of his thoughts.

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘Last time you might have been lucky, but what about next time? They might come back with an entire army!’

  ‘Mum has cast a protective shield and we take turns in maintaining it. We’ll defend our home if necessary!’ Valera fell in defensively.

  ‘So I’ve heard, but…I worry; will it be enough to keep them away? It seems somehow from the stories your mother told that they are growing stronger. Poisonous darts seemed to break through-’

  ‘Not anymore, we have practised and the shield is holding,’ Aigle said calmly.

  ‘One managed to enter your home!’

  Aigle glanced at Valera. They both bit their lip, vexed. They knew he was right about this.

  ‘You can’t lock yourself up in this village forever. You are destined for great things.’ Shazar aimed at Aigle. ‘With your powers…Don’t waste time here in this village. The world needs you. Don’t let life pass you by.’

  ‘Protecting my family is a noble thing and not a waste of time!’ Aigle raised his voice loud enough that Sula and Felix, who were all snug with each other on the other side of the fire, looked up.

  ‘Of course. All I’m saying is that you might have to-’

  ‘Move? Never!’ Now it was Valera who raised her voice.

  ‘Great Bhan, what a commotion going on over here,’ Felix said, standing and coming over. ‘Everything alright, boys and girls?’

  ‘Nothing to worry about. We’re just having a chat,’ Shazar said, annoyed.

  ‘It doesn’t sound like that to me!’

  ‘It’s fine, Dad,’ Aigle spoke, irritated, and Felix just shook his head and withdrew himself.

  Shazar sighed. ‘It’s all very well you protecting your family and village,’ he whispered to Aigle and Valera. ‘But have you ever wondered what the villagers might think if they ever witnessed a fight between a comyenti and an ypaka? A tiger and someone who they think is human? And who knows what’s next? Snakes? Sharks? No longer will your secret be safe in Rosinhill!’

  Valera bit her lip at that and Aigle relented as well somewhat.

  ‘It might very well be possible to protect yourselves with your abilities eventually, but not without attracting attention from humans I’m sure. No one may find out about us. We have to eradicate them if they do,’ Shazar said plainly.

  ‘What?’ Valera and Aigle said at the same time, in a similar way as their twin siblings spoke, startled. ‘We are not assassins!’ they both shouted.

  ‘I see you have forgotten what it was like to be hunted,’ Shazar spoke to Aigle in his mind.

  ‘I was never hunted!’

  ‘No, really? What you felt back then when those ypaka abducted you, was the same feeling your ancestors felt when they were hunted for being who they were! And your siblings could one day be hunted again by both humans and shapeshifters this time! It would be war. Is that what you want? ’We have to prepare ourselves, Aigle,’ Shazar said out loud. ‘Teach me your skill of using our powers when I’m stressed and I’ll help you.’

  ‘Teach you? And help you eradicate innocent lives? Aigle said with disgust. First incest, now he expected the comyentis to be killers?

  ‘No, you have mistaken me,’ Shazar explained. ‘If the ypa
ka come back we’ll just have to be careful not to have an audience! If we do, and only then, we have to take the necessary precautions.’

  ‘We?’ Aigle asked him.

  ‘Yes, we. Tell me what you did that day, how did you manage to stay in control of your emotions?’

  Aigle sighed and then glanced at him with a proud face. He felt in power suddenly. The roles were reversed now; the son teaching the parent. Surely he was wiser and a better man than Shazar. He would show him, teach him.

  The son becomes the father. The father…the son, Aigle thought and smiled at that.

  ‘Mind control. I focussed on my love for my family, not fearing failure, but believing, knowing I could do it. Letting go of angst and hatred is the way. I wanted my brothers and sisters to be safe. Your brother got killed right?’

  Shazar swallowed hard, not wanting to be reminded, but nodded.

  ‘Your loathing of people grew worse because of that,’ Aigle said. ‘And perhaps because of your hatred and your anger after that incident, you weren’t able to reduce your feelings of hurt because it all comes down to emotions. I was so young when I was first attacked. I had hardly had any life experience, had only known love, never loss or grief or the feeling of losing someone close to me. Also, we’re never ill. Only that time when my mother nearly died did I grow frightened, but still… because of it, I managed to focus on my love for her. That, I believe is the key, to get ourselves into a ‘pure’ loving state. That is the way to eliminate all other emotions, to stay in control long enough to use our abilities.’

  ‘Eliminate all emotions? A Comyenti?’ Shazar said startled, but impressed with the boy’s reasoning. It made sense, so much sense. ‘But love is an emotion and a powerful one at that. And with love comes fear, fear of losing what we love.’

  ‘True, it’s hard to explain, fear and other negative feelings come from the mind. They are fuelled by thoughts. Love comes from the heart and is mindless. It’s a pure positive emotion. If we just focus on the love alone, and not let in any thoughts, we can do it.’ Aigle looked at the glowing embers. ‘It’s like being in a crowd of people… we struggle with that, right? We become overstimulated. Too many faces, facial expressions, body odours. It might be smells of food, music being played, too much talking, too loud, even when it’s a whisper it can still be distracting to us. We struggle to focus because there is so much going on. We don’t know where to look, or what or who to listen to as there are so many people talking. It all becomes too much very quickly. Even in a situation like that we can focus only on one thing. One sound, one face, one object. When we do, all other things disappear, and I believe we can even use our powers.’


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