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The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy)

Page 54

by Natasja Hellenthal

  ‘What was he like as a father?’ Aigle asked somewhat shyly.

  The question startled Twello, but he quickly recovered, understanding the need for him to know.

  ‘Patient, kind, thoughtful, a good teller of stories, and stubborn,’ and he let out a small laugh. ‘I felt safe with him. He and my mother gave me a good home when I needed it, when I’d lost everything...’

  Aigle then saw Twello’s memories flashing by: a skinny boy and a quick vague picture of a man and a woman in rags, poor but happy. Then he saw Twello climbing some wall and felt a great deal of fear. The next thing he saw was a younger Shazar dressed all in black, and a tall blond woman opening her arms to him. Safe, but at the same time, she appeared sad. That’s what Aigle felt and he swallowed.

  ‘So I wanted to ask…your mother, Shazar’s wife, wasn’t your real mother then?’ Aigle always assumed Twello had been Ashanna’s son from an earlier marriage.

  ‘Aigle, perhaps you shouldn’t be asking him that.’ Valera interrupted, concerned, knowing a little about Twello’s tragic past before he was taken on by Ashanna and Shazar.

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

  ‘It’s alright,’ Twello swallowed, looking away from Aigle and his staring, penetrating eyes. He was again amazed how similar Aigle looked like Shazar when they had first met in the tower. ‘Sometimes it’s better to talk about it, isn’t it?’

  But then, once again, suddenly images appeared inside Twello’s mind, and memories of that terrible day came washing over him in their full glory. They were clearer to Aigle than they had been the night before. He saw memories of the whipping wind, and the unstoppable, cruel rain. Twello had felt he needed to go to the cliff after a dream he had had early in the morning, and so he had rushed to reach it in time. The bond with Ashanna was as strong as it had been with his own birth mother, stronger even. Ashanna had not seen him and was standing with her back towards him. She had been walking towards the steep granite cliff, pushed and tugged by the wind. Twello had called out to her, but the wind was too strong and it just carried his words right back to him. She stopped for a brief moment on the edge, looking down, her long blond hair whipping to one side, her arms spread about, and the next moment she was gone.

  Twello had blinked his eyes against the rain, but when he looked again she was truly not there anymore and he feared the worst. He ran towards the edge of the slippery wet cliff, despite the danger to his own life, and peeked down at the raging greenish sea beneath. White, rolling waves were slamming and spraying the rocks below, but her body was nowhere to be seen.

  Shazar had found it though, hours later, using his abilities. Twello would never forget the sight of her broken, limp, lifeless shell.

  Aigle, whilst he had been staring intently at Twello, had accidentally picked up on the unspoken thoughts and images in his head. He gasped for air at the sheer terror of it. He had seen and felt exactly what Twello had felt that day in his heart, and stomach and he felt a wave of sickness and pain come over him. He closed his eyes and covered his mouth.

  Twello and Valera didn’t notice his reaction as they were too distracted with each other. Valera put her hand over Twello’s. Aigle looked up from his thoughts, taking a deep breath and shook his head in answer. No, it was better to not talk about it at all. Not now at least, in front of Valera. She would find out soon enough, and would have to make up her own mind about Shazar, but not now. It wasn’t his place to and nor was it the time to do so.

  Aigle tried to stand and his voice faltered when he tried to say goodbye.

  ‘I’m going to find Mum and Dad,’ he said with great difficulty.

  ‘Are you alright, bro?’ Valera asked, noticing his pale face, misty eyes and feeling his general discomfort through their sibling bond.

  He nodded quickly, turned his face and waved at them, walking away hurriedly so that Valera couldn’t hear his thoughts. She wondered why he had suddenly had to rush off and she frowned.


  ‘Ah, there you are, Aigle,’ Shazar said walking over to him when he’d found him in the woods surrounding Rosinhill, on his way back. He was the last person Aigle had wanted to see right now! Aigle had tried to avoid him for the last two days, and had escaped to the mountains to “check up on the goats”, but of course Shazar had found him. ‘I have missed you and our conversations!’

  ‘Oh, yes well, I’ve been kind of busy.’

  ‘Not with your experiment already?’ Shazar smiled kind-heartedly.

  Aigle shrugged his shoulders, laughing nervously. ‘No, I had some thinking to do.’

  Shazar came to walk beside his son, who still didn’t look at him. Sensing something was wrong, he pursed his lips in thought.

  ‘What’s up? Your body language speaks for you, boy.’

  With a tight face, he looked at Shazar, not budging though. He had to keep what he had seen in Twello’s mind safely stored away. The last thing he wanted was his father to find out about his wife jumping of a cliff; something Shazar clearly didn’t know and Twello had kept it from him. It wasn’t Aigle’s place to tell him, but Twello’s.

  ‘It’s alright,’ Shazar broke the tensed silence. ‘Whatever it is, I won’t go digging in your mind without your permission, I know you fear that, but I’m not like that, you know. Your privacy is your right. It’s one of our ancient rules; never to intrude without asking. It’s disrespectful otherwise,’ and he glanced at him. Even though I can tell you’re trying real hard to hide something important from me…

  ‘We have the same rule,’ Aigle replied. ‘I’m sorry, Shazar. I just realised I don’t know you that well and your adopted son does. We’ve missed so much time. There is so much to learn from one another.’

  Shazar smiled with a fatherly expression, but then his face showed signs of worry again.

  ‘I have been thinking too. We can, indeed, learn from each other. You could teach me your methods of meditating and staying pure and calm, to control and use your senses. I could lead you to all the animals and plants you have not yet encountered, but which are crucial to add to your repertoire. If we travel together or go some place safe, we could prepare ourselves properly for the ypaka. And I hope we will find a way to use our gifts in all situations eventually, and pass them on to your family to ensure them a safe future too.’

  Aigle tried to read his intentions and stood still, facing him. He was being genuine; there were no hidden thoughts or feelings. Docile, he stared at his boots. ‘I’d like that very much. However, I can’t.’

  ‘What do you mean, you can’t?’

  ‘I can’t do that to my family, they would think I have deserted them!’

  Shazar opened his mouth, but then closed it. He understood the boy’s loyalty to them.

  ‘They’d understand that I’m not taking you away for selfish reasons but to help you and your family!’

  ‘Hmm, somehow I don’t think that they trust you just yet...’

  ‘But what can I do to make it up to them? I would so much like to make it right again; to gain their trust or at least make them see I’m not the bad guy here.’ And again he had to push away thoughts of Feline and think of something else. His guilt for killing her nearly gave him away in front of Aigle. He would do anything to redeem himself.

  ‘Hmm,’ was all that Aigle said, sensing something. Shazar had to be careful, very careful.

  ‘Don’t worry about Felix’ feelings. He will understand you are leaving to keep your family safe!’

  ‘I will have to ask my parents.’

  ‘You are twenty-two!’ Shazar stared at the boy but when he didn’t respond, not wanting to cause any more trouble, he sighed.

  ‘Of course,’ They will be happy to see me leave for sure, but with their son? Hmm, I very much doubt it.

  ‘Well, when we inform them about the importance of this, I’m sure that they will agree.’ Aigle said.


  ‘Take my son with you?’ Felix roared. ‘Over my dead body!’

please listen to what I just told you,’ Aigle tried to say as he stood composed in between Felix and Shazar.

  ‘Oh, I heard him alright!’

  ‘It’s to ensure the future of your children and their children,’ Shazar outlined.

  ‘I remember last time you said that and look what it got us!’

  That hurt both Aigle and Shazar and it didn’t help the matter.

  ‘He means to say,’ Aigle fell in, with raging shifting eyes firing at Shazar first, to let him know that he didn’t agree with his poor choice of words, even though he had meant something different. ‘…that without me there might not be a comyenti future!’ He turned to Felix and then to Sula who had been standing apart, but who came closer now. They were all standing outside her garden. ‘In case the ypaka come back,’ Aigle tried. ‘Shazar and I will practise using our abilities whilst under simulated attack. It’s our only way of survival. We’ve always feared there would be more. What if there are and next time I can’t stop them on my own? Val isn’t interested in training her skills any more than she does. Fay might. Anyway, if I can master this,’ he held his hand out making a fist as if to grab the chance, ‘then I could teach you all. We will be stronger!’

  Sula’s made fists herself at that, out of frustration, for she knew he was right. They had to prepare themselves somehow. She had foreseen that this day would come, a dream last night had told that a black eagle would take her son under his wings and take him away from her, yet somehow it hadn’t been a scary dream.

  She realised Aigle had the potential to master his abilities properly and she didn’t doubt his powers. Shazar could be a safe training partner and tutor to him, and being his father, surely would keep him out of trouble?

  Are his intentions truly genuine? Sula wondered. What if this is a way for Shazar to become more powerful and brainwash him? Surely, he senses the boy has got enormous potential? What if the selfish Shazar is back?

  She had not forgotten his words; when he told her that he loved her and wouldn’t ever give up on her. It hadn’t just been the future of the comyenti he had had in mind. Now, with her son, what could he be up to? She tried to read his intentions, but once again heard Feline’s words in her mind as if in answer: “Your family will be safe with him, but…you won’t. If that’s the case, Shazar definitely needs to go, but… with my son?

  What harm could it do, Mum? Aigle spoke in her head, interrupting her thoughts, and she glanced at him immediately.

  Felix rubbed his forehead and was restless. Shazar tried to ignore him.

  ‘They will find us, either lizard people or humans, Shazar said. ‘Even if we hide or find remote places to live. People are explorers and they go everywhere, even to places where they are not meant to go. We can’t go on hiding forever, we need to be prepared. Otherwise they will find you and your children and kill you all.’

  ‘Don’t frighten her!’ Felix shouted at him.

  ‘Pah, she is not a child, don’t treat her like one!’ Shazar shouted back.

  ‘It’s alright, love,’ Sula said, feeling annoyed. ‘Perhaps I have been softened by this village.’

  ‘What?’ Felix said, hurt.

  ‘But that is not a bad thing, darling. We are blessed to be living in such a safe place in this part of Bhan,’ Sula said kindly. ‘but even I have been caught three times now. Darts and traps can apparently harm us, and it might happen again to our children, and indeed, we might indeed get killed! Shazar is right, love, and you know it! We have to prepare ourselves and teach our children to protect themselves. The Shield is not enough. It is time. Aigle’s plan is the way to go.’

  ‘But they could stay here in Rosinhill and all help out with the Shield, or practise their powers!’ Felix was softened by her tone, she could do that with just her voice. She had power over him, but he was also stubborn just like her.

  Really? Sula thought and didn’t think Felix was thinking straight when he said that.

  I need Shazar gone, just as much as you do, Sula concluded and wished her husband could hear her but said, ‘Aigle needs to meet more animals to become stronger using their skills and I’m sure Shazar can keep him safe. Rosinhill is not a secure place to practise with people around. Fay is already out in the world. Who knows what dangers she is encountering right now?’ Sula continued. ‘Aigle might have to find her, to train her, too.’

  ‘Don’t remind me; I am worried out of my mind already as it is.’

  ‘Valera wants to take over the farm and stay, but you cannot expect that of all our children,’ Sula said to him. The twins were at their grandparents’ place.

  Felix sighed deeply and crossed his arms over his chest as if he was holding himself back.

  ‘Dad, I couldn’t do this on my own. I need someone to practise with out in the world and who better than Shazar? We won’t be staying away too long, and in case of an emergency, I’ll feel it through my link with Mum and the others and come rushing back home. As soon as we’ve found a way we’ll come back. But I need your encouragement and consent. I won’t leave without it. Please let me do this to become stronger. I will be safe. I’ll make you proud of me.’

  Felix bit his lip at that, and tears welled up in his eyes, but he wasn’t going to show such emotion in front if his rival!

  ‘It’s your choice, son,’ he finally agreed and scraped his throat. ‘But don’t do anything stupid.’ To Shazar he said, ‘He is hardly a grown man, so I will hold you responsible if anything happens to him!’

  ‘No, Dad. That’s unfair. No one is responsible for me, but me.’ Aigle said.

  ‘No, your father is right…this time. I will protect you and promise your parents your safe return.’ He crossed his heart at that, swearing the Comyenti Oath!

  ‘I will hold you to it, Shazar,’ Felix said, as he didn’t really believe in it much. He had never seen it broken before so why should he? But Sula knew better, she could feel its power…

  ‘There is no need, Felix,’ Shazar said through gritted teeth.

  Aigle made a rueful face, but he was glad to have their permission. His mother nodded at him.

  ‘When will you leave?’ Sula asked Aigle in a tiny voice.

  Aigle glanced quickly at Shazar. ‘Tomorrow?’

  Shazar nodded at mother and son. ‘Tomorrow.’

  Chapter 28 Change Of Heart

  ‘We cannot leave!’ Twello almost shouted at his father.

  ‘You always knew that we would! We didn’t come here to stay,’ Shazar said dropping the rucksack full of his belongings to the floor of the stable. Twello was feeding the horses, just as he had been doing every morning, and where he met Valera.

  ‘I…can’t go back home. You were right. There would be too many memories,’ Twello said, withdrawing his eyes.

  ‘Then don’t. Travel with us for a while,’ Shazar suggested as he started filling up the saddlebag of his horse.

  ‘No, thanks, but good luck to you. It pleases me to hear you will have your mind set on something else other than Mum or Sula.’

  Shazar studied Twello’s face to see the intention behind his words, it had sounded soft, and yes, he had genuinely meant it.

  ‘Same here, son.’

  Twello looked at him in surprise.

  ‘You don’t mean that.’

  ‘I do, funnily enough. At first I was against you and Valera, but I fathom the sincerity of your feelings now. Make her your wife. Make an honourable woman out of her, Twello, when you’re both ready. Make memories with her that will last for ever.’

  Twello swallowed at that and had tears in his eyes.

  ‘I have been dreaming you would say that one day. I’d never say those words for real.’

  Shazar hugged him tightly and felt tears welling in his own eyes too.

  ‘Your dreams always spoke the truth. Keep listening to them.’

  ‘I love her so much already, so much. There is magic between us like I’ve never felt with anyone before. She understands me so much better than any gi
rl ever did.’

  ‘I know.’

  Shazar spontaneously thought of Ashanna and felt his love for her burning in his heart. Yes, it would be good to leave this place, and mourn her properly, instead of hanging around Sula whom he still loved. His presence had hurt and upset her and Felix and had done them more wrong than good. That grieved him more then they would ever know.

  ‘But that means you won’t be staying for the wedding, if you leave now?’

  ‘Pah! You have to ask her first!’ And they laughed.

  ‘You could wait until spring or next summer, couldn’t you?’ Shazar asked.

  Twello nodded. ‘If Valera and her parents agree. Whatever she wants she’ll get. They might think she is too young: Aigle suggested as much. But I’ll wait, however long I’ll have to, I’ll wait. I will send word to you, if I know where you’re going or staying?’

  ‘Don’t worry. I reckon Aigle will want to see his sister getting married too. We’ll be going to the east, to the Great Plains. Where there are no people.’


  Valera wasn’t surprised when Twello asked her, the following evening, to meet her at the wooden bridge. She had a nervous smile when she arrived, but her heart was soon warmed by the sweetness and honesty of his proposal. She had been thinking of asking him to stay with them, instead of leaving, but she hadn’t thought he was thinking about asking for her hand already!

  ‘Your Dad agreed and so did your Mum,’ Twello smiled. ‘Especially after I told your dad I work with wood too! He always wanted a son who was interested in his art!’

  Valera smiled at that through her tears of joy. Perhaps Aigle talked to them?

  ‘I’d like my father to be there, and Aigle of course, so could you wait until spring or summer? An outside wedding is so much better anyway.’

  He already had a picture in his head of her wearing the prettiest dress he had ever seen with flowers drifting in the air all around her and sprinkled through her hair. She smiled and danced in circles of happiness, glowing like a bright star. Yes, he had his dreams back again and he owed it all to her. She had given him his happiness back too, and filled his heart with love, even though he missed his Mum every day.


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