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Fall from Grace

Page 10

by Syra Bond

  ‘That’s how it all started. So what happened next? Well, Jake was some sort of boss. He told the man with the patch to find me a room in the hotel. I thought that was the end of it - my reward for helping him out - but, sister, how wrong can you be!’

  ‘It was a great room. I’d never been in one like that before. It was more a suite - it had its own sitting room. And what a bath! I made the best of it, I can tell you. Then, in the middle of the night I was woken by some goon who was standing over the bed. I tell you what, my heart was really thumping when I saw him there, leering down at me. I nearly died when I saw his patch! Anyway, he made me dress and took me down to the gaming room again. They were still there, and the piles of money - coins, notes and coloured chips- were even higher. Jake had his eyes closed again, his lids were heavy and dark.

  ‘“Glad you could join us again,” he said, not opening his eyes or turning around. I swear he’d got telepathy! Or second sight! “You’ve already been placed,” he said, “as a bet.” I obviously looked confused. Or maybe I gave him the impression that I thought I had done everything he wanted, and my night in the hotel room was my reward. Anyway, he left me in no doubt. I was his. He had bought me - that was certain, and I’d better do everything he wanted.

  ‘“Just do as you’re told,” he said.

  ‘I stripped off and climbed up onto the table as he ordered. He told me to get down on my hands and knees with my bottom towards him. I did as he said. I knew he was looking at my cunt and anus. I opened my legs a bit so that he got a good view. It excited me to know what he was doing. I felt my anus dilating. It was so exciting. Really, I just couldn’t help it.

  ‘I waited on the table, just like that - naked with my bottom exposed. I didn’t know whether to look at the men, or look down. He had not said anything about that. I looked down. I felt myself trembling, but I did not dare move again. I knew I must wait for an instruction. I don’t know how, but I just knew it. Then it came, not an instruction, but a sudden, painful smack across my upturned bottom.

  ‘I gasped as I was knocked forward. I still knew I should not move and I made sure I stayed where I was. It was a weird sensation, soaking up the power of the smack, absorbing it somehow. And I can tell you it was mighty hard! I kept my eyes down. I thought it was the right thing to do. Another smack, and wow, it hurt! It was sharp and quick, but it landed hard and it stung. My, did it sting! Still, I didn’t allow myself to get knocked from the position he had told me to take on my hands and knees. I’d been spanked before, but never like this. This time I knew I could only react if I was told. There was no way I was going to cry out, or scream. No fear. I don’t know why I knew - I just knew.

  ‘Then one of them wound a blindfold across my eyes. Still I didn’t move. I kept my eyes open beneath it, but it was a piece of heavy black cloth and I couldn’t see any light at all.

  ‘I listened to them counting the smacks - it was part of the bet, so many smacks for such-and-such a wager. Jake was betting me in the game and this time it was my naked bottom that was the stake.

  ‘I ground my teeth together - I heard them grinding - it was my way of keeping my screams back. And I kept my mouth tight closed. I panted through my wide nostrils. But still I stayed where I had been told. Still I suffered my punishment with no sound, still I allowed myself to be humiliated because I was under the instruction of Jake.

  ‘There was a pause. I heard raised voices - some argument over the deck. I heard a new pack being called for and the cellophane being torn from it. Then I felt the cellophane being stuffed in my mouth and I heard the jeers of the men as they mocked my predicament, and then the spanking started again.

  ‘I think it might have been light by the time they finished. I heard them leave the room - slapping each other on the shoulders, congratulating themselves on their winnings or bemoaning their losses. I waited on the table. I didn’t know what else to do. I felt frozen to the spot. It was weird. I knew there was no one there but still I waited for someone to instruct me to get down. I thought of running my hand along my crack - it was so hot and wet - but I didn’t dare. I just waited.

  ‘My arms ached, and I felt my legs tightening with cramp, but still I waited. My back and neck ached but I did not move. I started to see stars and flickering lights in front of my eyes. Every now and again my heart started beating fast and I breathed harder but, after a while, it passed. Spit ran around my mouth, but I kept the cellophane where it had been stuffed and only swallowed when my mouth was completely full of saliva. I felt the sensation of my bladder filling. Yes, I started to want a pee! But I knew straight away that would not make me move. I let it flow down the insides of my thighs. It gathered on the table and, before it soaked into the green baize surface, it formed pools around my knees. I smelled it for ages in my nostrils but, as time went on, it passed.

  ‘I don’t really remember anything else until I heard the door open. The same voices I had heard leaving came back into the room. They laughed at what they saw and I knew my face reddened as I realised my degrading position. But still I did not move - it had become my earnest duty to remain where I had been placed. Staying where I had been told was all that I had in my mind. It was my unalterable commitment. I had lost any will to do otherwise.

  ‘I listened for a new order but it didn’t come. There was more smacking, more pain and stinging on my buttocks, but no more instructions, no reason to move, nothing to tell me to change what was happening. And, you know, never for a single moment did I think I couldn’t stand it. Never for one second did I think I couldn’t go on, that I was wishing for it all to stop. No, can you believe it? It was incredible!

  ‘The game ended. My bottom was so sore. I knew it was red, purple, bruised by the smacking hands of the eager gamblers. I heard the chairs being pushed back.

  ‘“Get down,” he said. “Take the blindfold off. And take that stuff out of your mouth. It’s disgusting! You can sleep in the corner.”

  ‘I curled up in the corner of the room. It was cold. There was nothing to cover myself with, and, anyway, he had not told me I could do that even if there was. I pressed my naked bottom against the wall - it was quite cool and it took some of the sting away from my burning skin.

  ‘I lay there naked and shivering. I ran my hands between my thighs, at first to keep them warm but, as soon as I realised how close they were to my cunt, I found a different reason for them to be there. I stayed curled up as he had told me, but I lifted my one leg slightly, just enough to get my hand up against my cunt. I pulled my fingers along the crack - it opened at my slightest touch. The soft flesh was wet and my finger ran along it easily. The crack just opened. I thrilled at the soft touch - it sent shivering tremors right up through my body. I pushed my fingers in and stayed like that - not moving, just enjoying them being inside me for the rest of the night.

  ‘There was another session - just the same - then he told me to follow the man with the patch over his eye back to the bedroom. I slept for ages. I got up and bathed then went back to sleep. I think he must have known I was tired.

  ‘After a while I began to wonder when I would be summoned again. I started to feel disappointed that I had been left alone, that he might not have any more use for me. When the man with the patch on his eye came for me I felt really relieved. I followed him back to the room behind the leather-padded door. This time it was different.

  ‘The game was already underway, but there was no good humour between the players. They shouted at each other and angrily banged their hands down on the green baize table. This time, after the man with the patch stripped me naked, they made me lie on my back on the table. For a while I had to hold a pack of cards in my mouth. After that, one of them sloshed a glass of rye on the rocks over my face. Jake had told me not to move, so I just stayed there and took it. The heavy spirit ran down my cheeks and I could smell it as it dripped from my ears and down my neck. An ice cube lay in the i
ndentation at my throat. It was freezing!

  ‘When Jake increased his bet, the others took turns at pushing their fingers into my cunt. Later they all probed my anus. Jake got angry with them when they refused to accept his next proposal and he jeered at them until they finally acceded.

  ‘They took me from the table, tied my ankles together and pulled me up on a rope attached to the central chandelier. My head hung just above the baize surface. I spun for ages until one of them stopped me. He drew my face towards his cock and stuck it deep into my mouth. I choked but he pushed it in deeper. Each took their turn; driving their cocks in as far as they could into my throat.

  ‘As the bets got higher, the players became more insistent and demanding. One of them finished in my throat. Again, to start with, I choked but, once I started to swallow his semen, the choking stopped. They put cards into my mouth and, spinning me on the rope, passed them around between each other.

  ‘I felt dizzy and sick, but they gave me no rest. One of them stood on his chair and urinated in my mouth. I spluttered as it streamed between my lips. I was not sure if I was to drink it, and Jake gave me no instructions. I swallowed all I could and let some of it run out up my nostrils and into my eyes. The others stood up on the table and urinated over my buttocks and cunt. It ran down my body and over my face until it dripped off my hair onto the table. My eyes stung with it and I reeked of its tangy scent.

  ‘Finally, they released me and Jake told me to go and sleep in the room again. The next time I was brought down each of them bent me over the edge of the table and drove his cock into my cunt. This time, as the stakes got higher, they used my anus and, finally, I had two of their cocks in my mouth at the same time, one in my anus and one in my cunt. They came one at a time. The first finished in my cunt. I felt frantic as its heat filled me deep inside. Then the next came in my mouth and I sucked and swallowed ravenously. Then the other in my mouth hardened, swelled and suddenly sprayed its splashing semen over my tongue and into the back of my throat. My mouth was full of it. I slurped at it, eager to get every drop, desperate to quench my thirst for its delightful sticky milk. Then, in the end, and driving it as far as possible into my anus, I felt the sudden explosive hotness of the last one’s copious semen as it burst deeply into my rectum. I squeezed myself tightly onto it, sucking at it, drawing and squeezing his cock until it was completely dry.

  ‘I dropped back - gasping, dripping with sweat and semen, unable to recover. Jake stood over me and washed me down with his urine. I drank as much as I could but, as I opened my mouth to take it, semen was still running over my lips.’

  It was 3 am when I came out of the red-curtained room. I had been overwhelmed by Crystal’s story. In the end, she said she had to go. I felt better, so I decided to leave.

  The main gaming room was full - red-eyed women hung onto the levers of one armed bandits, tired men stretched themselves against the unyielding backs of their chairs, yawning gamblers tried to disguise their disappointment with their badly drawn cards. I stepped back as a waitress -full breasted with a pert smile and a quick and purposeful walk - strode past me carrying a tray of drinks at head height. Someone was close behind me. I felt the warmth of his body.

  I turned.

  A man with a patch over his one eye stood in front of me.

  ‘You’re not leaving are you?’ he said. ‘Follow me. You might be able to earn a bit of money. Or, if not, you might be a bit of money!’

  I knew exactly what he meant. I licked my lips - they had gone instantly dry. He walked towards a heavy leather-padded door. He opened it and walked in. I could not do anything but follow.



  I found my pick-up in a high-fenced compound at the back of New York New York. The guard ran his hand across my breasts as he handed me back my keys. I felt my nipples hardening at his touch. He noticed them too and grabbed my arm. He was just pulling me into his tiny smoke-filled office when another man arrived. It was obviously his boss and the guard let me go.

  ‘Clear off, tramp!’ shouted the supervisor. ‘Go and peddle your services somewhere else.’

  My nipples hardened more as I felt a wave of humiliation set off by his words.

  I walked quickly to my pick-up. The front nearside was bashed in but, when I turned the key, the growling engine started straight away. Both the front tyres caught on the bent fender as I turned out of the car park, but I reckoned I could manage with that. The guard licked out his tongue as I drove past his hut. I lifted up my T shirt and exposed my breasts to show him what he had missed.

  As I drove off into the desert, I felt a strange sense of emptiness. I was going in a circle, I thought - my whole life was going in a circle, and I was getting nowhere. I stared up at the scorching midday sun. I had suffered enough of its heat. I turned away from it and drove north.

  Day became night and night became day. Sometimes I drove beneath the stars and slept in the back of the pick-up. Sometimes I drove all day and stayed in a cheap motel. Sometimes I just drove until I was so tired I stopped and fell asleep slumped at the wheel.

  One day, bleary eyed from a sleepless night, and picking my way between scrap cars and burned out trailers on the edge of an unnamed and half empty township, my heart started pounding as I caught sight of something in my rear view mirror. I was sure I saw Father Dawson’s old black Ford sedan - the prized possession so carefully cleaned and shined by his obedient penitents! My heart leapt as I saw two bright flashing mirrors glittering on the polished black wings but, as quickly as it appeared, it fell back and disappeared. I kept looking in my rear view mirror all morning, but I never saw it again. In the end, I decided it was my imagination - too much sun, I thought, and another good reason to be heading north.

  Once, parked in a truck stop on the I80 near the home of Buffalo Bill Cody - North Platte, Nebraska - I was woken by someone pulling at my panties. It was a fat trucker, stinking with engine oil and greasy from days on the road without a wash. I pushed my hands down to stop him, but he brushed them away as if I was a fly. He was heavy and disgusting. He bore down on me as he pushed his weighty cock into my cunt and I could not move - I felt as if I would suffocate.

  Another time I met a young thin man who drove a 1958 Pontiac - all chrome and jet age. He tied me face forward across the bonnet during a sudden snow storm, tore down my skirt and panties and whipped me viciously with his leather belt. The cutting lashes burnt me in a way I had never known. Each slashing contact was like a sudden flame across my skin, then, as it subsided, I felt a strange increasing numbness spreading out from the source until my whole body was on fire. I shivered against the cold metal of the car’s shiny bonnet and stared out into the blizzard as he stood behind me and thrashed me until he was exhausted. I shivered with cold while, at the same time, I shook with the burning flames of heat that the belt set off. I was giddy and spinning with the mixed sensations, and I jerked with repeated orgasms even after he had stopped and had pulled the belt back around his narrow waist.

  I made my way east until one day, almost suddenly, I found myself in a strange and different world. Everything looked odd - it was as though I had jumped back in time. There were timber barns, horses drawing small black tarpaulin-covered traps, and pedestrians in strange clothing - women in long skirts fronted by white aprons with tightly fitting bonnets on their heads, men with black suits and black wide brimmed, low-domed hats. Everywhere there was an ancient slowness, all around something of a time gone by. I was in Amish country, the home of the Anabaptist Christians who settled here from Switzerland in the late seventeenth century. This is a place where tradition rules, where things of the modern world are either forbidden or despised. This is the place where the population refers to the other citizens not in their community as ‘English’.

  I called at Lehman’s, a huge barn filled with old fashioned stoves, wooden tools and ancient kitch
en appliances. A bearded youth in a black hat took me aside as I wandered amongst racks of rakes and brooms. I saw his cock stiffening inside his trousers as he spoke. I ran my hand down their front. He pulled me behind the shelving, pushed me onto my knees and drove his dry stiff shaft into my anus. I cried out and he held his hand across my mouth. He was so forceful and urgent, wrapping his arm beneath my hips to give himself enough purchase for his frantic thrusts. His semen was hot as it sprayed up into my rectum. I clenched my buttocks around his cock and sucked it all out. He took his arm from around my waist and I fell forward with my face on the floorboards, gasping for breath and shivering with painful joy. I licked my tongue out and tasted the metallic sting of cleaning fluid - the wooden floor was still wet with its disinfectant dousing. My head reeled with its astringent aroma. I laid my tongue flat against it, desperate to taste its bitter sweetness to the full.

  An older man came around the laden shelving and shouted at the youth as he struggled to push his still hard and dripping cock back into his trousers. The man told the youth to get back to work instead of, as he said, ‘Carrying out the devil’s own work’. The older man looked down and spat on me. I wiped it slowly from my face. He spat again. This time I let it dribble down my cheeks. I rolled onto my back and licked it as it oozed down against the corner of my mouth. He dribbled more spit onto me in disgust. I opened my mouth fully and let it drip straight in. He undid his trousers and held his cock in his hand. I watched the stream of urine pouring down on me. I kept my mouth wide open and licked out my tongue. His urine flowed in a strong golden torrent into my gaping mouth. I closed my eyes in joy as my mouth was filled to overflowing. The salty heat of his urine ran over my chin, into my ears and hair. When the flow stopped, I opened my eyes and swallowed, taking it all down in a single thirst quenching draught. He looked down at me in contempt. I felt dirty and corrupt.


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