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Fall from Grace

Page 18

by Syra Bond



  I felt I had to go north, I don’t know why. Perhaps it was the increasing coldness, the greenness, and the remoteness that drew me on. Perhaps I felt every mile further north took me further away from something I did not understand - my need for humiliation, for pain, and for the suffering dealt out by a cruel master. And, as I travelled away from the midday sun, I felt as if things were drawing to an end - as if I was getting closer not further away, as if some resolution was at last in sight. And here I was in Vermont, and I did not know why.

  Vermont - rolling hills covered with endless forests of maple, birch and spruce: in summer, a brilliant display of what it is to be green; in fall, a blaze of flaming colour; in winter, a bare and endless expanse freezing beneath deep white snow. Vermont - quaint cedar clapboard houses with sharply pitched roofs, no fences, no property separation, and no premium on land. Vermont, strewn with bookshops, organic vegetables, flowers, palmists, and hunters - gentility and cruelty, uncomfortable partners forced together and inbred. Vermont - truly a land lost in the new ages.

  I sat in the Cooperative Café in Hardwick - a haven of organic food, quietness, civility and calm. A woman with long dark hair stared purposefully into the open hands of a girl who stood before her as if presenting herself for inspection. The girl’s bright pink, silky shorts, white vest, white socks and pink trainers, contrasted with the earthy beiges and browns of her surroundings.

  The dark haired woman flexed the girl’s two outstretched and out-turned thumbs. She frowned and shook her head.

  ‘What does it mean?’ asked the girl, as she raised her right foot and used the closely tied laces of her trainers to scratch the back of her firm left thigh just above the top of her sock.

  The dark haired woman frowned again as though she was straining to decipher a hidden code.

  ‘Tell me! Tell me!’ whinnied the girl as she jumped up and down and bent her knees with uncontrollable excitement. ‘Tell me! I shall die if you don’t!’

  She pulled her hands free and clapped them together then, realising what she had done, she stretched them out and again presented them, palm up, to scrutiny.

  I was captivated by the girl’s energy, her enthusiasm for life, and her keenness to know her own future. How could she wish to know what was ahead of her, I thought? How could she be so naive? I could not look away from her bright and eager eyes - their sparkle fixated me.

  ‘Captivating isn’t she?’

  A man’s voice - deep and silky - caused me to jump and turn around in surprise.

  He was a mature man, craggy faced, tanned, dark haired and dressed in jeans and a loose, faded red T shirt. He smiled. I raised my eyebrows and smiled back. I pushed my hands between my legs and flushed with embarrassment as my fingers glanced the insides of my thighs - my skirt was short and I had no panties on. And, as I looked down, I noticed that only two of the buttons of my shirt were done up.

  ‘No need to feel embarrassed,’ he said. I flushed even more. ‘I saw you had no panties on the moment you sat down. And I saw that you shave your pubic hair as well. I saw that your cunt was smooth and naked. Did you want to show me, or was it just my good luck?’

  ‘I didn’t mean ... ’ I started, but I sounded ridiculous.

  ‘Just luck then, eh?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose ... ’

  I felt my face going red.

  ‘So, do you find her captivating? She’s not as young as she looks, you know. They keep them like that.’

  I raised my eyebrows.

  ‘Keep them like that?’

  ‘Yes, the Calimnites. They like their women to look young. They like a lot of things that would surprise those outside the faith.’

  I put my hands on my knees. I felt them trembling.

  He looked at them and smiled knowingly.

  ‘I could tell you things that would really make you tremble. What do you think? Would you like me to?’

  I was nodding before I even thought about his question.

  ‘Yes, please,’ I said, for a moment feeling as naive and eager as the young girl.

  ‘Well, first of all, this place is owned by them. Don’t look now, but the thin woman who served you is one of their ministers. And the girl, well, she was a college cheerleader when I first saw her. What a dream. I followed her the first time that day, to a roadside café, just to watch her - delectable. After that I could not stop - I tracked her everywhere. When she was out with her cheer leading friends, I followed her and watched her laughing, chatting, and sipping milk shakes through straws. When she went swimming, I stared at her in her tight, thin, salmon pink, one piece costume as she went slowly backwards down the pool steps and entered the water. That costume. The material was so sheer, so skimpy; I could see every part of her beautiful lithe body through it. Can you imagine that? I went to every game but saw only her - waving her purple pompoms, small beads of sweat on her forehead, prancing like a young pony, the flesh of her sweet cunt pulled tightly inside the material of her high-cut, mauve coloured panties. I found a place on some scaffolding where I could see into the changing rooms. I can hardly bear to describe it. I crouched there with my cock in my hand - throbbing, hard, and aching. I squeezed it so tightly as I saw her peel off her tight vest, drop her silky yellow-hemmed skirt to the ground, and stand, glowing with youthful beauty in her bra, panties, socks and trainers. Seeing her bend to undo her laces made me drool - literally. Spit actually ran over my bottom lip. I pulled on my cock as I watched her, aching for the ecstasy of a climax, yet dreading that it should come too soon. I stared between her tight buttocks as she bent, my eyes fixed on the gusset of her panties, indented in a shallow valley where it pressed against the centre of her cunt. I watched it squeezing against her flesh as she moved from side to side - massaging it, stroking it, testing its delectable pliability. I just wanted to reach forward and lick it - to lay the flat of my tongue against the fragrant material. And when she undid her bra - unclipped it at the back, between her well-defined shoulder blades - and her firm youthful breasts were exposed, I could only close my eyes. I could not stand looking at their magnificent taut shape, their roundness, their firm succulence, and the way they moved in tune with the rest of her body. And her beautiful nipples - hard, pink, extended, urgent with desire. I saw my lips around them, my tongue against their ends - sucking them, taking their prominent hardness into my mouth, tasting them, feeding from her delectable sweetness. And, as my head spun with it all, I knew what was next. The billowing steam from the showers was already curling around her now naked ankles as it dropped to the ground. It was as if it crawled on the floor in submission, as if it sought out the cooler air next to its surface which did not dare rise above her feet. Or perhaps, I thought, it swirled low and feigned its submissive position in the hope of finding a better view up between her thighs to her still- covered cunt. I felt the pulsating veins in my cock straining against my clutching hand as, finally, she pulled her panties down - first one leg slightly bent, then the other simply lifted. And she bent to touch something on her toes - perhaps a snagged nail, or a strand of cotton from her socks. Just think of it. And the delectable oval of her pink cunt appeared between her upturned buttocks - soft and pliable, closely defined, slightly dark at its centre, peachy, smooth, and glistening. I gripped my cock and spit drooled all down my chin. The sensations were impossible to contain. Everything about her was completely overwhelming. As my semen splattered into my hand, as I continued to grip the shaft of my pulsating cock and, as I watched her running with her naked friends into the billowing steam of the showers, I knew I would never be released from her spell - I was a pitiful subject of her overpowering beauty.

  The man shuffled up closer. I felt the heat of his body against my thighs. His sallow swarthiness and tall muscular bearing made him magnetically attractive.

  ‘You don’t mind, d
o you? Me sitting closer?’

  ‘No, not at all,’ I said, my voice trembling breathlessly from the excitement of his story.

  He patted his hand on my knee. I felt another shiver of excitement. It only added to the excitement already caused by his captivating tale. I had to lick my lips, and I felt myself slurping. I felt my cheeks reddening.

  ‘The next thing I knew,’ he continued, ‘was that she was moving - her family had decided to seek a quieter life in Vermont. I used to sit in a tree in their yard watching her write in her diary - she was often naked, or just wore her white cotton, high-cut panties. I was sure she did not want to leave.’

  ‘What did you do?’ I asked, sniffing in a ridiculous way to disguise licking my lips again.

  ‘There was only one thing I could do - I followed. Almost straight away they got involved with the Calimnites, going to their meetings, dressing Shona - that’s her name, by the way, I quite forgot to say - dressing Shona in the way they liked: young looking, no make-up, usually no panties, no pubic hair of course, short cropped hair on her head. She was not allowed to do any cheerleading, naturally, though secretly she still kept up with her cheerleading exercises. I used to crouch beneath her bedroom windowsill and watch as she bent and stretched naked beside her bed. After she had mopped herself with a towel, she would kneel and pray - leaning her elbows against the edge of the quilt-covered bed, her hands clasped together, her eyes closed, and her lips barely moving - as she repeated the lines she had been taught.

  ‘It was no trouble to watch what went on at the Calimnites’ meetings. Although someone always guarded the entrance to their meeting hall, it was easy to slip in through a back door. I was never seen, it was always only half lit anyway. Here, they lined up their daughters, always in a row, one behind the other facing their simple altar. Each one was taken for communion in turn. Shona was last in the line to start with but, as time went on, as she herself brought more girls into the congregation - for she was a keen worker - she moved up until she was only several places from the front. I could tell by the bright glint in her eye that her object was to become the girl who headed the row.’

  ‘What did they do?’

  ‘What do they do? They still do it. Come with me. I’ll show you.’

  We left the café. I thought the woman behind the till scowled at me as I paid. The man led me through a door into a barely lit room. The sound of our footsteps echoed around us as we walked in.

  ‘It’s okay,’ he said. ‘No one will disturb us in here.’

  He pulled up two chairs and we both sat facing each other. He leant forward and rested his hands on my knees - his palms on their tops, his thumbs on the insides. I felt a slight pressure pushing my knees apart. I allowed it, and felt a delightful coolness of air against the soft, warm flesh of my cunt.

  ‘Each one in the queue - you remember, the queue of girls - each one was led away behind the altar and made to kneel. The minister was a tall man - black haired and lean. He would place his hands on the girl’s head. “Let me save you my child,” he would say. “Let me save you from your sins.”’

  I felt the pressure of his thumbs increasing as he spoke. It was as though uttering these particular words excited him - inflamed him.

  ‘What happened next?’ I asked.

  ‘Shh,’ he said. ‘I will tell you. Better, I can show you. Here, kneel down.’ He stood up. ‘Here, right here. I’ll show you.’

  I looked from side to side hurriedly, as if there was someone there who could tell me what to do. I felt a wave of nerves in my stomach. I knew I shouldn’t do it.

  I knelt on the floor in front of him. I squeezed my buttocks together. The soft flesh of my cunt throbbed with excitement.

  ‘Now, put your hands together,’ he said. ‘Yes, just like that.’

  He placed his hands on my head. I could feel the heat from his palms. My nipples tingled as they hardened and pressed against the material of my shirt. I squeezed my buttocks together again and felt a sudden shiver of excitement run from my cunt right up into my pounding chest.

  ‘Let me save you, my child,’ he boomed. ‘Let me save you from your sins.’

  I gulped. The image of Father Dawson flashed into my mind. I saw myself again in the desert, tied to the post, waiting for my thrashing, waiting to be excused my sins. The image blurred. I felt myself panting. I was filled with a fluttering nervous anticipation of what might happen next.

  ‘I’ll show you,’ he said. ‘I’ll show you how they treated my darling Shona. How they made her suffer. Here, come forward. No! Do not walk! Stay on your knees! Come to this table on all fours. You can rest your elbows on it. It will help.’

  I moved forward on my knees. They scuffed on the rough timber planks. I got to the edge of the table - I hadn’t even seen it. There was a white cloth draped over it. I rested my elbows on it as he had instructed.

  ‘Good. Now, just think of yourself as one of those girls - one of those girls who shaves her pubic hair, who keeps her cunt naked just for the pleasure of leering men. Think of yourself as one of them, dressing in a short skirt, never wearing panties, hoping all the time that you will be able to show your naked crack to any man who is sitting opposite from you.’

  My mind was filled with the picture he painted. It was as if he had hypnotised me. I felt exactly like one of the girls - wanton, wilful and wayward. And I knew that now I would have to pay for this terrible sin I had committed - the sin of disporting myself, enjoying the prying eyes of a man on my cunt, encouraging his stare by widening my knees.

  ‘I can see you know it,’ he said. ‘I can see you realise your sinfulness. Now, you must receive the sacrament which I can only hope will allow you to be forgiven.’

  He lifted a silver bowl from the table.

  ‘Here, hold this in your hands.’

  I took the bowl and held it in my cupped palms. He looked down at me, and I dropped my head in submission.

  Someone walked out of the darkness - a man clothed in a white robe.

  ‘Hold the bowl before him.’

  I turned and did as I was instructed.

  The man opened his robe and exposed his hard cock.

  ‘Now fill the bowl with his fluid.’

  I reached forward and took the tip of the hard cock in my mouth. I licked my tongue around it then drove my head forward onto it. I felt it touch the back of my throat, and I felt it swell as it detected the extra tightness. I felt its throbbing increase, and I tasted the first droplets of semen as they began flowing up its burgeoning shaft. I just tasted before I took my mouth away and let it splash into the bowl. I reached out and squeezed it to make sure I did not miss a drop.

  Another man came forward and then another. I treated each the same, although I kept some of them in my mouth too long and had to empty some of their semen from my mouth into the bowl.

  I don’t know how many came forward - how many I took in my mouth, how many added their gluey semen to the contents of my bowl - but I knew it was enough when the man who had taken me to the room told me to place the bowl back on the table.

  I did as I was told, and waited. There was semen on my hands and some of it dripped from my lips. I did not know whether he would allow me to lick it back into my mouth so I did nothing, I just left it there and waited.

  He stepped forward, undid my shirt, drew it from my shoulders and tossed it aside. He unbuttoned my skirt at the side and released the waistband. He draped a white silk tassel-edged shawl over my bare shoulders.

  ‘Now you may take the sacrament. Lift the bowl to your lips and drink the wine of the Calimnites.’

  I lifted the bowl and held it in front of my mouth - it was brimful of semen. My mouth dropped open - I needed it so much. I placed the edge of the silver bowl against my lips and tipped it until I could feel the surface of delectable fluid. It was like a magical s
ea - spreading out before me to the horizon. I shivered with excitement as I opened my lips and sucked it in.

  It was thick and glutinous as I sucked it up. I tipped the bowl further until my mouth was filled. I held it there for a moment - on my tongue and inside my cheeks. Then I swallowed it down slowly. I did not gulp it, I restrained my greediness and managed to hold back my desire to guzzle it down with uncontrolled thirst. It went down my throat in a long silky stream. I felt it go all the way and I felt it rest in my stomach. But straight away, I needed more of the salty tang, the silky consistency, and the filling sensation it gave me. I tipped the bowl further and slurped at it noisily. I swallowed each mouthful eagerly until I was full and the bowl was empty. I licked around the edges and poked my tongue around the inside until it was completely clean.

  I held the bowl up to him to show him that I had taken the sacrament, that I had drained every drop and was now filled with it - satiated, heavy with its burden.

  He looked inside the bowl, checking that it was empty.

  ‘And do you want more, my child?’

  I nodded slowly. I opened my mouth but could not speak - I was too excited, too fragile. Semen trickled down my chin. I held my tongue out. He took it between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it. I closed my mouth and sucked at his fingers. He pinched harder and I sucked harder. Spit and semen bubbled from my mouth, frothing down his fingers and running down my chin and onto the front of my throat.

  He raised me up by my tongue. I stood and my skirt fell around my ankles. He drew my head forward and leant me down across the communion table. With his other hand he lifted the white robe and exposed my naked bottom. Still pinching my tongue and holding me in place using the grip he had on it, he brought the flat of his other hand down squarely on my bottom.

  It smacked loudly and I tensed against it, but the tension did not remain in my buttocks; it transmitted itself directly to my cunt and a wave of excitement ran through me. I slurped on his thumb and finger, and sucked at them, and on the frothing semen and spit that still ran around them. Another smack and I tasted more, another and I felt my cunt heating up, another and I felt the heat from it spreading throughout my body, another and I began to feel the shiver of excitement that I knew would lead me unerringly to the full joy of my own ultimate and irrepressible ecstasy.


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