Book Read Free

Graffiti Heaven

Page 11

by Marita A. Hansen

  “No, it wuz a joke, I knew it wuz you all along.”

  “Yeah, right, and don’t you dare call back.” Tiana hung up, but not before catching the “Bitch” levelled at her. She placed the phone onto its hook as the doorbell rang.

  As she went to answer it, Monika pushed past her. “Aunty said you’re not allowed to talk to anyone.”

  “Did she tell ya to pee for me too?”

  “Don’t be gross.” Monika opened the door. “Isaia, baby, what did Levi do to you?”

  Tiana glared at Isaia over the top of Monika’s head. “Levi was the one hurt.”

  Isaia’s wide shoulders hunched forward. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s in hospital!”

  Isaia ran a hand over his short hair. “I didn’t mean to hurt him like that.”

  “Some friend you are.”

  Isaia pushed past Monika. “I’m sorry, but he took things personally.”

  Tiana took a step back.

  He turned to Monika. “I didn’t mean it.”

  Monika smiled at him with goo-goo eyes. Tiana didn’t know how her cousin could think Isaia was sweet. He even looked like a thug.

  “Don’t worry, Levi will be fine,” Monika said. “You wanna watch some music on TV? I’m bored senseless. My aunty’s making me babysit Tiana.”

  “You’re younger than me,” Tiana snapped.

  “Age has nuthin’ to do with maturity. Anyway, you’re grounded.”

  Tiana sniffed. “I could walk outta here right now and you couldn’t do a thing to stop me.”

  “Yeah, but I’d tell your mum and I betcha don’t want anymore of her nasty slaps.”

  Her cousin had her there. “Do what you want; I’m goin’ to my room.”

  Isaia asked for a soft drink as Tiana headed down the passage. She closed her door then fell onto her bed. A slow smile spread across her face. Even with those two in the house she still felt good, though she wished Isaia would leave because she was aching for a shower. She never realised how messy sex was. She giggled, the thought that she’d had sex unreal.

  What sounded like the front door banged. Tiana hoped it meant that Isaia had left. She sat up and pulled off her socks and jumper, then closed the blinds and lay down on her bed, her mind drawing her own picture of Ash naked. Her eyes shifted to her door as it opened. Isaia leaned against the doorframe, reminding her of what Ash’s stepdad had done earlier, just with a leer. She sat up and called out, “Monika!”

  Isaia closed the door behind him. “She’s not here.”

  Tiana’s face felt like it had turned to stone. He was lying, he had to be, Monika wouldn’t leave her alone with Isaia. “Monika!”

  He took a step towards her. “I sent her to get soft drink from the dairy.”

  Tiana jumped off the bed. “Get outta my room!”

  “I just want one kiss, then I’ll leave.”

  “If you touch me I’ll scream. I’ll tell Monika, I’ll tell Levi.”

  “I don’t care anymore. I only went with your cousin cos she looks like you, but she’s boring as hell. She won’t do more than kiss me.”

  “That’s more than I’d do.”

  He smiled. “C’mon, I bet I’m a better kisser than that Wera guy.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “Let’s see.” He lunged for her, cutting off her scream with a hand. She stamped on his foot. He swore, but kept his grip. He pushed her hard up against the window, then latched onto her neck with his mouth. She screamed into his hand and tried to get free, but his body dwarfed hers. She continued to struggle, panicking more as his hand went up her skirt.

  The door clicked open. “You bitch!” Monika yelled. “I knew you were tryna steal him from me.”

  Isaia glanced back. “Piss off!”

  Unable to breathe, Tiana struggled harder, her eyes imploring Monika for help.

  “What’re ya doin’? Let her go,” Monika said.

  “I said, piss off!”

  “No, get offa her!”

  “Leave. Now!” Isaia removed his hand from Tiana’s mouth and turned towards Monika. Tiana gulped down some air then let out a scream. Isaia spun around and slapped Tiana, the blow knocking her into the cabinet.

  “Isaia!” Monika grabbed his arm. “Get away from her!”

  He shoved Monika away and pushed Tiana up against the window, squeezing her breasts hard. He kissed her lips, making them sting more, then pulled back and smiled. “If you say a word to anyone I’m gonna go round to your boyfriend’s house and smash him up worse than Levi.” He kissed her again, then pushed past a shocked looking Monika as he left the room.

  Monika rushed up to Tiana and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  Tiana wiped her mouth with a shaky hand.

  “I’ll call the police,” Monika said, letting her go.

  Tiana grabbed Monika’s arm. “No.”

  “But, he assaulted you.”

  “You heard him, he’ll hurt Ash.”

  “You can’t let him get away with it. And the police will put him in jail.”

  “They did nuthin’ when he hurt Levi.”

  “You still hafta tell someone.”

  Tiana shook her head. “No, and don’t you either.”

  “How’re ya gonna explain your face and neck then?”

  Tiana peered into the mirror above her drawers. A large red mark stood out on one side of her neck. She wiped her mouth again, her split lip aching.

  Monika continued, “At least tell your dad. That hickey looks like you’ve done sumpthin’ wrong, and the split lip… You can’t cover that with makeup.”

  “I could say I walked into a door.”

  “They won’t believe that.”

  “I can go to bed early; you tell them I’m feeling sick. My mum doesn’t wanna see me anyway, and if the lights are out my dad won’t wake me.”

  “What about in the morning?”

  “I’ll cover the hickey with makeup and say I fell outta bed.”

  Monika shook her head. “Even if they believe you, it doesn’t hide the fact that Isaia assaulted you. You hafta tell someone.”

  “No, and promise me you won’t either.”

  Monika crossed her arms over her chest, looking like her normal stubborn self again.

  “Please, Monika, I couldn’t handle it if Ash got hurt cos of me, especially after what happened to Levi.”

  “That wasn’t your fault.”

  “You’ve seen how violent Isaia is. Just promise. Please.”

  Monika sighed. “Okay, but if he goes near you again call the police or at least tell your dad.”

  Tiana nodded, grateful for the first time that Monika was with her. She hugged her cousin. “Thank you, it’ll be better this way.”



  Ash entered the kitchen and smiled at his stepdad, who was standing at the sink peeling potatoes. He was grateful for what Chaz had done today. Tiana was right, the guy was nice.

  “I can do that if you want,” Ash said, holding out a hand.

  Chaz handed the peeler over. Ash picked up a potato and started peeling. His stepdad wasn’t exactly a whiz in the kitchen, but one thing Chaz knew how to make was great fish and chips, even if it was what they ate most nights.

  Chaz pulled out a skillet from the cupboard and placed it on the stove top. “I got something different for tonight.”

  Ash turned to watch Chaz opened the fridge. “Choice,” he said as steak appeared.

  Chaz peeled open the plastic wrapping. “There isn’t much each, but I figured we could do with a treat.” He jerked his head towards the fridge-freezer. “Plus, I bought some chocolate ice cream.”

  “Sweet, literally.”

  Chaz drizzled oil into the skillet, then laid the meat across it. He leaned in front of Ash to wash his hands, drying them off on the towel hanging from the stove door. “You’ve got stuff on your face,” he said, wiping Ash’s cheek.

  “Thanks, I guess.”

  His st
epdad stared at him with a strange expression.

  “What?” Ash wiped his face with the back of his hand, thinking he had more on it.

  “Nothing.” Chaz picked up a fork and poked the meat.

  The volume of the TV turned up, probably one of the twins. Ash’s thirteen-year-old brother was out again. Ash was beginning to suspect that Dante had a girlfriend, because he was sure he had more condoms in his drawer. He wondered for a second if he should mention it to Chaz. Nah, he’d be pissed off if someone did that to him, plus at least Dante was bright enough to use a condom—unlike some people!

  Ash was just damn lucky that Chaz had come home at lunch, because he was sure he wouldn’t have done anything about his slip-up. Plus, he hadn’t heard of the morning-after pill. Kind of handy having an emergency pill that prevented pregnancy after sex, although Chaz said it wasn’t a substitute for condoms, since it could harm females if used too often. It was irrelevant anyway, because Ash couldn’t afford the price, and was grateful that Chaz had paid for it.

  Chaz knocked an elbow into Ash’s arm. “You okay? You’re looking all serious again.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Is it about earlier?”

  Ash nodded.

  “You really should be more careful—”

  “You gave me that talk already.”

  “It’s not just about pregnancy; you could also catch STDs from unprotected sex.”

  “Tiana wouldn’t have nasty stuff like that, it wuz her first time.”

  “Was it yours?”

  Ash shook his head.


  “Yeah, though, I could hardly call it that. It went really badly. I made her cry. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I just didn’t know ‘bout the coffee thing. I almost mucked it up with Tiana too, but I think I got it right, cos she seemed to like it,” he babbled nervously. “Well, I didn’t get it right, cos I forgot the condom, but you know what I mean. I can’t believe she liked it, you know, really liked it. I think I even made her cum. And it wuz awesome for me too, a million times better than with Jenna.” He forced himself to stop, his brain catching up with his mouth. Why the hell did he say that? He didn’t want his stepdad knowing about that stuff.

  Chaz appeared amused. “The coffee thing?”

  “Sumpthin’ that Hunter taught me ‘bout chicks,” Ash mumbled, feeling self-conscious.

  “You know, you don’t hafta go to Hunter. You could always ask me if you wanna know anything about sex.”

  “I couldn’t ask you; that would be weird.” He bit his bottom lip, wishing he hadn’t said anything, because Chaz looked upset. “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing, it’s just you’re sorta like a father. Yeah, Hunter is too, but I’m used to him talking ‘bout sex. He’s like a cross between a mate and a dad, whereas you’re... I better shut up now. Sorry.”

  “No, it’s alright. You really think I’m like a father?”


  Chaz gripped the back of Ash’s neck. “That means a lot to me.” The hand moved up to Ash’s hair. “Though, I don’t really think of you as a son, but I still love ya.”

  “Don’t do that.” Ash swatted Chaz’s hand away.

  “Just being friendly. You really are touchy sometimes.”

  “You’ve got blood on your hands.”

  “No, I don’t, I washed them.” He held them out. “See.”

  Ash shrugged. He still didn’t like Chaz touching his head all the time.

  Chaz continued, “I see you more as a mate.”

  Ash remained silent. He’d never thought of his stepdad like that.

  “You know,” Chaz said. “I can take you to a pub if you wanna go. You could easily pass off as an eighteen-year-old.”

  Ash stopped peeling. “Really?”

  “Yup, you’re turning into a man now, so why not live a little, experience things without a female on your case always telling ya what to do.” Chaz’s expression soured. Ash wondered whether his stepdad was still annoyed about the job interview. Chaz turned the meat over. “Men need a break from women, cos they’re so bloody dramatic at times.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Ash smiled, thinking of Tiana and her Shakespeare quotes, though he kind of like that about her.

  Chaz clapped his back. “Maybe this weekend we can ditch the girls and have a blokes’ night out.”

  “Can’t. Remember we’re goin’ to Dargaville to see Baba and Dida.”

  “Damn, I forgot about your grandparents.” He grimaced. “In-laws…. I really don’t wanna go. Maybe I can talk your mum into letting us stay behind. She can take the twins and Dante up, while I take you to the rugby match.”

  “Doubt it, she hates missing my games, and what about my father? He’s the reason she wants us up there. She’s scared.”

  “Being up there for a coupla days won’t make much difference. We hafta live here after that, and if he comes round I’ll protect ya.”

  “He’s really violent.”

  “You don’t know what I went through as a kid. Believe me; I can take him on any day, then go and sit down for a cold beer without breaking a sweat. My uncle raised me and my brother. He would put your father to shame. He was one warped bastard.”

  Ash dropped the peeler into the sink and started washing the potatoes. This was the first time he’d heard about his stepdad’s past. “What did your uncle do?”

  “I’d rather not say.”

  “Sorry, didn’t meana be nosy.”

  “No, it’s alright, I just don’t like thinking about him.” Chaz smiled, the expression failing. “So, are ya willing to stay home or are ya gonna hide from your father like some scared kid?”

  “I’m not scared,” Ash lied. Yeah, they’d moved since his father had gone into prison, but they still lived in the same suburb and Rata wasn’t a common name. Plus, his father knew where his grandparents lived. “Maybe Mum and the others should stay too.”

  “No, your grandparents will be disappointed if no one goes up.”

  “But my father might go up there too.”

  “Highly doubt it. Dargaville’s a three hour drive away and he doesn’t know your mum will be there, so stop stressing over nothing.”

  “It’s not nuthin’!” Ash started hacking at the potatoes.

  Chaz took the knife off him and placed his hands on Ash’s shoulders so they were face to face. “I know you’re scared, I understand, I went through the same thing when my uncle came out of jail—”

  “Did he come after you?”

  “He phoned me a lot, and tried to see me, but he never hurt me again. He was actually remorseful for what he did, even cried, asking for my forgiveness. I couldn’t give it to him, I was too bitter, but after hearing him like that I stopped having nightmares. I think it was cos I realised he was human and not the bogeyman that ruined my life.”

  “Ruined your life?”

  “Yeah, I believed that for quite a long time, went a bit wild in my teens, doing crazy shit cos I didn’t care about what happened to me. But I saw how it was affecting my brother, so I decided to start afresh in New Zealand.”

  “You’re not a Kiwi?” Man, he knew stuff-all about his stepdad.

  “You’ve known me for over a year now, and you didn’t realise I’m an Aussie? Why do ya think I cheer for the Wallabies and not the All Blacks?”

  “I thought you were bein’ a prick, riling me up.”

  Chaz laughed. “You’re hilarious.”

  “But, you sound Kiwi.”

  “Cos I’m from Brisbane. There are so many bloody New Zealanders over there that you guys have pro’bly ruined the way we sound. Fush ‘n chups are tasty as,” he said, putting on a mock Kiwi accent. “And why the hell do you guys hafta add “as” onto the end of everything? Hot as, sweet as, stupid as Kiwis.”

  “Huh! More likely you Aussies finally realised how much cooler Kiwis sound and started to imitate us.” Ash grinned. “Cos you guys sound retarded. You can’t even say six right. Four, five, sex, seven…�

  “Cheeky sod.” Chaz cuffed Ash’s head gently. “But, it’s good to see ya smiling. You’re so much nicer when you’re not looking like you’ve swallowed a lemon.”

  Jenna had said something like that too. Was he really that depressing lately?

  Chaz stared at him for a moment before speaking. “You really don’t know that much about me, do you?”

  Ash shook his head. Never thought to ask.

  “Well, then we should go to the pub, get to know each other a bit better. What do ya say?”

  Ash smiled. “Sure, that’ll be cool.” As long as his mother didn’t find out, what harm could it do?



  Saturday, August 26.

  Tiana felt like throwing up. She was sure it was the morning-after pill, because she hadn’t eaten anything suspect. She covered her mouth and read the pill’s instructions, looking for any side effects. Damn it, it was the pill. She screwed up the piece of paper and chucked it at her rubbish bin, then headed out of her bedroom. The smell of cooking hit her as she entered the passage. She ran for the toilet and dropped to her knees.

  Her mother’s voice rang loud as Tiana threw up. “If you’re pregnant, so help me God!”

  “I’m not pregnant,” Tiana said, clutching the toilet bowl. “I ate sumpthin’ bad.”

  “And what happened to your mouth?”

  “I fell outta bed,” Tiana said, hoping her mother hadn’t seen the mark on her neck.

  Her mother harrumphed, then walked off. Thank the Lord, Tiana thought, because she really couldn’t handle her mother right now. She was also thankful that her father wasn’t home to see her like this, although it was kind of strange since he always slept in on Saturdays.

  Footsteps approached again, making Tiana want to swear.

  “You alright, Tiana?” Levi asked from the passage.

  Tiana kept her head down. “Just ate sumpthin’ bad.”

  “Not pregnant, are ya?”

  Without thinking, she glared back at Levi. He had a different bandage padding his ear, his spiky hair no longer hidden.

  “What are you, Mum’s recorder?” she snapped.

  His gaze latched onto her lips. A string of swearwords blasted from his mouth. “Who the hell hit ya? Mum didn’t do that did she?”


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