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A Sure Thing

Page 12

by Brit Blaise

  It was Cara's turn for her mouth to hang open since she had no idea what Mike intended.

  "I promise you won't be disappointed. It will be our best show yet.” Mike grinned and flashed his sparkling whites.

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  When Cara walked into the restaurant, she was late. Everyone was already in the kitchen with the cameras rolling.

  It had taken longer than usual to get ready for class once she discovered she'd dropped a dress size over the past couple of weeks. While her little black dress wasn't exactly little, the size fourteen looked good on her. Oh, yeah! Cara stepped into the kitchen in her slut-city heels. “Look out, there's a new Baking Barbie in town!"

  "Cara,” she heard her mother call out loudly.

  When she started across the floor with all eyes on her, a cameraman whistled his approval. It seemed as though she'd never reach her place and where was Mike. He'd missed her entrance.

  "Did Mike pick out that dress, too, dear?” Betty asked, sounding hopeful. No doubt, Cara's mother had been burning Betty's ears with complaints about her son.

  "No, not this one. But he is responsible for it in a way. Where is he?"

  "He went to his office to call you,” Betty said. “He was worried when you didn't arrive."

  "Cara.” Mike's voice chased through her. “I thought something had happened to you.” He moved closer. “You look beautiful."

  Felicia approached them, and Mike stepped back. “You had us worried. You look good. Very good. I like your dress."

  Cara didn't say anything.

  "We've come a long way,” Felicia continued. “Six classes in just over four weeks and business is off the charts. Who would have thought?"

  "The best weeks of my life,” Mike said.

  "Mine, too,” Cara agreed. “Despite all the drama. At least that's behind us."

  Felicia laughed. “You never know."

  "Don't you dare,” Cara warned.

  "You really do look wonderful today,” Felicia gushed. “Do you even need the make-up man?"

  "Are you feeling alright, Felicia?” Cara asked.

  "Silly. I'll get you an apron."

  "Or an olive branch?” Mike said. “I think you could be heaping it on a little thick, Felicia."

  "Nonsense, the two of you need to lighten up.” Felicia took a second to smile at both of them before she sauntered away, whistling.


  Cara had to pinch herself. First, a size fourteen, and then a nice Felicia? Had she entered an alternative realm?

  "Who was that?” Cara asked, once Felicia walked away.

  "That's the woman I used to know, before her mother came down with Alzheimer's and she let her father's philandering ways influence her. I'm glad you're seeing her better side.” Mike stepped into Cara's space and ran his fingers lightly along her bare arm.

  Cara wondered if he might kiss her in front of everyone.

  "Felicia's right. You look wonderful, but I liked the way you looked from the minute I first saw you. Don't change too much,” he said and kissed her.

  His mouth moved slowly on hers until she forgot about the people watching. The taste of him sent her hormones into a flurry. When a loud male voice cheered, she pushed away. Who?

  "Is that Sam?” Cara asked when she looked out to see the makeshift audience on one side of the room. “Both Sam and my mother are the audience?"

  About that time, Felicia walked over to Sam and shook his hand.

  "Felicia invited him,” Mike said, after he arranged his cue cards. “I think they might be interested in each other."

  "Now I really do need to rethink my opinion of her.” Cara had to shake her head. “Sam is great. If she can see past his gruff and burly appearance, I have to give her credit and Sam, too, for seeing past her sharp tongue."

  Felicia was laughing about something Sam had said and touched her hand to his arm. Cara could be wrong, but it seemed like more than worry about customer satisfaction.

  "Does Felicia know Sam owns a construction company? A really successful company?” Cara asked.

  "How would she know that? How successful?” The last words came out too loudly, and Cara gave Mike her full attention.

  "Success can be measured in many ways. Money has nothing to do with happiness."

  Mike huffed. “Said like someone with a boatload of money."

  Cara winced. She'd hoped to save that conversation for private.

  Something in her face must have given her away because Mike suddenly looked intense. “How successful are you?"

  "Since I've met you, my situation is much improved,” she said with a chuckle.

  "You know what I'm asking.” He looked worried.

  Was he the kind of man who wanted to be breadwinner? Wasn't it enough he could cook it? “Can we save this conversation for later? I own a small brokerage. Small by any standard."

  "What aren't you saying? I can see it in your face."

  "I have a trust fund. And a rather sizable portfolio of my own."

  Mike frowned.

  "I don't think I like your attitude,” she said.

  He had the decency to appear sorry. “I hadn't considered you might have money. I mean, I thought you were doing alright, but not anything worth mentioning. Is it worth it?"

  "Probably. Is this going to cause a problem for us?"

  Mike didn't answer.

  Cara stood next to him, her heart shattering into sharp little pieces. She'd screwed up another relationship? Not Felicia, not her mom, and not even Mike. She should have told him. Tears threatened, but she had no intention of crying in front of a room full of women who were just waiting for her to blow it.

  Cara walked out of Mike's kitchen with as much dignity as she could muster. In the hallway, she nearly lost it, but suddenly Mike was there taking her into his arms.

  "I'm sorry, he said. “This is the last thing I wanted to happen today. It's not a big deal. In fact, it would be nice to have a few extra dollars. I don't care if my wife makes more money than I do. Really."

  Cara swiped at her moist eyes. “Wife?"

  "You knew I was thinking of forever, didn't you?"

  "I just hadn't expected you to mention it so soon. I mean we played that silly prank on our mothers, but you haven't really asked me to marry you."

  "There're a lot of things we haven't had time to talk about. Like why I reacted the way I did in there just now. I guess I kind of hoped I'd marry someone who wanted a large family. If your career is important to you, I'll just have to deal with it."

  "I didn't realize we were talking about careers. I thought we were talking about money. I didn't grow up wanting to be a financial advisor. I wanted to do something creative. My father pushed me to follow in his footsteps because my brother wouldn't."

  "So you're not opposed to a family? Maybe even a big family?"

  "As long as I don't have to cook, the more the merrier."

  "So how much money are we talking about?"

  "The brokerage nets about five-mil a year. I get a percentage as owner and more as an active trader. Then there's the trust fund from my grandfather and the money I'll eventually inherit, hopefully a long time form now, when my mother is gone."

  "Just a figure. Make this easy on me."

  "Yearly or total?"

  "What would you put as your net worth on a pre-nup?"

  "I don't believe in them."


  "About eight million."

  Mike sank down like his legs had buckled.

  "Are you proposing?” Felicia interrupted. “It's time to get this show on the road."

  * * * *

  "Ladies,” Mike began with a wide smile, “I realize you came to class today, expecting to make baked Alaska. After careful deliberation, I've decided to add an additional class at no cost when that's what we will make. Today, though, I have something else in mind. Enchiladas."

  At the sound of groans, Cara winced.
/>   Mike held his hand in the air to stop the murmurs. “I didn't have choice. I had to go for the whole enchilada and nothing less."

  Betty looked at Cara. Cara shrugged her shoulders. She didn't have a clue.

  Cara was still worrying about how her earlier revelation might affect her relationship with him. The women kept him busy. Too busy to talk. Cara worked on her enchilada and obsessed.

  When it came time to showcase their creations for the camera, Cara had a real enchilada sitting in front of her. One that looked almost as good as Mike's.

  Felicia buzzed around the room with a tray of margaritas. From where Cara stood, it appeared her mother had several. When Felicia walked by with the tray, she stopped in front of Cara.

  "You did it. That looks great. Let's get a close-up of Cara's food to show how she's improved."

  For a second, Cara wondered if Felicia had ulterior motives. However, her face showed nothing to worry Cara.

  Mike walked over to join them. “Nice,” he said. “How about a trade? You eat mine and I'll eat yours.” He wagged his brows.

  Cara's breath caught in her throat. “I'd love to eat yours.” She wagged her brows back at him. “It might look good, but I wouldn't guarantee it tastes that way. I know yours will taste better than just good."

  Mike groaned and appeared to be fighting an internal war. “Felicia, could you see to the final touches?"

  Mike took his place behind his counter and clapped to get everyone's attention. “Could we stop the cameras for a moment? I want a final shot with our guests tasting our food. I have enchiladas for Mrs. Thomas and Sam. Could you come over here, please?"

  Cara's mom and Sam joined them next to Chef Mike. Felicia was collecting aprons and cleaning up. She stopped to join them. “I'll get the make-up man for you, Mrs. Thomas."

  "Mom,” Mike said, “I want you to stand next to Mrs. Thomas. And Cara, you, too, please."

  Cara didn't argue. She stood where Mike wanted her and kept her mouth shut while the make-up man worked on her mother and Betty. If he tried to touch her, he was a dead man.

  She didn't have to worry. When the make-up man approached Sam, Cara got her revenge.

  "Give me a reason to knock you flat,” Sam said to him. “Did you think I didn't see what you did to Cara?"

  The make-up man took off.

  One of the helpers brought a large tray with three plates under domes. Mike slowly set them in front of his guests. When he removed the domes there were tiny flags with their names on them.

  "You made one for me, too?” Betty asked.

  "I made yours with cheese, since I know it's your favorite,” he said to his mom.

  Betty smiled proudly. For a second, Cara thought she saw a frown cross Mike's face.

  "Roll the cameras.” He nudged Cara's mom's plate. “Tell us what you think of your enchilada, Mrs. Thomas."

  Cara watched as her mother cut into her food, making sure to capture a liberal serving of salsa. She put it in her mouth and began to chew. With each pump of her mouth, her eyes began to widen.

  "Everyone, taste your food,” Mike encouraged.

  Cara couldn't stop looking at her mother long enough to try hers. Her mother stopped chewing with a big bulge of food in one cheek, while she waved a hand like a fan. Her other hand was making a gesture Cara didn't recognize. It looked like she wanted to play charades.

  At the same time, Cara heard a horrible sound come from Betty as a wet splat hit her foot. She looked down to see Betty spitting her food on the floor.

  "Would you like some water, Mrs. Thomas?” Mike asked.

  Cara looked up from the mess on the floor to see black tears running down her mother's face.

  "Felicia, could you get Mrs. Thomas a glass of water. Or maybe a margarita?"

  Cara's mother was waving frantically before she spit her food back onto her plate and rubbed at her wet face.

  "Hurry!” she screamed. “Water. Anything."

  As her mother swiped her face, Cara understood what was happening.

  Raccoon eyes. “Did I look like that?” Cara asked Mike.

  "Not quite that bad,” he said nonchalantly.

  "I'm going to be sick,” Betty cried. “This cheese is spoiled."

  Mike huffed. “It's not spoiled. It's limburger. I made your enchilada with limburger cheese."

  "I hate limburger,” Betty whimpered.

  "I thought you loved it,” Mike said, sounding hurt.

  "Your father loved it. Not me."

  "Too hot,” Cara's mother gasped.

  Sam laughed loudly while both mothers acted as if they were dying. Cara didn't feel the least bit sorry for them. They'd put her through worse. Plus, they could have destroyed Mike and Felicia's successful working relationship. They deserved what they were getting.

  "Try your enchilada, Cara,” Mike said.

  "I'm afraid to.” She chuckled. She stuck her fork into her food, not really expecting a surprise like her mother or Betty. However, the enchilada was as hard as a rock.

  "Is it supposed to be this hard?"

  "Maybe this will help.” Mike handed her a knife.

  It wasn't any better than the fork, but Cara wasn't about to let the cameras see. When she cut off a piece, something black peaked out of the layers of cheese, chicken and flour tortilla. She dug at it and found a small black box. The kind of box that would hold a ring. A ring?

  "Close up,” Felicia said.

  "Pick it out,” Mike said.

  Cara's fingers were shaking as she picked the box out of the gooey enchilada. She could hear both her mother and Betty gasp as she held it up. Some of the women began to cheer.

  "Open it,” Mike said softly.

  Cara snapped it open and sent a piece of cheese flying onto her mother's chest. The solitary, pear-shaped diamond caught the light and sparkled. Cara had never seen anything so beautiful. It wasn't excessively big, but it was perfect and it was from Mike. Cara understood she'd be wearing it until the day she died.

  Mike reached over to remove it from the box and took her hand in his. “I've had a dream of how I wanted to live my life. You are my dream come true. Will you marry me?"

  Cara wiggled her finger. “Cooking lessons ... Who knew?"

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  Brit Blaise

  More than two years have passed since Brit wrote her first story for Amber Quill, and it's been an adventure. No longer in Arizona, she resides on the outskirts of a small Ohio town with her extended family, which includes her daughter's family, too. The dream of restoring a Victorian has passed and the home she's found is big enough to get lost inside ... while writing her next story. She's taking the drastic changes one day at time! Keep in touch with her latest project at:

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  Don't miss Cave Creek Cowboy, by Brit Blaise,

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  An Amber Heat Wave Contest Winner!

  Ten years and a failed marriage make Ridge White question if he'll ever get over the one who got away. Face-to-face with the woman who destroyed his heart, Ridge shows what makes a cowboy from Cave Creek so special.

  When fashion model, Holly Turner, returns to Arizona, she's ready to do whatever it takes to get back her cowboy. Overcoming demons from her past, Holly rocks Ridge's world with a bombshell revelation.

  Will Ridge let the past come between them or can they pick up where they left off?

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