November of the Soul
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Boys in the Band, The (Crowley), 261
Bracton, Henry de, 156
Brady Bill (1994), 56–57, 348
brain damage, 367, 369, 372
brain development, childhood trauma effects on, 45
brain studies, 47, 191–94
serotonin depletion examined in, 47, 192–93, 196–97
Brandt, Richard, 417
Breed, Warren, 255
Breitbart, William, 429
Brenner, M. Harvey, 247, 253
Brent, David, 198
Brentano, Clemens, 177
Brewer, Colin, 397, 436
bridge suicides, 238, 340–41, 342–46, 349, 353, 561n, 567n, 568n
Brodow, Richard, 32, 33, 35, 123, 125
Brokaw, Tom, 79
Broken Connection, The (Lifton), 226–27
Brown, Bertram, 307
Brown, Herbert, 357
Browne, Thomas, 268, 416
Bruller, Jean, 573n
Bruno, Saint, 155
Buber, Martin, 336–37
Bucknill, J. C., 550n
Buddhism, 135, 137, 142, 235, 323, 397
Budgell, Eustace, 166
Buie, Dan, 318, 324, 325, 328
bulimia, 273
Bunzel, B., 548n
Burma, euthanasia practices in, 364
Burning Brand, The (Pavese), 228, 555n
Burrows, George Man, 88
Burton, Robert, 162–63, 267–68
Bush, George W., 374
Bushido, 137
Butler, Robert, 437, 439
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 87, 175, 176
Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges, 178, 184
Caesar, Gaius Julius, 148
Cain, Albert, 473, 474, 498
Cain, James M., 233
Calas, Jean, 475
Calas, Marc-Antoine, 468–69, 475
euthanasia ballot initiative in, 385
suicide rate of, 247
California Supreme Court, on pastoral counseling, 337
Callahan, Daniel, 420, 433
Call to the Tempted, A (Mather), 165
Cambodian culture, 132
Camus, Albert, 204
Inuit population of, 260–61
suicide rate of, 260
cancer patients:
deaths of, 368, 377, 386, 387, 388, 447, 451–52
depression of, 429
suicides of, 418, 427, 446
Candon, Jim, 72
Canedo, Ignacio, 349–50
Cantor, Pamela, 39, 47, 50, 55–56, 81, 338–39
Capel, Richard, 567n–68n
capital punishment, 150, 276, 383, 415
Caplan, Arthur, 572n
Caputo, Arnold, 75, 78, 81
carbon monoxide poisoning, 238, 346, 354, 379, 410, 570n
Caring Friends, 407–8, 410
Carll, Elizabeth, 541n
Carrel, Alexis, 436, 577n
Carrington, Dora, 222
Carroll, James, 277–78
case histories:
Brian Hart, 59–80, 110, 122, 320, 541n
Dana Evans (fictitious name), 93–94, 97–110, 121, 130
Ishams (fictitious names), 446–52
Justin Spoonhour, 15–37, 39–40, 48, 49, 59, 79–80, 111, 122–26, 130
Lisa Courtney, 230–32, 512, 513, 517, 518–20
Merryl Maleska, 455–65, 477–87, 502–12, 513, 514–15, 516, 527–30, 535–36, 580n
Peter Newell (fictitious name), 209–20
Casper, Sally, 49
Cassidy, James, 336
Castaldo, Charles, Jr., 79
categorical imperative, 172
Catholic Church:
on passive euthanasia, 370
social community of, 186
suicide condemned by, 87, 203, 272, 275, 475
see also Christianity
Catholics, suicide rates of, 186, 246
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 2, 5, 148–49, 150, 166, 200, 268
Cavan, Ruth, 249
celibacy, 547n—48n
Celts, 134
Center for Studies of Suicide Prevention (CSSP), 304–5, 307, 308, 310, 473
Ceos, state-sponsored suicide of, 147, 159, 443
cerebrospinal fluid, serotonin depletion seen in, 193, 195–96
Charleton, Walter, 268
Charondas, 145
Chateaubriand, François-Auguste-René de, 87, 175–76
Chatterton (Vigny), 176
Chatterton, Thomas, 175
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 159, 162
chemotherapy, 433
Chesterton, G. K., 367
Chevalier, Thomas, 181
Cheyenne Indians, 259–60
Cheyne, George, 177, 178
Chicago, Ill., North Shore suicide cluster in, 80, 116
depression in, 41–43, 321, 331
grief process in, 497–99, 581n
guilt inducement in, 245
trauma experienced in, 45, 60, 61, 252–53, 495
see also adolescent suicide
child psychology, 458, 459
child-rearing, styles of, 52, 98, 245
Children’s Hour, The (Hellman), 261
Chinese cultures, suicide practices in, 133, 135, 248
Chippewa, 259
chlorpromazine (Thorazine), 63, 318–19, 518
on euthanasia, 160, 370, 414–15
fundamentalist, 414–15
martyrdom in, 1, 152–54, 155, 275, 547n, 548n
Protestant, 185, 186, 246
suicide as sin in, 1, 87, 131, 132, 151, 154–57, 158, 159, 162, 163, 177, 203–4, 272, 275, 414–15, 475
on value of suffering, 154, 416
chronic illnesses, 433, 434, 438
Chu, James, 328
Chukchee, 134
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 148–49
cirrhosis, 269, 558n
cities, suicide rates in, 249
City of God (Augustine), 154
“Civil Commitment of the Mentally Ill,” 354
civil liberties, 332, 352–57
see also right to die
Clark, Brian, 369
Clark, Jean, 512, 525
Cleanthes, 147
Clement, Mary, 434
Clement of Alexandria, Saint, 153, 267
Cleombrotus, 146
Cleomenes III, King of Sparta, 145
clergymen, psychological counseling by, 336–38
climate, 173–74, 177–78, 183–84, 249–50, 550n
Clinton, Bill, 380
Clinton, Hillary, 380
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 369
clozapine, 319
Club of Life, 414
clusters, suicides occurring in, 2, 11, 36, 37, 39, 78–92, 114–15, 341–42
Cobain, Kurt, 92
Coconut Grove, 1942 fire at, 488
COGEN, 410
cognitive behavior therapy, 314, 323
Cohen, George, 111–14, 116, 117, 118, 119
Cohen-Sandler, Roni, 50
coke gas, 346
Coleman, Diane, 435
Collins, Judy, 474
Colorado, suicide rates of, 247
Columbine High School, murder/suicides at, 2, 90, 225
comatose patients, 369–74, 416, 570n, 571n
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 468
Common-Sense Suicide (Portwood), 395, 434, 443, 448
Community Mental Health Centers Act (1963), 334
Compassion & Choices, 409, 410
Compassionate Friends, 521
Compassion in Dying, 386, 387, 388, 405–7, 408, 409, 410, 411, 427–28, 429
Compassion in Dying (Lee), 387
competition, pressures of, 139, 245
concentration camps, 222, 553n–54n, 570n
Congolese tribal deaths, 431
Congress, U.S., Schiavo case addressed by, 373–74
Connolly, Cyril, 472
Matthew, 437
consumerism, 52–53
control, 43, 333, 352, 491
Conwell, Yeates, 439
Coser, Rose, 565n
Costa Rica, low suicide rate of, 246
Council of Arles (452), 154, 155
Council of Braga (563), 155, 475
Council of Orleans (533), 154–55
Council of Toledo (693), 155
countertransference, 328
country music, 244
Courtney, Lisa, 230–32, 512, 513, 517, 518–20, 522, 525, 532, 533
Courtney, Liz, 512, 515, 517–22, 532–33
Courtney, Peter, 512, 513, 517–21, 525–26, 532
Cox, Marion, 25, 29–30, 34
Crane, Hart, 11
Creeks, 259
criminal prosecution, euthanasia assistance subject to, 363, 375, 376, 382–83, 385, 389–90, 394, 396, 403–4, 572n
criminals, suicides of, 150, 222–23
crisis hotlines, 9, 37, 142, 281–90, 305, 309–11, 317, 439, 562n–63n
crossroads burials, 131, 132, 136, 167, 467, 553n
Crowley, Mart, 261
Cruzan case, 371, 372
Cry for Help, A (Giffin and Felsenthal), 47, 96, 97
CSSP (Center for Studies of Suicide Prevention), 304–5, 307, 308, 310, 473
Curphey, Theodore, 301–2
“Custome of the Ile of Cea, A” (Montaigne), 159
cutting behaviors, 271, 518–19, 520
Cynics, 151
Cyran, Saint, 163
Dahomey natives, suicide disposal of, 132
Dakotas, 133
Dante Alighieri, 156–57, 159
Danto, Bruce, 329, 351
Darkness Visible (Styron), 44, 229, 474
Darwin, Charles, 409
Daube, David, 267
Dean, James, 274
of cancer patients, 368, 377, 387, 447, 451–52
children’s comprehension of, 498, 581n
classical views of, 146, 148–49, 151, 365–66
with dignity, 365, 383, 386–88, 575n
five emotional stages prior to, 488
five medical-legal modes of, 268–69, 301–2
in home vs. institution, 368, 442
life after, 130, 131, 132–33, 134, 135, 137, 152, 154, 226
magical thinking about, 49–50, 540n
as medical failure, 368, 441, 570n
medieval view of, 158
physicians’ anxieties about, 441
as public spectacle, 151
as refuge, 130, 159
Renaissance concept of, 158–59
Romantic idealization of, 175–76
technological advances in delay of, 368–75, 415, 431–32, 571n
three leading causes of, 367–68
death instinct, 189–90, 205, 269–70
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 273
death penalty, 150, 276, 383, 415
Death with Dignity Act (1994), 421
abuse concerns in, 426–31, 434, 435
Compassion in Dying assistance with, 405–7
death certificate required by, 419
deaths conducted under, 385–88
euthanasia methods of, 388–89
palliative care issues and, 441
qualification safeguards of, 385, 422, 427–30, 576n
social impact of, 431, 442
statistics on usage of, 385–86, 426–27, 434
Supreme Court ruling expected on, 4
Deer Hunter, The, 87–88
Definition of Suicide (Shneidman), 317, 338
Defoe, Daniel, 84
deinstitutionalization, 335, 336
DeLaValliere, Robbie, 33–34, 78, 87–88
DeLay, Tom, 373
Deliverance, 410
demonic possession, 154, 155, 548n
Demosthenes, 145
denial, 490, 493–94
Denmark, suicide in, 245, 246, 248, 252
Dennis, Ruth, 254, 256
dentists, suicide completed by, 235, 250, 251
dependency-loss suicides, 245
African-Americans views of, 257
alternative therapies for, 323
biological components of, 3, 47, 193, 194, 195–97, 495
of cancer patients, 429
in children and adolescents, 41–43, 321, 322, 331
circadian rhythm of, 250
disease model of, 257, 474
in elderly, 417, 418, 429, 439
electroconvulsive therapy for, 565n
euthanasia wishes vs., 418, 420, 425–26, 428, 429–30
in females vs. males, 43, 95
Freudian view of, 41, 205
genetic susceptibility to, 495
grief vs., 484, 487, 488–89
historical views of, 162
incidence of, 41
in Japanese culture, 142–43
managed-care treatments of, 331, 566n
masked, 42
medication therapy for, 3, 57, 143, 192, 195, 318, 319–23, 331, 439, 539n, 564n
misdiagnosis of, 331
as personal weakness, 257
of physicians, 251
postpartum, 225
psychic pain of, 228–32
psychotherapy in treatment of, 323–26, 439
religious condemnation of, 337
seasonal, 250
serotonin abnormalities linked to, 47, 193
situational, 42, 484
somatic treatments for, 194–95, 555n, 565n
substance abuse vs., 272
suicidality vs., 41, 42–43, 112, 318, 539n
symptoms of, 42, 112, 318
Desecration of the Corpse, The, 466–67
Des Maladies Mentales (Esquirol), 178–79
Deykin, Eva, 45
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 41, 262, 318
dialectical behavioral therapy, 323
Dial Hotline, 305
dialysis, 433
Dickens, Monica, 521, 522
Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center, 282
Dido, 145, 153, 159
disabled persons, euthanasia legalization as threat to, 367, 421, 435–36, 577n
disaster syndrome, 490
Discourse on Death, A (Tuke), 163
disease epidemics, suicides spurred by, 84
“Dispute Between a Man and His Ba, The,” 129–30
Divine Comedy (Dante), 156–57
divorce rates, 51, 125, 186, 253
Dizmang, Larry, 259
Donne, John, 161–62, 163, 165, 168, 267, 415, 420, 548n
do-not-resuscitate (DNR) policies, 372, 374, 442
dopamine, 195
Dora (Freud’s patient), 189
Dorpat, T. L., 498
Double Exit (Wickett), 395
Double Indemnity (Cain), 233
double suicides, 175, 395
of Arthur and Cynthia Koestler, 392–93, 418–19, 575n
coercion in, 404, 418–19
of elderly, 225, 404, 446, 448, 450
Japanese practice of, 139–40, 143
Douglas, Jack, 204
Dowcett, Eileen, 512
Dowcett, Philip, 512
drapetomania, 557n
dreams, of surviving family members, 483–84, 490, 493, 501, 502
“Dream Song 384” (Berryman), 495
Drowned and the Saved, The (Levi), 222
Druids, 135
Dublin, L. I., 548n
duels, 254, 269
Duglas, 184
Dunne, Edward, 491–92
Dunne-Maxim, Karen, 491–92
Durkheim, Émile, 185–88, 194, 247
on altruistic suicide, 1, 186–87
on fatalistic suicide, 255
on Japanese suicides, 142, 545n
mass media effects discounted by, 89
on protective social factors, 185, 186, 187, 245, 256, 257, 263
on risky behavior, 269
on social integrati
on, 185, 186, 187, 204, 245
sociology established as science by, 185, 187
on status vs. suicidality, 252
on three suicide classifications of, 185–87, 263
Dutch Patients Association, 425
Dwork, Andrew, 192
Dyaks, 133
Eastern Europe, high suicide rates in, 246
eating disorders, 273
economic (thrift) suicides, 134, 166–67, 431–32, 434–35, 437, 551n
ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) (shock treatment), 194, 565n
Edgar, King of the English, 155–56
Edlin, John, 53
Edwards, Menlove, 560n
Edwards, Romaine, 563n
Edwards, Vince, 305
Egeland, Janice, 198
Ego and the Id, The (Freud), 190
egoistic suicide, 186, 263
ego splitting, 189
Egyptian civilization, ancient, 130–31, 135
Eiffel Tower, 341, 342
Eisenberg, Leon, 313, 323, 332
Eisenhower, Dwight, 244
African-American, 252, 255–56
depression in, 417, 418, 429, 439
double suicides of, 225, 404, 446, 448, 450
euthanasia desired by, 4, 363, 395, 426, 446–52
health care costs of, 431–33, 437
health declines of, 361–64, 449–50, 452
leading causes of deaths of, 367–68
living conditions worsened for, 362–63, 437, 438
in nursing homes, 362–63
as percentage of population, 432
physician attitudes toward, 438–39
recommendations for life enhancement of, 439–40, 442–43
as social burden, 431–33, 436, 445, 448, 452
solitude of, 362–63, 438
suicides of, 147, 222, 225, 247, 249, 252, 255–56, 314, 395, 426, 437–38, 442
traditional sacrificial deaths of, 134, 186, 431, 443
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (shock treatment), 194, 565n
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans), 49
Eliot, T. S., 249
Ellison, Ralph, 254
embryonic suicide, 269
emergency rooms:
adolescent attempters treated in, 95, 316
end-of-life decisions in, 371, 372
health-care rationing in, 433
Emery, Gary, 439
Emme, Dale, 120
Emme, Dar, 120
Emme, Mike, 120
emotions, numbing of, 490
Empire State Building, 341, 342
End-of-Life Choices, 408–9
antisuicide statutes in, 156, 165, 173, 203, 467, 468
crossroads burials in, 131, 132, 136, 167, 553n
euthanasia legislation in, 366–67, 394, 400
gas suicides in, 346
right-to-die movement in, 366–67, 393, 400–401, 403–4
suicide rates in, 173–74, 182, 183
English Malady, The (Cheyne), 177
Enlightenment, 167–72, 174, 177, 181, 561n
Epicurus, 146–47
Erasmus, Desiderius, 159
ERGO (Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization), 409
Erigone, 145