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Page 5

by Kohl, Sexxa

  “I admit that it bothers me, but I understand your reasons,” I explain.

  “Very good. Let’s get down to business then, shall we?” he asks, and I study his voice carefully. He sounds young, perhaps even near my age. I wonder how far off I am in my prediction.


  “Now that you have had time to consider my offer, may I ask the amount of money you are requiring for our arrangement?” He asks very coyly. I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath. Hopefully, when I give him the figure I need, he won’t tell me no.

  “Forty thousand dollars.” I manage to say while barely controlling the shaking in my voice. Although he had said on the card to name the price, forty thousand dollars is a far cry from his original five thousand dollar offer.

  What if he refuses to pay that amount? What will I do then?

  Oh, shit! He is quiet. WAY too quiet.

  I hear the clink of ice hitting the glass and then the liquid being poured inside. He takes a deep breath before continuing, “I see. So forty thousand dollars for one night, is that correct?”

  “Yes.” I answer him while holding my breath.

  “May I ask what changed your mind?”

  I struggle to decide what to say in response.

  “I just need the money.”

  “Forty thousand dollars is a lot of money, Raven.”

  “Yes, Sir. I understand that.”

  “I see. Well, what if I were to tell you that I have another proposition for you?”

  “Another proposition? I’m afraid I don’t understand what you are saying.”

  He takes a deep breath and leans forward, taking my hands into his. Slowly, he caresses the skin around my wrists and lifts them up to his lips. The fear I once had been feeling now evaporates. The thing is, I should be terrified right now, but instead, for some reason, something in his voice that soothes me. I shouldn’t be attracted to this at all. I feel like a stupid girl who has opened herself up into a world that she has never known.

  “My offer to you is a contract of sorts. I will, of course, agree to your fee and have it wired to you, but only after the contract is complete.”

  “A contract? I’m sorry, but I’m not following you. I thought we were agreeing to just one night.”

  “I am most certain now that one night will not be enough with you, Sweetheart. I wish to extend this relationship a bit further with at least the promise of a two-week agreement. After which, you will be released from your obligation. I am afraid for the kind of money you are asking, I will have to insist on this being under my terms.”

  “What will this contract involve?”

  “It is quite simple. By agreeing, you will be my submissive for the next fourteen days. You will be exclusively mine. If that is a problem for a boyfriend or husband, then I’m afraid we will have a problem.”

  “I am single. Not many girls like me are in relationships.”

  “Very good. I can’t tell you how much that pleases me to hear that, Raven.”

  “You will available to me at all times. I will provide a phone for you and you are to keep it with you, no exceptions. Failure to answer will immediately violate our agreement. I do not make calls twice. When I tell you to do something, you are not to challenge me in any way. For the next two weeks, you will be mine, Raven, in every possible way. Are you willing to accept my offer?”

  My chest burns with each intake of air. I don’t know what to do or what to say. If I say no to him, then I will lose the money and will be forced to cancel my mother’s surgery. There is no way I can do that. If I say yes, then that means two whole weeks of allowing my body to be used and controlled by a complete stranger. If I say yes, I will become a whore.

  Why has my life come down to this?

  I am basically trading my soul to the devil himself, in order to save my mother.

  “Well, Raven? I need an answer. I am not a patient man and I have needs. What is it going to be?”

  “If I say yes, is there any way I can get the money upfront?”

  “Why is it so important for you to have the money now?”

  “I-it’s an emergency.” I stammer. I don’t want him to know. I don’t want him to feel pity for me.

  “A forty thousand dollar emergency? So what is it? If you don’t get the money then someone dies or something?” he jokes, but I don’t laugh. He is joking, but he has no idea just how true his words actually are. I’m glad the blindfold hides the tears that are forming in my eyes.

  “Yes. Actually it is a matter of life and death.” I reply but he remains silent. I take a deep breath and gather all the courage I have inside of me. I have so much to lose in what I am about to say, but I have to call his bluff.

  “I’m afraid that as much as I need the money, if you can’t provide the transaction up front, I’ll be unable to agree to anything.”

  Silence again fills the car. I hear the clinking of the ice in the drink and hear him exhale. Suddenly, his hand is on my thigh, and I feel the energy surge through my core. Something about him is so unbelievably powerful and attractive. I only wish I could see him. I feel his breath on my mouth as he moves closer to me. His finger skims my lips slowly, causing me to tremble.

  “I’ll agree to front you the money, Raven, but only under one condition.”

  “What?” I stammer.

  “I have already secured Ultimate Climax. We must begin tonight. Do we have a deal?”

  Swallowing my fear, I give him my answer.



  She has no idea how unbelievably sexy she looks right now sitting across from me blindfolded. Once I had laid eyes on her, I couldn’t help myself. I had to reach across and touch her. One touch of her skin leaves my body radiating with electrified energy that I’d never before experienced with anyone.

  I zone in on her delicious mouth as she speaks. Those plump glossy cherry red lips of hers beg to be kissed. I can’t wait to see them wrapped around my cock as I fuck her mouth relentlessly. Her short as fuck skirt shows off her long toned legs. And God help me, those boots are killing me! As I sit here, trying to listen to her, my mind and body are elsewhere thinking of things to do to her. When it comes time to discuss a figure for her services, I prepare myself for a high amount, but no matter the price, I will pay.

  Even though I had prepared to pay a much higher figure than forty thousand dollars, I use the opportunity to seal the deal on contracting her as my submissive. I need this now more than ever in my life, and I most definitely need it with her. I’ve never felt such extreme desire. I’ve never had such ravenous thoughts before. One time with her will not possibly be enough to get her out of my system. Honestly, when it comes to her, I don’t know if there are enough times.

  The only thing is, I can’t figure out is why she’s agreeing to all of this now, especially at such a high price tag. I can’t understand how anyone could need that kind of money without it involving drugs or something illegal. Even though she doesn’t look like a drug addict, she is, however, a stripper. I am sure her world is full of making bad choices. When I make a joke about it being life or death, she doesn’t laugh. I guess this deal is more serious than I had thought. When she’d turned the tables on me and threatened to walk away if I didn’t give her the money first, I heard the demon in me scream. How dare she try to take control of this so soon? I will definitely need to show her who is in charge here.

  Once we reach an agreement, I make it known that I do not intend on wasting any time. I want her in that room tonight. I plan on fucking her in every way possible, hard and rough, until I can no longer stand. With my stamina, that should be a very, very long time.

  Ultimate Climax is normally a busy room at Club Climax, but after paying a hefty price tag, I’d managed to secure it all night long from the owner of the club. I don’t want to be rushed when it comes to the things I have in store for this girl. I will have her so broken in and addicted to me that by the time the contract is up, she won
’t ever want to leave. I am pretty sure by that time I’ll have fucked her out of my system. At least that is what I hope to be the case.


  My heart is pounding so hard right now that I’m convinced it’s going to leap out of my chest. Beads of sweat form on my forehead as I struggle to breathe steadily. I reach and grab a hold of the bronze handle of the door and hesitate a moment before opening it. I know that once I walk through this door, there is no going back. I know once I do, my life will never be the same.

  You don’t have a choice, Blaire. You have to do this. You need the money.

  I walk in and close the heavy wooden door behind me. Even though I’ve been working all these months here, this is the first time I have been brave enough to venture inside. I’ve heard plenty of stories from girls who frequent Ultimate Climax. Most tales of bondage would frighten the hell out of a virgin, but for some reason I find them erotic. I just never thought I’d be losing my virginity and introduced to this lifestyle, all at the same time.

  Glancing around, I slowly take in every detail of the large room before me. It is decorated in warm rich colors of deep reds and purple. The black textured walls are accented by the dark glossy wooden floor. The long wall to the left has a built in case that houses whips and belts, along with long canes and leather sticks that I think are called crops. Handcuffs, restraints, and ropes all in various sizes, dangle from metal hooks on the shelves. The light from the enclosed compartment dances off the beautiful glass dildos that are on display inside the curio. I stop and marvel at their spiral shape and length; I can’t help but imagine that as being painful. Silently, I pray that he doesn’t choose to use one of those on me.

  Curiously, I walk closer and open each of the long drawers underneath the display case. Each drawer is filled with everything from lubrication, anal plugs, gags, other sex toys, to what I assume to be nipple clamps. Every item is sealed in plastic, varying in shapes, colors, and sizes.

  Will he use these on me?

  My face blushing from embarrassment, I shove the last drawer, close it, and quickly back away.

  What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I am about to have sex with a complete stranger for money. I am nothing but a dirty whore.

  I need the money, but what will this guy do once he realizes that I’ve never had sex before, let alone done anything like this?

  Will he be revolted and throw me out?

  I can’t risk losing this offer; my mom’s operation comes first. I can’t tell him now, because then he may not want me. I will just have to remain quiet and bite through the pain. I just hope he doesn’t notice that I’m still a virgin.

  Who am I kidding? Of course, he is going to notice!

  Like a magnetic pull, I am instantly drawn to the enormous four-poster bed in the middle of the room. White sheer fabric flows at each side of the attached canopy that is attached overhead. It makes the scene around me look almost sweet and romantic. (That is, of course, if you consider the adjustable iron shackles that are attached at both the head and foot of the bed to be romantic). The wooden headboard is beautifully carved with intricate designs of angels and demons. Lightly tracing the wood with my fingertips, I assume this is someone’s version of Heaven and Hell. Perhaps it is a warning to me of the path, of which, I am about to choose.

  Walking around the bed, my eyes instantly spot the white box sitting on top of the deep purple chaise lounge. Moving closer, I see a tag with my name written on it. Laying the card aside, I gently lift the top of the box up and dare a glance inside. A beautiful silk woven piece of fabric lays inside along with instructions.

  Pulling the silk out of the box, I revel in how soft it is upon my skin. I hold the note up and begin reading.

  Shoes and panties only. Put on blindfold and get on the chair on your hands and knees. You are not to move or speak until instructed to do so. Harsh punishment will be given for disobedience. Remember, Raven, I am in complete control. Behind these doors, you follow my rules.

  You have three minutes.

  What? Who is this guy?

  I stand frozen, staring down at the written commands in front of me.

  Can I really do this?

  Suddenly, a powerful voice echoes through the speakers of the dimly lit room.

  “Two minutes. MOVE!”

  “Jesus!” I scream, almost jumping out of my skin.

  “You are disappointing me, Raven. I assure you that’s not something you want to do!”

  His demands fill my body with erotic fear. Something about his voice is so unbelievably intoxicating. Now that I am aware he can see me, I grow even more timid and nervous. I freely take my clothes off for the strange men outside on that stage, but undressing in front of him seems so much more intimate and personal. I think of my mother and how frail and weak she looked on my visit earlier with her. I can’t lose her. I’d rather lose myself this way. Closing my eyes, I do it. I turn the switch and leave Blaire behind. When my eyes reopen, I become Raven.

  I pull on the sash of my black silk robe and allow it to fall to the floor behind me. Slowly, I inch my arms around to my back and unclasp the bra that I am wearing. My tits fall freely out of the black lace as I drop the garment beside the robe. I feel so exposed and dirty in a way that I’ve never felt before. Embarrassed, I cover my chest with my free hand and ease myself onto the lounger to sit. Taking one last look around at the room, I eye the door on the back wall. It’s so well camouflaged to look like the wall that it’s no wonder I missed it when I first walked in. This must be where he will enter the room.

  I hear the doorknob turn, and I panic. Frantically, I tie the fabric around my eyes and get on all fours. The door shuts behind me and I hear footsteps inching closer to me. SHIT! My heart is pounding faster and harder than it ever has before. Oh God! I feel like I am going to pass out.

  Being blindfolded heightens and intensifies every one of my senses. I zone in on the sounds of the room. His loud footsteps echo loudly around me. At first, I can tell that he is getting closer, but then suddenly the footsteps stop, and I can no longer hear anything at all. The deafening silence is killing me. I turn my head to the side trying to listen, but still there is nothing. I know he is in the room because I can feel the powerful energy around me.

  Taking two steps closer, he stops behind me, and I hold my breath. Without warning, a violent sting erupts across my exposed backside as his hand makes contact with my flesh.

  “I warned you to be ready. You will NOT disobey me!”

  The pain is so intense that it causes my eyes to water. Holding in my screams, I bite down hard into my lip and immediately I taste the metallic flavor of my own blood.

  “I can’t do this! You have to!” The voices in my head continue to battle with one another. I want to scream, but it won’t do me any good. This room is completely soundproof. Screams are a part of what goes on in here. Even if they could hear me, no one would come into this room

  Music begins to play loudly around me. I recognize Kings of Leon’s “Closer” as it bellows out of the speakers.

  I feel his fingertip lightly trace over my face. His touch ignites every nerve ending in my body, causing me to begin trembling on the chair. The fact I can’t see what is happening is scary as fucking hell, but it’s also turning me on in ways my body has never known. I feel his breath as he inches his mouth closer to mine. Each heated breath against me makes my sex throb harder and harder.

  Oh God!

  Forcefully, he grabs my jaw and squeezes the skin hard, yanking me closer toward him. His mouth is inches from mine. The beautiful man that I can’t seem to stop thinking about invades my mind. I want this to be him touching me instead of some stranger that I’m not even allowed to see. With the eluded fantasy in my head, I lean more into him, anticipating him to kiss me, but he doesn’t. I feel the warm blood begin to trickle down my lip and suddenly his hot tongue is there, gently swiping it away.

  HOLY FUCK that is hot!

  “You are so beautifu
l, Raven,” he whispers into my ear before taking my lobe in with his teeth. Unconsciously, I slacken my posture and shift my weight forward, losing myself in the feel of his touch.

  “I said DO NOT MOVE!” he roars.

  Two hard smacks are suddenly given to my sore ass and this time my sex squeezes, drenching my panties with my intense pleasure. I never imagined it would feel so good to be punished, but the idea of what else he could do terrifies me. I don’t want to displease him.

  Why is that?

  “I see that you are a rule breaker. That displeases me very much, I’m afraid. I chose to go easy on you the first time, but trust me, there will be nothing easy about the next time. I don’t tolerate people disrespecting me, Raven.”

  “I have admired you for quite some time. I am glad you finally agreed to my offer,” he says wrapping my long hair around his hand. He jerks my head back, lifting my face to his and speaks against my lips.

  “We have some things to discuss. Understand this! When we are behind these doors, you are mine completely. Nod if you understand.” He orders and I nod back at him.

  “You will not speak at all, unless I give you permission and you are to address me as “Sir” every time you do. You will not touch yourself or come unless I tell you that you can,” he orders while he slides his hand in between my thighs.

  “And most importantly, you will not remove that blindfold for any reason what so ever.”

  I am afraid to speak or move. What do I do? I'll tell you what I do. I don’t answer him.

  “ANSWER ME!” he roars angrily slapping my tits hard with his hand. I catch myself before I fall forward.

  “Yes, Sir.” I manage to answer him through the pain radiating through my nipples.

  “Excellent! Very good, Sweetheart,” he says, dragging his lips across my cheek. His breath smells of delicious iced cinnamon; his body smells of a rich heavy spice. One I gladly would love to get lost in.

  Suddenly, a soft silk piece of fabric is slowly dragged across my face and placed around my mouth.


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