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Page 11

by Kohl, Sexxa

  Thanks to my doorman, I will always know her comings and goings. An earlier report indicated she has been here since the movers left. I’ve held off calling her all evening, trying to give her the space she needs to see that I did this all in her best interest. However, having her this close to me is a bit more than I originally bargained for. Even from two floors down, her body calls to me. My dick is throbbing to be back inside of her. Picking up my phone, I make the call to put myself out of my misery.

  “Hello?” Her sleepy voice takes me back. I hadn’t thought about how exhausted she must be from staying at the hospital with her mother.

  “Raven. I hope you find your place acceptable.” I switch my voice to firm. I can’t let myself care. Nothing can stand in the way of getting what I want from her tonight.

  “Yes, Sir, it is. Thank you.”

  Her response takes me back. I want her to fight with me. I don’t want her to give in so easily.

  “So, you aren’t going to fight me anymore on this?”

  “No, Sir.” She sounds exhausted.

  “Inside the top desk drawer in your living room is a key that will allow you access only to LEVEL 9 of this building. I’ve moved you closer to my playground, my pet. Now it is time to play.”

  “You are to come dressed to please, Raven. Don’t disappoint me. You are to meet me there in twenty minutes. Remember, you are to wear your blindfold at all times.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I end the call. Throwing back my glass of whiskey, I smile at what I have in store for her tonight.

  Tonight, my demon will play.


  By the time the movers leave the new apartment, I am aching and freezing. Pulling an extra cover over my body, I settle into my comfortable, new bed to try to get some rest. Maybe I can sleep whatever this is off and I’ll feel better tomorrow. I’ve just barely gotten back to sleep when Mr. R calls my phone. I’m still pissed at him for demanding I move here, but a part of me can’t help but be thankful. Either way, I am just too tired to fight him tonight.

  When he insists I meet him tonight on an upper level of this place, I can’t help but wonder why. Surely, he doesn’t live here.

  I stagger through the apartment, trying to dress. The room begins to spin, and my head is pounding. I need to freshen up, but there isn’t time. Patting my hair down, I add some lip-gloss and make my way to the elevator. Following his instructions, I place the key into the hole beside LEVEL 9, and instantly, the elevator begins moving up. Tying the blindfold around my head, I prepare for the unknown.

  I sense him the minute I hear the elevator doors open.

  “Raven,” he whispers and I nod in response. He takes my hand and leads me off the elevator.

  When he lets go of me, I stagger forward, landing into his hard, thick chest. I’m shivering now.

  “You’re shaking, Raven. Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m cold. So c- cold,” I say with my teeth chattering. I feel his hand on my forehead.

  “Jesus! You are burning up!” He scoops me up into his arms. His warmth consumes me, and then darkness finds me. Briefly, I wake, aware that I’m being laid on a soft bed. I feel the silky comforter being pulled over me, and his warm hand brushing my hair away from my face. When my body continues shaking, he pulls me against him to warm me. I am too weak to move the blindfold away.

  “I don’t need anyone taking care of me.” My voice is so weak.

  “Rest,” he says, gently kissing my head.

  “I am sorry. I–”

  Sleep overtakes me.


  I lay here in her bed, holding her tightly against me. This is certainly not what I expected when I called her this evening. Once she’d drifted off to sleep, I carried her back downstairs to her apartment. The moment I placed her in her bed, she began shivering again. I couldn’t leave her that way, so I climbed into her bed and pulled her back against me. Little did I know what kind of impact that would have on me.

  I’ve not done this before. I’ve never just laid in bed, holding another woman unless we were fucking. I never knew it could feel this way. It is so hard to have her this close to me, knowing that I can’t have her, but it feels so right that I never want to let her go.

  She’s been sleeping now for over an hour, and in that time, I’ve managed to memorize every perfect thing about her face. I’ve even risked taking off her blindfold just so that I can stare at her.

  The sweat forming on her brow relieves me. It means that her fever is finally going down. I look down at her and smile, tucking her dark lock of wavy hair away from her face. Sliding out of from behind her, I ease the covers back over her shoulders and place a kiss on her skin. Leaving her is hard as fuck, but I can’t risk her waking up to find me here. Not yet, anyways.

  Closing the door behind me, I let myself out of her apartment. As I ride the elevator back up the top floor, I am lost in thought. How is it that she owns so much of me already? If I don’t end this soon, she will see what darkness lies inside. She will run. I can never let her see it. No one is allowed to see my demon.

  Day 7


  I wake up later the next morning feeling disoriented. Was last night all a dream? The scent on my sheets tells me that it isn’t. His delicious spicy cologne still lingers on my skin. The last thing I remember is stepping off the elevator. He must have carried me back up to my room after I fell asleep. I just hope he isn’t upset with me about ruining his night.

  After taking a long, hot shower, I quickly dress in a white denim skirt and light pink top. I feel rested and refreshed by the time I leave for the hospital. Thankfully, I am no longer running a fever and my appetite has returned. When I arrive at the hospital, I decide to not go into her room. I don’t want to risk the possibility of giving her something since I had ran a fever last night.

  Just as I turn to leave, Dr. Flannery makes his way down the hallway, talking to several other men in suits. My heart stops when I catch a closer glimpse at Beautiful Man walking beside him. Dressed in another crisp, tailored suit, he looks like a dream. His dark eyes lock with mine before they slowly travel down the length of my body, landing on my long, exposed legs. My face flushes, and I try to drop my head to hide my face.

  No! No! This can’t be happening! What if he recognizes me from dancing the other night? Shit! Of course, he recognizes me! The image of Honey on her knees, sucking his cock is burned in my brain. What am I going to do?

  Dr. Flannery stops when he spots me standing there. I’m still paralyzed by the perfect man beside him. I imagine tearing off that suit of his and sucking his cock. I’ve thought about him every single time that Mr. R. touches me. This Beautiful Man is the only reason I have been able to do the things I’ve done. Imagining him doing all of the things to me makes my face blush and my pussy ache.

  God, how I would love for this man to take me right here, right now!

  “Ms. Michaels? Is everything alright?” Dr. Flannery jolts me out of my fantasy. I blink out of my daze and try to compose myself. For some reason, I have temporarily lost the ability to speak.

  “Dr. Flannery!”

  A nurse’s frantic voice interrupts us.

  “Oh, Blaire! Good. You’re still here! Your mom is waking up!”

  Forgetting everything, I dart back down the hallway and into my mom’s room. The nurses are taking her vitals, but are smiling.

  The moment I step in the room, she turns her head to the side and gives me a smile. Her beautiful green eyes sparkle against her glowing skin.

  “Blaire, Baby?” she says and I run to her. I know I shouldn’t be near her after being sick yesterday, but I need to touch my mom.

  “Mom,” I cry, tenderly wrapping my arms around her neck.

  “Oh, Baby, don’t cry. I’m gonna be just fine now.”

  “I thought I’d lost you. I have been so worried.”

  Dr. Flannery interrupts us and I turn to see several men standing the
re in the room behind me. Beautiful Man’s eyes still look at me with a heated intense gaze. I swear the temperature in the room just shot up 30 degrees.

  “Ms. Michaels, I am Dr. Flannery. We are pleased to see you are finally awake,” he says to my mom while reviewing the information the nurses just gave him.

  “Your vitals look very good and it appears your surgery was successful. If all goes well, you should be able to go home in a few days.”

  His words are music to my ears. I don’t bother to let her know that our home isn’t home anymore. I will have to think of some good explanation for that one.

  “I’d like for you to meet some of my business associates.” He motions to the men in the room as he introduces them by name. I pay close attention to the way Beautiful Man is now fidgeting.

  Why is he so nervous?

  “And finally, this is Jaxxon Ryder, Vice President of Ryder Technology. His company is the one who sponsored your surgery.” He introduces Beautiful Man to us.

  What did he just say?

  Jaxxon doesn’t speak. He just nods his head and looks back to my mom.

  Bolting out of the room, I make my way downstairs to the patient account department. Nothing about this makes any sense. I have got to get some answers now.

  “Hello, dear, how are you today?” the older lady behind the desk asks me.

  “I need to speak to someone about my mom’s account. I just had money wired for her bill.”

  “Let me just look that up for you. It will only take a moment. Have a seat,” she says, motioning for me to sit. She studies the screen for a few moments as she types a few keys here and there.

  “Yes, I see where that electronic draft was re-deposited into your account. Your mother’s bill is completely being taken care of by a private sponsor, it looks like.”

  Ryder Technology

  How is it that, of all people, it would have to be him? I don’t want him knowing anything about my life. I don’t want him feeling sorry for me.

  I don’t give the woman a chance to continue. I have to get out of here. Hurriedly, I make my way to my car. My hands are shaking as I try to place the key into the ignition. Three times, I try to start it, all ending in nothing. The fourth attempt only makes it worse, resulting in a loud grinding noise followed by lots of smoke pouring out from beneath my hood. Every single light on my dashboard lights up and I can’t help it. I scream! I punch. I shake the steering wheel in anger. When the smoke of my car simmers down, I see him. Jaxxon Ryder stands looking at me through the smoke in front of my car.

  I’m embarrassed at how I had run out of the room earlier, but now, I am mortified. If anything, I should be getting out of my car to thank him for what his company has done for us.

  I expect him to walk over and help me, but he doesn’t. He just breaks our stare and keeps walking until he reaches a shiny black sports car. Once he is inside, he hauls ass out of the parking garage. Calling a tow truck, I have the car sent to the nearest garage. No one is able to look at it until tomorrow, so it is safe to say that I will be needing a rental. The greasy man at the garage promises that one will be delivered by this afternoon at my apartment.

  Since I know Jaxxon has now left the hospital, I call a cab to take me back there. Right now, seeing my mom awake will be the only thing that keeps me from breaking.

  The kind, old doorman opens my door when the cab pulls up to the apartment building entrance. I don’t think I will ever get used to this.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Michaels. Your car was delivered just a bit ago.”

  “Hi, James. Thank you, but I told you to please call me Blaire.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll have to remember that,” he says, winking at me.

  I follow him back to his desk where he hands me a large, black vinyl folder. Inside is the manual to a brand new, black Lexus IS 350 F Sport convertible. An envelope is attached to the inside of the folder. Confused, I open it up, finding both the key and a note.

  No rentals for my Raven. This is now yours. No arguments!

  Mr. R

  How did he know about this already? Is he following and spying on me everywhere I go? Do I have some sort of tracker device on me?

  I stare down at the expensive car in front of me. I can’t accept this! It is way too much.

  I do something I should have done already today. I call to break my contract.


  Leaving her in the parking garage is beyond painful. I am not supposed to witness her weak moment. The way she looks as she unleashes her fury on the car tells me this is far more than about just it. I should keep walking, but instead, I stand frozen, captivated by her. When she finally looks up at me, her eyes are so desperate and pleading. And what do I do? I walk away. That’s right. I turn and walk away. Coward. Asshole. Evil.

  Each step, I grow angrier and angrier with myself. I barrel out of the parking lot, leaving her behind. What she doesn’t know is that I never really left her. When the wrecker arrived, I followed her to the garage. Once she left the garage, I walked inside. She had been none the wiser.

  That piece of shit of hers is scrap metal somewhere now. I should have done that a long fucking time ago. I’ve cancelled her rental and make one more stop on the way home. She will never worry about a broken down car again.

  I have just gotten out of a meeting when she finally calls me. Already she is breaking the rules of the contract, but I have expected this call.

  “Hello, Raven.”

  “I want out.”

  “Excuse me? I’m afraid that isn’t possible.”

  “Yes, it is. I will return the money to you. I haven’t spent any of it. I don’t want the car, and I will see if I can still move back into my old apartment.”

  “First of all, you don’t have a job, Raven. How exactly are you going to pay the rent?”

  “How do you know I don’t have a job anymore? Are you following me everywhere I go?”

  “You don’t have a job because I bought Club Climax. I kept Mike on as the manager, gave him a huge percentage to keep running the place, and demanded he let you go.”

  “How dare you! You can’t do this to me.”

  “Dare? Oh, Sweetheart, it is you that doesn’t want to dare me. And trust me, I do anything I damn well please. You of all people should know that.”

  “I will find another job. You can’t buy out every place I work.”

  “I wouldn’t be so certain of that, Raven.”

  “So the apartment building I lived in before, I suppose you bought that, too, right?”

  “I suppose.” I chuckle into the phone. I am loving this side of her. The rage and fearlessness in her voice is making me fucking hard as hell.

  “You fucking bastard!”

  I laugh at her words.

  “Call me what you want, my dear. But for seven more days, you are mine. Unless of course, you prefer to be homeless, broke, and stranded without a car. ”

  “I will never be yours!” she yells into the phone before hanging up on me.

  Big mistake. Now I will have to show her who makes the rules.

  Day 10


  It has been two days now since I hung up the phone on him. I thought I could forget him, but I can’t. Everything has changed inside of me. I’m not that girl anymore. Blaire and Raven have perfectly blended now. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been because of him. I’m weaker now without him.

  I need him.

  I half expect him to come to my apartment and kidnap me. Part of me honestly fantasizes about it. My anger for him is erotic. My longing for him is desperate.

  My mom is doing so much better. She should get to come home soon. Since she had been so weak before, they want to take extra precautions with her. I am grateful for that extra time. As messed up as my mind is right now, I don’t know how good I would be to her.

  Mr. R has ruined me.

  I have just gotten home from the hospital when the phone he gave me begins ringing. I nearly break my
neck getting to it on the kitchen bar.

  Four rings.

  Five rings.

  Ten rings.

  I don’t answer it.

  I can’t.

  He said he would never call me twice. Maybe now he will see that he doesn’t overpower me.

  An hour later, a knock startles me from reading a book. Since no one knows I even live here except Mr. R, I assume it is he. Looking through the peephole, I see a handsomely dressed man standing in front of my door. I recognize him as the manager of the building, Marcus Laux.

  Nervously, I open the door.

  Is he here to evict me?

  I wouldn’t put it past Mr. R.

  “Ms. Michaels. I am sorry to disturb you, but we had a very urgent package delivered downstairs for you,” he says, while handing me a sealed long, black envelope. I know exactly whom it’s from.

  “Thank you, Mr. Laux,” I reply

  “Goodnight, Ms. Michaels. If you need me for anything, please feel free to tell the doorman downstairs, and he will alert me immediately.”

  “Um, yes. Thank you, again,” I manage to reply before closing the door. I still can’t understand what this could be. Taking my finger, I ease it under the sealed flap in the back and tear open the back.

  When I pull out the photos, I gasp. Picture after picture show me in all sorts of positions doing everything imaginable to an unidentifiable man.

  Mr. R.

  With trembling hands, I open the attached folded note.

  I told you once to never underestimate me. You are mine for the next 4 days. Answer your goddamn phone or these might accidently be delivered to your mother.

  He wouldn’t dare!

  Oh my God! Yes, he would!

  My phone rings again, sending terror through me. I let the photos fall from my hand and rush to the phone.

  Three rings. Four rings. I swallow the lump in my throat and answer it.


  “I see you received my package.”

  “How could you?”

  “I think you know I can do anything I want. I felt the need to insure that you would fulfill your end of the bargain.”


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