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Sienna Harte's Sensual Sampler (BDSM, Taboo, BBW)

Page 2

by Sienna Harte


  “Who’s your favorite member?”

  “Oh, probably Mikee,” my best friend Laina answered, pointing out a spikey haired man on the poster that was hanging above my bed.

  “Mmmm, Mikee,” I said in approval. “But what about Jonathan? He’s so tall and he’s got those moody eyes…I think Jonathan is my favorite.”

  “Nah,” she said, flipping causally through her magazine. “His hair’s too long.”

  “Too long?!” I said with mock outrage. “He’s a rock star, there’s no such thing as hair that’s too long! Besides, it barely brushes his shoulders…his lean, tattooed, muscular shoulders. God I’d like to take a ride on him. Rawrrr!”

  “Stacey!” Laina swatted me on the leg with her magazine, pretending to be scandalized. Truthfully, we’d had conversations similar to these before. It was well known that the members of Rotten Circus picked out female fans from every show they played and took them back to their tour bus. What they did with the girls, Laina and I longed to find out first hand.

  “What!? I would! I’d let him do whatever he wanted with this barely legal body,” I winked.

  Laina sighed, rolling onto her back on my small double bed. It was the beginning of summer before college, and as a celebration for turning 18 and graduating high school, we were going on a road trip to see our favorite band, Rotten Circus.

  Laina and I had been fans of theirs since Rotten Circus was just a little garage band from Phoenix. That was back in 9th grade. We’d never seen them play live before because our parents never let us. We were allowed to go to concerts, just not punk rock concerts - something about it being dangerous and full of drunks and druggies. I guess you could say our parents were old fashioned. I think that’s what fuelled our fascination with Rotten Circus and other rock and metal bands; it represented everything that our daily lives weren’t. In high school we listened to their records nonstop at high volumes and dished on which guys we wanted to bang.

  Until now, though, living that life was something that we only aspired to do. Now that we were 18, though, we could do whatever we wanted. Laina’s parents had just bought her a new car as a reward for getting a full ride to UCLA, and we were going to drive it across the state to see Rotten Circus live in concert – front row!

  “Well,” I said. “I guess I’d fuck any of the members…after all, each guy has one member that is guaranteed to make me happy.”

  Laina slapped me again with the magazine. “We’ve got to start getting ready,” she said, looking at the clock. “It’s a four hour drive and I want to look hot.”

  “Ditto,” I agreed.

  Two hours later, my blonde hair was washed and pin straight, my nails painted jet black to match the thick layer of eyeliner I’d ringed my eyes with. I had bought an outfit two months before that had been hanging in my closet collecting dust; today I finally got to wear it out. The skin-tight black skinny pants revealed every curve of my ass and legs, accentuated by spiked black heels. A black bustier pushed my breasts way up, displaying an amount of overwhelming cleavage. My boobs had to be my favorite part of my body: they weren’t huge, just your average B-cup, but they were bouncy and plump, sitting high and perky on my chest and looking large on my small frame. In an outfit like tonight’s, they could stop traffic.

  I laced the pink ribbon of the corset up, tying it tightly. A thin strip of flat midriff remained exposed, and that was just the way I liked it. In my daily life, I was an ordinary bookworm, raised by good Christian parents with honest morals. But tonight I would finally be allowed to explore a part of me that longed to get out: the slutty, rule-breaking punk rocker.

  “Laina!” I called, checking my black studded purse to make sure I had the tickets. “Let me see your outfit!”

  Laina strut out of the bathroom. Woah, I thought. I wasn’t a lesbian, but sometimes I thought I could be for Laina. Not only did we have a great friendship, with tons of common interests, but she was hot. Physically, she was the opposite of me: tall, pale, and brunette. Her tanned legs were being shown off by a micro-mini skirt and heels, and she was also wearing a black bustier. Her breasts bounced with every step she took, as she twirled in front of the three-way mirror. Her skirt rose as she moved, revealing a lacey black thong underneath.

  “Woah,” I said aloud this time. “Might wanna be careful, I can see your ass when you do that.”

  “That’s the point!” she said, winking at me. “Come on, we need to hit the road if we want to get beer before show starts!”


  “Did you see the way he was looking at us?” asked Laina as walked away from the creepy beer salesman. “It was like he was having sex with us with his eyes.” It’s true; he didn’t even look at our fake I.D.s, he was so busy checking us out.

  “Yuck!” I said. “Just like the ticket taker did. I guess we must look pretty hot tonight. But no thank you – I want Jonathan and the rest of the boys! Now come on, let’s get down there before they start.” Just as I said that, the lights dimmed.

  “Hurry!” I said. We jogged down the steps towards our section as the band walked out on staged.

  “WOOOOOH!” we and the cheered as the band greeted the crowd, setting behind their instruments.

  “HELLO PHOENIX!” Jonathan screamed, looking over our heads, out into the ocean of fans. How I longed to be the only one there, so that he’d have no choice but to pay attention to me. We were so close to the band, just 5 feet from the stage. From this angle, the men towered over us like Greek statues. Only instead of sporting togas and vine wreaths, they had ripped jeans, tattoos, and shaggy hair.

  “YEAAH ROTTEN CIRCUS!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumping up and down with my hands in the air. Jonathan looked downwards, directly at Laina and me. Then I had a crazy thought.

  “Hey!” I said loudly to Laina over the din of the audience. “Maybe we have a shot at being the lucky ones who get chosen to go back to the tour bus!”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m so in! Cheer as loudly as you can! Be provocative!”

  “I LOVE YOU JONATHAN!!!” I screamed, jumping higher to draw attention to my bouncing breasts. It was working; Jonathan was looking at right me, grinning from ear to ear, a chunk of hair partially obscuring his eyes. He was so good-looking.

  “Looks like we’ve got an…energetic crowd tonight,” he said into the mic. “Let’s see if we can get a little louder, shall we?”

  “NAKED CHURCH! NAKED CHURCH! NAKED CHURCH!” I began chanting, bobbing up and down with my fist in the air. Naked church was one of Rotten Circus’s earliest songs; only a true fan would know it. Laina joined me in my chant, both of us jumping up and down, our long messy hair swinging around.

  “NAKED CHURCH! NAKED CHURCH!” We chanted, with only a few more voices in the crowd joining us as we went. Geez, did nobody know their first album? Pathetic!

  Mikee, Jonathan, Erik, and Aaron were now looking down at us appreciatively. Now was our opportunity.

  “NAKED CHURRRRRCH!” we screamed in unison. I loosened my bustier so that it clung loosely to my body, exposing skin down the middle of my torso, covered only by the silky pink ribbon. Just another half inch and my nipples would be visible.

  I poured my beer over Laina’s boobs.

  “HEY!” she said.

  “Look!” I said, pointing to the band. They were practically drooling. The rest of the crowd was still cheering and chanting, but it was as if they weren’t even there. It was just the band and us, eyeballing each other with hunger.

  “Oh my god,” Laina said excitedly. “They’re looking right at us.” Then she poured her beer over my exposed breasts, hardening my nipples in the cool night air. I shimmied and shook my chest, really milking it.

  “They want us,” I said to Laina. “This is insane. Best summer ever!”


  “Alllllllright Phoenix!” Mikee called. “Looks like we have some very, very, very devoted fans tonight! Well, fo
r old time’s sake I say let’s give the crowd what they want! Guys, play Naked Church!”

  Laina and I looked at each other excitedly as the lights dimmed even more and the music started


  The lights flickered back on as the last of the crowd dredged out of the stadium. I blinked and looking at Laina as my eyes adjusted.

  “Well that was amazing,” I said, failing to hide the disappointment in my voice.

  “Yeah,” she said half-heartedly.

  It had been a great show. They’d played all of our favorites, plus some new stuff. It was the perfect way to send off our high school years and begin a new life at college. But I couldn’t help but feel disappointed; Laina and I had put on a sexy show all night, making the band – and every other guy in the vicinity – eyeball us with lust and desire. But when the set was over, the band disappeared backstage without further interaction.

  “Guess our plan didn’t work…” I said. I looked down at my outfit, partially undone. My skin was sticky with sweat and beer, my hair a fucked up mess. I swiped under my eye; smudged black eyeliner covered my fingertip. I was a hot mess. Maybe we had gone overboard with the slutty act?

  “Well…” Laina said, fanning herself with a hand and trying to straighten her hair.

  “Denny’s?” I asked. Late night Denny’s was our routine when a night out didn’t go as planned.

  “Denny’s,” Laina said in agreement.

  We walked up the stairs and out of the stadium, tickets and beer cups littering the ground. We were lingering by the entrance, wondering where we had parked the Jeep, when we heard a whistle behind us.

  “Thanks, but we know we’re sexy,” I said, rolling our eyes. The slut outfit had been fun, but I was ready to go home and change into an outfit that didn’t attract creepy remarks and pinches on the ass.

  “Oh I know you do,” said a deep man’s voice. A deep man’s voice that sounded familiar…

  I turned around and gasped.

  “Laina, it’s Erik!” I said, tugging on her shoulder. She turned and gasped too. He was just a few feet away from us, leaning on a pillar. Erik was the drummer; he was built solidly, the most muscular guy in the group, with jet black hair and a scruff of facial hair on his chin.

  “You’re the girls from the front row, right?” he asked, striding closer to us.

  “Y-yeah,” Laina said. “My name is Laina and this is my friend Stacey. We are huge fans of yours.”

  “Yeah, we’ve been listening to you since we were 15 years old!” I gushed, then kicked myself. Idiot! You sound like a baby!

  “Oh, wow,” he said with the air of someone who hears compliments all the time. “Thanks. It’s always good to meet our original fans. So, uh…how long ago was 15 years old?”

  Is he asking us if we’re legal? Oh my god, he is!

  “Long enough,” I said flirtatiously. “We’re here to celebrate our 18th birthday and high school graduation.”

  “Is that so?” he said, his grin growing larger. “Congratulations…say, you wouldn’t want to celebrate with us would you? I mean, it’s just us guys hanging out in the tour bus, pretty boring, but we’ve got beer and -”

  “We’d love to!” Laina and I said.

  Erik led us around the building to the largest bus we’d ever seen in our lives.

  “After you,” he said with a smile as he opened the door, looking us over.

  We walked in and suddenly I was hit with an unfamiliar shyness. I was very conscious of how much skin I was revealing, my bustier still loosened and exposing my skin underneath. A set of plush couches lined the walls, and atop them sat the other three members of the band, talking and laughing among themselves, beers in hand.

  “Hey guys, this is Laina and Stacey,” Erik said warmly. “They’re huge fans of ours and they’re celebrating their 18th birthday and high school graduation.”

  “Nice,” Mikee said appreciatively. “Thanks for including us in your introduction to the…adult world.”

  “Well you guys played a great show,” I gushed some more. “I’ve been listening to you for years. Me and my best friend here,” I wrapped an arm around Laina’s waist.

  “You guys pretty close?” Aaron said, nodding towards us. “Sisters or something?”

  “No, best friends,” Laina said. “But practically sisters. We do everything together.” The guys nodded. I felt their vision on my body. They were taking in every detail of Laina and me. I knew where this had to be headed. My pussy moistened beneath my tight black pants.

  “Have a beer,” Jonathan said, patting the space on the couch next to him. Oh my god, he’s talking to me!

  I walked over and sank into the soft leather couch next to him. I could smell his musky cologne mixed with the odor of alcohol and sweat. Like a real rock star. I couldn’t look at anybody, so instead I examined my hands, and then Jonathan’s. They were wrapped around a sweating beer can, his elbows propped up on his knees. His forearms were muscular, with veins bulging slightly. An elaborate skull tattoo blanketed his right arm.

  “Thanks,” I said, accepting the beer. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I drank deeply. Laina had settled next to Mikee, and he had his arm around her shoulders. She caught my eye and widened her eyes in disbelief. I mouthed “oh my god,” back at her. I wondered if she was thinking what I was.

  “So, what’s next now that you’ve graduated high school.?” Jonathan asked me, draping his arm over the back of the couch behind me. “

  “Well, Laina and I are going to UCLA,” I said brightly, grateful for something to talk about. “She’s going to major in biology. I’m not sure what I want to major in, I was thinking English but then I’ve heard it can be difficult to get a job with that, what with the economy and all. So basically I have no idea what I’m going to do yet, but they say that’s normal….”

  My babbling drifted off as I noticed Jonathan’s finger drawing circles on my chest, between my collar bone and upper breast. I shivered.

  “Yeah,” he said, leaning in to me. “I know what you’re going through, but don’t worry about it too much. It’s natural, when you’re young, to not be sure of what you want. That’s why you have to get yourself out there. Try a little of everything, you know?”

  “Yeah,” I said breathily, trying to ignore his hand as it wandered downwards, grazing the top of my bustier. “Yeah, I figure I’ll just start with general studies…and then…and then, uh…”

  His hand was now under my bustier, sweeping lightly over the tender skin of my breasts. Suddenly Aaron was sitting on the other side of me.

  “General studies,” Aaron said. “That’s good. Dabble in enough subjects and eventually you’ll find something that strikes your fancy…”

  “Mmhmm,” I said. Jonathan’s hand had gone from light grazing to full-on groping. His large hand held one breast tightly, then the other, squeezing firmly. A moan escaped through my lips.

  I tore my gaze away from my chest and the hand that was invading it, looking across the bus at Laina. Mikee and Erik sat on either side of her, and they pulled her legs open to reveal her skimpy see-through thongs. We’d done it; they had chosen us out of everyone else in the crowd to be their fuck buddies for the night.


  I looked back down to see Aaron now sucking aggressively at my breast, drawing the nipple out with his mouth and nibbling softly. Jonathan was getting to work on my skinny jeans, unzipping them and peeling them down my legs to reveal a hot pink thong. This couldn’t be – 2 guys on me at the same time?! This was the infamous Rotten Circus sexcapade I’d been dreaming of since before I could drive? It was too good to be true.

  Across from me Laina was now being treated to a vigorous fingering, her skirt pushed up her waist and her bustier ripped from her body to reveal her huge breasts. Mikee was stuffing his fingers in and out of her slick vagina while Erik probed her asshole with his thumb, double penetrating her. From the look of ecstasy on her face and the moans she was making, it seemed
like she was having a good time.

  Jonathan shoved his hand down the front of my thong, massaging his fingers around my clitoris in circles. Aaron dragged his tongue in large strokes across my chest, back and forth from one nipple to the other. Then he stood up abruptly and took off his pants so that his huge cock was in my face. I knew what he wanted, and I was happy to oblige.

  Aaron threw back his head and groaned as I bobbed my head up and down, sucking his fat dick and coating it in a thick layer of my saliva. He took my head in his hand, pushing me further down on him. I relaxed my throat, taking all of him in my mouth. I slid my tongue up and down the shaft and sucked hard, saliva dribbling down my face, making loud slurping noises that sounded oddly erotic to me and made my pussy even wetter.

  Suddenly I was thrown down on the ground of the tour bus. I looked up confusedly as Laina was also thrown down. What was the meaning of this? Were they done?

  “You know what would be cool?” Mikee said. “If you guys made out.”

  I looked at Laina with widened eyes. I couldn’t help but notice how hot she looked, with her hair and makeup all messed up, her large breasts heaving from the exertion she had just been through. I had always been attracted to Laina on some level, even having an erotic dream or two about her after our endless summers of swimming and sleepovers. There had been moments when she had been helping me get dressed, gently brushing my hair off my shoulders, when I almost thought she felt the same way.

  Before I could say anything to her, her soft pink mouth was on mine. The band cheered out, toasting beer cans. I took her head in my hands and looked at her.

  “Laina?” I said breathlessly.

  “Shh,” she said, smiling. She reached over and pulled my thong down and then did likewise with her own, so that it was just us two, completely naked, laying on the floor of the tour bus while the men in the band watched and whooped in approval.

  Looks like a couple of my fantasies will be coming true tonight, I thought. I took one of her breasts in my mouth, sucking and licking in a way that I knew she would enjoy. Moaning, she brought a hand down between my legs, gently stroking my labia and clitoris in turn.


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