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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

Page 8

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Dimitri cleared his throat. “No, I’m not married, never been married. I want to, though. That answers the divorce question. Single."

  Darcey had to contain the delighted feeling that rushed through her. He was single. They took another card each. This time Dimitri got the king of spades while she picked out the three of diamonds.

  “Truth or Dare?” Dimitri asked, smiling at her with his sexy grin.

  “Truth.” Darcey felt more nervous than she anticipated.

  He took a sip from his cup, eyeing her intently. "Tell me your three greatest fears."

  Darcey exhaled deeply. That wasn’t so tough. "I’m afraid of rejection, failure and deathly afraid of snakes."

  For the next draw, Dimitri picked out the higher card. “Truth or Dare, Darcey dear?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Truth."

  “Do you really think I resemble Superman?" Dimitri looked deep into her eyes, challenging her. He was clearly enjoying teasing her.

  She took the challenge. She lifted her chin up and answered without blinking, "Yes. But would you prefer I call you Adonis?"

  He laughed. “You are funny, very witty. You can call me whatever you like. Adonis. Superman. Mark Wahlberg. All those names suit me just fine.” He chuckled pleasantly. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”

  Darcey felt proud of herself. The question didn’t make her as nervous as she would have thought. Dimitri’s smile widened, he kept an intense gaze on her.

  Darcey got the Jack of clubs in the next round. Dimitri pulled out his card. When he flipped it over they saw it was the five of hearts.

  She had to laugh. "Your turn, Clark Kent. Truth or Dare?"

  “Truth.” He shrugged, confidence was oozing out of his pores.

  "Tell me, Superman, what makes you different from all the other guys out there?"

  "Wow, Darcey. That’s difficult. I’m different in so many ways. When it comes to love, my career or...” His voice trailed off before he continued, “Well, I love what I do. I just wanna have fun. I am easy as Sunday morning but when I want something, I do everything possible to get it. That goes for my career, relationships and, as far as my love-making skills, well, you’ll just have to find out.”

  Darcey almost choked on her tea. This time her gaze became shifty. What he just said made it difficult to stare into his face. She mustered the courage to do so and forced her eyes to focus on him. His eyes were so dreamy, she felt like she was swimming inside them, pools of chocolate. The way he looked made her feel like he was her ideal man. She suddenly felt exposed.

  Dimitri reached over and touched her cheek, softly, very softly, with the back of one hand. He retreated and leaned back on the couch. “OK, this is the last draw. I need to get up really early tomorrow.”

  She frowned and didn’t even attempt to hide the disappointment on her face. They each took a card. He looked at his, the King of hearts. Darcey flipped hers over. It was the Queen of hearts.

  Dimitri wagged a finger at her, a huge smile on his face. “Looks like superheroes always win. Truth or Dare, Darcey?”

  A surge of adrenaline rose inside her. Maybe it was because she knew it was the last card draw for the night, or perhaps it was his face staring right back at her. “Dare,” Darcey replied much more forceful and louder than she intended.

  It was time to break her own rules. Dimitri’s face took on a serious expression. His intense gaze became almost dangerous, like that of a wild tiger stalking its prey, eyes blazing with desire. Darcey could hear the wall clock ticking.

  Slowly, a sexy smile formed on Dimitri’s face. With a deep voice he finally whispered, "Wrong choice. I dare you to come here and kiss me.”

  Chapter 9

  Darcey’s mum rang her to remind her daughter for the tenth time that week to attend her grandpa's party on Saturday.

  "Sweet pea, don't forget to bring a date. Your granddad will be asking you the usual questions, like why you aren't settled down yet and we don't want you to be embarrassed when everyone asks you why you’re single! Don't bring Luis, everyone knows he's out of the closet. And don’t bring Nick either because we all gave up on him already when we saw him with his date at your cousin’s wedding. As much as I adore him, please, sweetie, bring someone else. I love you."

  “Mum, can’t I just go by myself? I’m sure it’s not a crime to be single and I won’t be the only one who’s single there.”

  “Darling, your younger cousins don’t count as single people. We all know how your granddad dotes on you, so please bring someone. I have to go, I’m watching ‘Downton Abbey’”. Without giving Darcey a chance to reply, her mum put the phone down.

  It was Friday evening. Trisha, Luis and Darcey were at their favourite Venetian Tapas place called Polpo. The ambiance was laid-back and the noise was at a comfortable level, making it easy to converse without the friends screaming at each other.

  Polpo was packed as usual but since the trio got in early, and with the help of Luis’ flirtation prowess, they got a good table. The sumptuous food would take anyone to Venice. Each bite brought the diner to a ride with a lover on a gondola.

  Luis was enjoying chatting up the good-looking servers. "Thank you, Jason. How was your week, darling?"

  Darcey heard the flirting. Luis had a boyfriend who cheated on him and Darcey’s good friend swore he didn’t want to date anymore. Yet every single time they saw a good-looking man, Luis never failed to say hello.

  Trisha, on the other hand, knew what type of man she wanted. She used to be in a long-term relationship and it sadly ended with the bitterness that warranted several drinks and tears over the course of two weeks.

  Trisha realised her ex was too immature for her and didn't bother to take a breather and started dating a barrister immediately afterwards. Luke was intelligent, funny like Trisha and career-driven. They were a fabulous match and Darcey and Luis were simply waiting for Luke to pop the question.

  "So, tell me,” Trisha interrupted Darcey’s thoughts. "How is the love life? You told me you bumped into Nathan and had dinner together.”

  “It wasn’t a date, Trish. Plus we all know I don’t date bankers and the like, sorry no offense to your profession. He and I are just friends brought together by a very unusual meeting. Plus Superman is my ideal guy.” Darcey took a bite of her Baccala’ Mantecata, one of Venice’s most popular dishes. The Baltic codfish prepared in olive oil and parsley tasted divine. “By the way, sorry I was so swamped with work, I couldn't call you back."

  They continued eating the feast laid in front of them. The succulent seafood, juicy meat and different paellas were a dream. The trio couldn’t hide their happiness. When they had their fill, Trisha insisted Darcey told her more about the meeting with Nathan.

  “So, I went to pick up Mr. Leighton’s suit in Saville Row and by sheer coincidence Nathan was there having a fitting! He looked so dashing. Very, very dapper."

  Luis, who was enjoying his creamy and golden Polenta, an upscale food with roots from the northern part of Italy, looked up as soon as he heard the girls talk about a handsome man. "Who looked very dashing?" His face now piqued with curiosity, he fiddled with his food while impatiently waiting for a reply.

  "Well, you know, Nathan.” Darcey shrugged. "We had dinner. He’s a director of some private equity firm along with old school friends. Turns out he’s half English, half-Yank! Who would have known? He studied in the U.S. and got his degree from Harvard."

  "Impressive!" It was Trisha’s turn to butt in.

  "He’s single, once engaged, currently lives in South Kensington. He plays golf, loves art and racing cars. He’s also an avid snowboarder. There, satisfied? I forgot to ask about his zodiac sign." After reciting Nathan’s resume she flashed her friends a mock frown.

  "And what’s wrong with him?" Trisha swirled her wine in the glass like a pro, sniffing the red liquid before taking a sip.

  “Come on, Trish, let’s be realistic. Men like him don’t date women like me. They date successful women l
ike you.”

  Trisha rolled her eyes. Darcey poked at her food, her mind occupied with thoughts of handsome faces. “But Dimitri is so gorgeous and sexy and a good kiss…“ She stopped mid-sentence.

  “What?” Trish and Luis said in unison, eyes wide and mouths gaping open.

  Darcy blushed. “I think Dimitri is the one I’ve been waiting for. I mean, seriously. It was love at first sight.” She sighed. "Dimitri caught me by the lift last night and gave me a cute bouquet of flowers. I invited him over for a night cap and we ended up playing Truth or Dare.”

  Trisha and Luis forgot about the delicious food in front of them, not caring that the food was getting cold. They pressed Darcey for more juicy details.

  "Anything else I can get you?” Jason, the waiter, interrupted.

  "No, no, we’re fine.'" Luis shooed him politely.

  "Dimitri grew up in Greece and Switzerland and moved here because he wanted a new life, a rather different life. But he didn't really elaborate.” Darcey took a sip out of her own glass of wine. “I think that his mysterious character makes him more intriguing, more exciting. He’s like a boy who’s a man at the same time. He’s so animated, well, he’s only twenty-eight but it’s only a few years between us. Not a big deal, right?”

  Luis was nodding while taking a bite of some tapas. Darcey continued, "He works as a personal trainer and owns a gym with a friend. And he’s single."

  With dramatic exaggeration in his voice, Luis replied, "For a second there I was worried Nathan and Dimitri were married and you'd be a mistress, or an escort!”

  Trisha laughed. Luis had a way of making serious moments downright hilarious with his very dry English humour.

  "I kissed, Dimitri!" Darcey blurted out, a big smile on her face.

  "You hussy!" Luis hissed. "Yes, you are a tramp, so was the sex good?”

  Trisha merely gave Darcey a meaningful smile. "Ignore him.”

  Darcey rolled her eyes. "I don't kiss and tell."

  "Boo, you're no fun. You already did kiss and tell,” Luis protested and sipped his wine sultrily.

  "I invited Dimitri for dinner next Friday, and Nick is helping me cook dinner. Nathan invited me to be his date for a fundraising event, too! Imagine that.” She raised both her hands to stop her friends and hurriedly added, “Hold your comments until after the puddings have been served. At least I can take it with a spoon full of sugar."

  Luis gave her an innocent look but was clearly thinking of something to say. "I was going to congratulate you and not crucify you. You have been single for years. After ‘he who must not be named’ traded you in for a Russian Barbie doll, I’ve been waiting for you to be happy once more. You have the kindest heart, Darcey, and you love unconditionally. You deserve to be happy.” Luis gave her a small hug. “So whether it's Nathan or Dimitri--and you can even add Nick to the list—as long as the guy treats you right and loves you, luv, I got your back."

  Luis’ emotional speech left Darcey at a loss for words. “Nicholas is just a friend! Come on, you guys have to stop that. As for Nathan, well, I barely know him.” She was starting to feel defensive.

  Trisha looked more sceptical. "You barely know Dimitri as well. Just be careful. You know what they say, play with fire and you eventually get burned. As much as I’m rooting for your love life to bloom, please be careful and love with caution. Luis and I would love to meet Dimitri, too, so we can give our opinion since you said there isn’t anything romantic going on between you and Nathan… yet.”

  Luis took in a heaping of more succulent Italian food. “By the way, when I first met Nick, I always thought he had a thing for you.”

  Darcey smirked. “Right, Nicholas with the list of girlfriends longer than my grocery list.” The trio laughed boisterously.

  "So,” Luis started changing the subject, “who will be the lucky guy who gets to meet the family tomorrow? Your mum tells you to bring a guy and I’m persona non grata and Nick got disqualified, too. Why not ask Dimitri so you can get your family’s approval. Or…” Luis paused for effect, “…you could ask Nathan."

  Darcey put a hand to her forehead. "Oh crap! I totally forgot. I can't invite Dimitri because, well, I already invited him for dinner next week. I don't want to sound desperate! Plus, he is my ideal guy. Surely grandmamma and mummy will be planning my wedding. The guy is charming. I bet he can win my whole family over before pudding is served.” Darcey looked at her friends’ faces. “I was trying to think any male available will do.”

  Luis rested his chin on a manicured hand. "Well, you’ll just have to settle for Nathan as your ‘undate’. He seems to be someone you can bring and, as for your grandparents, they’ll know Nathan’s not in-law potential.” Luis motioned for Jason to bring over more wine.

  “No, Nathan’s not my type, remember?” Darcey said.

  Trisha studied her for a second and inquired, "You know we both met Nathan and he seemed to be a great guy.”

  "Ah yes, of course. Nathan is every girl's dream--rich, successful and handsome and he could make dreams come true, just not mine. Plus, he had an “almost engagement”. I’m pretty sure he’s not looking to settle down.”

  “Then why did he ask you to coffee and paid for our drinks, took you to dinner, and all that?” Luis spoke.

  “He felt bad about the way we met. I’m sure he found our initial meeting hilarious. Maybe he’s bored and the world is magically too small for him and me.”

  Luis eyed her warily. “At least he’s not Nicholas, a guy who’s already dated the whole Western Hemisphere. And if you count Anna who’s English and Aussie, then Nick’s on his way to completing the flag.”

  “But more than that,” Darcy said in a tone that was subdued and careful, “Nick and I are good friends, you know that. And why is he even mentioned in this conversation about my love life? And as for Nathan, he may be wonderful, handsome and intelligent. He is classy. And who knows, if I met him before I met Dimitri then maybe I would like him instead. I’m sure Nathan only wants me as a friend.” Saying that out loud, Darcey was surprised to feel a tug from the inside. “Guys like him don’t date girls like me. Remember he wouldn’t even hire me as escort for his friend so I sure as hell won’t meet his standard for a girlfriend."

  Luis shook his head and raised his palms as a sign of surrender. "Well, on that note, you have just admitted you are rather attractive to Nathan, don't you think?"

  "Oh blah! Think what you want. Can we move on to the pudding please?" Darcey sipped her wine right before they ordered some coffee panna cotta with hazelnut ricciarelli.


  Later that evening, Darcey phoned Nathan. "Hey Nate."

  "Yes, Darcey?" Surprise was evident in his tone. He clearly wasn’t expecting her to call.

  "I have a huge favour to ask.” Darcey was met with an awkward silence. “Are you free tomorrow? Let me finish before you say anything. It's my grandfather's birthday and I have to go and since everyone is going to be there and you know being the unmarried cousin and niece, I want to avoid being the centre of attention. I wondered if you would come with me?”

  She felt more embarrassed yet she continued. “Remember you invited me to come as your ‘undate’ to that charity thing? You see, being the only single grandchild who’s not a teen, my lack of love life is always main course at these family things. I was wondering if you could come as my friend but I can’t promise they’ll not put you on the hot seat. But I’ll promise you this: it will be fun. Plus, I would take you to a Chelsea game, and I don’t know how else I could bribe you."

  Darcey let out an awkward laugh. She breathed deeply, realizing she was holding her breath.”

  “Darcey, calm down and breathe. Sure, I’ll come with you. What time shall I pick you up?”

  When she didn’t reply for a few seconds Nathan asked, “Darcey, are you still there?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just not expecting you to say yes right away.” She fanned herself with her hand. Why was it suddenly so hot in her room?r />
  “Oh, was I too easy?” She could almost see him smile that gorgeous grin. He went on. “Should I have played hard to get and asked you to get bored with me at the art gallery?”

  “No, no, you aren’t easy at all, fine, I’ll go with you to the next exhibition at your favourite gallery.” It was Darcey’s turn to grin.

  “I’m just teasing you,” Nathan said. “To be honest, I’m not close to my family so it’s rare for me to attend family gatherings. I’m sure it would be a lot more fun than the driving range. I enjoy your company, Darcey.”


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