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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

Page 10

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Katherine was fussing over the kids. She then turned to Darcey. "Darcey, when are you going to make me a grandmother? Look how adorable Bella is.” Bella was cooing and her cheeks were flushed.

  “Nathan, you do like children, don’t you?” Daniel added. Darcey never wanted to punch him in the arm as strongly as she did at that moment.

  Without even a slight pause, Nathan replied, “Yes, I would like to have children.”

  Before the cousins could further grill Nathan, Darcey gave them a look of warning. It was very sweet for her grandfather to wish she found someone but now that her mother mentioned children, Darcey felt highly uneasy. Her family had always thought she and Ollie were going to end up together. When Nick came into her life, Darcey’s mother would often ask him if he had friends he could introduce to Darcey.

  Darcey felt the world spinning around her. She didn’t like the pressure she was getting about her single status once more. She was about to change the topic when Nathan suddenly spoke, “I’ve only known Darcey for a short time but from what I do know, she’ll be a wonderful wife and mother.”

  He looked at her with such gentleness it almost made her tear up. “Darcey, I don’t know your type or what kind of person you’re looking for, but whoever he is, I’m sure he is going to be one lucky man.”

  There was dead silence in the air. Darcey’s aunt and uncle exchanged glances while her mother looked between her and Nathan. Grandpa simply placed an arm around Darcey and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Bella started crying, breaking the awkward silence mulling in the room. The children were in the playroom with one of the nannies.

  Darcey mouthed a “thank you” to Nathan and was starting to feel more comfortable until her mother quickly added to her fading embarrassment, igniting the fires of shame once more.

  Katherine turned to Nathan and declared, "Someone like you will be all right. Tall, intelligent, good looking." Her mum sounded like she was reciting nothing more than the local boring weather report.

  Nathan, to Darcey’s surprise, turned beet red. Darcey couldn't think of anything to say either. Zoe was grinning.

  Darcey pretended to look at her watch. “Oh look, it’s getting late. We have to get going, right Nathan?”

  All Nathan could do was nod. She sympathized with him as she herself was a bit speechless.

  They helped Bruno and Zoe put the kids in the car. Baby Bella and Bryan were completely knackered. Daniel gave his farewell. The rest of the family had gone ahead. Darcey gave her grandparents quick hugs and her mum a kiss.

  Abigail perked up. “Look, Aunt Darcey! It's mistletoe! You have to kiss, it's tradition!”

  Everyone was now staring at Nathan and Darcey with anticipation in their eyes.

  “Right ,because in all of my thirty years here on earth I had not once kissed anyone under a mistletoe,” Darcey joked. “Hurry up, Nathan, we need to hit the road.” She stared at him, both obviously unsure of what to do next.

  “Ignore them. You, we--” she began to speak until Nathan suddenly grabbed the small of her back, pulling her towards his torso gently. Then he planted a kiss on her lips.

  It was no brotherly or friendly kiss. It was an ‘It's time for us to go, sweetheart, I want to be alone with you’ kind of kiss.

  When she finally pulled away from Nathan with more hesitation than she expected to feel, Darcey felt heat rise up to her cheeks, silently thanking the cold air for making the flushed look a natural one.

  She then remembered they had an audience. She turned to see her family, their faces displaying mixed reactions. Nathan looked like he couldn’t care less at that point what anyone thought. He had eyes only for Darcey.

  She smiled at her grandpa. The old man’s eyes were twinkling. He looked like he knew without a doubt that his birthday wish was coming true. Darcey’s heart was beating rapidly, she was unsure with what to make of the kiss. A kiss that was, by far, the best one she had ever received during her entire thirty years on earth.

  Chapter 11

  “Your family really loves Christmas, huh? We are just celebrating Guy Fawkes Day and yet they’ve already put up all the Christmas decors.” Nathan looked pleased rather than condescending.

  “The season’s really for the kids, you know. But sometimes I think Grandma loves putting up the decors with different themes.”

  “Yeah, you even have a mistletoe.” This time he cringed. A heavy silence followed and the only sound to be heard was the humming car engine.

  They both started to speak at once. “Darcey--” he began.

  “About that kiss, can we just pretend it never happened?” Darcey said.

  When he didn’t reply she continued, “We’re both enjoying each other’s company. I like what we are and what we have. It’s good getting to hang around someone without pressure. But we both know that taking things one step above friendship will complicate things.”

  Nathan remained quiet but his breathing showed he was contemplating things. He obviously wanted to say something to her.

  Despite the cold air, Darcey’s face was flushed. She leaned back against the luxurious leather seat of Nathan’s car. Her friends’ words resonated in her mind. A conversation that took place several nights earlier suddenly popped in her head.

  “I think Darcey will soon find the man of her dreams. What do you think?” Trisha had asked Luis during one of the trio’s regular dinner dates.

  “Indeed. Who do you think would be the lucky man?” Luis had looked beyond intrigued. “I seriously think if Nick changes his player ways, he could be right for you, Darcey. You can be his game changer. And he is English aristocracy and a chef, need I say more? My bet is on him.” Luis always had a soft spot for Nick and would tease the pair regularly.

  “Well, looks-wise, Nick and Superman are on equal footing,” Trish had said, putting a spoonful of Russian caviar in her dainty pout. “But Darcey already admitted to liking Clark Kent. In her own words, he’s the man she’s been waiting for so I’m taking a risk and putting my hard-earned money on Dimitri.” Trisha giggled like a schoolgirl, probably thinking of how hot Dimitri must look. “I just need to meet him to sign the deal. I’ve never seen Darcey so giddy about a man!”

  Darcey’s thoughts and memories about the boy-talks with her best friends brought her back to the present moment when Nathan broke his silence. “You’re right, let’s enjoy what we have. You’re different, Darcey, I don’t usually have a lot of female friends.” He gave her a wry smile. Was that a touch of sadness in his beautiful eyes?

  “You’re easy to talk to,” he went on, “and you’re genuine. You blush when you’re angry and you cry when you get emotional, which in some cases would be annoying but with you, well, it’s different.” He gave her a wistful look before adding, “It makes you likeable.”

  She felt the sincerity of his words and accepted the compliment openly. She echoed the sentiments. “Well, I feel you. I have a few friends, fewer male friends and that’s counting Luis! You’re more than what meets the eye, cliché, I know, but it’s true, really.”

  Nathan’s brows piqued with curiosity. He looked like he wanted more of an explanation.

  “Well,” Darcey went on, “we didn’t really meet conventionally. I found you arrogant and condescending but luckily it was just a misunderstanding. I do think you’re a wonderful guy--generous and interesting. And if I go on and on we will soon create a mutual admiration society.” They both laughed.

  “And the only members are you and I,” Nathan joked.

  A brief moment of silence followed once more. Darcey thought it was time to lighten the mood. “It’s called the Vanity affair.” She looked at Nathan with interest. “Why don’t you like Christmas? I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like the festive season.”

  “It’s not that I hate it.” He took his eyes off the road for a brief moment to glance at her. “I just never really had a chance to enjoy it. Unlike your close-knit family, mine was different. Getting together for Christmas caused everyon
e stress, there was a need to tolerate each other. My parents lead separate lives. Dad lives in the country with his new wife. One who, I might add, is only a few years older than me and my mum, well, she’s busy gracing the New York social circle.” He forced a laugh.

  Darcey found his opening up to her very comforting. Nobody was perfect after all, even someone like Nathan had wounds. She felt glad he trusted her enough to share his childhood and family dynamics with her.

  He went on, “I believed in Santa only up until I was able to read. I knew the toys came from which shop and that they were made in China.” He chuckled but she didn’t join in his laughter. Through her eyes he was the vulnerable seven-year old once more. Darcey’s parents separated when she was young but she always had the love of her grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.

  She suddenly had an idea. “You know, let’s change that. Let’s make Christmas fun for you. It’s never too late to be a child again, Nathan. In fact, one day we’ll all grow up and finally get to see the real magic of Christmas.” Darcey felt excited, her mind working overtime.

  “And what’s that?” Nathan looked curious.

  It was Darcey’s turn to laugh. “I’ll be your Christmas, bunny. You know, like, an Easter bunny. It shall be one of my goals to make Christmas more than just a holiday for you, Mr. Cromwell. Come on, taste the mulled wine, and smell the Christmas trees and listen to the carols. You can simply enjoy them.” Thoughts of Christmas always filled Darcey with joy. “Have you ever gone ice skating during the season? Or have gone to a Christmas carol service?”

  “Yes, who hasn’t?” Nathan switched lanes smoothly, the sports car was like a purring kitten under his touch. “But I see what you’re getting at. I might just take you up on your offer.” He looked thoughtful for a moment.

  “But,” she said, “I have to add, it wouldn’t be a date you know.”

  “Darcey, I know. The idea of going on a date with me is a notion you seem to abhor and you made that perfectly clear.”

  Was he mocking her? His voice softened and his words were coated with hesitation. To Darcey, romance with Nathan just wasn’t a feasible option.

  It was Nathan’s turn once more to aim at lightening the tension between them. “OK, Darcey, I shall try not to fall in love you.” Despite his effort at teasing, an even tenser vibe hung in the air.

  Darcey didn’t know what to say, couldn’t understand the wave of emotions going through her. She stared at the car radio instead. “Do you mind if we played some music?”

  “No, not at all.” He powered the radio on and cruised through the stations until they both found the type of music they both loved. Fortunately for them and the kilometres of travelling ahead, they shared the same taste for music—jazz, with the genre’s soothing sound.

  Music began to slowly disperse tranquillity inside the car. The lemon car freshener and the song playing made Darcey feel the effects of the fun yet hectic day. Slowly she fell into a deep slumber. She didn’t realize how long she had dozed off until she heard Nathan turn off the engine.

  She opened her eyes and found him staring at her. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.” He was teasing her and she was glad their talk about keeping their relationship platonic didn’t seem to lead to hard feelings between them.

  Darcey was drowsy, almost whimpering like a baby. “I’m sorry for being rude by falling asleep.”

  “It’s fine, you weren’t snoring. Well, not too loudly.” He chuckled.

  “What? No way! I don’t snore.” She shot him an exaggerated hurt face before looking at her watch. It was about ten thirty in the evening. “Would you like to come up for a cup of tea?”

  He cocked his head and pretended to look like he was about to make a massive decision that affected the lives of millions of people. Finally he replied, “I think I could do with something warm.”

  During the walk to her flat, Darcey suddenly felt anxious. What if they bumped into Dimitri? Thankfully, Superman was nowhere in sight. Maybe he was saving lives somewhere while fighting off aliens?

  She led Nathan to her place and she rummaged for her keys. As she opened the door, she quickly realised her flat may not have been tidy enough. It had been a long day, however, and she couldn’t be bothered to care. Besides, she told herself, it wasn’t like she was trying to impress Nathan. They were friends, nothing more. It would be completely fine to be comfortable being herself with him.

  A friend still deserved some kind of warning, though. “I must warn you, you might be entering your worst nightmare. I don’t have a cleaner.”

  She walked into her small and rather untidy flat. Books and a couple of used drinking cups were on the coffee table, a shirt draped on a seat while pairs of shoes were scattered all over the floor.

  She peeled off her coat and offered to take Nathan’s coat before she hung both items on the coat rack. She removed the shirt from the seat and motioned for Nathan to sit down.

  “What would you like? Coffee, hot chocolate, tea? I would offer you some alcohol but you have some more driving to do. What’s your choice?”

  “What will you be having?” he answered back.

  “I’m going to have my usual hot mint chocolate with marshmallows.”

  Nathan grinned at her. “That sounds rather sinful!”

  “Indeed, but it’s the sweetest kind of sin.”

  As she turned towards the kitchen to make their drinks, she heard him call her name. “I didn’t realize you like cabana boys.”

  Her eyes opened wide and she turned around, mortified to see him holding a pair of knickers that were printed with the words ‘J’adore Cabana boys’. Darcey gasped and walked quickly towards him and grabbed the undies from his hands. Nathan was clearly enjoying the experience. She gave him a mock angry look and tossed the undies in her bathroom on the way back to the kitchen. She came back with two steaming mugs of mint hot chocolate, served with generous portions of marshmallows.

  Nathan was looking at photos on the shelves when she walked back to the living room. “Sorry, I was just curious.” He took a drink from her and blew on it.

  “That photo was when I was five, I think. It was taken in Grenoble, a skiing village. That’s Luis in the other pic with me, taken during one unforgettable vacation in Tulum, Mexico.”

  There was a really tiny photo of a good-looking man along with the other framed images. The man had sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He held a baby on his lap. Darcey noticed Nathan was curious about the photo.

  “That’s my Dad. I haven’t seen him in ages, but I still keep that photo of him.”

  Nathan smiled at her, taking a sip from his drink. “You were such a cute child.”

  “Yeah, and you know what they say, it’s all downhill from there.” She laughed and sipped her own hot chocolate.

  She was expecting Nathan to chuckle at the joke but instead he looked at her with such gentleness. “I beg to disagree. I think you’re beautiful and the fact that you don’t know it makes you even more appealing.”

  Her phone rang but since she expected to be away for a full day, she had set her answering machine to pick up calls right away. “Darcey,” a very familiar sounding male voice said, “it’s your favourite man. How was your grandfather’s birthday? Did the family miss me? I’ll see you later, goodnight darling.”

  They kept their silence during the course of the entire message. Nathan gave her a small smile, cocking his head to the side.

  “Oh, that’s Nicholas. My…” she started to explain.

  “Darcey, it’s getting rather late. I better get going.” Nathan placed the mug on the table and turned to look at her. The expression in his eyes was difficult to read this time. “Thanks for today.”

  She replied, almost in a whisper, “The pleasure was all mine.”

  He stepped closer to her. His face was now inches away from hers. “I haven’t been to a party as warm and delightful as today’s.” He reached out to brush a rebellious strand of hair off her face. His touch held so muc
h tenderness, it took her breath away.

  “Good night, Darcey.” With that, Nathan planted a soft kiss on her cheek and walked out the door.

  Chapter 12

  Luis and Darcey were doing groceries. It was her turn to make Sunday roast for the trio.

  “So,” Luis eyed her with a teasing look in his eyes. He picked up four hundred grams worth of Mozzarella cheese and placed it in their cart. “How did Nathan score with the fam-bam?”

  “Nathan did perfectly fine. He didn’t give my family false hopes and his presence got my family off my back, for a short time at least--except for the time when they did put him on the spot.” She grabbed a packed of Yorkshire pudding from the freezer section.


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