Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book Page 14

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  “Darcey, I, too, was mesmerized by her smile. Mona Lisa has made so many men fall in love because of her smile, I’m sure.“

  She gazed up at him and gave him a genuine smile. Nathan smiled back, a tender smile with the tenderness reaching up to his eyes. “You should smile often. You’re prettier when you smile.”

  Darcey looked down, feeling giddy all over again from his compliments. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She put the book back and finished the rest of the water.

  Nathan walked over to a desk and picked up what looked like a flyer. He handed Darcey a company advert stating the firm was looking for writers.

  “Just in case Mr. Carlisle hasn’t decided yet,” he said.

  She realized that the ad stated it had a Los Angeles office and applicants could send their portfolios. If accepted during the preliminary screening, the applicants would be called in for an interview in London that was to take in a few days.

  “Wow, thank you, Nathan. But Los Angeles?” She shrugged slowly and deliberately, unsure of what to think.

  “LA is an amazing city with a different vibe compared to London and I coincidentally have a house there by the beach. I could work at the Los Angeles office, too, so I might even visit you.” He gave her another one of his gentle smiles, his eyes seemed to rarely leave her face after the fateful kiss on the skating rink.

  Darcey’s face was blank.

  “Often,” he quickly added.

  When she didn’t say anything his tone softened and sat down next to her. “Sometimes, Darcey, when you want something so badly there isn’t anywhere you can’t go and nothing you won’t do. I saw that determined spirit when I interviewed you. But, then again, you need to know what it is you really want. You say you want to find a writing job but you seem to be living in a vicious cycle.” He suddenly stopped, perhaps realizing his words might upset her. “I’m sorry, let’s not talk about it right now.”

  “It’s fine. You are right.” She gave him a shy smile.

  He placed an arm on her shoulder and gently pulled her closer to him. “Come on, I’m sure you’re starving. That beef bourguignon sounds like heaven to me right now.”

  Arm in arm they stepped out of Nathan’s flat and journeyed to the party, talking about Luis’ boss and his business. Even before they got to the boat, as they walked up the pier, they could hear the sounds of live music and laughter.

  A man dressed in an impeccable white sailor’s outfit greeted them at the boat’s walkway. Darcey gave him their names. As soon as they got on the deck of the gorgeous vessel, she looked around and spotted Luis and Trisha chatting with Luke, Trisha’s boyfriend. Another man was with them. Darcey recognized him as Brian, one of Luis’ colleagues.

  She led Nathan to her friends and Luis spotted them. Hello’s and introductions were said.

  “The food and drinks are over there,” Luis said and he went back to laughing with Trisha.

  Darcey noticed her friends looked tipsy and in festive moods. She looked around and couldn’t help but admire how beautifully dressed everyone was that evening.

  Luis pulled Darcey aside, giving Nathan an apologetic look as he did. “Do you mind if I steal this one for a moment to get some drinks? Would you like red wine? Beer? Champagne? A martini? Scotch on the rocks? A Bloody Mary?”

  Nathan laughed. “A beer would be good, thanks. Darcey, I’ll go get us some food and I’ll come find you.” He gave them a smile and walked away.

  As soon as Nathan was no longer within earshot, Luis turned to Darcey. “Spill.”

  “What? There’s nothing to spill. Nathan and I simply went skating, as friends.”

  Luis didn’t look convinced, not by a long shot. He raised both eyebrows. “I remember telling you to invite Greek Shipping heir and you brought an ‘undate’. Hmm.”

  “I don’t know how to explain this but I’m just trying to help Nathan enjoy Christmas again. And I did say we will do all the festive stuff. You know, like Winter Wonderland and ice skating and Christmas trees.”

  Her friend still didn’t seem to buy her explanation. “Darcey, I’m not Carmen and, I bet you, that smart little girl won’t believe you either.”

  Luis spotted a waiter with a tray of drinks and motioned for him to come over. He grabbed two bottles of beer while Darcey helped herself to a glass of red wine. She took a huge swig. Her tongue was greeted by the taste of a sumptuous bold red.

  “Luis, I’m going to say this once, so listen. His last fiancé was his love, his life and, to be honest, I understand why romance is not even an option in his life.”

  She looked to her right and saw Nathan pouring some stew into two bowls. She tore her gaze away from him, back into Luis’ accusing yet good-natured eyes. “I understand how he feels. I was like that with Ollie. And people like us take a long time to heal. It would take that one special person, and maybe a little bit of Christmas magic, to make me realize that I’m whole again.”

  Luis suddenly had a sympathetic look. He didn’t make her feel pity but rather validated. He never failed to be a good friend when she needed one. He quickly changed the topic of conversation as soon as he spotted Nathan walking towards them, carrying the bowls of stew.

  “Here you go, madam.”

  Darcey took a bowl and Luis handed one of the beer bottles to Nathan.

  “Beer for the gentleman,” Luis said in a cheerful tone. He then looked from Darcey to Nathan and a huge grin slowly spread on his red face. “Oh, bless my heart. If I didn’t know you two, especially you, Darcey, I would think you guys were a couple. Come to think of it...” Luis’ tone changed to a more serious one. “…you actually look good together.”

  Darcey wanted to bat Luis’ head with a wine bottle but instead she gave him a small laugh. Nathan turned to look at her with unveiled admiration and a pleased smile on his face.

  Despite her mild embarrassment, she held her head high and met Nathan’s gaze. Right then and there she felt like they were the only two people on that boat.

  A loud bang disrupted her thoughts. Fireworks busted out into the air. Everyone looked up to see shots of spectacular lights bursting into the dark sky, covering the blackness with what looked like magnificent electric showers from another world.

  As the crowd clapped, Nathan took Darcey’s hand. She didn’t pull away.

  Chapter 17

  Darcey sat in her living room with a steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee. Her thoughts kept on coming back to the conversation with Nathan the previous day. She stared at the job advert he gave her, tapping her thumbs on the mug.

  Well, it’s worth a try.

  She put her mug down and walked to the table where she kept her laptop and notes. She sat down and powered her computer on, going straight to the website of the hiring company.

  “You have nothing to lose, Darcey. You wanted change. You wanted a challenge. I suggest you start sending that application,” Nathan had told her.

  “You really believe in me that much?”

  “I read one of your articles.”

  “When? How?”

  “It’s called Google, Darcey. I wanted to see that article you wrote for the magazine. Very interesting and mind-provoking. And I mean it. You have a gift, raw talent. It’s beyond me how none of these magazine companies has ever hired you.”

  “I would always fail the interview.”

  “Well, I’m sure this time you won’t.”

  “I failed yours, Nathan. Remember our first meeting?” She gave him a wary look.

  “Oh, that was another story. I could explain but it will only put us both on uncomfortable footing. I like what we have and this just feels right.”

  She stared outside her window, the morning light revealing more about the conversation, a conversation that wouldn’t stop replaying in her mind. Nathan had warmth and understanding. She felt like she could open up to him about anything and he wouldn’t judge or belittle her. His intelligence never failed to delight her. And to top it all off he was such
a good kisser. A fantastic kisser. The thought made her blush.

  Darcey, he’s off limits. He even said he likes what you both have, so try not to complicate things by giving a deeper meaning where you shouldn’t. It was just a kiss. Simple, not complicated. He probably kisses at least three girls a month. That’s just how socialites are. She knew she had to keep herself grounded, both feet firmly planted on solid middle-class ground.

  Her eyes fell on Nathan’s scarf draped on her couch. He offered her the scarf on the boat when the air got chilly. Thinking she had to return it, or maybe she simply wanted an excuse to hear his voice, Darcey grabbed her mobile phone and rang him.

  “Hello?” Nathan’s voice sounded croaky, as if he had a cold.

  “Nathan, it’s Darcey. Are you alright?”

  “Oh hi, Darcey. It’s just a cold, don’t worry.”

  “But you did complain of a headache last night. Do you have a fever?”

  “Darcey, I’ll be fine. What can I do for you?”

  She suddenly felt so dumb for calling him about the scarf. “Well, I’m on my way to South Ken to stop by Nick’s café, I was wondering if I can drop off your scarf?” She winced. She realized she sounded like she was begging to come to his place, using the scarf as an excuse.

  He chuckled. “Darcey, if you wanted to see me, just tell me so. I’m joking, but if you don’t mind catching germs, then sure. I’m sorry if I won’t be my active self though.”

  “Sure, let me bring you food. For all the help you’ve done for me.”


  “I’ve decided to apply for that job.” Her smile was wide as soon as she uttered those words. “And thank you once more for coming with me to grandpa’s birthday.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I told you I enjoy your company.”

  “That’s settled then, see you in a bit, Nathan.”


  Darcey walked in Nick’s to the café, delighted by the warmth inside and the comforting smell drifting from Nick’s kitchen. She slowly unwound Nathan’s scarf around her neck and waved hello to Rosa.

  It was almost two in the afternoon and the crowd had died down, giving Nick time to relax. He walked towards her with his usual friendly smile.

  “Hello Darcey, qu'est-ce que c'est vous désirez?”

  Darcey waved her hand in a dismissive fashion, ignoring his French way of asking her what she wanted. “Can you make me some French onion soup? And a beef steak sandwich and two cappuccinos for take away please?”

  “You’re not staying?”

  “No, I have to go somewhere.” She grabbed her wallet and took some cash out.

  “Darcey, come on, stay. I want to chat with you.” Nick gently tugged at her hand.

  She shook her head and gave him a polite smile, then pointed at the kitchen door. “Go and make my order.”

  “Right away, boss.” Nick went to the kitchen and Darcey looked through her phone, checking her social media accounts. Luis had posted photos from the boat party. Darcey saw pictures of herself, Nathan, Trisha and her boyfriend Luke. She remembered how she hardly got to spend time with the couple. Trisha had looked upset and she left early with Luke. Darcey mentally reminded herself to talk to her as soon as she had the chance.

  She scrolled down a page and saw a photo of Nick standing right next to his Miss Sweden, Madeleine. The date on it was the previous day. It looked like she and Nick were at some party. She checked more of Luis’ photos and found one of her and Nathan. She then remembered Luis saying they made a great looking couple. Looking at the photo she had to agree.

  Oh, Darcey. Stop it. You can’t go on entertaining these thoughts.

  Nathan was just like her, she chided herself. He was nursing a broken heart, having a difficult time trusting people. They were good friends, she thought. They got a bit carried away, sure, but that was all there was to it. She couldn’t help but feel a sinking emotion in her chest when she thought of how he said he liked what they had.

  He wants nothing more. Remember that.

  Nick came out with a brown bag in his hand and another take-away bag with what was most probably Darcey’s soup inside.

  “Here’s your order, mademoiselle. I added some of your favourite desserts there, on the house.”

  “I saw what you did last night.” She gave him an accusing glare.

  “Oh, that!” Nick looked guilty. “We just happened to be at the same party. You know Carla, right? It was her party, and Madeleine knew some of Carla’s mates.”

  Darcey raised a hand. “Don’t explain, I’m your friend, Nick. I don’t need it. Besides, I will always wish for your happiness.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and wiped imaginary dust on it. “I just hope this time she doesn’t break your heart once more.”

  Nick placed a hand on her arm. “Darcey, sometimes, I wonder.”


  He was quiet and stared at her a little more intensely than she was accustomed to. He then shook his head. “Nothing. I’m just really a lucky man to be your friend.”

  “Yes, you are. If you’re sick, I would bring you soup as well.”

  “Oh, you’re bringing this to someone I know? Who is the unlucky lucky patient?”

  She studied Nick’s face for a few seconds and, with a little hesitation, replied, “Nathan.” She tried to give a nonchalant smile to ease the awkwardness, remembering how Nick and Nathan were not too fond of one another at the football match.

  Nick’s face took on a cold expression. Darcey stood up, thanked him and gave him a quick kiss on each cheek before she headed out the door.


  When she got to Nathan’s apartment, he opened the door wearing grey sweatpants, a white cotton t-shirt and a cashmere jumper. Bed hair and an unshaven face looked really amazing on him.

  If some people looked this good while sick, life is truly unfair, Darcey thought.

  “Nathan.” She smiled as she stepped in his flat.

  “Wow, you brought me food? “

  “French onion soup, a steak sandwich and two cappuccinos. And Nick threw in some cookies on the house.”

  “Thank you. I’m more surprised Nick agreed to make these, knowing you were bringing it to me.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Ignore what I said. Thank you. This is very sweet of you, Darcey. Join me then? I’ve had quite the boring day here watching the Bloomberg channel for hours.”

  She motioned for him to sit down on the gigantic leather couch. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll find my way in your kitchen and get these ready for you?”

  Nathan looked too sick to argue. A smile spread on his face as he settled down on the couch where a thick blanket and several pillows lay, the huge TV in front of the couch broadcasting images of some men in suits arguing about immigration. Nathan got under the blanket and stretched his long legs on the couch. His face said he was enjoying the attention Darcey was giving.

  Darcey couldn’t help but glance at him for several seconds. He looked like a little boy in his house clothes, all tucked in and cosy under the blanket. He started flipping through several channels until he found one playing the classic film Casablanca.

  Darcey walked to the kitchen and quickly found the utensils she needed. She came out with a tray of soup, their sandwiches and cups of coffee.

  “Luckily the café was just around the corner. These are still warm. Eat them now before they get cold.” She hoped she didn’t sound like a bossy mother nursing a sick child.

  Nathan didn’t seem bothered at all. He gave her a big smile as soon as he saw her return.

  She stared at the telly. “Oh, great, it’s Casablanca!”

  “You like it, too?”

  “Like it? I love it! It’s one of my all time favourite movies. I used to watch it with gramps.”

  “Really?” He sat up and helped himself to the soup.

  “Yes.” She sat down next to him and started singing. “You must remember a kiss is just a kiss.”

athan looked up from his soup to stare at her face before replying, “Is it really just a kiss?”

  Darcey felt her face starting to heat up. Memories from the kiss of the previous evening rushed back, almost as clear as the images of Casablanca on the telly. “You better eat your food before it gets cold.”

  He swallowed a spoonful. “I must admit. Your friend Nicholas is a really good chef.”

  “Yes, indeed.” She sipped her coffee and leaned back to watch the film.


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