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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

Page 21

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Darcey was about to speak in her defence but Nathan continued. “I thought you were different from the other women. You’re just like them. My ex-fiancé will be in attendance tonight and I don’t want to be made a fool in front of her.”

  Aha! So Nathan was taking her as his date to make his ex- fiancé jealous. Nick’s ex-fiancé. Darcey was beyond annoyed at that point. And to add insult to searing injury, she suddenly realized how thinking he had no feelings for her was nothing like Nathan actually confirming he held no romantic feelings for her, which he just did in the most obvious and crude way possible.

  She couldn’t help herself and uttered the words she had been dying to say out loud. “The fiancé you took from Nicholas?”

  The words acted like a cold shower on Nathan. His face looked stunned. “When did you find out?”

  “Unlike you, Nick came clean and told me how you and your ex-fiancé left him broken-hearted. You thought I was different? I thought you were different. What was I your adopt-a-non-girlfriend charity? All these things you’ve been doing for me--helping me land a job, coming to my grandpa’s birthday. Why did you do all these things?” She expected to cry but was surprised to find no tears fell. She knew she had to accept Nathan never had feelings for her, never shared the beauty and agony she felt for him.

  “I don’t know.” His voice was deeper, angry. “Since you seem to know more than I, you tell me, Darcey!”

  When she didn’t respond, he continued, his temper rising. “Tell me why a busy man like myself would go ice skating with you, attend your grandfather’s birthday with the knowledge that I was your ‘undate’? And since you have already branded me as the asshole who stole your friend’s greatest love, I don’t know why I’m bothering with this conversation with you, when you have the Greek shipping heir wrapped around your little finger. Do you like the attention, Darcey? Do you like it when men fall at your feet? Do you collect suitors as a hobby? You even had me fooled.”

  The heat in his voice surprised her. More than that, she couldn’t believe anyone could look that gorgeous while angry. “Nathan, what are you talking about?”

  “You were wrapped in your lover’s embrace when I walked in on you tonight. If you already had someone like Dimitri, then why lead me on like you did, Darcey?”

  Up ahead there was one more car waiting for the valet.

  Darcey turned to him, ready to scream in frustration. “What exactly are you accusing me of? Are you jealous of Dimitri? Well, you don’t have to be because--”

  Nathan didn’t let her finish. He met her angry gaze with his own, his deep grey eyes blazing. She could almost see storm clouds within their depths. “Yes, I have no right because, as you said to me and to Dimitri, I’m just your friend.”

  Tears welled in Darcey’s eyes but she made a vow to remain strong. Nathan had lost the right to look into her soul. “Why did you kiss me then? What am I to you? Am I not just your friend, too? Aren’t you in love with your ex?”

  Instead of answering her with words, Nathan gave her an answer she would never forget. With one gentle but very firm pull, he locked her into an embrace and a punishing kiss. There was no meekness in that kiss. Darcey felt longing and hunger from Nathan as their lips collided.

  A honk from the car behind them brought them back to the driveway, to the real world. They broke off from the embrace, both breathless. Darcey turned to look at him as he drove the car forward, his expression had changed from passionate to remorseful.

  Chapter 26

  Stepping inside the Claridge’s was like walking into an exquisite dollhouse. Luxurious Christmas trimmings twinkled against the elegant interior of the five-star hotel. That evening Darcey could have felt like Cinderella attending her first ball, her fairy godmother’s enchanted gifts caressing her skin and making her feel like a princess. But Darcey was nowhere near feeling festive nor magical.

  She hadn’t even bothered to wait for Nathan or the valet to open the car door. She had hurried towards the hotel, her face flushed from the heat of the emotions and their arguments.

  And that kiss! What was that all about?

  By the time they walked through the front door her mind was cloudy and enraged. How dare he treat her like that? Like someone to play with, to manipulate. All she wanted to do was hide. She wished she could call a cab and head back to the solace of her flat.

  Nathan offered his arm when they made it to the beautiful lobby. “Darcey?”

  “Not now, Nathan. We have an audience waiting for a show. We wouldn’t want to make a fool out of you in front of her.” She gave him a forced smile, not bothering to make it look genuine.

  Inside the Claridge’s stood the most stunning Christmas tree Darcey had ever seen.

  “It’s amazing!” she managed to say.

  “And so are you.”

  His tone wasn’t sarcastic but as soon as Darcey felt a little bit of joy, she remembered they both had roles to play. How was she, she pondered, going to manage to stay in character all night? She feared it would prove to be the most challenging task yet.

  Faint music played in the background as they headed towards the ballroom. The men were in tuxedos while the ladies glittered in the most glamorous gowns. Darcey admired one lady’s elaborate necklace that probably cost as much as a car and she noticed another woman sharing a tender moment with a dashing date. At least the night was going to be magical for some people, she mused.

  As she allowed Nathan to lead her towards the ballroom, a few people recognized him.

  “Mr. Cromwell.” A man in a suit greeted Darcey’s undate.

  Nathan shook the man’s hand. “Mr. Johnson, well done. Everything is under control? Darcey, this is Mr. Johnson, the event organizer. This is Miss Vaughn.”

  Mr. Johnson shook their hands. “Enchanted, madam. Ah yes, sir. Everything is under control. Your mother even complimented the way all the artwork is arranged in the other room.”

  Nathan bid the man goodbye after commending him for a job well done. As soon as Mr. Johnson was out of earshot, he turned to Darcey. “Smile. You look like you’re headed for death row before the evening ends.”

  She scowled at him. “Me? You’re the one who needs to relax.”

  Their exchanged was interrupted. “Nathan.”

  A regal looking older woman with dainty curls and wearing an emerald green gown called out. Beside her was an older gentleman.

  Nathan bowed. “Baron and Baroness Von Schmidt. It’s good to see you.” He air-kissed the elder lady and shook hands with her companion. “Beatrice, Alfonso, please meet, Miss Darcey Vaughn. My date for the evening.”

  “How do you do?” Darcey smiled. She could feel the scrutinizing stare of the baroness.

  “Darcey, the Baron and Baroness.”

  The baroness, with twinkling eyes, asked, “Have you said hello to Madeleine yet, Nathan dear?”

  Nathan shook his head. “I haven’t seen her.”

  It dawned on Darcey how his ex-fiancé was most probably a member of another aristocrat family. The baroness pointed to a group of people sitting at a nearby table.

  “She’s right there catching up with friends, I believe. Do say hello for me. I’m sure she’s quite keen to see you.”

  Nathan and Darcey immediately turned their heads towards the table. Sitting with a group was a blonde beauty with cascading curls talking to none other than Nicholas. The two looked rather cosy, smiling and whispering to each other.

  To her surprise, Darcey felt incredible irritation. She knew this Madeleine or Lena or whatever this woman called herself, would be gorgeous, just like she did in photos, but Darcey didn’t expect her to look…what was the word? Ravishing.

  Darcey peeled her eyes away from the blonde and Nick then scanned the rest of the room. She spotted Luis and Trisha talking to Dimitri by the far side of the room.

  “I believe I see my friends.”

  She excused herself from the baron and baroness and Nathan followed suit. He kept her arm tucked in his a
nd was about to lead her towards Nick and Madeleine’s direction when Darcey stopped him.

  “We’re not headed that way.” She scowled at him.

  “Darling, we must say hello to your dear friend and my ex.” He seemed unflustered, his face composed and perfect.

  “Fine.” She inhaled deeply. “They are after all the audience of this charade.”

  He placed his hand on her back and she flinched right away.

  “Seriously, Nathan. Is that necessary?”

  The words Nathan then whispered in her ear made her blush as crimson as sin.

  “Don’t tempt me to repeat what I did in the car.”

  Shivers went right down Darcey’s spine. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  She picked up her pace, walking faster towards their target. Nicholas looked up as she drew near his table, his face brightened at the sight of Darcey. She immediately thought he had the same expression he’d wear when he was creating one of his culinary masterpieces.

  She stood in front of their table and turned to the girl next to Nicholas. Madeleine was beautiful. She was one of those creatures whose beauty surprised the viewer and the harder one tried to find a flaw, the more perfection was to be found. Her hair was cornfield gold and her eyes silvery blue pools. She looked every bit the Marie Antoinette of her generation in her sultry red gown that contrasted stunningly with her golden tan.

  She probably was part of some group for beautiful young heiresses, Darcey thought bitterly.

  “She gorgeous,” Darcey whispered softly to Nathan. The blonde was deep in conversation with a woman next to her and hadn’t noticed their arrival yet.

  “She’s got nothing on you,” Nathan whispered back.

  Every part of Darcey wanted to believe he meant it, but she knew if she were to take the charade seriously, her heart would be broken beyond repair before midnight struck. It could very well turn into a pumpkin.

  “Nicholas,” she greeted her friend warmly and kissed him on the cheek.

  As soon as Nick stood up to greet Darcey, the blonde took notice of Darcey and Nathan. The ex-fiancé looked annoyed.

  Maybe she’s annoyed I kissed Nick, Darcey wondered. But she then noticed the blonde was staring at Nathan.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your date?” Madeleine purred, her accent slightly foreign.

  Nathan gave a small bow. “Forgive me, my manner flew out of the window. It gets distracting when I have such a lovely date.”

  Darcey wanted to snort and roll her eyes. She smiled sweetly instead, secretly wanting to kick herself for acting so fake.

  “Darcey, please meet Madeleine Schmidt. Madeleine, meet Darcey Vaughn.”

  Darcey shook hands with the other girl.

  “Call me Lena, Nathan loves calling me that.” Madeleine shot Nathan a flirtatious smile.

  Darcey didn’t miss how Nicholas called her Madeleine where as she was Lena to Nathan.

  “You look stunning,” Nicholas said to Darcey. Somehow she felt he meant it and it boosted her confidence.

  “You look like a second son of an earl,” she teased, glad Nick was around.

  “Oh, you know each other?” Madeleine asked. Her pretty blue eyes focused on Darcey’s face. The ex-girlfriend wasn’t smiling.

  “Darcey is a dear friend,” Nick replied, fondness in his voice.

  “How touching,” Nathan retorted.

  “Wait a minute,” Madeleine said. “You’re the girl he saved on a flight! Am I right?”

  “That’s correct.” Darcey chuckled, secretly wishing Madeleine grew a wart on her perfect skin. “Well, if you must know. I had a panic attack on the plane and Nicholas helped calm my nerves.”

  Now the blonde was looking at Nicholas with knowing eyes. It was like they knew something the others didn’t. Darcey tried to steal a glance at Nathan to see if he was looking at his Lena but it was hard to trace the direction his gaze landed.

  A waiter offered them some champagne, breaking the tense air for a short while. Darcey took one flute.

  “So, tell me how this charity dance thing works,” Darcey asked, hoping to change the topic.

  “Anyone can bid on anyone for a dance,” Nick explained. “Surely Dimitri will bid to dance with you.”

  Nick’s voice was so clipped and he was staring at a distance. She followed his stare and, sure enough, Dimitri was looking at them from across the room. The Greek smiled and raised his champagne glass.

  The chef wasn’t done. “I bet he brought his checkbook. If not, I’m sure his parents can finance his dance.”

  “Nick.” Darcey cast him a warning look.

  “So, you also know he fancies Darcey?” Nathan’s question surprised Darcey.

  Nick shrugged. “I was there when he confessed. I witnessed it.” The chef seemed obliviously to the fact that Nathan looked like he could kill someone at that point.

  “Nick.” Darcey gave him another look.

  Madeleine giggled breathily. “Must be nice to have so many suitors.”

  It didn’t sound like a compliment. Darcey looked at the ground, wishing the earth would just swallow her and spit her out somewhere in Africa.

  “What’s not to like?” Nick spoke up. “She’s beautiful, funny, smart and most of all, she’s loyal.”

  “I see.” Madeleine’s reply was short, her expression cold.

  Darcey took a gulp of her champagne. It was Nathan’s turn to speak.

  “Darcey’s clumsy.”

  All eyes turned to Nathan. Darcey slowly looked up. He went on. “She cries so easily. She’s a pushover but she has no clue how beautiful she is.”

  Darcey took a swig of what was left in her champagne flute. Was this Act two of the charade they were supposed to be playing out? It definitely felt like a plot twist. The drink did nothing to calm her nerves, it rather made her feel lightheaded.

  No one spoke for a few moments, it seemed everyone tried to grasp what Nathan was saying.

  He released Darcey’s arm and turned to her. “She loves her family so much it makes you want to speak to your own.”

  Darcey couldn’t ignore the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume her. Nathan’s speech sounded sincere. She suddenly wanted to grab his arm and ask him to leave the hotel, to take him somewhere where they could be alone together. But she quickly reminded herself this was for Madeleine and Nicholas’ sake. She chided herself for being foolish, for almost forgetting the script.

  Nathan had a script of his own. “She loves children with the utmost care. Darcey will make a wonderful wife and mother.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw his face held so much kindness. Gone was the cold and angry Nathan. The guy standing in front of her was the man who kissed her on the skating rink. Once more she was seeing the man who shared jokes with her grandfather. The Nathan who made her believe in her dreams was back, if only for a brief moment, if only to play a part in that evening’s work of fiction.

  With careful deliberation she controlled her emotions. Nathan was playing a part. Don’t forget that, Darcey. She had to remind herself each time he spoke that he was only acting to make his ex-fiancé jealous, an ex-girlfriend who looked every bit as Barbie as the Russian woman who stole Ollie.

  Darcey suddenly hated all the attention. She was growing weary of playing pawn for both men as they attempted to infuriate the other girl. Madeleine was truly the object of their competition.

  “Excuse, me?” A familiar voice spoke next to her. “Darcey, Nathan, Nicholas and--?” Dimitri had approached their table while they were listening to Nathan’s list.

  “Madeleine.” The other girl provided for him.

  “Forgive my intrusion,” Dimitri smiled. “I’m sure you all are having a very interesting conversation but I was wondering if I could just steal this lovely lady for moment.” He turned to Darcey.

  Darcey gave him a small smile. It was all she could manage. She didn’t trust her voice, afraid that opening her mouth would allow all the emotions to burst out.<
br />
  Dimitri looked concerned, he could tell something was wrong. “My parents would like to meet you, if you would allow me to introduce you to them?”

  Darcey took one glance at Nicholas who seemed to find the situation amusing. Madeleine spoke when the other two gentlemen stood silent.

  “But of course, Dimitri. You must introduce her. I’m sure they’ll adore her. These two men were just giving me the top ten reasons why they love Darcey. I’m sure you can come up with more.”

  Chapter 27

  Darcey was thankful for Dimitri. He rescued her heart from mockery. She vowed to forget Nathan that night. Promised herself he can go after his precious Lena and her perfect skin and her smug face. Darcey wanted nothing more than for Nathan to stop leading her on. At least that’s what she continued to tell herself as the evening dragged on.


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