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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

Page 23

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Darcey sat down by the fireplace, her favourite spot. The night wasn’t turning out to be such a disaster after all. Or at least she tried to convince herself.

  The song ended and the band started to play White Christmas, the melancholic ballad tugged at her heartstrings. She felt a tap on her shoulders.

  It was Dimitri.

  “Care to dance?”

  She smiled and nodded, allowing him to lead her to the centre of the room.

  “I’ll try not to step on your toes,” she told him.

  “Fear not, I’m a man of steel.”

  She laughed but her eyes betrayed her. Dimitri raised her chin gently with his hand. “What’s the matter, Lois Lane?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing.” She had always been a bad liar.

  “You know Darcey, if I had accepted my dividends, I was sure to outbid Nathan. I was tempted to ask my father for some help but I thought I could get to dance with you even if I couldn’t match Nathan’s bid.”

  Darcey squeeze his hand as he twirled her around. Dimitri went on. “That, and Nathan was so determined. He would’ve met any amount and soon we’ll be placed in a very uncomfortable position with these people.”

  “Your people?”

  “Oh you know what I mean.” He chuckled.

  She felt comfortable around Dimitri, like she did with Luis and Trisha, save for the fact that her neighbour was a superhero. She noticed Dimitri looked at her like she was the only woman in the room.



  “I really wish he takes good care of you or I’m going to steal you away from him.” His eyes said he meant every word.

  She was grateful for his concern but she wanted to set the record straight. “You’re mistaken. Nathan doesn’t like me like that.”

  “But you love him enough to not have the heart to fall for me instead?” Dimitri looked so hopeful.

  “You’re a great friend Dimitri and, really, I wish--”

  He softly placed a finger on her lips. “Don’t. Never mind, Darcey. It was just wishful thinking. Speak no more. It will only break my heart. My parents have taken a liking to you, especially my mom. She asked me to invite you to Greece next summer for my brother’s wedding.”

  The band switched to a more lively Christmas song, about dancing around a Christmas tree. Dimitri was a fantastic dancer, Darcey noted.

  “She mentioned that. Your mum is a beauty. You have her smile. By the way, you’re wrong about Nathan. He doesn’t like me like that. All of that bidding was for the sake of someone else.” She didn’t want to elaborate.

  Dimitri chuckled. “From what I can tell about Nathan, he’s a good man but I swear to you, if he makes you cry, I’ll put on my Superman costume and fly to you.” He winked and his adorable boyish smile appeared. “And I wish you the best of luck, Darcey.”

  Despite his good-natured demeanour, Darcey saw loneliness behind his eyes.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “God knows I wish the best for you.”


  Luis and Trisha informed Darcey they were calling it a night.

  “Did you see Nathan? We’d like to say thanks for a lovely evening.” Trisha was giggly.

  Darcey shook her head. “I have no clue where he is.”

  He’s probably with the beautiful Swede, she thought, the tightness in her chest getting more difficult to bear.

  “I’ll be sure to tell him you said thanks.”

  One look at her face and Luis knew all wasn’t right. “Darcey, what’s the matter, sweetie? Shouldn’t you be happy? Nathan just bid 10,000 pounds for you! That’s more than what Trisha makes in two weeks.” Luis put his arms around his two friends.

  Trisha ignored the comment. “Darcey, this must be all so confusing for you. You had all three of them fighting for you! And, my word, Nicholas finally had the guts to show you how he cares.”

  Luis’ eyes were wide as he nodded vehemently. “I know, that was so surprising. And so un-Nicholas!”

  Darcey couldn’t force a smile anymore. “I told you. I don’t know about Nick but as for Nathan, he doesn’t want me.”

  Her friends put their coats on and walked towards the hotel’s side exit. A taxi was waiting.

  Trisha gave her a hug. “Darcey, Nicholas always had a thing for you. We’ve been telling you for ages. I guess everyone knew but you.”

  Luis agreed. “As much I always had my hard earned pounds on Nicholas, he never had the courage to say it. Too bad someone else already has your heart.”

  Darcey sighed. “Guys, quit with the Nicholas thing, please. I already have too much on my plate and, trust me, I know Nick better than you. He’s simply afraid of losing my friendship to someone else. I’ll be fine, really. Don’t worry about me.” She kissed them both on the cheek. “And as for Nathan, I’m at least glad I never told him what I feel. I don’t think I can take more hurt and embarrassment.”

  The driver of the cab waved at them.

  “There’s so much to talk about. Let’s meet this week,” Trisha said.

  Darcey looked at her, full of gratitude. “You’ll be OK, Trish?”

  Trisha nodded her blonde head and giggled. “Darcey, the recession didn’t break me. You really think a man could?”

  “Seriously, Trisha, men are not stock options.” Luis gently pushed her into the cab. “Let’s talk about this at my flat tomorrow. I’ll cook leg of lamb just because Trisha loves lamb.”

  Luis got inside the cab but kept the door open. He looked at Darcey and pinched her cheek. “Both of you are the most beautiful and kind women. I’m so blessed to have you girls in my life. And if I were straight, I wouldn’t know whom to court.”

  The girls laughed and Luis added,” Trisha makes more money than me so I think I’d choose her.”

  They bid one another a Happy Christmas and Darcey stayed out in the cold until the cab drove off. She wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders, wondering what else was in store.

  Chapter 29

  “You selfish bastard!”

  The proclamation made Darcey turn around. She recognized Nick’s voice. She stepped into the shadows.

  “First you steal Madeleine from me and now you want to take Darcey!”

  “Can you please stop this? Both of you,” she heard a woman’s voice say.

  Darcey wanted to walk away, thinking the scene would add insult to injury, add to the pain that was already breaking her heart. And she was no masochist.

  As she turned around to head back to the hotel, she heard another voice. It was Nathan’s.

  “Tell him the truth, Madeleine. Tell him exactly how you played both of us. And what a cunning little liar you are.”

  Darcey didn’t want to hear anymore, didn’t want to hear the pain in Nathan’s voice, didn’t want to be reminded of how his dear Lena continued to break his heart. The tears she so successfully pushed back all evening were threatening to spill out.

  Yet she couldn’t move, she felt guilty for eavesdropping. Her strength failed her and she allowed the shadows to envelope her some more. A pillar kept her hidden. She wrapped the shawl tighter around her shoulders.

  She heard a sob and footsteps, heels clicking on the ground. Did Nathan’s ex leave?

  Nathan spoke again, his voice calm and steady. “She was my girlfriend for years, Nick. Way before you two had your Caribbean fling. I didn’t steal anyone from you, mate. In fact, it was you who had an affair with my fiancé.”

  Darcey’s pulse quickened. What?

  Nathan went on. “And as for Darcey, tell me, are you afraid to lose her as a friend? Or as a woman? If you weren’t pushed to the corner, would you admit your feelings for your friend?”

  It was Nick’s turn to speak. “OK, say you’re right about Madeleine. She played us both. Go ahead, take your best shot. I’m no longer in love with her. You didn’t have to tell me the truth. But I’m not going to stand by and let you play with Darcey’s feelings.”

  “Are you
in love with Darcey?” Nathan asked with indignation.

  “You don’t deserve her,” Nicholas replied, matching the anger in Nathan’s voice.

  “And you think you deserve her, Nick?”


  To Darcey’s horror, Nicholas turned away from Nathan and stepped towards the shadows. He saw her right away.

  “Darcey? What are you doing here?”

  She hurriedly turned around and walked back to the hotel, embarrassed beyond words.

  “Darcey, wait up.”

  It took great strength to remain calm. She continued walking.

  He gently touched her arm. “Come with me.”

  She didn’t have the energy to fight Nick off. She kept her gaze down, her face hot.

  Nick led her by the arm back to the lobby. Guests from the ball lingered around. Laughter and Christmas greetings came from tipsy voices. He led her to the ballroom where it was more quiet.

  As soon as they got to the almost empty hall, Nick sat her down on one of the chairs. He faced her and sighed.

  “Darcey, first of all, I want to apologise for putting you in such an awkward position. I’m talking about the bidding war.”

  His face begged for understanding. “I know what you’re thinking. It was absolutely foolish.” He rubbed his neck, remorse written all over his face.

  “Childish,” she corrected him. “I understand. You must be so hurt, you were hoping to inflict a bit of jealousy.”

  Nick shook his head, his eyes scanning the room, willing to look everywhere but her face. “You’re wrong. You’ve known me for years, Darcey. Do you honestly think that of me?”

  She forced a smile for his sake. “You’re right. You’re the more level-headed one, except when it comes to matters of the heart.”

  He was finally able to meet her gaze. “You can say that again. Looks like Dimitri was right. Cambridge forgot to teach me how to handle relationships and understand women.”

  She was finally able to give a sincere smile. “So, tell me exactly what made you do that? I won’t judge you.” She chuckled. “My gosh, Nick, you were willing to pay £3,000 to dance with me.”

  He tilted his head. “And why not?”

  “Well, let’s see, I’m one of your closest friends. I’d do anything for you and I think I’ve proved myself a million times. You can’t possibly doubt my loyalty to our friendship.”

  He tenderly swiped a strand of wavy hair off her face. “That’s the thing, Darcey, we are friends. And all these years I couldn’t find you at fault.”

  She softly touched his arm. “Nick, I’ll always be indebted to the fact that if you hadn’t calmed my nerves on that plane that day, Air France would’ve had to do an emergency landing.”

  Nick’s face softened at the memory. His smile was filled with nostalgia.

  “You and I met for a reason, Nicky. For when life takes us to the deep end there’s always someone who’ll send us a lifeboat. And a delicious chocolate chip cookie.”

  She wanted to make him laugh but his face remained sombre. Sadness dwelt in his eyes while silence hung in the air for a while.

  Nick spoke first. “Do you love him, Darcey?” It didn’t sound like a question.

  She stared at the floor and swallowed. “Do I love whom?”

  He shook his head. “You know whom I’m talking about.”

  “Do I really have to answer that?” She tried to be brave, but her voice was betraying her.

  He brought a hand to her face and lifted her chin gently. “Darcey, I need to know. Do you love Nathan Cromwell?”

  She inhaled deeply. He stared at her with misty eyes.

  “Yes.” She had to look away as soon as she uttered the word.

  Nick nodded. His gaze went to the fireplace. “I knew for a while but, I guess, if I could make you realize he wasn’t the guy you thought he was, maybe I could change that.”

  She softly touched his face, forcing him look at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Darcey, I’ve known you for so long. You didn’t think for a moment I wouldn’t notice the change in you? I knew it was Nathan.” His voice quivered.

  “Can we not talk about this, please?”

  He nodded. “Darcey, do you remember this?” Nick took out a note from his pocket and handed it to her.

  It was a piece of paper. She recognized her own handwriting. It read:

  This is a Darcey Vaughn coupon that entitles you to one wish. You may ask her to clean your flat, iron your clothes, anything that you wish. It doesn’t expire but can only be used once. Any wish is allowed, as long it’s not against her will. Neither should it be anything illegal, immoral or beyond her budget. Thank you for being my Good Samaritan.

  With love, Darcey Vaughn

  She gasped. “Oh my gosh, you kept it all these years?”

  He smiled. “Of course. I was waiting for a special time to cash out.”

  Her heart started pounding. She felt dizzy.

  “Darcey,” Nick began.

  “Nicky, I--”

  He cut her off. “Darcey, no. Let me speak. Please, give me this at the very least.”

  Something in his voice made her look up.

  “I want to cash this coupon. Can you grant me my wish?”

  “What do you want from me, Nicky?”

  “You see, tonight I had every intention of cashing out. Not just quite in the way I had in mind. I thought after all these years, tonight would be right.”

  She remained still, holding on to his every word.

  “Darcey, no one deserves happiness more than you. I’m lucky to have you in my life. I may think I saved you on that plane but you actually saved me. You showed me what loyalty and honesty feel like. You were there when I was sad and you’re a pro at tolerating my drunken state.”

  She laughed. Handling a drunk Nick was indeed very much like watching over an oversized toddler. A puking toddler.

  He smiled ruefully. “You give me reasons to laugh. Your passion for life is contagious and you showed me what selfless love is.”

  She squeezed his arm. “Oh, Nick.”

  “So, Darcey, here’s my wish.” He held both her hands and stood up in front of her. “I wish for you to be happy. Be with the one you love. Tell Nathan you love him.”


  “Let me finish. Life is short. If you find someone who makes you happy you should go for it. Not everyone gets that chance. You once told me that we love people in our own special way. In my case, I will love her from afar. And sometimes that is enough.”

  She nodded. She knew what unrequited love felt like.

  Nick gazed at her with such gentleness in his eyes. Darcey then knew at that moment what her friend was trying to say. Her heart broke for him.

  She sighed, her eyes couldn’t bear to leave his face. Behind the pain, hopefulness lingered on Nick’s face. But Luis was right, he was too late. Someone already held her heart.

  “Don’t be like me, Darcey. Learn from me. And for what it’s worth, it seems like Nathan is also madly in love with you.”

  She wanted to tell Nicholas he was wrong. She wanted to tell him she was sorry for not being able to return the feelings he held. Instead, she stood up and hugged him.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me, Darcey Vaughn. But I would like to ask for one more thing before I let you go.”

  She smiled. “Of course.”

  He kissed her on the cheek and held her tightly in his arms.

  “Nick, I’m so sorry.”

  He stroke her head. “Hush, I know.”

  His embrace gave her the comfort she needed. She, too, nursed a broken heart. She took solace in realizing Nicholas was a dear friend to the end. And nothing would ever change that.

  “I hope my son didn’t waste £10,000 for nothing.” Mrs. Anderson’s voice interrupted them.

  Darcey stepped away from Nick and turned around. She inhaled a sharp breath. Standing next to his mother was Nathan. He didn’t look happy. Not by a long shot.
/>   Sissi cocked her head slowly to one side. “Let’s just hope the charity will put the money to good use or–“


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