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Page 11

by Unknown

  "I am waiting for the timing sequence to start sir,” Hadaie said without turning to look.

  Dickson gave a curious look. "Have you started something here, Mister Hadaie?" he asked.

  "You asked me to find a way to disrupt Levid's operations sir. I believe I have found a way and I am waiting to see if it works sir,” Hadaie said.

  "Interesting. What do you think you have found that works?"

  "In studying the signals coming and going from the Amad Por, I discovered a common data link between all of them. After studying the link, I was able to decode the instructions and emulate them. I was also able to isolate one of the stations and dampen its signal. Now the Lexington is that station," he said.

  "Very good. Are you able to use the link to make your disruptions?" Dickson asked.

  "Actually, we no longer need to be a part of the link sir,” Hadaie said. "I have been able to use the link to download the technical plans of the Amad Por and all of Levid's systems. By doing this, I was able to insert some additional code into the Amad Por's basic operating systems. If my calculations are correct, we should see the results of the first set of instructions in just a few seconds, sir,” Hadaie said looking at the display.

  Dickson fixed his eyes on the visual image on the middle section of the console. At first, all seemed normal. Suddenly, like a plant ridding itself of pollen, one by one, the shuttles began shooting away from the Amad Por and arcing toward the planet's surface. In bright flashes of light the shuttle engines went to full power and dashed into the atmosphere leaving a long fiery trail of flame as the friction of the atmosphere burned each craft to cinders. Only three of the shuttles stopped mid-way to the surface. These obviously had occupants who took manual control. But the rest were gone.

  "I believe the program worked sir,” Hadaie said.

  Dickson chuckled to himself. "Very good, Mister Hadaie. Very good indeed." Do you have more surprises?" he asked.

  "Yes sir. I have scheduled a number of events throughout the day to make Levid's crew think they are experiencing various malfunctions. For the next few days they should be too busy tracing possible problems than to do much on the planet,” Hadaie said.

  "Excellent work," Dickson said. "Should I be looking for anything in particular?"

  "There are a few things that will occur when seemingly ordinary things happen. It should be interesting to watch."

  "Such as?"

  Suddenly the thrusters on the nose and tail of the Amad Por fired in unison on the ship's port and starboard sides. The Amad Por began to yaw right, twisting the ship in several circles and slinging several pieces of the ship away before it was finally halted. Hadaie's face glowed with a warm smile.

  "I take it that was one of your programs?" Dickson asked.

  "I believe Mister Levid just used his toilet facilities, sir,” Hadaie said with a grin.

  "Carry on Lieutenant," Dickson said placing his hand on Hadaie’s shoulder. Dickson had known that Hadaie had a very good imagination, but had never known it to have such a mischievous side. Dickson made his way to his chair and ordered the main viewscreen switched to watch the Amad Por. This promised to be an interesting day after all.

  The shuttle Galileo was moving steadily along at stage two point five, as fast as Commander Pike dared let her go. It had been a day since they had left and the tension was thick. Thompson walked up from the after compartment and sat beside Pike at the front of the shuttle. The other crewmen silently watched their displays for anything useful. A buzzer went off and Pike checked his instruments.

  "Coming up on Tetan 4," he said.

  Thompson nodded. "Very well, take us to space normal speed."

  The shuttle slowed well out of range of what they believed would be sensor range of the planet. As the crew began their preliminary scans, the communications console lit up. Pike turned to look at the display and raised his eyebrows and smiled. "We are being hailed. And it's on a transpace frequency," he said with a grin.

  Thompson broke into his own smile. "Really! On speakers."

  A voice broke in over the speakers. "Spacecraft approaching Tetan, this is Tetan control. Identify yourself and state your intentions."

  Thompson looked over at Pike. "It seems these people have come a long way in the last 100 years," he said. He reached down and pressed the transmit button.

  "This is Commander William Thompson aboard the space shuttle Galileo, representing the United Alliance. We are en route to you and request permission to enter orbit."

  The voice on the other end got very excited. "One moment please."

  Pike looked over. "Hope they don't plan on shooting us down."

  "Wouldn't make for a good start to the day, no."

  The tension and apprehension from the start of their mission had evaporated with the first communication. Now they were joking like they usually did.

  "I am surprised at their using a transpace frequency," Pike said.

  Thompson gave a mock frown and nodded. "When we visited last, they were already in space. We also saw Levid's ship. It may be about the right time."

  "They also picked us up quite a ways out."

  Thompson grinned. "Yea, could make an interesting visit."

  This time another voice came back over the communications channel. It sounded very excited and eager. "Shuttle Galileo this is Emir Toscan. On behalf of the Council, I wish to welcome you and the Alliance back to Tetan. Permission is granted to enter orbit. Please visit us at these coordinates at your earliest convenience," he said. A set of numbers then appeared on the console.

  Thompson transmitted again. "Thank you Emir Toscan. We look forward to seeing you. Thompson out." He turned back to Pike and grinned. "Nice warm reception from the head of the government."

  One of the crewmen called out. "Have Tetan visually. There are several ships in orbit."

  Thompson and Pike turned to see a viewscreen. "Let's see them."

  The planet suddenly appeared. In orbit were two ships very similar to the Amad Por along with several smaller craft. Thompson and Pike studied the view intently.

  "Looks quite busy," Thompson said.

  "Definitely the source of Levid's ship," said Chris. "I see two smaller craft coming out to meet us."

  "Looks like a couple of escorts," Thompson agreed. "I don't see any indications that they are fighters."

  "There's another ship coming around from the planet's far side," Pike said. Then he suddenly gasped in awe. He pointed to the screen to get Thompson's attention. "Oh my! Would you look at that!" he exclaimed.

  Thompson's eyes widened. "Zoom into it," he said getting up to look closer.

  There, coming around from the far side of the planet was what looked like an older Earth Star Cruiser. As she rounded the planet, they could clearly see a sweeping main body connected to two large engine pods. There was even a structure sweeping up from the rear of the ship over the main structure, almost exactly like the ships Thompson and Pike had often seen in their own history books. What's more, the navigation lights were on and the warning strobes flashed indicating she was very much in service. As they got closer, they could actually see the revolving lights and shadows on the side of the main engines.

  After a full four minutes of watching, Thompson broke the silence. "Where did she come from?"

  Pike was already at work scanning the ship. "I'm scanning the ship now. It's not what you think. Materials come from the planet. Interior layout is different, but the engine nacelles have a similar arrangement. I think what you are seeing is their attempt to make their first real starship."

  "Could they be capable of faster than light travel?"

  "Yes sir. I am picking up high energy traces and vessel emissions that definitely indicate transpace engines. We are being hailed again."

  Thompson answered the hail. "This is the shuttle Galileo."

  The Emir was calling them again. "Commander, we have sent some escorts to bring you in. I note that you have already scanned our newest creation. W
ould you care to meet aboard our ship instead of here on the surface?"

  "We are at your service Emir, and we are looking at your ship. It seems very similar to the one we last visited in, the Yorktown."

  Thompson could hear the Emir laugh briefly on the other end. "You are quite correct sir. I myself got to go aboard your ship along with some of my people. We felt that your design was one of merit and copied it as best we could. When we developed our new engine technology, it seemed almost designed to fit. If you agree, take station along our side and you can shuttle across."

  "Our pleasure sir. We will be there in about ten minutes. Thompson out."

  "I guess we can see what just seeing one of our ships can do to influence a planet."

  "Since the transpace technology is different from ours, I can guess that at least they came up with that on their own. Take us in and lay us alongside."

  Pike made the corrections and the shuttle made a straight line toward the new starship. Within minutes the shuttle slowed and began to move slowly along the side of the great ship. From aft, the hangar bay was open and people were inside on loading supplies and other provisions. They cruised up past the transpace engines toward the upper section. In the middle of the maneuver, Pike saw something interesting on his monitor.

  "You won't believe this, but I'm picking up a streaming signal."

  Thompson was amazed at how far these people had come in 100 years. This just seemed to top it off.

  "They have a streaming system?" he asked.

  "Looks that way."

  "Will wonders never cease," he said shrugging his shoulders. "Open a channel," he said.

  "Thompson to Emir Toscan. We have noted that you have some sort of streaming gear aboard. Is it designed for humanoids?"

  The Emir came back almost immediately. "Yes it is sir. Would you like us to transition you aboard?"

  Thompson smiled. "That would be very helpful sir. One moment," he said turning to a crewman. "Stay here and keep an eye on things. Commander Pike and I will stream over."

  "Aye sir."

  "Ready, Chris?"

  Pike joined his friend standing in the center of the shuttle floor. "Ready."

  Thompson tapped his radio. "Thompson to Emir Toscan. We are ready to come aboard."

  The two were almost immediately bathed in sparkling light, which took several seconds to gain intensity. Then they slowly disappeared only to slowly materialize aboard the other vessel. They held very still until all of the sparkles had ceased and the stream was complete. The Emir and several assistants were standing beside the streamer pads to welcome them.

  "Welcome aboard the Serus gentlemen. I am Emir Toscan and my assistants Thedor and Moran. And this is Captain Uria, the commander of the Serus."

  Thompson stepped forward and took his outstretched hand. "I am Commander James Thompson, first officer aboard the starship Lexington, and my engineer Commander Pike."

  "Welcome aboard gentlemen. How do you like our little surprise," he said. It was clear that everyone in the room was eager to show the progress they had made in space. They were stepping boldly into a new universe and were anxious to get started. Impressing someone who had already made it was just one step.

  "Very impressive Emir," said Thompson. "But I'm a bit surprised to see one of our designs being used."

  Captain Uria spoke up. Now they were talking about his ship and he was the authority there. "Don't be commander. When your ship, the Yorktown visited us so long ago, it could not be helped that we could see the ship through our telescopes and satellites. What better way to begin our own program than to look to those who have gone before us," he said smiling.

  The Emir began ushering the group out of the streamer room and through the interior passageways. "Your visit with us did many things. Most importantly, it taught us that we were not alone in the galaxy. We wanted to be a part, to add our culture and knowledge to others for the good of the whole," he said leading them through another set of doors and into a conference type room. "Our engineers began to concentrate on faster than light travel, since you had obviously not taken years to get to us, we had to assume that this was your mode of travel."

  "A very logical conclusion," Thompson said.

  Thedor, the Emir's assistant joined in the conversation. "Our engineers had a theory that using some complicated laws of matter and physics there would be a way to do this using a substance we call zenterium. The use of which with matter causes a violent release of energy. We figured that if we could control that release, such a propulsion system could be formed. That, in combination with a way to change the way space is formed, made up the system."

  "That's where this ship comes in," Captain Uria said. "The engineers saw where such a system would clearly fit the physics and design of this type of ship. They then built the propulsion system to fit what we saw."

  Thompson looked at Pike who was nodding in agreement. It was logical. "Very impressive. I congratulate you on your hard work."

  "She begins her first flight tomorrow. I hope you can share this moment with us. We have planned a great celebration," the Emir said proudly.

  "We would like nothing better Emir, however we have a slight problem we were hoping you would help us with."

  The Emir's happiness clouded. It would be very serious if the Alliance was asking their help, especially with such celebration going on. "Why certainly, if we can," he said.

  Thompson laid out the problem. "When our ship entered this part of the galaxy we encountered a ship very similar to some of yours in orbit around a planet nearly five light years away from here. It was called the Amad Por. Do you know of it?"

  If Thompson had stabbed the Emir through the chest, he would not have gotten a more surprised reaction. There was a general intake of breath and excited, but shocked looks around the table. Thedor broke the silence.

  "The Amad Por! How could this be?"

  "She was supposed to be destroyed!" Uria exclaimed. Several of the men began to talk amongst themselves.

  Emir Toscan held up his hands to silence the men. His face showed the concern he felt. Deep furrows now marked the formerly smooth forehead. He addressed Thompson and Pike. "As you can see we are well aware of the Amad Por. She was the very first ship we designed and built for travel inside our own system. It was believed that she was lost with all hands nearly 60 years ago."

  "Well Emir, it seems we have found her," Pike said sympathetically. "She is commanded by someone named Levid. Was he the original commander?"

  With that name, all the men paled noticeably. Emir Toscan cursed the name. "Levid! That explains very much. I would have never thought he would be involved."

  Thedor could see that their guests were still slightly in the dark about the man they had run into. He tried to explain.

  "You see Commander, Levid was once a very powerful man on our world. He had a firm belief that the strong should rule all things and that it was the destiny of our race to conquer and eventually rule the galaxy. Even here, he and his followers were responsible for the torture and death of thousands. Most repulsive," he said calmly, shuttering slightly at the last.

  "At one point the whole planet was against him. When he vanished, we all presumed it was from an assassin's bullet and that he was gone from us forever. To see that he has tricked us is very humbling," the Emir said.

  "It seems that he is still up to his old tricks. He found a planet that was in an early industrial age and began to run what he calls his experiment," Pike related.

  "He introduced new technologies and innovations to the planet long before their natural evolution," Thompson continued. "He has even introduced atomic weaponry. Now he is working actively to get the population into a war to use that weaponry and annihilate itself."

  The Emir had placed his head in his hands at the prospects. "Unforgivable. When your ship visited us before, we learned of and understood what you called your policy about observation only. We adopted that policy ourselves in the event we encountered any ot
her civilizations. It is the only really civilized thing to do," he said sitting up again. "What can we do to help?"

  "As you know, we are limited in what we can do since you are not Alliance members. However, if this Levid has broken your laws, you do have the authority to stop him and we can help you in this. We were hoping a representative could come with us and act as your authority," Thompson suggested.

  Emir Toscan pounded the table with a smile. This was a good solution. "Levid is still a wanted criminal and has broken and is breaking the laws of our world. Thedor, you are one of my deputies, would you go with these people and stop Levid? I will give you full authority to use any means at your disposal."

  Thedor bowed slightly. "Of course, Emir."

  "Good. Let us be rid of this scourge once and for all time. Commander, I am sorry that you and your crew had to become involved in this, but I appreciate your help in bringing it to us. If you can be ready to leave tomorrow morning, Thedor and I will make all the arrangements on our end. In the meantime, please accept the hospitality of our new ship and we will hold our celebrations until you return to us," the Emir said.

  "Our pleasure Emir," Thompson said smiling. "The Lexington and its crew are at your disposal."

  The Emir stood and placed a hand on Thompson's shoulder. "Then please excuse us, there is much to do. Captain, please show our friends around your ship."

  "My pleasure," Captain Uria said standing as they left the room. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He looked at Thompson and Pike. "This is most embarrassing."

  "It's something we all deal with," Pike offered.

  Uria smiled his acknowledgement. He walked over to a communications panel and pressed the switch. "Send in the engineer," he said. Then he turned to the others again. "I'm sorry this had to happen. I had hoped when you appeared that you would accompany us on our shakedown."

  "You mean you have really never tried your new drive system?"

  Uria shook his head. "We know it works in theory, but never in practice." The door opened and another officer entered. His uniform had a few discolored splotches on it. The man looked as if he was worrying himself out of at least ten years of life. He approached the group.


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