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Page 14

by Unknown

  Jo had not believed her senses when Mike had played. Could it be that this wonderful guy liked music as well as she? In any case, she wanted to play more with him. It had been a beautiful experience. "You start something," she said.

  "Ok," he said. Thinking for a moment, he placed his hands on the keys and play softly. She soon recognized it as the formal beginning of the "Waltz of the Flowers." Jo looked at him in awe. This was an orchestral piece, and his fingers were matching almost every note. She was particularly impressed when he played what was a harp solo at the beginning. His fingers seemed to glide effortlessly across the keyboard. At the next phrase, she began playing the melody. Mike immediately switched to the harmony to accompany her. It was as if they had been practicing for years. At various places, Mike took the melody and Jo harmonized. They went back and forth leading to the climax when both were playing furiously, leaving Shala and Rokka spellbound, gasping as they would moan and cry out with the music.

  At one point, Rokka leaned over and whispered to Shala, "They are in love, yes"

  "Oh yes. They are definitely in love," she said, "They just do not know it."

  The music of the night continued for two hours, till Jo and Mike were both nearly exhausted. With reluctance, they set the instruments down and went out of the room. Mike followed Jo out onto the front porch and looked up into the night sky. The stars were twinkling, forming what seemed like a great ceiling of light above them.

  "I haven't had so much fun in years," Jo said as she leaned on the railing next to Mike.

  "Neither have I."

  Jo looked over at him and smiled. "I wish I have known about your playing sooner. We could have been doing it long before now."

  "Yes, but what would your friends have said?" Mike chided with a wide grin.

  "Them? Who cares?"

  Mike turned to face her. "Who cares? Man, have you changed. I was persona non-grata around you and your friends. Remember?"

  Jo turned and looked up at him. "I know, and I'm sorry," she said. She reached up to touch his face. "Look, I have a confession to make. Ever since I was in middle school, my parents were kind of like yours. You know, off exploring something or other. I felt like I had to have friends around me everywhere I went. I wanted to be Miss Popularity, and I would do anything to stay in just the right group. Well, I guess I forgot how to be a real friend and how to treat people right. I'd say anything and do anything without thinking about how it might have hurt other people. You had every reason to hate me, but you never said anything nasty to me or hurtful. It took being stranded on this island for me to realize that I was living in a lie. I hope you can forgive me," she said starting to look down. She only now understood how wrong she had been.

  Mike looked down on Jo and smiled. There was something very special about her and he was feeling more than just happy to be near her. He placed his hands on her arms and looked down at her with caring eyes. Even when she was putting herself down she was radiant. He could feel himself getting closer to her. "Nothing to forgive. I could tell you were really a nice person from the moment I saw you last year. I just hoped I wasn't too homely for you."

  Jo looked up at him with disbelief. "Homely? Mike you have to be one of the most han...." she stopped herself, then looked down again. "Well, you're not too bad to look at."

  "Even with the four eyes."

  "Even with the four eyes," she said looking up at him again. She saw a smiling hansom face. His blue eyes were so warm when he was this close. She felt his hands pull her closer as he pulled her to his chest. She felt his arms encircle her and she felt hers do the same. She rested her head on his shoulder.

  "Thanks," Mike said. "That's the nicest thing you almost said to me."

  Jo smiled and took one hand to poke him in the chest. "You jerk," she said. They both chuckled.

  "Thanks anyway," he said warmly.

  The two stood on the porch in each other’s arms for several minutes. Not talking, not doing much of anything, but feeling the warmth of the other. The shuffling of furniture drew them out of their trance.

  "What's that?" Jo asked pulling back to look toward the door. She was a little anxious that someone might see her in this position. She had found herself enjoying her time with Mike. More than that, she had actually wanted him to hold her. He felt so warm, so comforting. And he wasn't pushing. She really didn't like that kind of game. Mike was genuine.

  "Rokka said it is the beginning of the days they set aside for their worship. Shall we join them?" he asked. He was interested in their beliefs, but he also didn't want to leave Jo. It had felt so good holding her - so right.

  "You can. I'm exhausted. Just feel like going to bed," she said.

  Mike decided that he would probably be better off staying with Rokka and Shala. He was getting strange and new feelings and he didn't want to take the chance of upsetting Jo. "You go up then. I may join them for a while," he said smiling at her.

  "Okay," Jo smiled back. "See you in the morning."

  They both walked into the house and parted at the foot of the stairs. Jo started and paused a short way up the stairs to look back. Mike went over to where Rokka and Shala were sitting in front of a small table with some ornaments on it. She watched him ask to join them and then pull up a chair. They began to talk softly and she saw Rokka point to Mike. Mike then nodded and began talking with Shala. She watched him talk softly to them. Occasionally Shala and Rokka would nod. Then Shala began to talk and Mike sat quietly and listened.

  Jo couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was so different from any other young man she had known. And to think just a few days ago she would not have even spoken to him. Now she didn't know how she could be apart from him. He was a good, kind and gentle person - opposite from the guys from her "group."

  She turned and continued up the stairs. When she got to the bedroom she took off her outer clothes and slid between the sheets. She thought about the other guys she had known. Every one of them had wanted to make out from the very first. Yes, they had been fun on dates, but when alone, their hands had been all over her. What's worse, she had put up with it. Eventually when they didn't get much farther, they went on to someone else. They hadn't even tried to really get to know her. Even the boys from her music classes seemed remote. They were a little more interesting, but they had other things on their mind. Why was Mike so different? Why had he not held her actions against her? The others would have. Why did she feel the way she felt? She had actually stood there for a long time holding onto him, and liking it, wanting to hold on more. She could feel him breathing, hear his heart beating, and feel the muscles in his back, chest and arms. Not hurting, but supporting, caressing.

  And he played the piano. Secretly she had wanted to find someone who enjoyed music like she did. She had never dreamed that Mike would play. Much less play so well. How could a guy that could play like that be an engineer? How could she like him so much?

  She was pondering all those questions when she heard him come up the stairs. He was being so careful not to wake her. She closed her eyes so that he could not see that she was awake.

  Mike walked over between the two beds. He stared at Jo asleep on her bed. She was so beautiful lying there. The light from the risen moon was entering the window and playing across her face and upper body. He could see her chest rising and falling as she breathed. Fighting back the urge to kneel beside her and kiss her gently, he pulled off his own clothes and lay under his own sheets. Up until two days ago, he had thought he had no chance at all with Jo. But with each day she had gotten warmer toward him. He had almost jumped for joy when she let him hold her. If she had only known that he had a small crush on her since that first day he had seen her a year ago. But like many other things, he kept his feelings close. It was far safer that way. So he decided to take it day by day. All he knew was that right now, he was happy. And he wanted to continue this happiness as long as possible.

  Mike rolled over and closed his eyes. Tomorrow there would be more things to
do together. He wanted to be fresh for it.

  As he lay there, Jo opened her eyes to see him lying there. She found herself aching to hold him more, but contented herself to just being near. She closed her eyes again and eventually drifted to sleep.

  Chapter 13

  Counter Moves

  It had been a relatively quiet day aboard the Lexington. While the heads of two nations made their plans and got things ready, Captain Dickson had simply watched as Hadaie’s programs were initiated one by one. Nearly an hour before, in a final move for the day, the Amad Por's transmitters had overloaded themselves and just prior to burn out, discharged their overloaded energy directly at each of Levid's ground stations. The resulting energy pulse had effectively destroyed each receiver, knocking out all of Levid's primary communications. With each planned step, Hadaie had been able to cripple Levid, not from the Lexington's resources, but through Levid's. Nothing even remotely could be traced back to them. What's more, Levid had been severely crippled through overtaxing the Amad Por Crew. Now there were accidents happening due to the crew's exhaustion. These would not be going away any time soon. It had been a masterful plan, if not humorous.

  Through the day, Dickson had also taken the time to continue his sensor sweeps of the planet and plan for the next system they were scheduled to come to. He had welcomed the report from James Thompson on his visit with the Tetans. Emir Toscan had obviously been outraged that one of his people was causing such harm, and was willing to take the steps to right the wrong.

  Dickson also received the news that the Tetans were testing their first transpace drive ship with surprise. It seemed that at least in spirit and technology they were ready to become full members of the Alliance. He would make that recommendation in his report if all went well. He was preparing his recommendations when he was interrupted.

  "Captain to the bridge," came the call from the watch officer.

  Dickson tapped his radio. "What seems to be the trouble?"

  "Sir, we are picking up a massive loss of life on the planet surface."

  Dickson sat up quickly. "Is the source nuclear?"

  "No sir, it's something else."

  "On my way," he said as he got up from his desk and moved quickly to his door.

  The Captain entered the bridge and walked quickly behind the usual seats to the sensor panel they were all standing around. "Show me what you have," he said joining the watch officer, Lieutenant Day.

  "It's here captain," Day said pointing to the cause of concern. "It is spreading over approximately 20,000 square meters and getting larger. What's worse, it's killing everything."

  "Chemical analysis?"

  Day pulled up the screen. "A poison sir. Potassium cyanide in some sort of liquid suspension. I can't find how it got there or who did it."

  The communications officer interrupted them. "Captain! You'd better hear this," he said already channeling the signal to the bridge speakers. It sounded like old time radio signals.

  "...killed nearly 12,000 people in an unprovoked attack by the Oreupean government. Rescue workers on the scene are also being killed by this unknown death agent. Sources from Oreupe have little to say,” the announcer said.

  "We completely deny any involvement in this attack and have nothing further to say at this time," a representative of the government said.

  The announcer returned. "Again, initial information is that the entire town on Raiida has been decimated by an unknown poisonous attack. Over 12,000 known dead. We will have more on this story as we get it." The communications ended.

  "There is a similar story going out over Oreupean radio and television but stating it was done by the Naceriams," the communications officer said.

  "Unbelievable," said the captain. "They are announcing the disaster even as it happens."

  Day suddenly straightened. "Captain, I'm picking up a similar event happening in Nacerium territory. See it?" he asked pointing to the screen. "It's spreading quickly."

  "Quickly, the source!"

  Day rapidly called up other sensors. The answer came quickly. "One of Levid's shuttles there in the atmosphere."

  Dickson tapped his radio again. So much for crippling Levid's efforts, he thought. "Security to the streamer room. Streamer room, beam the crewmen of that shuttle aboard," he ordered. Then he turned to Day. "Arm the pulse emitters."

  Day nodded to the duty weapons watch who punched the orders into his console.

  "Emitters coming on line," he called out. After a moment the ready light flashed on his console. "Ready sir."

  "Target that shuttle."

  The watch gave the commands and the system responded immediately. "Emitters locked sir. Levid and his people may see it sir. The shuttle is just over their horizon."

  "A chance I'll take. Streamer Room, are the crew aboard?"

  "They are aboard sir," came the reply.

  "Emitters, fire."

  The searing beam of energy arced across space and into the atmosphere. There was a small explosion and flame as the shuttle was destroyed.

  Aboard the Lexington the weapons watch reported, "Target destroyed, sir."

  Dickson went down to his command chair. He sat down heavily. "Very good. Stand down the weapons systems. Establish communications with King Raterc and President Rapheli.

  The communications officer made the adjustments. "They are on line sir."

  "On screen."

  Both men's faces appeared on the screen. Both equally looked shaken by the news.

  "We just received the news," the King said. "You know we had nothing to do with it."

  "Nor did we," said the president.

  Dickson raised his hands to calm them. "Yes gentlemen, I know. There was not a piece of military hardware within 50 kilometers of the towns. I also have the pilots of the craft that did this."

  "Levid's men?" Raphelli asked.

  "That's correct, Mister President."

  "May we question them?" King Raterc asked.

  "Of course. I can have you brought here immediately."

  Rapheli nodded and said, "Give me a few moments to get as many rescue personnel into the area as I can."

  Dickson almost jumped at the news. "No! You must not go into the area. Levid has sprayed an aerosol of potassium cyanide into the area. It is quite lethal. Do you have protective equipment for such a weapon?"

  Raterc looked at him. "I don't even know what potassium cyanide is."

  Dickson assured him. "Then get your people out of there. I will try and solve the problem from here."

  Rapheli was satisfied. "Then give us time to get them out. I will signal my readiness in five of your minutes."

  "I will also," Raterc said.

  "Very good. Five minutes then. Dickson out."

  The viewscreen returned to normal space. Dickson turned to the watch officer. "Have bioengineering begin preparation of the necessary proteins to eradicate the poisons. Let me know as soon as they are available. I'll be in the brig," he said as he stood and headed toward the pneumatic elevator.

  At the same time, aboard the Serus, Thompson and Pike were preparing to depart with Thedor, the Tetan ambassador. It had taken all night for the Tetan council to get things ready. Thedor now had every conceivable power to thwart Levid and his ship. Thompson even had complete details of the Amad Por's construction and capabilities. If nothing else, Thedor was ready to blow the ship out of space. Now they were held up as the Tetan Emir said his formal good byes.

  "I hope you will be in time to prevent a disaster. All the best wishes of Tetan go with you," the Emir said warmly.

  "Thank you Emir Toscan," said Thompson shaking his hand.

  In one corner of the room Pike had just said his good-byes to Koss the engineer.

  "Did you finish going over the diagrams?" Koss finally asked. Pike had been a little surprised that Koss had not asked first thing. He is a very good engineer, he thought. Pike turned to face Koss.

  "I most certainly did."

  "And?" Koss almost plead

  Pike smiled at his new friend. "You're going to have the ride of a lifetime."

  Koss looked visibly relieved. He knew he would tell no one else, but it was a relief to know things were right. He stuck out his hand. "Thank you. Let us get together again when you return."

  "Wouldn't miss it," Pike said.

  Thompson called him from across the room. "Chris?"

  "Coming," he said waiving. "Have a good trip." He then turned and followed Thompson and Thedor onto the streamer pads. On signal, all three slowly dematerialized.

  Only one minute later the shuttle Galileo departed from its station beside the Serus and sped away.

  Inside the Lexington brig two very happy looking crewmen were gulping down the food placed before them. Captain Dickson and the two leaders were standing in the darkened portion of the brig watching them. Others from Levid's crew were in other cells. The men could tell that these men were not used to having much food. They looked pale and half starved.

  "They look as though they haven't eaten in a month," King Raterc said quietly. He was actually surprised at their look.

  "I gather through what they and these others told me that Levid doesn't treat them as well as we might think," Dickson said. "According to them, there are Levid and his overseers on one level and the rest of the crew on another. One does not mix unless it's for punishment."

  Rapheli shook his head. "Even his own crew. And they have been at this for 60 years?"

  "We don't have all the information yet, but it appears that way," the Captain said.

  King Raterc stepped from the shadows into the light. He walked toward the cell and spoke. "Pardon me, but would you mind answering some questions?"

  Both men stopped eating and looked in horror at the King.

  "Do you use torture?" one of the men asked.

  The King made a face. "How absurd. However our punishment systems can be rather harsh. If you cooperate, we may be able to help you."

  "Our leader would not be pleased," the pilot of the craft said.


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