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Fighting For Her Dragon

Page 10

by Julia Mills

  Shavon went straight to Emma’s bedside. She gently touched his mate’s forehead and then held both of Emma’s hands in her much larger, ghostly fingers. A hauntingly beautiful melody filled the room, along with the scent of healing herbs. Shavon sang in the language of the Ancients for several minutes. He was able to discern healing words and words of encouragement with his limited knowledge of the oldest of all dragon dialects.

  The music faded, along with the scent of herbs, and Shavon motioned for Andrew to join him at Emma’s bedside. Once they were both settled beside his mate, the Ancient Dragon began to speak. “You must make your mating official. You have awakened something within your mate that until you came into her life had remained dormant. Without the official ceremony and blessing of your Elders and Force, I fear she will remain trapped within herself for eternity.”

  “But these are no longer my Elders and I’m no longer a Guardsman. Hell, I’m not even sure if they will bless my mating with Emma. She’s one of their own, beloved, and I’m just the traitor.”

  The Ancient Dragon shook her head just like his mother used to when she was about to tell him and his brothers how wrong they really were. “It is time you leave the past behind. It is a new day. You have a mate and your responsibility is to her. Once a Guardsman, always a Guardsman. Just as you have your dragon, you have your training. As for your Elders, they answer to those of us that have gone before. If we feel your union is to be blessed than it shall be blessed.”

  Andrew wasn’t sure what to say and damn sure didn’t know what to do. Shavon’s next statement made his decision for him and shocked him into speechlessness. “You have twenty-four hours until Emma will no longer wake. Choose wisely or doom one of the only female dragons in hundreds of years, to cease to exist.”

  Rising from the bed, Shavon headed back to the corner. Turning, she looked him in the eye and said the five words that would rule the rest of his life. “Her fate lies with you.”

  The bright white sphere she had arrived in enveloped her completely, spun on an unseen axis, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Several minutes later, Andrew still sat on the side of Emma’s bed, digesting all he’d just learned.

  Climbing into bed behind her, Andrew pulled Emma as close to his body as was possible, spooning her from behind while wrapping his arms around her middle. He kissed the side of her neck that still bore the faint outline of his teeth. Smiling, he gave her one last kiss on the cheek before snuggling in for the night.

  There is no decision. If they won’t bless our mating, I’ll find a clan that will. She will come back to me. She will be whole again. She is mine to protect, mine to love.


  Before the sun had made it all the way over the horizon, Andrew had the nurse call Siobhan. To say the Elder Healer was thrilled to hear from him would’ve been the overstatement of the century, but when she stopped grumbling at him long enough to hear what he was saying, she told him she would be there in ten minutes.

  True to her word, Siobhan walked into Emma’s room exactly ten minutes after hanging up on him. Grabbing the wooden visitor’s chair on her way in, she sat next to the bed using the bedside table as a desk, and commanded, “Now, start from the beginning. Leave nothing out and do not embellish.”

  Unable to resist, Andrew answered, “‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…’ at least that’s what I believe the human bible says.”

  “Feel better?”

  Andrew nodded, surprised she hadn’t thrown something at him, or better yet, thrown him out of the clinic.

  “Good. Now, can we get to it? You said we had twenty-four hours to get you two mated and save her from life as a vegetable, right? So, if my count is right, we have about eighteen of those left.”

  The reality of the situation hit Andrew square in the chest. He needed to straighten up and fly right. With Emma’s life his only concern, he detailed everything the Ancient Dragon had said, ending with, “And as you know she said we have, well, I guess that is had, twenty-four hours.”

  “First of all, let me see why, after practically raising this child for all those years, I had no idea she was dragon.”

  “If it’s any consolation, Shavon said I ‘unlocked it’.” He hoped that would help, but from the look on the Siobhan’s face, he’d once again missed the mark.

  Without another word, the Healer stood and leaned over his mate, gently laying one hand on Emma’s forehead and the other over her heart. He could feel the power radiating from Siobhan into his mate as the Healer concentrated her gifts on finding the dragon inside his Emma.

  Andrew knew the minute she’d found it. The tension in her shoulders relaxed as she pulled back some of the energy she had been pouring into his mate. The examination continued for almost thirty more minutes, during which Andrew alternated between wanting to scream and wanting to rip out his hair. When Siobhan finally stepped away, he had to take a breath before asking, “Is it true? Is she dragon? Is she going to be okay?”

  Shaking her head, the Healer gave a half chuckle before turning to answer. “Yes, it is true. She is dragon, and from what I can tell the soul of her beast was in a type of stasis, waiting for its mate. I can say I’ve never seen anything like it except…”

  Without another word, Siobhan was racing from the room, throwing orders over her shoulder. “Stay with her, Andrew. I will be back as soon as I can. I’ll call Carrick while I’m out.”

  He stood in the middle of Emma’s room, not sure what, if anything, he needed to do. Almost two hours passed before the Healer returned with Devon and his mate, Anya. One look at the woman Andrew had attempted to teach black magic to all those months ago and reality came rushing in from every direction. It all suddenly made sense. Why Anya had seemed special. Why she had repelled black magic to the point where he thought she’d actually been killed by it. But most importantly, why Emma had somehow seemed familiar when their souls had touched. They were both dragon and related.

  Feeling the weight of his past mistakes, Andrew stepped forward, and in the way of their ancestors, knelt before the couple with his head bowed. He uttered the words he’d been taught as a child, “Please forgive my transgressions against you and yours. I offer my life, as worthless as it may be, as repayment for all you have suffered at my hands.”

  He had no idea how long he knelt, waiting for Devon to accept his apology or punch him in the face, before the Guardsman finally answered, “Your transgression is forgiven but not forgotten. We will begin anew today to rebuild what was lost. May the Heavens guide our actions and erase our memories.”

  Devon’s words lifted a weight from Andrew’s shoulders he hadn’t known he was carrying. Standing, he held out his hand and forearm and the men shook in the way of warriors.

  Always the Zen Master.

  “You two done? Can we do what we came here for?” Anya sounded irritated, but also curious and maybe a little scared.

  Andrew turned and led them to his mate’s bedside. He was just about to explain what he knew when Anya grabbed Emma’s hand and gasped. “Deirfiúr?”

  Looking from Devon to Siobhan then to Andrew with tears in her eyes, she asked, “How? How do I have a sister I didn’t know about? How is she someone I have called friend for months?”

  “Do you remember the story Carrick relayed to you on the day of your transformation?”

  Anya nodded and motioned for the Healer to continue. Before Siobhan could continue, Andrew butted in, “For those of us late to the party, what story?”

  Sighing, Anya retold the story…

  “Carrick was called to give last rites to a very old dragon before his ascension and he told of a female dragon, one of the last and mate to the Commander of the Green Dragon Guard Force. The vibria was out of the lair when her clan was attacked and escaped being caught…or worse. She took refuge in the caves high above her homelands where humans, wizards, and/or hunters, never dared to venture.”

  “During her time in hiding, she found
herself pregnant and in due course gave birth. Unfortunately, without proper nourishment, the added strain of caring for her young, and a harsh winter, she fell ill. Using what little magic she had left, she concealed herself and her child from detection and left the caves. Her condition worsened as she traveled and she began to count her remaining days. Fearing for her child’s safety, she came upon a couple overflowing with white magic and kindness. With her last bit of life, she placed the child on their doorstep and hid in the bushes until she was sure they had retrieved the baby.”

  “Knowing her child was safe and would be cared for, she made her way into the woods and perished, returning to the Earth as is our way. They figured out I was the baby and my adoptive parents the white witches and now, you’re up to speed.”

  Anya turned to Siobhan. “The floor is once again yours.”

  The Elder Healer began again. “During Zachary’s research to provide Anya with the answers they’d promised, he found mention of a second child, one a bit older than Anya, that the mother had hidden away with an unnamed clan when her kinsmen were attacked the first time. After what I’ve seen in Emma’s soul and what you’ve just confirmed, I believe she is that child.

  I remember the day they carried her into the lair. She was so tiny and frail, barely able to hold up her head, but with a fierce determination to survive. It took almost a year for her to remember her name, and even longer than that to trust any of us. The Sinclairs had just lost their only son in battle, and our Emma gave them the child they wanted so badly, but the little stinker would run away and hide in the grape arbors every chance she got.

  “It made Sophie and Samuel crazy. They were debating what to do to keep her from wandering when she came home from one such excursion talking about a young Guardsman she’d met. He’d apparently made such a great impression on her that she decided she wanted to stay. As far as I know, Emma never ran away again.”

  As Siobhan relayed the story from Emma’s youth, all kinds of bells and whistles went off in Andrew’s brain. Not to mention his dragon chuffed and pawed the ground as if he might charge.

  Could it really be? Damn if Fate is not always one step ahead.

  He must’ve spoken his thoughts aloud, because Devon looked confused. “What did you just say?”

  Startled, Andrew answered without thinking. “That Guardsman was me. I found a sweet young girl crying under the grape arbor one day on my way to training, not long after I’d gotten here. She was beautiful, inside and out. We talked. We laughed. She admitted to not remembering her name and thought I would think she was weird.

  Sooner than I would’ve liked, Mrs. Sinclair found her and that was the last time I ever spoke to her. I thought about her all the time, even saw her around the lair, and promised to go speak to her again, but it never happened. And then, well…”

  Andrew stopped and chuckled, shaking his head at his own stupidity. “No one ever accused me of being the brightest bulb in the pack. If only…”

  Devon cut off Andrew’s next words. “You can’t think that way. Stay out of the past. There’s nothing there but would’ve beens, could’ve beens, and should’ve beens that will keep you from moving forward. You have her now, so let’s do everything we can to keep her here with you and with us. Emma is a vital part of this clan. We all think of her as family and will fight to the death to keep her safe.”

  “Devon is right. I have also called…”

  Siobhan’s words disappeared into the noise that floated into Emma’s room from the hall. Andrew was shocked to not only see Kyra and Royce, but also Lance and his mate, Samantha, along with their daughter, Sydney. Before Andrew could ask what was happening, the little girl pulled her hand from her father’s grasp and ran to him.

  Crashing into his legs, she locked herself to him on impact, with her tiny arms wrapped around his knees. Looking down, Andrew found Sydney looking up at him, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. She smiled and giggled. “Glad you could make it, you silly dragon. Em didn’t know it, but she’s been waiting for you since Anya transformed. That was the day Em got the mark on her wrist. That’s the day I knew she was a dragon. Pretty cool, huh?”

  Pretty cool? Ya gotta love this kid.

  “What are you talking about, Sydney? Emma never said a word about a mark,” Siobhan asked, hurrying to the young woman and examining her wrists.

  Less than a moment later, the Healer looked up at Anya, put her hand out palm side up, and made the ‘give me’ motion by closing and opening her fingers. Devon’s mate laid her wrist across Siobhan’s hand without hesitation. The older woman compared both young women’s wrists and then shook her head. “They match. It is unbelievable, but they match; exactly the same mark in exactly the same place”

  The Healer looked at Kyra. “Just another reason why I need your help. We have to get her awake. The Ancient Dragon gave Andrew very specific instructions.”

  “Do you really believe this traitor actually spoke to the Ancient? How do we know he isn’t just trying to save his own neck from the Tribunal?” Royce growled, looking at Andrew as if he was the Devil incarnate.

  Andrew opened his mouth to speak when Devon said, “Yes, I do believe him. I’ve seen the way he looks at Em, and more importantly, I’ve seen the way she looks at him. Maybe you’ve forgotten that I was the one that found her almost dead from their connection and I heard Andrew begging her to break the connection, doing everything in his power to shield her from the pain. Shit, Royce, he died to keep her safe.”

  Disbelief did not begin to describe what Andrew felt. Devon was defending him. The room was still completely silent when Anya added, “And he apologized. Something y’all said would never happen.”

  Royce and Lance exchanged looks before Lance said, “I don’t trust you. I’ll never trust you. You turned your back on all that we stand for. Did unspeakable things in the name of revenge. But Fate and the Universe have given you a seriously wonderful girl for a mate. She’s important to all of us. She’s family, and as such we’ll do whatever it takes to keep her happy and whole, even if that means tolerating you.” The Guardsman paused, staring at Andrew as if he could will him out of existence. “But know that I will incur the wrath of Heaven and Hell and the Ancients themselves if you hurt her.”

  Lance and Royce will not be coming to the bachelor party.

  Lance had always been a judgmental prick and Royce thought he was better than everyone else, even his own brothers, so Andrew was not bothered by what they thought. He lumped them with Aaron and the rest of the Guardsmen that wanted to string him up, and shoved them as far out of his mind as he could. Emma was all that mattered. Having her back and keeping her safe.

  Of course, his great resolution lasted exactly two point two seconds. He hadn’t even made it back to his chair at her bedside when in marched Carrick, Zachary, Malachi, and Riordan, followed closely behind by Aaron, Aidan, and Rayne.

  Wonder if this clinic has a bar?

  Thankfully, it was Carrick that spoke. “Siobhan relayed the information concerning Shavon’s visit. Based on Zachary’s morning meditation and the results of Emma’s examination, I believe everything you have told us, Andrew, and therefore grant your petition to marry a member of the Golden Fire Clan, Emma Sinclair. The official mating ceremony will be performed this evening at sunset with the full support of the MacLendon Force in the Prayer Garden on the grounds of this facility.”

  Looking to Siobhan, he asked, “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  “I think we have it all under control, or will in a moment. Kyra, Andrew, and I are going to wake up our Sleeping Beauty while the others are going to decorate the garden and plan a reception.”

  Andrew could tell by the looks on the Guardsmen’s faces that only Carrick’s presence was keeping them from giving Siobhan hundreds of reasons why they could not or would not help with his and Emma’s mating ceremony. Siobhan must’ve seen it too, because her next statement was right out of the Mother’s Manipulation Handbook.

/>   “I know that everyone here wants to make sure everything is perfect for Emma.” She nodded her head for effect as she spoke.

  The grin on all the Elders’ faces said they knew what she was up to and agreed wholeheartedly. Their quick exit would’ve been comical had it not drawn Andrew’s attention to the glares he was receiving from those he used to call brethren.

  Except for Devon, they can all kiss my ass, especially my asshole brothers. If I had it my way, we would do this without them but since that’s not possible they better just stay the hell outta my way.

  “I just hollered at all the girls to let them know we needed to get this show on the road,” Anya added, looking a little lost. He had to admire her strength. She’d just found out that she had a sister she didn’t know about who was also a dragon. Who, by the way, was about to mate the man that everyone hated and that had kidnapped her. If she hadn’t already accepted his apology, Andrew knew he would be begging. Not for himself, but for Emma; these were her people and as much as it scared him, he would do whatever he had to for her.

  “Thank you, dear. I wanted to ask if you could stay for the Awakening Ritual. Kyra and I both agree that having you here can only help.” Siobhan’s tone was so much softer with Anya than it had been with the Guardsmen. Andrew would’ve laughed out loud if he hadn’t been afraid the Healer would cause him bodily harm.

  “Absolutely. Nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  “As for you,” Siobhan looked each Guardsman in the face, “we need flowers, ribbons, all the things you arranged for your own mating ceremonies.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” was the grumbled consensus as they filed out of Emma’s room.

  “And as for you,” Siobhan spun on Andrew, pinning him with a look that made his blood run cold. “I can tell you have good intentions and that you are doing all this for Emma, but part of that is going to be letting go of the past. She is normally a sweet and gentle person who shies away from conflict. With you at her side. I fear those things will change. Do not look for trouble, do not cause trouble and whatever happens, do not involve my sweet girl in any of your schemes. Try to make amends and keep your nose clean, because I know with all my heart Emma will give her life to save yours, and if that happens…I will kill you myself.”


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