Fighting For Her Dragon

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Fighting For Her Dragon Page 12

by Julia Mills

  In no time at all, Emma was dressed and being ushered out of her room and down the hall. Her entourage stopped at the door she knew led to the Prayer Garden. Each woman kissed her on the cheek and wished her good luck before disappearing out the door. Siobhan had told her they were setting up a small reception for after the ceremony in the butterfly garden on the far side of the clinic, so she guessed that’s where they were going.

  No sooner had all the ladies gone than the door opened from the outside and she found Jace and Liam, two of the younger Guardsmen, dressed in black surcoats trimmed with thick silver braiding and embroidered with an amazing black and silver beast in the throes of battle. Their black pants tucked into the top of their polished, knee-high black boots and long-sleeved black undershirts only highlighted the silver accents, and the dragon of their surcoats transporting her back in time and creating the perfect beginning to her mating ceremony.

  Both turned when they saw her, putting their arms out for her to grasp. Once she was settled between them, they escorted her down the path towards the soft glow of candlelight and the fragrance of fresh flowers. Turning the corner, she found the Prayer Garden awash in white and silver candles, black and silver ribbons, and every imaginable fresh cut flower.

  A platform containing four large throne-like chairs had been placed in front of the stone carved fountain that stood in the middle of the garden. Large planters filled with the same fresh cut flowers and finished with a huge black and silver bow on the front, had been placed on the dais. As she stood waiting, Jace and Liam took several steps back and stood at ease as if they were guarding her back.

  The sound of boots striking wood drew her attention. Emma watched as Carrick and the other Elders took their places in the chairs on the platform. Next came the Guardsmen, each wearing a surcoat that matched the color of his dragon, and to her surprise, smiling. Well, all except Aaron.

  Rayne was at the head of the line, standing tall and proud in red. He looked every bit the Commander he was. Next was Royce, whose beautiful royal blue surcoat with green accents truly fit the gentle giant that Emma loved like a brother. Then there was Aaron, dressed in a silvery gray and frowning. Standing next to him was Aidan, his twin, dressed almost identically, except he was smiling and even gave her a wink. Maybe there was hope that one day the O’Briens would be one, big, happy family.

  Pushing aside all thoughts of anything but her mate and their special day, Emma continued down the line. As usual, Lance was being the joker of the group. He looked incredibly regal in his surcoat of gold and black, but his shit-eating grin made her chuckle under her breath. Last in line was Devon, the one of the Force she felt the closet to. From her earliest memory, he’d always been her friend, always looked out for her, and most of all, was her surrogate big brother.

  A movement to the right of the Elders caught her eye. There stood Andrew as she’d never imagined seeing him. Dressed in head to toe black, his surcoat identical to the ones Jace and Liam wore. He was breathtakingly handsome and he was about to be hers… forever. Her heart beat only for him and she knew it always would. While Emma was daydreaming, her mate had started striding towards her, looking better than any man had a right to look.

  But damn, he does that every day.

  He looked nowhere but into her eyes. The electrical current that was always present when they were together snapped to life. His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared. Her body also reacted, and she hoped to make it through the mating ceremony without dragging him back to her room and making love to him all night. He winked and said, “I’m with you, Beautiful,” directly into her mind.

  He stopped a few feet in front of her….waiting and watching. Carrick cleared his throat and then began speaking, filling the Prayer Garden with his low, clear, baritone voice. “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that dragon kin was no longer safe from those that would expose and destroy them. They sought to join with the knights that had so valiantly been their allies. Thus, through magic and the will of both dragon and knight, the Golden Fire Clan of the Dragon Shifters became a reality. It was through the joining of many different clans that we have become the strong and powerful Force we are today.

  “We are here, at the Prayer Garden, to honor what the Universe put into place all those many years ago. To acknowledge and bless the mating of Andrew Myles O’Brien to the one the Universe made for him, Emma Lee Sinclair. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  From their place to the side of the dais stepped the five men Andrew had long ago called brethren. The men that she knew had trained with him, fought with him, bled with him, and had also attempted to stop him when he’d been lost to his pain and anger. They knelt as one and bowed their heads. Rayne then stood and addressed the Elders, “We, the five of the MacLendon Force, wish to witness and offer our blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish in this world when their souls have gone to the Heavens.” He stepped back and knelt next to his men, bowing his head once again.

  Carrick began again, “Your witness and blessing have been acknowledged and accepted, MacLendon Force. Andrew O’Brien, you may go to your mate and escort her to the center of the Blessed Circle.”

  She didn’t even see him move before he was standing right before her with a look in his glowing, mismatched eyes that made her feel loved–adored. He took her hands in his and she felt all the emotion and power he held within flowing through his fingertips.

  Andrew walked backward, maintaining eye contact with every movement, until they reached their destination. Carrick began, “The Silver Dragons were forged from the very fiber of the Universe, and because of this, are often referred to as the ‘Shield Dragons’. The Black Dragons are known for their power and authority. They encapsulate the mark of humility and respectability. They are often called the ‘Power Dragons’. Not only were you born the Special One, Andrew, but you also possess the nature of two dragons.

  “They are protective to a fault and will fight to the death to defend those they hold dear. They have quick and ambitious attitudes and use a combination of their minds and hearts to make all decisions. They love hard, strong, and endlessly. They never lose faith in whom or what they believe in. To mate a silver or a black dragon means to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.

  “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all the days of your lives together.”

  Emma watched as the Elders and the Guardsmen left the meadow. Andrew then led her over to a grouping of large White Ash trees. Once inside that grouping, it was as if the rest of the world ceased to exist.

  Staring at the man she’d come to love with all her heart in just a few days, she felt his presence in the depths her soul. They simply stood together absorbing all that they were together. The longer they stared at one another, the more brilliant his eyes became, until she realized they were glowing.

  Andrew lowered his mouth to hers, stopping just as their lips touched, and whispered, “Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” before capturing her lips with his.

  It was as if Andrew was everywhere. Emma was consumed with a heat that set her ablaze from the inside out. She was laid open…body, heart, and soul, to her mate.

  There was a sting on the left side of her neck, little more than a pinch and nothing compared to the kiss she was sharing with her mate. Andrew left her lips, trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck, reaching the tender spot that had stung only a moment before. He licked and sucked the offending spot until all thoughts of anything but their naked bodies loving one another were banished from her mind.

  “Don’t get too comfortable, Mrs. O’Brien. There’s a whole party awaiting your arrival.”

  “My arrival? Don’t you mean our arrival?”

  “Let’s agree to disagree.”

g as Andrew picked her up and carried her towards their reception, she teased, “Life with you will never be boring and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Whatever you say, love, whatever you say…”


  The reception kind of reminded her of a sixth grade dance. The Guardsmen were all standing on one side trying to act as if Andrew wasn’t there while their mates mixed and mingled. Max and a few of his werepanthers had come and were also wandering around eating lots and having fun. Max had even stopped by their table, hugged her, and shook Andrew’s hand.

  Devon had come over, sat down, and asked if they were planning to live in Emma’s apartment over her jewelry shop. The couple had to admit they hadn’t even thought about it. Laughing, they decided it was all they had and discussed looking for something bigger later. Andrew made her heart flutter when he said, “As long as it’s big enough for us, that’s all that matters. It’s gonna be a long time before I want to share you with anyone.”

  Right after that he’d gone and disappeared for almost an hour, and when he’d come back he was sporting a sneaky little grin and a glint in his eyes that said he was up to no good. She’d asked twice, to which he avoided the first time and flat out told her not to ask the second. Emma became more determined but was distracted when the band started to play “The Way You Look Tonight.”

  “You remembered?” she squealed and kissed his cheek.

  “I did,” Andrew answered as he stood and held out his hand. As they walked to the dancefloor, a new singer had taken the mike. Turning to see who was singing one of her all-time favorite songs, she had to hold on to Andrew to keep from falling when she found Rory, Royce’s younger brother, performing like it was something he did every day. He winked and grinned a cheeky grin Emma knew had robbed more than one girl of her panties.

  She laughed out loud as Andrew spun her around and around. It took a second for her to realize that he’d maneuvered them into a secluded part of the garden. “What are you up to, Drew?”

  “Drew, huh? I like hearing you say my name like that.” He winked, gave her a quick kiss, and then sat her on the stone bench surrounded by candles that he carefully lit before sitting down beside her.

  She could tell he was nervous but could feel through the mating bond that he was also excited, so she worked hard not to push him. They sat in silence, listening to the sounds of their reception in the distance. She saw Andrew turn in his seat and followed suit.

  When they were face to face, Andrew pulled a small, black velvet bag out from under his surcoat. He held out his hand and waited for her to do the same. As soon as she did, he laid the bag on her palm and began to explain. “I understand that you make all the jewelry for the clan. I saw the beautiful pieces you made for all the ladies out of the shells of their mates. You are truly talented.”

  “Thank you, but what’s this?” She pointed at the bag in her hand.

  “Open it and find out.”

  Shaking her head and chuckling, Emma loosened the drawstring on the bag and carefully poured its contents into her lap. The tinkling of tiny bells accompanied the glistening of highly polished silver, closely followed by one perfect black dragon scale. It took a moment for what she was looking at to sink in, but when it did tears began to wet her cheeks.

  “How did you…it is just beautiful, Drew. Where did you get it?” she asked, taking a closer look.

  “Well, the scale is mine…I mean, my dragon’s, and the bracelet was my mother’s. Right before she went into the Heavens to be with Dad, she gave me the bobble he’d given to her on their mating day. She made me promise to give it to my mate on our special day and here we are. I wanted you to have something that showed you how much you mean to me and it seemed really…well, tacky to ask you to make your own gift. This way I am keeping my promise to my mother and showing you that you are the best, most precious gift I have ever been give and I will spend every day of my life proving that to you. The scale is so you have a true piece of me. You may do with it what you want.”

  Unable to speak, Emma handed the bracelet to Andrew and held out her arm, “It is just gorgeous. I will treasure it forever, almost as much as I treasure you.”

  Andrew placed the bracelet on her wrist and secured the lobster claw clasp. As she pulled it back, the sweet sounds of the bells ringing as they touched one another filled the area around them. Their eyes met and in unison they said, “Every time a bell rings, a dragon kisses his mate.”

  Chuckling at how in tune they were, Emma leaned forward. Her only thought was to make her bracelet ring again, when a shout rang out from the vicinity of their reception. It was closely followed by Aidan’s bellow, “Grace is in labor! The babies are coming! The babies are coming!”


  Ten hours and no babies. He really hoped if Emma ever decided she wanted kids that he would be more prepared than he was for the birth of his nephews. Not to mention, every time Aidan came out to give everyone an update on his mate and children, he looked a little more disheveled and lot more worried. It had to be hell to watch his mate in pain and know there was nothing he could do about it. Andrew had suffered that fate briefly when Emma shared his pain at the beginning of their mating. It was something he never wanted to experience again.

  “What are you thinking so intently about?” Emma’s voice startled him.


  “Okay, you can tell me or I can find out for myself.” She waggled her eyebrows and he couldn’t help but laugh, which drew the looks of all the Guardsmen. He’d caught some of their stray thoughts and knew most were less than thrilled that he was there. He was shocked, however, to hear Aidan and Aaron were both relieved he’d shown up. They would probably think less of him if they knew it was more because of Emma and less because of his familial obligation, but no matter, maybe he was making headway with his brothers. Another thing that meant way more to his mate than to him.

  His mate by the way, that was still staring at him demanding to know what he was thinking. Giving in, but not before he sighed loudly and pretended to be incredibly put out, Andrew motioned for her to come and sit beside him. “I was thinking that I will lose my ever loving mind if you are ever in labor and that my brother is far stronger than I ever gave him credit for.”

  “Well, I think that is something you should tell your brother…when the time is right, of course. As for if I am ever in labor…I can assure I will be in labor at least twice in our very long lives together.”

  Andrew groaned loudly and Emma laughed her amazing laugh that just made him feel better every time he heard it.

  Note to self, keep my mate laughing…all the time.

  Grinning to himself, he almost fell out of his chair when Aidan’s roar of distress echoed not only throughout the entire clinic, but also within the confines of Andrew’s mind. Somewhere along the way the special link he and his brother had shared most of their lives, that he was sure had been destroyed when he was left to die, had regenerated.

  In that moment, Andrew was watching everything Aidan was thinking and feeling, almost like he sat on his older brother’s shoulder. His eyes shot up and found Aaron staring right at him. For the first time in nearly ten years, the oldest O’Brien brother spoke directly into his mind. “Do you see what I see? Is this shit for real?”

  One nod from Andrew and they were both up and running towards the delivery room. Emma voiced screamed in his head. “What’s happening, Drew? What’s wrong?”

  “One of the babies is dying,” was all he could say as the fear and pain Aidan and Grace were experiencing continued to unfold in his mind. He opened the renewed link he shared with his brothers to Emma so that she too could see what was happening. Rounding the corner right on Aaron’s heels, he heard Grace’s cry of pure anguish, “He’s not breathing! Do something! Save my baby!”

  Her pain reached through their familial link, wrapped around Andrew’s heart, and squeezed until he was sure he was having a heart attack. Strugg
ling to stay on his feet, he burst into the delivery room with Aaron to find Aidan holding his sobbing mate and one of their children, while Siobhan, Zachary, and three nurses worked to revive the lifeless little body of his nephew.

  Sorrow unlike anything he’d ever known stole his breath. He looked to Grace, sure the emotions were coming from her, but was met with a wall of torment and fear. Aidan’s feeling were similar, but also contained a heavy dose of anger and helplessness.

  Andrew looked back to the baby. He could feel a spark of life trying with all its power to hold on to the child’s soul, but failing miserably. A single tear slid down his cheek as a voice he was getting used to having in his head spoke, “You can fix this, warrior. Only you can make this right.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Shavon, I’m not a doctor.”

  “No but you are the Special One. Look at your nephew’s opened eyes. What do you see?”

  Taking a step closer to where the Healers were still trying to save the child, Andrew used his six foot four inch stature to look over the tiny nurse in the corner. There, staring back at him with the dimmest spark of recognition, was one amber eye and one blue eye.

  In that split second, the soul of a warrior reached out to the soul of the child in an attempt to save the baby’s life. “You must touch the child, Andrew. You must bond with him and help him join his human soul with that of his dragon.”

  The Ancient Dragon must’ve felt Andrew’s reluctance, because her next words gave him the push he needed. “The dragon soul attempting to bond with your nephew is that of your father, Michael. You have but seconds before all is lost.”

  Moving faster than even he knew he could, Andrew reached between Siobhan and Zachary, gently brought the child to his chest, and willed the dragon to bond with his human. Aaron and Aidan bellowed and dove towards him, only to be held back by Zachary with one word, “Listen,” and with that he touched his temple.


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