Fighting For Her Dragon

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Fighting For Her Dragon Page 13

by Julia Mills

  Andrew felt, rather than saw, the older O’Brien twins stop mid lunge and follow the bond with him that had been reestablished. He felt their instant recognition of the Ancient in their presence and watched with apprehension as their younger brother intently followed her instructions. Grace called out to her mate, who immediately let her also see what was happening. The youngest O’Brien brother would’ve wished for less of an audience, but saving his nephew was all that mattered and required all of his focus.

  Sweat rolled down his back, his muscles were tensed so tight he thought they might literally pull away from his bones, but still he pressed on, showing the millennia old dragon spirit to the tiny human spirit begging to have life breathed into it. The entire time he worked on the child, their eyes remained locked. Two sets of mismatched eyes, identical except for size, each willing the other to stay the course, to not give up, to be stronger than anyone had ever given them credit for being.

  Hours passed while Andrew helped the dragon and human spirit build their bond and accept each other as two souls sharing one entity with a destiny greater than anyone could ever imagine. The entire time Shavon directed, uplifted, and encouraged the traitor, the dragon, and the child, not to give up.

  Somewhere far in the distance, Andrew heard his mother’s voice. It was almost inaudible when it began, but grew stronger the longer she spoke. “You did it, Son. You saved the little one. You’ve given him a chance to fulfill his destiny. I am more proud of you than I can ever express.”

  “Son, you have made me a very proud father today,” Michael O’Brien’s voice joined his wife’s and for just a moment, Andrew saw them in his mind’s eye just as he had so many times while growing up; standing atop the hill behind their home watching their children at play. He felt the same love and pride flowing from them as he had all those years ago.

  Unable to speak, he simply smiled at his parents. Aidan’s voice startled him, reminding Andrew that he was not alone. “I too am proud of you, Drew. What you’ve done here today for me and for my family proves you are a changed man. Forgiveness is still something you must earn, but as brothers, we’ll find a way to make it work.”

  The next voice was one Andrew never expected to hear again in his mind and the words spoken were even more shocking. “You have your second chance. Don’t blow it.” And with that, Aaron silenced his part of their link and left the delivery room.

  Unable to move, Andrew stood staring into the eyes of his nephew, enjoying the abundance of life he saw in their depths. “I must return to the Ancients. You have done well, Andrew. Now, give the child to his parents and go to your mate. You need to prepare her for tomorrow. You and Sydney will receive the Blessing and Emma must translate the Prophecy for all involved. Walk in the light, brother.”

  Andrew felt the moment the Ancient had left them. Turning, he found Aidan and Grace watching him with rapt attention, their eyes filled with happiness and acceptance and their arms open wide. Never one for public displays of affection and more than a little shaken up by what had just happened, Andrew walked to the end of Grace’s bed and handed the little one to his father.

  Grace grabbed his arm with the hand that wasn’t tending to the other twin and forced him to look into her eyes. “Thank you, Andrew. I know it’s not near enough to say, but it’s all I can come up with. All is forgiven where I’m concerned.”

  She turned to Aidan and they switched babies while she still held firmly to his arm. When she looked at him again, she was smiling so brightly he would’ve sworn she was glowing. “Uncle Andrew, I would like you to meet Angus Andrew O’Brien.”

  Pride like he’d never known filled Andrew’s heart to overflowing. Words escaped him, so he nodded and smiled while backing out the door, looking for the escape he so desperately needed. As he was sure she always would be, Emma was waiting just around the first corner, his surcoat in hand, and a smile that felt like home on her face. “Wanna get out of here, lover?”

  “You read my mind.”


  Emma got very little sleep and was bordering on cranky when she made her way into the kitchen in search of coffee. The night before she and Andrew had taken the fastest route to her apartment, hoping for some time alone, only to find half the Force and their mates, along with the werepanthers and their leader, waiting outside her door with the leftovers and more champagne than was probably legal.

  Deciding her tiny home would never hold everyone, they ended up in the courtyard behind her shop that connected her with the baker, the butcher, and the florist. They had just finished laying out the leftovers when the band arrived with the gorgeous black and white cake she had forgotten all about. The rest of the night became a blur of dancing and toasting, along with the few intimate moments she and Andrew could steal.

  He’d told her that today would be the day he and Sydney would receive the Blessing and pass it on to the Blue Dragons and that she would be translating the Prophecy to all the pertinent people.

  Woohoo! Sounds like anything but fun.

  Emma knew she was being a baby but couldn’t help feeling slighted that she and her mate hadn’t been able to be alone at all since their mating ceremony. Andrew had assured her that as soon as the Blessing Ritual was over, they would lock the door, draw the shades, and stay locked away together and alone for at least a week. Just the thought of it warmed her to the core.

  The front door opened and in walked the man of her dreams. From the huge smile on his face, she didn’t have to ask where he’d been, she simply asked, “How are the babies?”

  “Is it that obvious?” he chuckled. “They are great! I swear they already know who I am. Grace said they just smiled because they had gas, but I know different.”

  Emma laughed out loud while pouring the cream in her coffee. “I’m sure they do. You know you’re gonna be the cool uncle. The one they ask about smoking and drinking and girls.”

  The look of utter shock and fear on his face made her spit coffee on the counter. “Seriously?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but it’s not something to freak out about, and you’ve got a few years until that happens. For now we can just buy them the really loud toys with all the lights and the little pieces that Aidan steps on in the middle of the night.”

  “Now, that’s a plan,” he chuckled. “We’re supposed be at the clearing above the Cave of the Ancients in an hour and a half…”

  “I know,” Emma groaned before Andrew even had a chance to finish his sentence. “I’m going.”

  Shuffling past her mate, she let out a squeal when his arm wrapped around her waist and she found herself straddling his lap. His lips met hers and all thoughts of prophecies and blessings and ancient dragons slipped away. All Emma could do was enjoy the wonderful feeling of being in the arms of the man she was meant to spend forever alongside.

  The tip of his tongue tasted the seam of her lips, becoming more insistent the longer they kissed, demanding entrance. Emma opened immediately and completely to him. Nothing had ever felt so right. His tongue slid alongside hers, stoking the fire building deep inside. Their kiss continued, driving them both higher and higher, until Emma tore her mouth from Andrew’s with a gasp.

  She fell deep into his lust soaked eyes, wishing they had nowhere to go but bed for weeks and weeks. Leaning forward until their foreheads touched, she sighed, “Join me in the shower?”

  “Oh, that I could. If we get in there together there’ s no way we’re making out of the apartment in time for the ritual. Hell, we won’t make it out in time for lunch on Tuesday.”

  They both laughed as Andrew stood with Emma’s legs wrapped around his waist, holding her securely in place. Walking towards the shower, he gave her little kisses on the tip of her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips. When they reached the bathroom, she let her legs slide down his, happy to see he was just as affected as she was. One last kiss and Andrew backed into the hall, pulling the door shut as he went. He stopped just before it would’ve closed and whisp
ered, “This will be the last shower you ever take alone.”

  The door clicked shut and Emma melted into a puddle of blissfully happy, irrevocably turned on, newly discovered, female dragon shifter. Stepping into the steamy spray, she thought about Andrew’s words and sighed. Now, to get ready and get on with a ritual that would ultimately save the world.

  The Avengers got nothing on us.

  Hours later and the sun was making its descent behind the mountain they were all presently standing atop. Kyra had prepared the Sacred Circle while Jace and Liam had built the platform next to the lagoon where she, Andrew, and Sydney would stand.

  Lighting the candles, Emma made her way around the Circle, giving each person in attendance a certain colored candle as Kyra and Siobhan had instructed. She’d just completed her task when a bright light shone from the bottom of the pond and Shavon and King Alarick appeared. Speaking directly into everyone’s minds, the Dragon King said, “Thank you for coming and thank you for protecting our world and our race. Tasks such as these have always fallen to the dragons. Each and every one of you has much to be proud of. We, the Ancients, will forever be in your debt.”

  Shavon then spoke just to Emma. “It is time, dragoness. Take your place in the annals of history. Prepare your people for their Blessing.”

  Emma turned and looked at the people that were now and would always be her family. She unrolled the parchment Siobhan had given her and began to read, inserting the names of the actual people the Prophecy referred to as she went.

  “A powerful white witch of long, regal lineage sworn to the Earth, made whole by human love, must mate a dragon of royal descent marked by devastating loss and the heart of not one clan, but two. Thank you, Kyra St. Croix and Royce O’Reilly, for your service to your kin. May the white witches grow even stronger. May their light wash away the darkness.

  “The vibria born of human parents who possesses the spirit of the last female born of two dragons then lost in plain sight. Thank you, Sydney Kavanaugh, for your service to your kin and to your Earthly parents whose guidance is your strength. For one so young to take on such responsibility is admirable.

  “Born to an extinct race, thought to be one but actually two, both with destinies blessed by Fate, neither knowing the other exists, when reunited can nullify death to bring back the one needed to complete the circle. Thank you, Anya Walsh and Emma O’Brien, for your service to your kin. May the Green Dragons be reborn through you. Their Earth magic and power was unparalleled in the world and will be again.

  “A calling to heal, a hidden nature, a history long forgotten…all protected in the heart of a woman destined to complete a warrior and his beast. The revelation of all she is brought forth from the joining with her mate. Thank you, Dr. Charlene Gallagher and Aaron O’Brien, along with your twin Aidan, for your service to your kin. May the fairies regain their magic and once again rule the Seely and Unseely courts.

  “A complete circle of all called and confirmed, their mates and their families then increased by one, the twin of the warrior, also brother of the lost one, will become the Twelve – a whole, perfect, harmonious unit that will bring about the Great Miracle. Thank you again to all in attendance, along with Andrew O’Brien, who has been returned to us, for your renewed dedication and service to dragon kin. We are those required to complete the Blessing Ritual.

  “Now that all is complete and the Miracle recognized, the Ancients will speak through the Special One and the Child. They will bless the Clan the color of the summer sky and the water when it is calm. This Clan and only this Clan, along with their mates as they become known, will battle the denizens of Hell and bring the Devil himself to his knees.

  “Will the Blue Thunder Clan please come to the dais?”

  As soon as everyone was in place, Emma bowed to Shavon and King Alarick and left the podium, taking her place at the West point of the circle. As she stood watching her mate and waiting for what was to come next, she felt her dragon move within her. It was the first time since she’d awakened that she realized the part she was to play in the coming war against evil. It was humbling and empowering all at once, and something she could not wait to share with her mate.

  A voice from the Heavens she’d never heard before spoke with such force that the flames of the candles around the Circle flickered. “Sydney Kavanaugh and Andrew O’Brien, thank you for your acceptance of your role in the Blessing. You two are examples of how truly special dragon kin is. The Mother Goddess created me, Draco, many millennia ago, and gave me the great winged warriors to help keep the earth free from evil.

  “Through these many thousands of years we have been victorious more times than we have suffered defeat, and this time will be no different. Like the warriors before them, the Blue Thunder Clan will emerge victorious, slay the evil hordes and their leaders that threaten all we hold dear, and protect the humans who unknowingly depend on us to keep them safe.

  Silence filled the mountaintop as Sydney and Andrew knelt before Shavon. It seemed to take forever, but in actuality only a few minutes, before the Child and the Special One rose, turned to those standing around the Sacred Circle, and then focused on the Guardsmen of the Blue Thunder Clan. They spoke in unison and with such reverence, Emma felt it to the depths of her soul.

  “Great Warriors of the clan the color of the summer sky and the water when it is calm, receive the Blessing from the Mother Goddess and Draco, the original Warrior. May you be wrapped in the Divine Protection provided by the Universe and the Heaven, and stop evil with the power of the Truth and Light.

  “May Divine Wisdom guide your decisions in the coming battle. Think clearly, plan tirelessly, and act decisively. Shield those that depend on you from the weapons and intentions of the enemy.

  “Divine Justice will grant you the Victory!

  “For the glory of the Mother Goddess, the Universe, the Heavens, the Ancients, and all who are pure of heart and spirit.

  “Blessed be. Blessed be.”

  “To the Glory of Dragon kin,” Draco’s voice rang out across the clearing, right before he disappeared.

  The Blue Dragons rose and returned to their places around the Circle while Emma watched her mate stride towards her like the warrior she knew him to truly be. He sat behind her, wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and placed a chaste kiss upon her upturned lips.

  A sigh of relief escaped her lips. Andrew was finally back where he belonged…by her side. The entire time he’d been at the head of the Circle with Shavon and Sydney, Emma had prayed he’d come back to her. Yeah, he’d promised and everyone involved assured her he was in no danger, but she still worried. Sure, since their official mating there hadn’t been a single second she didn’t know what he was thinking or feeling, but she knew his past was not forgiven or forgotten by any of their kin. That was going to take time, lots and lots of time, and maybe some lithium in the water, but she really had no clue if that even worked on dragons.

  Looking around, she saw people she’d known all of her life, some she’d known for only a short time, and some she knew were going to be very important to her in the years to come. All so different, but all the same. All important to one another in ways they had yet to discover.

  They were family...real family.

  Together they would save the world; separately, they would restore their own. At least the part of her life she remembered, the part that mattered, was now her responsibility to protect. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine having a sister, let alone meeting her and getting to spend hundreds of years getting to know one another.

  Andrew pulled her closer and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. She snuggled into his warmth, thinking of all the ways they could sneak away and be alone. Looking up at her mate, Emma was just about to suggest their departure when a shout rang out from the other side of the clearing.

  “Sydney, honey, come down from there.” Sam was up on her feet, quickly making her way towards the podium with Lance right behind her.

; The child let go of Shavon’s hand and turned to face her parents. “It’s okay, Mommy. This is what’s supposed happen. This is how it was always supposed to be.”

  “No, baby, you belong with me and Daddy, remember?’

  Shavon, who until now had remained quiet, descended the steps with Sydney at her side. She stopped in front of Lance and Samantha, while Sydney ran into her parents’ outstretched arms. “Samantha, Lance, your Sydney is a special being. Just as the Prophecy states, she is the embodiment of the spirit of the last female dragon ever born of dragon parents. That vibria was lost to all of us before her birth, taken by the Goddess and protected until the time was right. She was then allowed to be reborn to human parents, parents that shared the bloodline of the original mage. They were good people and we mourn their loss at the hands of evil. You see, their car accident was no accident at all. It was engineered by our enemies to take this beautiful child from us and gain a demonic foothold in the world.

  “We all owe Fate a huge debt of gratitude for getting her to you. I could not have hoped for better parents for Sydney than you, Samantha, and you, Lance. The one thing our Sydney lacked was the camaraderie of her own. She needed her dragons and you gave them to her. For that, you have great favor with the Ancients.”

  Sam was shaking her head as if refusing to believe what Shavon was saying would somehow make it untrue. She clung to her daughter, crying and begging Lance to do something…anything to stop what was unfolding before them.

  Shavon continued, “We all grieve your loss. It was never our intention to hurt you. You will be given favor and your pain lessened by the Heavens and the Goddess. You will also have many children, none to replace our dear Sydney, but only to keep your memories and love of her alive. Your children will go on to lead the dragons to great victories against those that would oppose our kin. They will pave the way for the rebirth of dragon kin.”

  “No, no, no, no! I don’t want new children, other children…any children but Sydney. She is mine! She is ours and you cannot take her from us,” Sam wailed.


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