Flying Backwards
Page 10
This was news to Nora. He wanted many children, but he wanted to marry an Italian woman. Nora was clearly not that woman. What the hell was “You are a keeper” about?
At the slight change in her demeanor, Antonio added, “I would like for you to remain my special companion–my desire, my heart.”
“Antonio, what are you asking me?” Nora’s stomach began to knot.
“I want us to remain as we are. I want you to keep coming back to me. You bring me such great pleasure. I hope I give you the same.” He kissed her knuckles, but she slipped her hand from his grasp.
“Are you engaged? Are you getting married?” Her voice rose. He was definitely trying to tell her something. She should’ve known there was someone else. Is it that Christina girl? Are you lying to me? Nora began to panic.
He glanced around and lowered his own voice, clearly hoping she would follow suit. “I’ve been engaged for a long time to someone who has the same feelings about marriage as I do. She is interested in a platonic arrangement for now, but eventually, in time, we will marry and have children. This is how the vineyards will be passed down to our families. I have always been comfortable living a more open lifestyle. And I want you to be a part of that lifestyle.” He spoke as if this was a common custom. Nora felt sick and insulted.
“Like a mistress?” Nora was appalled. How could this be happening? These were modern times. How had this gotten so weird? I should have known this was too good to be true. “I don’t want to be ‘the other woman.’ Is it Christina?”
“No, not Christina–she is just an old girlfriend, like I told you.” He tried to reclaim Nora’s hand. “No… Nora, you are the woman. Believe me. She is the other woman. She has family obligations, like me. Our families go way back. We have an arrangement. Our marriage won’t even take place for many years. And besides, she has other lifestyle interests as well.”
“Lifestyle interests? What are you talking about?” Nora glanced around, thinking maybe she would flee, but something kept her glued to her seat. Maybe curiosity?
“She prefers women,” he stated as a matter of fact. “And she has a long-time partner. Her family wants her to have children and live a ‘normal Italian life’. We are very traditional people. I’ve offered her that life in exchange for my own freedom, so to speak.”
Nora wanted to remain claim, but her heart was jumping in her chest. “I…I don’t think I can do that. I don’t know what to say.” It seemed sudden that he was bringing up an arrangement. Nora hadn’t thought about where this relationship would go. There was no denying the physical pull they felt toward each other. She had told herself this was for fun and it would run its course. It was too soon for Antonio to be telling her his feelings for her. His heart…what does that mean? Sure, he was being honest–better to know his intentions sooner than later–but on the other hand, this was pressure. This meant labeling it.
“Know this, Nora.” He leaned in. “I want to keep seeing you. I just want you to know about me. I am no deceiver of women. I can see us sharing something amazing together.” When he looked at her like that, with those alluring eyes and his sensual smile, all she wanted to do was take him back to her hotel room and forget about what he’d just said. She realized she did not want to label it. Her erratic heartbeat was slowing.
“Antonio,” Nora whispered, stopping his words. “All I know is right now, tonight, I just want to be with you.” She surmised this would probably be her last night with Antonio.
Back in the hotel room, Antonio wasted no time paying very special attention to every detail to show her she’d made the right decision. However after their lovemaking, which felt like lovemaking and not the raw, marathon sex she usually shared with him, he had pulled her close, snoring softly into her hair. Wrapped in the heat of his body, slick and satisfied, Nora knew he had misinterpreted her signal of being with him this one last time. She fingered his silky black hair, loving the way it curled around his ears. This image she would store away as a sweet memory.
* * *
Nora dissected her relationship with Antonio as she drove home from the airport. At first she had reveled in the element of excitement that came just from being seen with him. She had that “Yeah, he’s with me” smugness when other girls gave her curious looks. And, true, he satisfied her physically, more than anyone she’d known. However, his sudden proclamation had unquestionably tainted the fairytale. Nora did not want to deal with the strange situation. She felt uncertain about what to do–and even a little annoyed. She had said good-bye to him with a heavy heart all the same.
Nora found a parking spot in front of Sergei’s across the street from her house. It was usually impossible to find parking close to her place, but it was in the middle of the day, when most people were at work. She was lifting her crew bag out of the back when she heard a familiar voice laced with a Russian accent.
“Hello, Nora.” Sergei walked up with a grocery bag in hand. Nora immediately felt guilty for wanting to avoid him. Especially after he stood up to Tyrone for Bree–twice!
“Hey, Sergei, how have you been?” She set her luggage down on the sidewalk and locked her vehicle.
“I’ve been good. Working a lot. I have a few days off now. How about you?”
“Yeah, I’m timed out. I could use some downtime.” Nora searched his pale-blue eyes, wondering if he’d bring up their intimate moment. There was no sign of awkwardness in his laid-back demeanor. Nora continued. “Hey! Bree told me what you did about Tyrone when he came banging on our door. Thanks for taking care of that situation.”
“Mmm. That punk won’t bother her again.”
“That guy is a jerk.” She still couldn’t get her head around what Bree saw in him. “But you are awesome, Sergei. We should have you over for dinner–to thank you.”
“I would like to have dinner with you.” He smiled. His intention was not lost on her.
“And Bree!” She laughed as his smile broadened. “All right, I’m off.” Nora slid the handle of her roller-bag up and headed across the street.
“How about tonight?” he called. Nora turned and drooped her head forward, emphasizing how tired she was. “I will cook for you guys,” he offered, and she raised her eyebrows. “I was planning on making beef stroganoff–authentic Russian meal.” He held up the plastic grocery bag.
Nora narrowed her eyes. “You cook? It’s not from a can or anything like that?”
“You wound me.” He placed his hand over his heart. “It is my grandmother’s recipe.”
“Really, you intrigue me. What time do you want us over? Bree told me she should be home by three.” Nora could not pass up a home-cooked meal, especially since she’d been traveling almost constantly all month. Besides, having an authentic Russian meal would be fantastic. Who knew Sergei could cook? Another plus for him!
“Seven.” Sergei sounded delighted that Nora found his cooking talent appealing. “I’ll get started right away and let the meat simmer for as long as possible.”
“I’ll bring wine,” she said. Nora rolled her bag across the street and carried it up the stairs. “See you later. Thanks,” she shouted before disappearing into the house.
Nora quickly unpacked and crawled into her bed, exhausted. She awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. “Hello?”
“Hey. I’m bummed,” Bree announced. “After my flight was delayed half the morning, it’s now canceled due to a mechanical issue. They are putting us up in Orlando tonight. So I won’t be home until tomorrow morning.”
She sounded annoyed, a surprise, because Bree was usually happy to hang out in Orlando, where the weather was usually sunny.
“It’s been pouring here all day.”
Oh, that explains it. “Sorry, Bree. We’ll plan something for tomorrow when you get back.” Nora noticed the time. She had been asleep for almost two hours. “I’m just jumping in the shower, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Nora hung up and dashed for the b
athroom. She wanted enough time to walk down to the specialty wine shop a few blocks away. She’d promised Sergei she’d bring wine.
* * *
Sergei opened the door and saw that Nora was alone.
“It’s only me tonight. Bree is stuck in Orlando.” She took a deep breath as she entered his house. “Oh, it smells so good in here.” That smell does not come from a can! She followed Sergei back to the kitchen. His townhouse shared the same setup as hers across the street. She hadn’t been inside before now; she immediately noticed how tidy and clean it was given two guys lived there. The furniture was minimal. There was a large canvas featuring boxing gloves on the living room wall, artfully done.
Sergei lifted the lid off the pot; Nora’s mouth watered. “Wow, I can’t wait to taste that.” She smiled at him. “I went to Zoe’s and got some red.” She held up a big bottle of red wine.
Sergei opened a kitchen drawer and hunted around for a corkscrew. “Ah, here it is.” He made fast work of opening the bottle and spent a couple minute hunting down stemmed wine glasses.
As he poured two glasses, Nora listened for evidence of his roommate. “Where is Alexei?”
“He went to visit some friends in DC for a few days.” He handed her a glass. “So it is just the two of us.”
Nora took a long swallow while she thought of what to say. “Sergei, what happened before… You know, that night we all went out…when you–”
“When I wanted to kiss you,” he finished.
Okay, it’s out there now. How do I feel about it?
“It is all right. Bree told me you are seeing someone else. I didn’t know. I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
Oh, she told him about Antonio! What did she tell him? “Yes, I have been seeing someone, but it’s not serious. I’m not sure if I’ll see him again.” Nora swallowed another sip. Why did she say that? She might as well tell Sergei to kiss her now. She peeked at him over the rim of her wine glass. If he had been going to say something, it was interrupted when the oven timer started beeping.
“The bread!” When he opened the oven the smell of fresh bread filled the room. He pulled out the baking sheet with a towel and set it on the stove. “I did not make the bread. But I know good bakery.”
“What can I do to help?” Nora set the table and sliced the bread while Sergei mashed the potatoes and filled their plates. He refilled Nora’s wine glass before sitting down.
Nora dug in. “So good, Sergei. I am impressed.” He sipped his wine and watched her eat before he lifted his own fork. She continued. “I feel bad. I said I’d have you over for dinner, but here I am, at your table.”
“I am glad you approve. But I must admit I only know how to make five or six recipes.” He reached for a slice of bread. “Next time you can make me your favorite American recipe. I am not picky. I eat whatever.”
“Okay, I’ll think of something good.” Nora found herself wondering about when Sergei had come to America and if he still had family in Russia. She asked him such questions over dinner.
By the time they’d done the dishes together and were relaxing on the sofa, Nora had discovered that Sergei had moved to America to attend college and went on to train as a pilot. He’d been flying international freight cargo planes for nine years. He was thirty-one. His parents and a younger sister still lived in Russia. His family had not visited the United States yet, and Sergei had not seen them in a long time.
“My mother teaches English to young children in school. She studied in England at a university to further her own education. My sister, Lydia, is an English-speaking tour guide. She has been asking me all the time to come here to America for a visit. My father is also a pilot. He flies supply planes in Russia. I have not been home in…” He paused to calculate. “Two years.”
“I wish my airline flew to Russia. I’d love to see it.”
Sergei smiled. “Not many girls make comments like that.” He poured the last of the wine into Nora’s glass, and she lowered her eyes. As he moved, Nora suddenly noticed a burn on the underside of his right arm, close to his elbow. She set her glass on the coffee table and reached for his arm. “You burned your arm.” Nora knelt over him to get a better look. She gently twisted his arm so he could see it. The skin was red and irritated.
“Hmm, it’s just a little burn. It is nothing.” He tilted his head back, and she was caught up in the tranquil blue of his eyes. She lifted her hand and stretched her fingers to gently caress his square jaw. She closed her eyes and lowered her mouth to his. It was a brush of lips at first, but she deepened the kiss and concentrated on the taste of his mouth. Sergei did not touch her; it was as if he didn’t dare to, not wanting to scare her away.
Nora drew back and sat on her heels. “I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry. Do you have a first-aid kit? I can treat your burn.”
“Forget the burn. I told you it is nothing.” He hesitated and then pulled her back to him.
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. Had I known it was just going to be the two of us, I…” She started to stand. Perhaps I am trying too hard to displace Antonio.
“Don’t go. Finish your wine. We will just talk. We are friends. I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
After a pause, she said, “Okay.” She felt guilty for kissing him before she even knew what she wanted. “Tell me about Russia.” Nora settled in and sipped her wine while she listened to Sergei’s animated tales about the town where he grew up and its famous sights. As he spoke, she felt buzzed from the wine…and horny. Nora assumed her pupils were dilated as she felt her body awakening. Damn Antonio for waking this beast within me. Her gaze drifted along Sergei’s torso. She could see every muscle under his tight T-shirt.
“Nora, are you okay?”
She hugged her empty wine glass to her chest. Her eyes were fixed on his face. She blinked slowly.
“I think I had too much wine.” She had not eaten at all that day until Sergei served her dinner. She’d had two glasses of cabernet before dinner and one with dinner; they had finished the bottle off after dinner.
“I’ll walk you home.” Sergei took the glass from her hand and pulled her up.
“Thanks again for an amazing dinner.” She bent to retrieve her sandals and felt the room sway. Sergei steadied her and supported her arm as they walked to the door. He held the door open for her. The night was warm and balmy. She padded barefooted across the street, carrying her sandals. She had trouble fitting the key in the lock, and Sergei had to take it from her. Once he opened the door, she walked in and sat on the stairs.
“I don’t think I can walk up all those steps.” She released the clip that held her hair; it came tumbling down in soft waves over her shoulder. The thin sundress strap slipped off her shoulder. Nora knew she was tempting him when she saw Sergei’s jaw tighten.
“Okay, up you go.” He easily swept Nora up off the step and carried her up the stairs. He paused on the landing until she pointed to which room was hers. Her window blind was open, and moonlight poured in. Sergei set her gently on her feet, but she kept her arms locked around his neck. She stood on her tippy toes to get closer to him.
She tried to draw him closer, but he resisted. “You had too much to drink, Nora. I’m going to go.”
“Kiss me good-bye,” she whispered breathlessly.
He touched his mouth to hers. She moaned into his mouth and pressed against him. Nora wanted to forget that Antonio made her feel like she was just one of his many girlfriends. Nora could have as many boyfriends as she wanted too. Sergei clearly wanted her, and she was not going to stop him.
Between kisses, Sergei’s breathing was labored. “Get into bed.”
Nora released him and turned to climb into bed. She swung her head at the sound of her bedroom door closing and paused in shock to hear Sergei’s heavy footsteps going down the stairs. She supposed she should be grateful that he hadn’t taken advantage of her, but she felt rejected. Nora knew she was
not thinking clearly; she waited, and the urge to call him back passed quickly. She settled under the sheets and was asleep in moments, although she slept fitfully that night.
Chapter Ten
June was coming to a close. Because Nora and Bree had both finished their flying requirements, they finally had time to travel together. They had originally talked about visiting Paris, but Bree knew of an upcoming event that would make it worth their while to visit England. Bree’s good friends, the Andrews, were hosting an annual charity event at their country estate north of London. She assured Nora it was the event to attend. Even celebrities turned out for the function.
“My friend Ash and I met years ago when I was doing riding a competition. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, are genuine, the nicest people. For all the money they have, they’re always supporting causes, for the right reasons,” Bree said sincerely. “Anyway, we have a place to stay at their country manor–more like mansion. It’s not Paris, but I think it would be worth it.”
“Sounds intriguing… What celebrities? How soon can we leave?”
They grinned at each other.
“I don’t know. I think Ash said she knows a Spice Girl or something. Let’s see if we can catch the evening flight tonight.” Bree started typing on her laptop. “How early can we get to the airport?”
“As soon as the dryer stops and I can throw the clothes into my suitcase.” Nora paused. “How fancy do I need to be? Will the dress I bought in Italy be okay?”
“Totally. You look hot in that. Okay, I’ve got it. We are leaving at 6:55 p.m. Doesn’t look like a full flight. I’m putting us on standby.”
Nora called and left Sergei a message. “Hey, Sergei. I wanted to let you know Bree and I will be out of town until the end of the month. We are going to England. I owe you dinner…and an explanation. Talk to you soon.”
They made it on the flight without complications. During the long flight, Nora got a chance to unload about the saga with Antonio.
“Ha! He’s a piece of work!” Bree laughed at the end of Nora’s tale. “A kept woman. God, he does sound intense.”