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A Western Romance: Love Storm - Western Historical Romance: (Western Fiction, Western Books, Western Brides) (Leap of Love Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Paige Powers

  She could not believe that her father had held on to those letters all of that time. What was he planning on doing with them? When had he planned on giving them to her? They were obviously something that her mother wanted her to have, and he had kept them hidden from her. All this time, she had a piece of her mother right there in the house and she had not known.

  Bianca decided that it was not worth it to confront her father on the issue. She had something more important to discuss with him. She wanted to talk about her feelings for Boyd. After reading her mother's letters, she knew that it was the right thing to do.

  Bianca dressed and came down to breakfast. This was the morning that she would have to go to the sheriff's office and recount her story of the abduction.

  She was ready to get it over with and move on with her life.

  Lou descended the staircase. "Good morning, Sweetheart. I trust you slept well last night?"

  "I did, Father. And thank you."

  Lou nodded. "You are very welcome."

  He held out his hand for hers, and escorted her to the dining room area. Miss Nolan prepared breakfast and had it on the table.

  "Everything looks great. I am starving."

  "I bet," Lou chuckled. He pulled out her chair, and waited for Bianca to have a seat.

  Her mind was spinning, waiting for just the right moment to discuss Boyd with her father. Should she bring it up while he buttered his toast, or should she discuss it when he was finished eating and drinking his coffee?

  "You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders."

  "Not really. Well, I have something on my mind, but it is good. Nothing worrisome."

  "Do tell."

  Bianca took a deep breath. Somehow, she thought that it would help her confession to start out slow, but then she figured out that it was better to just blurt it out.

  "I have fallen for someone and I thought that you should know."

  Lou shook his head. "And who might this person be?"

  "Boyd Abbott."

  Lou grinned. "One of the U.S. Marshal boys?"

  Bianca was slightly offended by the fact that her father seemed amused.

  "Yes, Father." She looked him directly in the eye so that he would know that she was serious about the matter.

  "How is it that you have feelings for someone that you have just met?"

  "Love is like that, Father. It comes out of nowhere. And I believe that you have to grab it when it comes to you."

  "You sound just like your mother."


  "Yes, you do. Samantha was a hopeless romantic as well. Always dreaming, always thinking of being in love."

  "Is that such a bad thing?"

  Lou shook his head. "Living in such an imaginary world cannot be helpful. You won't be able to see people for who they really are."

  Bianca absorbed her father's words. She understood where he was coming from, but did not agree.

  "I respect your opinion, but we differ. Life is about love and about family. And it's about taking chances."

  Lou wiped his face with his napkin, and threw his hands in the air. "Well now, I'm smart enough not to argue a point with a woman who has her mind made up. So let's say we agree to disagree, and move forward here."

  Bianca knew that they were at an impasse, and decided not to push the issue any further. She'd said her peace and that was step one.


  Sitting in the sheriff's office was intimidating. Somehow, Bianca felt like the criminal being interrogated versus actually being the victim. They asked her so many questions over and over again to the point where she was exhausted.

  "Sheriff Clayton, I think we are done here. Bianca told her story and I think we've had enough for today."

  Lou held his hand up.

  "We still need to catch Davies, and any clues your daughter has will be helpful."

  "Honestly Sheriff, I do not think that we will be hearing from Davies anytime soon. I think he has gotten what he wants, and we won't be seeing him again. I am taking my daughter home."

  Lou held Bianca by the arm, and escorted her out of the door.

  Being in the outside air, she finally felt like she could breathe. "Thank you, Father. That got a bit intense in there."

  Lou guided her down the front stairs of the sheriff's office. Bianca looked up, and her heart skipping a beat when she saw Boyd dismounting his horse.

  "Good day, Mr. Simmons." Boyd tipped his hat.

  "Good day, Mr. Abbott is it?"

  Boyd nodded, glancing in Bianca's direction. She smiled in his direction. It was refreshing to see him cleaned up and in the daylight. He was even more gorgeous today.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "You helped rescue my daughter. It would be nice if you could stop by around noon for a bit of cognac as a thank you from me to you."

  Bianca was taken aback by her father's invitation. She waited, holding her breath for Boyd's response.

  "I will do that. Thank you."

  Lou held out his arm for his daughter. She looped hers in his, and they walked off. As she turned to look behind her, she saw Boyd, standing there on the sheriff's office steps nodding in her direction.


  Boyd was slightly in a panic when he saw Bianca on the steps of the sheriff's office with her father. The woman that he loved was standing right there in front of him, and he had to resist the urge to go over and to hold her hand and to kiss her. There would be plenty of time for all of that.

  The morning did not go by fast enough for Boyd. He counted down the minutes until he could see Bianca's beautiful face. He took her father's invitation seriously, and wanted to take that time to discuss his intentions with Bianca.

  He rode up to the Simmons ranch, ready to formally meet the father of the woman he had fallen for.

  A petite woman answered the door and invited Boyd inside. He took off his hat and waited patiently in the foyer.

  "Mr. Abbott. So good to see you. Come this way."

  Lou Simmons was not a large man in stature, but his persona seemed bigger than life. One definitely was aware of his presence in a room.

  Boyd followed Lou into the study.

  "Please have a seat."

  Lou motioned to one of the leather seats.

  "Thank you, Sir."

  Lou poured the liquor for the two of them, and handed Boyd his glass. Lou took a sip and Boyd followed suit.

  "I would like to formally thank you for being a part of the rescue efforts for my daughter."

  "Mr. Simmons, it was my pleasure."

  Lou swirled the amber liquid around in his glass. "I also hear tell that you and my daughter are interested in courting."

  Boyd's mouth went dry. He was prepared to bring up the subject himself, not for Lou to bring it up first.

  "You have heard the truth." Boyd stood up. "Bianca is a wonderful woman. She has a great spirit and she is smart, funny, and caring. I would love to have your permission and your blessing to court her, Sir."

  Lou began pacing around the room. "My daughter is the single most precious thing in my life. I care for her with everything in me. I have been careless enough to let my transgressions affect her and endanger her life. That will never happen again. My job is to protect her and make sure that she has the life that she needs and deserves. And right now, I don't know anything about you. You are a stranger that has waltzed into town. As far as I'm concerned, you could just as easily leave and leave my daughter with a broken heart."

  Boyd swallowed the rest of the cognac, hoping that it would give him the courage that he needed to say what he had to say.

  "Mr. Simmons, I come from a large family. A loving, caring family. My parents were together for some forty years, and I admired their love for one another. It is true, I am new to this part of the country. A desire for a new life and adventure led me here, and I was expecting nothing more than to find work and begin my new life. I had no idea that I would come here, find the adventure, but also find a woman
with such a caring heart.

  "Bianca and I have bonded over an experience that will connect us forever. I understand that you need to protect her. I feel the same need. And I would like the opportunity to be the one to take care of her. I would like the chance to show you and Bianca that I am a quality man, and that I have nothing but good intentions to do right by her."

  Lou regarded Boyd's remarks. He refreshed both of their glasses.

  "If I have learned one thing in these past few days is that as a parent, you have to let go. You can't hold on so tightly that your child does not have the freedom to live their life the way that they see fit. Letting go is not easy, and I have not had the best time in doing so, but my daughter is head strong and if I say no to this union, she will only find a way to make it happen despite my reservations."

  Lou walked over to Boyd and raised his glass.

  "Man to man, I give you the chance to prove me wrong. Show me that you will erase my doubts about you, and treat my daughter with the utmost kindness and respect."

  Boyd accepted the toast and the challenge.

  "Mr. Simmons, Sir, I accept. I promise, you will not be disappointed."

  One Year Later

  Bianca admired herself in the mirror. The dress had a three foot train and a beaded bodice. Her father had gifted her the dress, the very dress that her mother wore for her wedding to her father. It fit just right and was beautiful. Bianca felt her mother's spirit there with her on her special day.

  Miss Nolan helped her place her veil just right, and then gave her the box with the white silk gloves.

  "Your something old is the dress. You have your something borrowed, these pearl earrings from me. And the necklace is your something blue. Now your something new, these beautiful silk gloves."

  Bianca slid the gloves over her hands. "Thank you, Miss Nolan for all of your help."

  A knock at the door startled Bianca.

  "Come in."

  "Bianca, you look absolutely stunning."

  In the mirror, Bianca could see Rain standing behind her. Ms. Nolan excused herself.

  Rain closed the door. "You look beautiful. Boyd is a lucky man."

  "Thank you, Rain."

  "I'm so happy for you today." Rain hugged Bianca. "I just wanted to share with you how proud of you I am. I know that I could never replace your mother, but I feel an affinity toward you, as if you were my own daughter because you were raised side by side with my son. I have watched you blossom into a wonderful young lady, and I wish you all the best that life, and love, have to offer."

  Tears came to Bianca's eyes. "Thank you, Rain. That means the world to me."

  Rain wiped away her tears. "Now, let's go out there and marry the man of your dreams."

  Flowers were everywhere in all different colors, and the sun was setting over the horizon, leaving an orange streak across the sky.

  Everything was perfect as Bianca walked down the aisle, arm and arm with her father, who was happy to give her away. Scout stood with Boyd and Beau, and Miss Nolan and Rain stood as witnesses for Bianca.

  A look of pride and of love shone on Boyd's face as he watched Bianca walk down the aisle. Bianca thought of her mother and how proud Samantha would be that her daughter was marrying the love of her life.

  Once Lou issued the challenge, Boyd worked hard to prove his love and his worthiness to be Bianca's husband. Bianca and Boyd set the date for their nuptials and vowed to live each day faithful to each other and loving one another.

  Bianca was ecstatic that she was able to meet Boyd's family. She was happy that Beau could be there after he had been reassigned several months earlier to work in California. It was the first time in Boyd and Beau's lives that they had lived separately, and Bianca saw the happiness in Boyd when his brother was near versus when they were apart. Several of Boyd's brothers and their families came out to the wedding, and seeing them gave Bianca faith that one day, her marriage to Boyd could yield the same results. Having a family that she could call her own was the final part of what Bianca always dreamed of.

  To approach the altar and take the hand of the man who she loved was a dream come true. To hear him profess his love for her melted her heart. To kiss the man that she loved and be pronounced man and wife was the beginning of her happily ever after.

  When they announced Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Abbott to their family and friends, Bianca knew that she had done the right thing by going after love.

  And when she danced with Boyd for their first dance, he whispered in her ear.

  "It is beautiful that out of such a storm bloomed such love and happiness. You, Mrs. Boyd Abbott, make me the happiest man in the world."

  Boyd was right. A situation that could have been quite possibly the worst time of her life had turned out to be the very thing that brought happiness and love to her life. It was the rainbow at the end of the storm. And for that, she was forever grateful.

  He held her hands tightly, and whirled her around. Bianca laughed and as he brought her in close to his chest, and kissed her, she made him a promise that she would love him for the rest of their lives.

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