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Fighting the Pack [Wolf Packs of Fate: Garrett Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  “I’m telling you you’re not strong enough.”

  She held up her arms and made muscles. “Bullshit. I’m plenty strong.” Again, she ignored Grant. “Come on, Ryan. Thomas—you, too. Let’s run. Let me prove I’m strong enough.” She tilted her head at them as they’d done at her.

  Ryan and Thomas looked to Grant. Why did they have to wait for him to agree? All three of them were alpha males now. “Look, guys, I’m going to shift and I’m going to run. The only question is whether or not you three are coming with me.”

  With a toss of her hair, she spun around and stalked outside, into the shadows. They’d talked about how to shift, telling her it would be a natural thing and that she wouldn’t have to learn how to do it. Her inner wolf would simply know.

  I hope to hell they were telling me the truth. If not, I’ll be standing under the moon, straining to change and looking like an idiot.

  Closing her eyes, she let her mind go blank, as they’d told her to do. For a moment, she was sure nothing would happen. Then, all at once, she felt the animal inside her rise. Although she’d sensed its presence before, this was different.

  Powerful. Urgent. Excited.

  The beast took over.

  A tingle skimmed along her skin as fur ran over flesh. Pain hit her as her bones and muscles changed, some stretching, some shortening. Amber filled her vision, ridding the world of its colors. Yet her eyesight became better, sharper, picking up details she’d never known existed.

  As the men, already shifted into the wolf forms, came around her, a growl rumbled out of her. She felt the world tilt a little, her mind going dizzy for a second. Dropping onto her newly formed paws, she lifted her head toward the shining white moon in the sky and let out her first howl.

  She took off running, the urge to do so overriding every other emotion. Sensing her mates behind her, she lengthened her stride. They were bigger, stronger, but she’d do her best to stay ahead of them. Where they ran didn’t matter. Only the running mattered.

  Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as her paws pounded into the dirt. Jumping, she cleared bushes and landed gracefully, her run never once breaking pace. Soon, they ran beside her, their amber gazes skipping to hers every so often.

  Thought wasn’t the same in her wolf mind as it had been in her human one. Emotions ruled, feelings being interpreted as ideas. If she could’ve laughed from the sheer joy of running, she would have. Maybe later, once she was back in her human form, she would.

  After they’d run two miles, they passed her. Their tails waved, challenging her to catch up. She hurried, determined to do so, but knew that, unless they wanted her to catch them, she’d never be able to.

  When at last they whirled around to face her, she knew what they wanted. How could she not when she wanted it as much as they did?

  The three wolves that were her mates came together in a straight line. Their wolfish grins, their glowing eyes were easy enough to understand. She dragged in their scents and almost howled at the sexual fragrance. They were as hot for her as she was for them.

  She lowered her body, her head on her paws, ready to submit to them. If they wanted her as a wolf, then she’d gladly give herself to them.

  Instead, they shifted, soon enough becoming the men she craved. Although her wolf’s mind complained, wanting them in their animal forms, the human side of her prevailed. She concentrated, letting the transformation sweep over her.

  “You’re pretty fast.” Ryan was fast, too, as he was by her side in a flash. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her against him.

  “I bet I’ll get faster the more I shift and run.” She studied the moon above them, its brilliance lighting the night sky. “In fact, I think we should run every night, moon or no moon. I could use the practice.”

  “How about we practice something else?” Thomas drew up behind her. “I especially liked seeing you ready to submit.”

  “As a wolf, that is.” She moaned as he played with her butt cheeks, lightly spanking them. “And maybe as a woman. One day.” She didn’t say the rest of her thought, yet it was as though they’d read her mind.

  “You want it loving this time. I’m right, aren’t I?” Grant tugged her away from Ryan, turning her so that his cock pushed at the small of her back. “We’ll do it your way and show you how good we can be.”

  “Good? Damn. I was hoping you’d be bad. In a good kind of way.”

  “Then I’ll be bad.” Thomas put his hands on her shoulders and gently took her to her knees. “Suck on me. Make it hard and make it easy. Change it up, but whatever you do, make it good.”

  She took his cock into her mouth, relishing the pre-cum already on the tip. Moaning, she took hold of his strong legs and pulled him closer. Round and round went her tongue then sliding along his length to play with the crease at the end. He growled and tunneled his fingers into her hair.

  “You look amazing, mate. Perfect.” Grant went down behind her, adding his nibbles to her butt cheeks. “Yeah. Perfect.”

  She pushed her ass toward him, encouraging him. Fuck my ass, Grant. Fuck it.

  Again, it was as though they could read her mind. Grant put his legs against hers and leaned back, taking her with him. His cock separated her cheeks and eased into her anus barely enough for her to feel it.

  They didn’t need lube. Not now that she was one of them. Not when she was ready, a willing mate to their wolves.

  Thomas rocked back and forth, his hand cupping the back of her neck. “Damn that feels good. But I’m going to want my cock inside you soon enough.”

  Grant tightened his hold on her hips and moved his cock farther inside. The flash of a sting came and went as her anus protested his intrusion. But the sting soon gave way to a primal need she’d never experienced before. They’d told her sex would be even better once she’d shifted the first time, but she hadn’t dared to believe them. Now she did.

  Grant plunged his cock deep inside her. He was quick, but steady, giving her tight muscles enough time to acquiesce.

  She cried out but didn’t turn Thomas’s cock free. Instead, she hollowed her cheeks and made sure she kept his thick long shaft with her. She hadn’t counted on Ryan interfering.

  “Fuck this.” Ryan shoved Thomas back then snagged her under the arms and pulled her away from Grant. Both his friends growled, their beasts almost taking hold.

  Ryan ignored them, going to the ground on his back and pulling her on top of him. His eyes blazed and his jaw set, he shoved his cock into her pussy. She cried out, but the sound died away as craving swept over her. Her body was as alive as it had been while in her wolf body. She wanted to howl, wanted to shift and run, but first she’d take the loving from her men.

  Rocking back and forth, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and shot Grant a hard look. She pulled her lips back in the human version of her snarl and challenged him. “What are you waiting for, mate?”

  He answered, his throaty growl rolling over her. Pushing her shoulders, he forced her forward, put his cock to her asshole, and plunged it inside again. Farther, deeper he went, accepting her challenge.

  “Willa,” said Thomas, his meaning clear.

  She turned her head and took his cock back inside her mouth. His taste flowed into her mouth, and she moaned, knowing the vibration would give him a thrill.

  This is it. The life, the men, the mates I always wanted.

  They moved as one unit, one pushing, the other shoving, the other keeping her with him. The moonlight flowed over their bodies, highlighting the hard-packed bodies. A breeze blew, wafting their scents and turning them into one primal fragrance.

  As they filled her with their cocks, they filled her heart with their love.

  Their eruptions came closely together, first Thomas as she did her best to drink his seed. Then came Grant who stilled, then rammed into her ass as hard as he could. She let out a cry just as Ryan cupped her breasts and put his mouth to her hardened nipple. His groan of climax warmed her skin.

  Sated, they crumpled together on the grass. Willa stretched out between them, her fingers traveling over one man then the next. The moon hung directly overhead, and she imagined that the Man in the Moon was smiling down on them.

  “I hate to say this, but we need to get back to the house.” Grant rolled onto his side, kissed her once, then got to his feet.

  She hadn’t thought of it before. “Oh, no. I didn’t think about the horses. Are they all right? Did I interrupt whatever you were doing with them?”

  “They’re fine.” Thomas got to his feet and offered his hand to her.

  She took it, rising along with Ryan. “I’m glad. I’d hate to think you’d forgotten about them because of me.”

  “Like he said, they’re fine.” Ryan stepped away, the transformation already started. “But there’s someone we want you to meet.” He dropped to the ground and shook his body, his tail swishing back and forth.

  “Mack was going to bring him out tonight, but we forgot all about it when you showed up naked at the barn. Come on. Let’s run back.” Thomas shifted then nipped at her leg, trying to hurry her.

  “Are you ready, mate?” asked Grant.

  “Sure.” She let the change take her. “Race you home.” Had she said the words in time? Or had they changed into a growl? Letting a growl rumble out of her, she turned and ran toward the house.

  They made it home faster than they’d left. Yet instead of going into the house, her mates dashed inside the barn. By the time she’d followed them inside, they’d already shifted into their human bodies. She shifted, too, marveling at how quick and easy the transformation had become.

  “Don’t you think I need to get dressed to meet someone?” Granted, the pack was used to seeing others naked, even if only during the brief period of shifting from one form to the next.

  “No need.” Ryan strode over to where bales of hay had been stacked together to form a barrier. Bending over, he picked up something from the area encircled by the bales.

  She sucked in a breath then let it out in a soft “ohhh.” Hurrying to Ryan, she snatched the Labrador puppy out of his arms. “He’s so cute.” Puppy kisses rained over her face as she laughed. “You’re just so darn cute.” Cuddling the puppy to her, she turned to the men, hoping she already knew the answer. “Whose is he?”

  “He’s yours, Willa.” Grant smiled hugely. “If you want him.”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course, I do.” She spun around, delighting when the puppy squealed. “What’s his name?”

  “He doesn’t have one yet,” answered Thomas. “You’ll have to give him a name.”

  She held him up and studied his soulful eyes and wet nose. “I’m going to call him Henry in honor of Henrietta. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s great.” Grant patted the pup on the head. “Welcome to the pack, Henry.”

  She snuggled Henry closer and whispered. “Yes, Henry. Welcome to the pack.”




  From an early age, Jane Jamison was fascinated with stories about werewolves, vampires, aliens, and whatever else might be hiding in her bedroom closet. To this day, she still swears she can hear growls and moans whenever the lights are out.

  Born under the sign of Scorpio meant Jane was destined to be very sensual. Some would say she’s down right sexual. Then one day she put her two favorite things together and found her life’s true ambition: to be a romance author.

  Jane spends each day locked in her office surrounded by her two furry bundles of joy and the heroes and heroines she loves. Her plans include taking care of her loving husband, traveling, and writing until her fingers fall off.

  For all titles by Jane Jamison, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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