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No Turning Back (Full Circle)

Page 13

by Peeler, Casey

  “Uh, you mean Sarah and her friend is Hayden,” Tori says.

  “Yeah, it’s Hayden’s van.”

  “Well, that makes me feel a little bit better, but who’s driving ‘cause I know it’s not Hayden. She drinks like a fish!” Caroline states.

  “Oh, did Sarah not tell you this morning? Or maybe Hayden didn’t tell her we were all going together. She’s not drinking anymore, something about being a good girl or some shit like that.” Anna says with a laugh. “So, does that work for everyone?”

  We all nod. End of discussion... we’re going to the club in the Love Machine.

  We head back to Kluft and get ready to hit the mall. We all dress down, but still look cute. I text Cash as usual and tell him about this weekend. He says he misses me, but to have fun. He’s so ready for me to come home. I have to admit, I’m having way too much fun right now to go back to the simple life.

  We pile in the Explorer. You know it has to suck to have the biggest car because you always get voted to drive. We make our way to the Mills. We each find a new clubbin’ outfit for tonight. I actually decide to be bold and try to find a hot and sexy dress for tonight.

  We peruse through Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe, and then find this neat little shop called Rainbow. When we walk through, we all know we’ve struck gold. You’d think we were on some crazy game show running around with an arm full of clothes.

  I take all the clothes I can carry into the dressing room. One by one this isn’t looking too good. That is until I try on the laciest dress I have ever seen. This dress isn’t like little girl lacy, it’s freakin’ hot!

  I take the dress and peel it on. That’s right, I said peel it on because that is how it fits like it’s made with me. It is lined with a little tube top dress, but is covered by a one-sleeved lace overlay. It’s gorgeous. I walk out to get opinions, but I already know it’s a done deal.

  “Hey y’all, whatcha think?”

  “Hot damn, Charley! I say you’ve found the dress for tonight! Oh, and I got the perfect set of heels to go with it!” Caroline hollers at me.

  “Thanks Caroline, and y’all this dress is like only thirty bucks! It’s like perfect for me and my cheap self!”

  We checkout and move on to Group USA. This is where I have to find a dress for the dance. From what I understand this place has it all and at a good price. I walk in and just look. I find it better to make a loop around before getting too worked up.

  I see a few dresses I like but nothing that stands out until I turn down the third aisle. There are no words for this dress, it is exactly what I picture me in. It is a short organza coral colored dress. It has one shoulder. Go figure! It also has the perfect amount of bling at the waist. It is simple, but yet stands out at the same time. I know this is the one. I find my size and head straight to the dressing room. It fits perfectly. I don’t show the others because they are still shopping. I walk to the shoes to see if I can find a match, and I do. A pair of peep-toes t-strap rhinestone sandals or should I say heels. They match the bling perfectly on my dress. I make my way to the checkout and pay. Georgia is right behind me and twenty minutes later operation find a dress is a wrap.

  We decide to have fun the rest of the afternoon, and we start by stopping off at Texas Roadhouse. I think we might be regulars there. I mean what can I say? The food for the price along with the atmosphere, it doesn’t get better than this. In fact, we know all the cute waiters and always get in either Matt or Justin’s sections. They know us by name and even said they might see us out tonight. I’m guessing it’s a well-known fact that when Southern hits the big city things are abound to get wild.

  We make it back to campus in time for Caroline and Anna to secure the liquor run. I’ve decided that I’m going to let loose tonight. It isn’t often or hell I’ve never been to a club in a big city and I’m going to have a great time.

  Across the hall, Jenny has the radio up as usual, Crystal stopped by to tell me she’d see me there, and oh btw, I’m getting my own room. That’s fine by me, but it’s not like I’m going to miss her ‘cause she’s never here anyways.

  I go ahead and call Cash. I want him to know that he won’t hear from me until later tonight if not just in the morning. I know it sounds like I’m checking in with my daddy all the time, but I know this is his way of staying in the loop and keeping me safe. He also tells me what is going on in Grassy Pond.

  We all start to get ready. I get my shower and Georgia is in the stall next to me. We get out and get ready. While we’re doing our makeup, I have the urge to make sure she’s got my back. I don’t know why, but I just have this feeling that I’m going to need her.

  “So, you excited about tonight?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I mean, I’m kinda like you. I’ve never been to a place like this before.”

  “That makes me feel better. Hey, I got your back if you got mine?”

  “You know it!”

  And without me having to spill my guts, I know Georgia will be there if I need her. I just hope she’s not too drunk. If she is, she’ll be easy to find... with the same guy dancing all night.

  We get dressed and put on our pregame shirts and decide to go chill in Caroline’s room. Hayden and Sarah come over to hang out as well. Crystal and Lucas stop by, and before we know it, there’s a party right here in Caroline’s room. We are having a blast and Anna was right; Hayden is funny as hell. As I am laughing so hard my side starts to hurt, there is a knock at the door. We all get quiet because we have everything in an equation that equals a visit from campus police.

  Caroline goes to open the door and it’s none other than our RA, Mindy. I mean she’s never here, so what’s her deal tonight?

  “Girls, I think it’s time to turn it down a notch.”

  “Okay Mindy.” Crystal turns down the music, and the booze has already been hidden.

  “I don’t want to hear any more of this tonight or this weekend. This hall’s been getting a lot of heat from all you girls. We need to try to bring it down if you want to stay on the Dean’s good side. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

  “Got it!” Caroline turns to us, “We got to shut it down, especially if we wanna keep ourselves on the nice list!”

  We make sure that everything is hidden as Hayden makes the comment, “I don’t know about you guys, but this girl needs to find a man to bump and grind with! Let’s roll out.” We laugh, ditch our pregame shirts, and out to the Love Machine we go.

  The Love Machine is this old ass Ford Astrovan that is about four different shades of red. I honestly can’t believe it made it here all the way from New York. I mean, I’m glad and all, but I feel safe knowing it can make it that far. That just means we are safe tonight. As we make our way down the stoop to the van, I can hear whistling in the distance from Irvin. I look up and sure enough it’s Jackalope Joe and three of his lacrosse buddies.

  “Damn girls! Can we ride with you? That ride is HOT!” Okay, so I’ll be the first to admit that I thought they were whistling at us, but when I realize they are talking about the Love Machine, I give them a run for their money.

  “Hey, Joe! Don’t be jealous that this Love Machine is getting all the love from the Kluft girls tonight!

  “Oh Squirrel, we’ll see who wins that bet tonight!”

  Before I can make a smart ass comment, Joe and the other three guys are at the Love Machine.

  “Slide over,” Joe states as he slides in next to me. The other guys make room as well. Whoever would have thought the Love Machine could be the party bus of Southern?

  The ride to Bar is faster than I thought. That could be due to the fact that Joe was trying to cop a feel the entire ride there. I swear it was like fending off a swarm of mosquitoes in a good way.

  We get out of the Love Machine, and I readjust my dress. I haven’t given anymore thought to the fact that I am totally out of my element in my attire tonight. Joe stops dead in his tracks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing, absolute
ly nothing,” he says. He takes my hand and laces it with his. We get in line, ID’s are checked, money is paid, and we’re in.

  Once inside I can actually make out the music instead of just the bass. I tell Joe that I’m going to the ladies room. I didn’t think about the fact that an hour ride and alcohol do not mix. I gotta piss like a race horse! I make my way through the crowd to the back of the club and find the restroom. Now I have to say that this was an experience. Never in my life have I gone into a restroom and there is wait staff. I mean really, I can get my own soap and paper towel, thank you!

  I make my way back out and toward the dance floor and that is when I feel someone grab my ass. WTF? I glance over my shoulder to this middle-aged man. I give him a go to hell look and keep walking. I spot Tori first; she’s tall anyway, but with heels she overlooks the crowd.

  “Y’all aren’t going to believe this! Some man just grabbed my ass! I mean hellooooo!” They all laugh.

  Anna decides to spell it out for me, “Charley, hun, if you come to a club looking like you do, every guy in the room is going to try to grab your ass. It’s not a bad thing!”

  “Oh...okay. I just didn’t realize.”

  ‘It’s okay; I got your back,” Georgia says as we all start to dance.

  Bar has a mix of folks: old, young, college, college drop outs, and a few that I don’t know what category they fall into. The music is very techno and old school, but I like it. They also have these things called “happy bowls,” and I want one! But I know that won’t happen because I’m underage and I’m not sure I trust anyone to get one for me.

  Joe finally finds us in the crowd. I smile when I see him. He’s beyond hot, and he is totally honest when he has had a few drinks.

  “Damn, Squirrel. You’re sexy as hell in that dress.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  “Do you know what I wouldn’t do to take you out of that tonight?” A little bit of panic comes over me and thoughts of Dylan come to the forefront of my mind.

  “I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, um, I just wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I’m sorry; I’ve had a lot to drink tonight. I would never make you do something you didn’t want to do.”

  And as he speaks these words, I crash my lips into his. He is a great guy who wouldn’t hurt me, take advantage of me, and at some point, I’m going to have to tell him what has happened to me... but it won’t be tonight.

  Joe takes me in his arms and we are no longer dancing to the music. We are standing here getting lost in each other without a care in the world who is watching.

  “Get a room!” Anna finally yells at us, and we stop and laugh. We decide to take a break from the dance floor and get a water from the bar. We finish the night by dancing till last call and a Servco hotdog, of course!

  The Love Machine gets us to the big city and back to campus. Joe helps me out of the van and then walks me to the door. “I guess I better let you get some sleep. I’m sure you have practice in the morning.”

  “Actually, Coach gave us off until Sunday afternoon,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh, did she now? Well, my Coach wasn’t so nice. We gotta run in the morning.”

  “Sucks to be you,” I say with a smirk.

  “Not as bad as it’s going to suck with you keeping me up all night.”

  “What you mean?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “I told you I was gonna help you take that dress off, and I meant every word of it.”

  Joe grabs my hand and leads me up to my dorm room. Everyone is already in their rooms, and we tiptoe quietly to my room. I know Crystal isn’t there, and she plans to move out tomorrow.

  Joe closes the door behind us, and I start to talk. Joe takes his finger and places it over my lips. I press them shut. He looks into my eyes and brings his lips to mine. His lips are full and hot. I want to taste more of him, but I don’t want it to go too far. Joe takes his hands and feels me up from head to toe. My hands are all over him. Before I know it, I have his shirt over his head, and he is standing there in his slacks. That is a fine piece of artwork right in front of me.

  He pulls away from me and says, “Charley, you are beautiful inside and out. I want to be with you in so many ways. I know this is forward of me, but I can’t help it. I’m falling for you hard.”

  “Joe, I just don’t know what I want right now except for you to kiss me again.”

  This time I wrap my arms around him, and he picks me up and carries me to my bed. He lays me down and then steps back to look at me.

  “I won’t let it go too far, Char. You just let me know when to stop.” I shake my head.

  We kiss for what feels like hours. Joe removes my dress just like he wanted. He kisses me from head to toe, almost like he is worshiping my body. The feelings I have with him are undeniable, but I don’t want a commitment.

  After hours of kissing, petting, and fondling, Joe and I fall asleep. I am wrapped in his arms. We both wake up to the sound of his phone. We look at my alarm.

  “Oh shit! Coach is gonna kill me!”

  I throw him his shirt and he kisses me quickly, starts to leave, and then comes back for one more kiss.

  “I’ll see you tonight!”

  Out the door he goes. I take my pillow and cover my face and scream while kicking my legs. Yeah, real mature I know! That has to have been one of the best nights of my life.

  I set my alarm for 7:00 and doze back off till time for Bio. I have to shower this morning. I realized quickly that the “club” smell is something you want to get rid of instantly. I leave my hair wet, pull it up, and haul ass to class.

  After class, I meet Joe for our project. I am somewhat embarrassed about last night. I mean what is he going to think about me? I beat him to the picnic table and add to my list while I wait.

  Joe’s Unique Facts:

  1. Scares easily

  2. Grew up with his parents, but moved in with his grandparents his Sr. year.

  3. Has played lacrosse since he was 5, but his first love was golf

  4. Can do a toe touch

  5. Made straight A’s his entire high school career (must be nice)

  6. Trustworthy

  7. Respectful

  8. Great dancer



  Joe sneeks up on me. “Did ya finish your list yet?” I shake my head no. “Well, let me help ya... great kisser, doesn’t give up, knows how to treat a lady... do you want me to keep going?”

  “No, and I already have all of that down.” I smirk.

  “You do not, let me see,” which is more of a demand than question.

  He looks at the list and smiles before handing it back.

  “What about you? Did you get number ten yet?


  We plan to begin our volunteer hours next week. Joe has found an afterschool program for students with special needs. I absolutely love this idea. I also know what his surprise is going to be. He loves golf. I, on the other hand, know nothing about it. I’m getting him tickets to play at Quail Hollow, and I’m driving the golf cart!

  We finish the details for volunteering, and he kisses me before we go our separate ways. Southern does things differently when it comes to Homecoming. In fact, most people expect the dance to be after the big game tomorrow. Not here, it’s on Friday night and alumni are invited because everyone knows where everyone will be Saturday night.

  The Kluft girls eat lunch in the café and then decide to get manicures and pedicures for tonight. Sarah and Hayden come along. I think they are honorary Kluft girls now.

  “So Charley, what kinda action went on in your room last night?” Tori asks with a smirk.

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I’m so lying!

  “Um hummm, I saw “Mr. I Got Eyes That Make Ya Wanna Melt” leaving your room, late for practice at that!”

  “No, you didn’t! You would have been sleeping then!”

Yeah, I would have if I didn’t have to pee! You are so busted!”

  “Y’all nothing happened like you’re thinking; I can promise you that!”

  “Charley, I’m just gonna say what everyone is thinking. Why the hell not!?!” Hayden putting in her two cents.

  “I promise I’m not like that.”

  Hayden decides to just throw it all out on the table, “You’re a virgin, aren’t ya?”

  “No, I’m not. Now, can we please talk about something else besides me and my no-sex life?”

  “Okay, Okay... damn, I didn’t think it was a big deal,” Hayden whispers to Sarah.

  Georgia looks at me almost like she knows something. I just smile and nod. No words are spoken, but it’s like she knows.


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