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No Turning Back (Full Circle)

Page 18

by Peeler, Casey

  As I’m drying my hair, Tessa comes into the bathroom, closes the door, and hops onto the counter. She has a look of worry all over her face. I’m not sure what it’s about, but I’m almost positive that I can guess.

  “Tessa, what’s up? I know you have something on your mind.”

  “Char, I’m worried about you. You have got to talk to someone about all this Dylan mess. He’s not going to stop. I’m scared he’s going to hurt you again.”

  “Stop right there, Tess! He’s not going to get anywhere near me. I’m making sure of that. I have Cash and Joe to help watch out. Have you heard any talk about him at school?”

  “Not much, except that he’s still on full scholarship at Ridings University. I know like you said before that’s Division I and Southern’s Division II, but I can’t help but feel like he’s gonna show up somewhere. I don’t think he’s home now though.”

  “Hey, will you grab my makeup for me?” Tessa nods and hands it over. “Well, I’m glad that he’s not here. I want to be able to enjoy break without thinking he’s going to show up. What you doing tonight?”

  “I was gonna see if you wanna hang out, maybe go to a movie or something, but looks like you got plans already.”

  “Nah, Piper and I are trying to figure something out, but we got as far as cookie dough and a movie. I’d love for you to hang with us if you want.”

  “Of course, you had me at cookie dough!” She says with a wink.

  “I don’t know why I’m getting all dolled up to sit with y’all two tonight.”

  “I do! You’re hoping Cash shows up later or better yet Joe!” I throw my hairbrush at her and she ducks.

  “You suck!”

  Then the door swings open, “Who sucks? I got tired of waiting to hear from you so bam here I am!”

  “Piper, you never cease to amaze me.”

  “Oh, I’m even better than you thought! I have your favorite movie and cookie dough already waiting! Only thing that would make it better are a pair of fluffy bedroom slippers and Choice Cherry Gold.”

  “I can help you girls with all of that!” Mom yells as she puts towels in the linen closet.

  I’m so glad she didn’t hear my earlier conversation. Tessa and I look at each other with that same exact thought. We make our way to my room, put in Sweet Home Alabama, peel off the lid to the ice cream and dig in. No. Bowl. Necessary. Mom brings up the drinks and the slippers. I mean really, where did she get those? Oh wait! This is my mom we’re talking about!

  “Y’all girls have fun, and I’ll have breakfast in the morning.” She pulls the door to, and we enjoy a night of just us girls.

  “Char, how the hell does your mama always have anything you can think of? I mean does she own her own thrift shop?”

  “Pipe, I have no idea, but she always comes in handy.”

  “Do you remember that time we had to dress up like Medieval Knights, and she was all like, give me fifteen minutes and I’ll have a costume for ya?!”

  “Or what about when she used to dress up for like every holiday at school? Which was all fine and dandy until middle school. She showed up after a party in Tessa’s class dressed like the Easter Bunny. I thought you were gonna die on the spot!”

  “Well, Pipe, if she would have stayed in the car, it would have been alright, but nooooo, she had to get something outta the trunk.”

  I just love my mama. She is everything a girl could want and more. She could be embarrassing as all get out, but she was always there growing up. I don’t know why I couldn’t tell her about Dylan. I get lost in thought, Tessa and Piper get quiet, and then we jump outta our skin when we hear a knock on the window.

  “Hey, ladies! Didn’t mean to crash your party, but I just had to get a glimpse for old time’s sake.”

  When Piper and I were younger, Cash made it a habit to crash our girl time. Honestly, I think he was jealous. It was always he and I, then Piper got in the picture, and this was his way of making his presence known.

  “Girls, those slippers are sexy, you know it, right?” Tessa chunks a pillow at him, and it’s on. I will have to say that three against one are pretty good odds, and before long Cash throws in the flag and just asks for some ice cream.

  We all get quiet and watch the movie. Every now and then Cash brushes his hand against mine, and I can’t help but smile. After the movie, Cash climbs back out the window, and we decide to call it a night. All three of us pile in my bed. There is something to be said about girls and a sleepover. A lot of great ideas, thoughts, and schemes are made during the wee hours of the night.

  At some point we all pass out and wake up to my favorite type of alarm clock... the smell of bacon! Sure enough, there are pancakes, bacon, eggs, and grits. Mom has outdone herself as usual. I think we could feed the entire Dixon football team with what she’s fixed. After breakfast, Piper heads home, Tessa goes to Sally’s and I decide to text Cash to see what his plans are for the day.

  Me: Watcha doin?

  Cash: Not much, just got done with chores, gotta go take a few things to town for Dad

  Me: K

  Cash: Wanna go?

  Me: well duh!

  Cash: Be ready in 10

  Me: I’ll b ready in 5

  Knowing that I am no where near ready, I make a mad dash upstairs, throw on my jeans, a long-sleeve Southern swimming t-shirt, boots, pull my hair in a messy bun, graze my lips with gloss, add a little blush and eyeliner, and I’m ready to go. I have three minutes to spare.

  I walk down stairs to find Cash waiting. Dang! I thought I had him. Ah well, he’s use to waiting on me.

  “Five minutes, huh?” Both Mom and he are laughing.

  “Cash, honey, I haven’t seen someone run so fast in my life. I thought she was on fire or something.”

  I stand there with my hands on my hips, “Seriously, is that all y’all have to do? Make fun of me? Hellllloooooo, it takes time to look this good!”

  The entire room bursts into laughter. I am blessed to have them in my life. What it would do to my mom to know about Dylan and me. It would kill her. Deciding to make light of the situation before I turn it into a sappy moment, I grab Cash’s hat and make a beeline for the door. He never takes that thing off, and when he does, he has a ring around his head the size of Saturn.

  “Char-coal! I’m gonna get you for that!”

  I burst through the screen door and run towards his truck. I jump in and put the hat on. He opens the driver’s door and climbs in with one quick movement.

  “Gimme that hat, Char.”

  Without moving, I remove the hat from my head and pass it to him, but not before he slides over and tickles the hell outta me.

  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry! Stop, I’m gonna pee all over myself and your truck!”

  Cash stops, takes his hat, puts it back on, smiles, and to town we go.

  The ride to town is full of us serenading each other in the worst possible singing voices you have ever heard. Each time I think that I’ve outdone him, I slowly realize that he has beaten me hands down. We stop at the hardware and feed store, stop by his farm to drop everything off, and then he takes me back home.

  “I’m glad I got to spend some time with that wonderful voice of yours today. I’ll see ya tonight at the hall.”

  “You bet! I’m gonna kick your ass! I think Piper and I’ll get there pretty early. She said that Justin and a few others were going there tonight.”

  The look on Cash’s face says it all. I know what he is thinking. If Justin is there, who else is going to be there?

  “I know what you’re thinkin,’ Cash. Tessa said he’s not in town. She was worried and was listening around school.” You can see the tension release from his brow. Not to say that I hadn’t already thought about that scenario playing out.

  “Alright, I’ll see you then. Oh, and Char, make sure you take the full ten minutes to get ready tonight!”

  My mouth falls to the floor, “Just for you, Cash Money, I’ll take fifteen!” With a wink, I open t
he truck door, slide out and wave bye.

  I enjoy the rest of the day relaxing. I do decide that I need to get ready, and yes, I’m going to look damn good tonight, especially after that smart ass comment from Cash. I take my iPod to the bathroom, turn on the radio and sing my heart out in the shower. As I’m drying my hair with the towel, I hear my phone chirp. I glance down and it’s Piper.

  Piper: Wanna grab a bite to eat at the Burger Shack before we go to the hall?

  Me: Sure

  Piper: C ya at 6

  Me: K

  I take a walk to the closet. What to wear? What to wear? Most of my clothes are at school. I look through my bag, not much there. I grab my jeans and a long-sleeve brown shirt. Plain Jane! I gotta do better than this. Tessa! Still in my towel, I go to Tessa’s closet. Bingo! There is a navy knitted gilet. Don’t know how long she’s had it, but the tag is still on it. That will go great with the shirt, and I have the accessories to match. I take it back to my room, toss it on the bed, and go back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I take my time with my hair and makeup, a good twenty minutes to be exact, then decide to get dressed.

  I put on my jeans, shirt, and Tessa’s knit cover, grab my deer skull brass necklace, farrel wrap bracelet, earrings that look like a monkey’s fist knot, and add my boots. I take one look in the mirror and tell myself that I look good. It does sound conceited I know, but sometimes ya gotta boost your self-esteem. I put my phone in my pocket, grab my license and some cash and go downstairs to wait on Piper.

  Mom, Daddy, and Tessa are eating supper. I take my normal seat and just enjoy a little family time before Piper gets here. Before long, Piper comes bebopping in looking like she’s all decked out and ready to go somewhere a lot nicer than the pool hall.

  “Pipe, it’s the pool hall, remember? No need to get all fancy!”

  “Shoot, Char, who knows who we’ll run into, and I gotta keep my eyes open.”

  Daddy, Mom, and Tessa all look at each other. Some things never change, and Piper is one of them. They love her has much as I do, but sometimes my parents think she’s gone a little too far. They are used to simple.

  “Girls, y’all have fun tonight. Be careful and call us if you need us.” I look at my mom like seriously?

  “No need to worry, Cash’s bringing me home tonight.” The look on my daddy’s face says it all. He knows I’m going to make it home tonight, might not be the physical house, but I’ll be at the farm. Piper and I make our way out the kitchen and out the front door. We hop in her car and head to the Burger Shack.

  When we pull in, the Shack is packed. There aren’t many options for dining out in Grassy Pond, but we aren’t missing anything much ‘cause these are the best burgers you have ever put in your mouth. I can’t wait to have the “Shack Special.” My mouth starts watering just talking about it. Hamburger, cheese, chili, mayo, pickles, and BACON, of course!

  Piper and I walk in and the smell of grease hits us like a heat wave. The decor still looks like the 1960’s, vinyl seats, and Ms. Betty is still working along with Ms. Carolyn. They have worked here since I can remember. We look to our right and see Justin and a few others from high school. Justin waves for us to sit with them. I look at Piper, and she smiles as we walk over. I sit and listen to their stories, what’s new, and what they’ve heard around here. We order and relax while we wait.

  Within minutes our orders are placed in front of us with a smile and warm wishes of us all being back in town. We thank Ms. Betty and dig in. Oh-my-gawsh! This burger is better than I remember. The ooey gooey mess is the best part. I mean that’s how you know it’s good. I’m about halfway through my burger when the door opens to the Burger Shack. I almost choke on my burger right then. I look up to the sight of Dustin Sloan, Dylan’s younger brother. I suddenly feel the need to vomit. Dustin looks our direction and smiles the exact perfect smile like Dylan’s. He waves and walks toward our table. You have got to be kidding. Time to put on the big girl panties for sure!

  “Hey, Charley, how’s school?”

  “Great actually! Just home for a few days for break before I have to get back. How are your parents?”

  “They are good, and Dylan’s doing great, too, in case you’re wondering.”

  The mention of his name makes me begin to sweat like a hooker in church. I take a few slow breaths before replying.

  “Actually, I wasn’t wondering. I got someone new in my life. The world doesn’t revolve around Dylan Sloan even though he thinks so.”

  “That’s good to know, Charley, because personally you can do better than him anyways.”

  I feel the air fall from my lungs. Was Dustin taking my side? There has got to be something up with this entire scenario. We finish making small talk, finish our food, and Piper and I are outta there. As soon as we are in Piper’s car, I take a deep breath, relax, and finally decide to look at Piper.

  “So, was it that obvious?”

  “Actually, Char, you did great other than about dropping that burger in your lap. I think I’m probably the only one that noticed.”

  “Well, that’s a relief! Now let’s get your beer before we head to the hall.”

  “Girl, I got my brother to get me some this afternoon. We don’t even have to find Old Man Bill to get it for me.” Old Man Bill is a guy who will by booze for anyone that’s underage. As long as you give him a tip or a beer from your case, he’s a happy camper.

  She puts the car in drive and to Turtle’s Pool Hall we go. We pass through town and drive three miles, make a turn on Curtis Lane and we are there. The pool hall is placed in an even smaller community than Grassy Pond called Turtle’s Corner. There isn’t even a stoplight; instead, there’s one stop sign at the local gas station/grocery store, and a few produce stands that are open during the summer.

  We pull into the gravel parking lot. Piper pops a top, I take one to calm my nerves, and we just sit for a few minutes. Piper downs another one, and we are ready to kick some ass in a game of pool.

  Piper pulls down her visor and checks her makeup, adds gloss, passes it to me, puts two beers in her purse, and we walk arm and arm to Turtle’s. I reach for the screen door and open it and the wooden door behind it. It’s smoky, smells of skunked beer, and country music is playing on the old jukebox. Mark and Sammie are working the bar. They look our direction, throw up a hand, and go back to work. All of the regulars are still regulars. Piper and I walk to a free table, rack the balls, and start game one.

  Within thirty minutes, Turtle’s is getting crowded. Justin and his crew have arrived, Tessa and Sally are here, and the regulars. After we finish the game, we ask Tessa and Sally if they wanna play with us, and Piper pulls a beer out of her purse. At Turtle’s, as long as your beer is the same as what they serve, they don’t say a word about underage drinking.

  I walk to the bar and ask Sammie for a Choice Cherry Gold. We make small talk. I have always thought he was cute as button. He has the good ‘ol boy look going on. He keeps his hair short, clean shaven, and a perfect tan year round. He asks me about school, swimming, and that’s when my phone beeps. I look down, and it’s a text from a number I know, but have tried so hard to erase from my memory. Dylan. My insides begin to shake, Sammie looks at me like he’s afraid I’m going to pass out. To look or not to look at the text is the question. He has a way with always ruining a great night. How is that possible? It’s like he can always see me.

  I decide to look at it, if not, it will drive me crazy the remainder of the night. I open my message app and click on the new message. I’m not sure exactly what I planned to see, but this wasn’t it. It is Joe and another girl at a cabin with minimal clothes on. How the hell is he doing this? How does he know where everyone is, get these pictures, get into my head? I have no right to feel the way I do because we aren’t together. Heck, we all know I’m not going to put out. I close my phone and focus my attention back on Sammie.

  As we wrap up our conversation, I feel the hard-working hands that I have known since I was four
wrap around my waist as he whispers in my ear, “Let me rescue you from Sammie.” I just smile, tell Sammie I’ll see him in a little while, and walk back to the table with Cash. I take a minute to glance at Cash as we walk, jeans that fit just right on his ass, a button down shirt that’s not tucked in, boots, and no hat. That dark hair is just perfect and the smell of his cologne alone is intoxicating. Piper is looking my way with that I know what you are thinking look.

  “’Bout time you got back, Charley. I thought you were going to be a barfly all night.”

  “Awe hush, Pipe, you know you like looking at Sammie as much as any girl in here. Who knows, now that you’re outta high school he might actually give you the time of day,” I say with a smirk.

  Piper just ignores the comment and picks up her pool stick for her next shot. Cash takes me and pulls me onto his lap. I swear there is nothing better than being around friends that you have known forever. After that picture from Dylan, I’m feeling a little out of my element, and I already know that Cash has noticed. He hasn’t said anything yet, but he will. He pulls me in tight and whispers in my ear, “You okay?” I try to ignore it, but that is when I notice Dustin coming through the door. I can feel Cash’s arms around me tighten.


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