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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

Page 11

by A. T Brennan

  * * * * *

  “Hey,” Isaac greeted with a grin as I opened the door for him.

  “Hey yourself.” I smiled as he leaned in to hug me, his lips brushing over mine in a sweet kiss as he did.

  I still couldn’t believe that I got to kiss Isaac. When he’d told me how he’d felt a part of me had been sure it was just the heat of the moment and it was Jonah he really wanted to be with. Now I knew that wasn’t true, but that didn’t mean I was over the novelty of it.

  “You’re early,” I commented after we’d broken apart and Isaac headed to the couch.

  “A little. I thought we could talk for a few minutes before Jonah got here.”

  “Does he know what it’s about?”

  “It was actually his idea.”


  “Yeah. We’re best friends so it’ll be easier for us to talk this through.” He reached out and put his hand over mine. “I wanted to talk to you about what you think you can handle, and what you want.”

  “Like right now? Or big picture?”


  “Big picture I want to be with you, fully with you.”

  “You want to be able to have sex with us?”

  I felt my face flushing as I nodded.

  “What do you picture? Are you topping or bottoming?”

  “Both, but mostly bottoming.” I bit my lip and tried to keep my breathing steady. “I want to feel what it’s like, how it’s supposed to be.”

  “What can you handle right now, today?”


  “You can tell me, baby.”

  “I want to touch you. And have you touch me.”

  “Where do you want Jonah in this?”

  “Fucking you?”

  Isaac grinned and nodded. “I like the sound of that.”

  “You don’t mind that I’m basically dictating how you have sex?” I asked, chewing my bottom lip as I searched his eyes for some sort of resentment. “Everything we do is based around me—”

  “And that’s exactly how I want it to be.” Isaac squeezed my hand. “I love you, Cody. I want you to be as comfortable as possible, and I’ll do anything I can to make this as good for you as it can be.”

  “What did I do to deserve you?” I asked softly.

  “I think I’m the one who should be asking that.” Isaac reached out with his hand and gently cupped my cheek. After a pause he gently guided me toward him so he could give me a sweet kiss. “Can I try touching you?” he asked softly, only pulling back enough so he could look into my eyes.

  “Yes,” I breathed, and he leaned in to kiss me again.

  His lips brushed over mine a few more times before he gently traced my bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. I sighed as I opened to him, and when his tongue darted into my mouth to stroke mine, I moaned.

  Heat and desire bloomed out from my core and my dick twitched and thickened. I felt Isaac shift, and then his hand was against my erection. He didn’t press down or move, he just held it still, and the heat from his hand sent a jolt of pleasure zinging up my spine.

  “More,” I moaned, unconsciously jutting my hips forward, forcing his palm to press against my cock.

  Isaac groaned against my lips, his kiss turning hard and hot as he gripped my shaft. Lights danced in front of my closed eyes, and I shouted in both surprise and pleasure as he slid his hand down to my cock head and squeezed.

  Before things could go any further Isaac pulled his hand from my straining dick and sat back, breaking our kiss.

  “Holy shit.” I shook my head, panting. “Fuck.”

  “Was that okay?” he asked, shifting as the bulge in his jeans grew even bigger.

  “That was amazing.” I shook my head. “Wow.”

  Isaac smiled and I dropped my gaze to his groin.

  “Can I try touching you?” I asked softly, looking up into his eyes.

  He swallowed and then nodded.

  I reached out to place my palm over his cock, pausing when I was only millimeters from it. I could feel the heat radiating off him, and I loved the look of hopeful anticipation in his eyes as he bit his lip and groaned.

  Taking a deep breath and shaking off the last of my nerves I closed the distance and gripped his shaft over his jeans. I’d already seen his dick so I knew how big he was, but there was something incredible about being able to feel it for myself, even through the rough denim of his pants.

  I let go of him before I could get carried away and sat back.

  “Do you think you’ll be able to do that while we’re all together?” he asked, his voice a little breathy and broken.

  Knowing I’d affected him that much was heady, and I grinned.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “What about taking your clothes off?”

  “I want to.” I nodded. “I want you to see all of me.”

  “And you’ll stop us if it’s suddenly not okay?”


  “Well, then I hope Jonah hurries the fuck up and neither of you is hungry because I can’t wait.”

  “Me either,” I agreed.

  I didn’t want to wait even a minute longer than necessary so I could join my men and be a part of their lovemaking.

  Chapter Eleven


  Jonah arrived at Cody’s place about twenty minutes after Cody and I had our little ‘chat’, and we were both more than a little antsy as we waited.

  As soon as Cody opened the door he grabbed Jonah by the back of the neck and dragged him down for a kiss. Jonah put his hands on Cody’s hips to steady himself as he kicked the door closed behind him and deepened the kiss.

  “Fuck,” I breathed as I stared at them.

  I knew it was a bit messed up that watching the two men I was involved with devouring each other’s mouths was turning me on and not making me jealous. In fact, there was no jealousy or envy involved when I thought of my men together.

  I loved seeing the contrast between them. Jonah’s dark hair and darker skin tone looked so beautiful against Cody’s blond and fair look. He was taller and broader than Cody too, and that difference in their body types made my balls tighten as I thought of them tangled together on Cody’s bed.

  After another moment of kissing, Cody pulled away from Jonah and reached out to me. I would have been happy watching them continue, but it was nice he wanted me involved right away.

  I took Cody’s hand as Jonah took my other and we let Cody lead us into his bedroom.

  When we were beside his bed he paused and turned to look at us. He didn’t look scared, but I could tell he was nervous.

  Jonah looked between us and reached out to tug Cody closer to him. He bent his head and gave Cody a searing kiss before pulling away and turning to me. I leaned into Jonah, sighing as his lips found mine and his tongue swept into my mouth. When he pulled back he looked at Cody and I knew what he wanted.

  I stepped toward Cody and pulled him into my arms, kissing him as deeply as I could. My tongue delved into his mouth as I tasted and teased him. The soft moans of pleasure that bubbled up from his throat sent my arousal into overdrive, and I took a chance and slipped my hands down so I could cup and squeeze his ass.

  Cody stiffened for a brief second, pausing his kisses. I started to pull back, mentally cursing myself for moving too fast. I was just letting go of him when Cody grabbed my hips and yanked me forward so our cocks pressed together as he sucked my tongue into his mouth.

  I felt a pair of strong hands on my hips, and a moment later Jonah’s lips ghosted over the back of my neck. I shuddered as a shiver of anticipation moved through me, and reached back with one arm to pull Jonah closer as I returned my other hand to Cody’s perfect ass.

  Being sandwiched between my men was incredible. Jonah’s strong, firm body rubbed against my back, as his lips kissed every inch of my exposed skin he could find. Cody was kissing me like his life depended on it as he rubbed our dicks together. It was almost too much.

  Jonah’s lips moved from my ne
ck and pressed against Cody’s shoulder. I groaned as Cody released my mouth and moved to seek out Jonah’s searching lips, and when they kissed over my shoulder I had to lock my knees so I didn’t fall over.

  Pleasure raced through my body as liquid lava poured through my veins. I was so close to coming I didn’t know how long I’d be able to hold out. My skin suddenly felt tight and hot, and I needed more.

  Jonah seemed to sense my urgency as I pressed my ass back against his stiff cock and he pulled away from Cody to strip off my shirt. His came off next, and I paused after gripping the hem of Cody’s shirt, needing to make sure he was ready.

  His eyes were bright with passion and a little glazed. His hair was messy and tangled from having my hands run through it, his lips were plump and glistening, and his cheeks were flushed. He was beautiful.

  After only a moment’s hesitation Cody nodded. Jonah’s big hands covered mine and together we pulled Cody’s shirt off.

  He wasn’t a muscular guy, but his body was lean and smooth. I heard and felt Jonah’s shuddering breath in my ear and nodded against him. Cody was perfect, and he was ours.

  I gently placed one hand on Cody’s chest, right over his heart. The heat of his skin almost seared my hand and I had to fight not to pull him closer so I could trace my tongue over every inch of his body. Jonah placed his hand on the other side of Cody’s chest, and Cody covered our hands with his as he leaned forward.

  Cody kissed Jonah first, then moved to kiss me. It was sweet and showed he was still right there and wanted to be with us.

  After taking a deep breath Cody dropped his hands to my waistband. As he fumbled with the zipper and button, Jonah traced his free hand over my stomach. I had to fight to keep my breathing steady as Cody undid my pants, gripping them as he shoved both my jeans and my briefs down so they puddled at my feet.

  Jonah’s hand slid down my stomach so he could grip my cock. I let out a whimpering cry as he gently tugged on it. Then Cody reached out and closed his hand around the part of my shaft that Jonah’s hand couldn’t reach.

  “Fuck!” I cried out as they started jerking me off together. Jonah’s hard cock was pressing into my lower back, and I could see the bulge in Cody’s pants.

  Feeling them, knowing how much they were enjoying teasing me was too much, and I found myself flying toward my orgasm way too fucking fast.

  “Shit. I’m gonna come!” I warned, half hoping they would stop so we could keep going, and half needing them to finish me off.

  “Come for us, baby,” Jonah whispered in my ear, and a second later I was a goner.

  I shouted as my body jerked and spurts of cum shot out of me, dribbling over Cody’s hand as they held my pulsing dick. I sagged back against Jonah and he removed his hand from where it still rested against Cody’s chest and caught me, holding me on my feet as I enjoyed the bliss that enveloped me.

  Even in my passion-induced haze, I was able to focus on Cody. He was staring at his hand and the evidence of my release as it dripped off his skin. I was hoping it wouldn’t gross him out and was about to suggest he wipe it off when he lifted his hand to his mouth and delicately licked up some of my seed.

  I stared at him, entranced as he closed his eyes.

  “You taste good.” He opened his eyes and looked between me and Jonah.

  Jonah groaned against my ear and stepped back so he could strip off his pants. I reached out and quickly undid Cody’s, pushing them to the floor and then dropping to my knees so I could help him step out of the tight pants. I kicked off my own and when I stood, we were all naked.

  Jonah pulled Cody toward him for a deep kiss as I went to get the lube and condoms I’d brought with me and stashed in Cody’s room while we waited for Jonah to come over.

  I brought them to the bed and gave my spent dick a few lazy tugs as I watched my men. Jonah was holding Cody by the back of his neck and the small of his back, their bodies flush, and it was so fucking sexy I didn’t want them to stop.

  I watched as Cody reached between their bodies and closed his hand over Jonah’s cock. Jonah’s back bowed as he broke the kiss and hissed in pleasure. He let Cody tug on him a few times before he put his hand over Cody’s to stop him.

  “I’m too close.”

  Cody nodded shyly and they stepped apart.

  “Why don’t you get comfortable?” I suggested to Cody, not sure how he wanted this to go.

  He climbed up on the bed and leaned back against the headboard so he was sitting up with his legs slightly spread. We could work with this.

  I moved so I was in front of him on my hands and knees. I was close enough I could put either my hand or my mouth on his hard cock if he wanted, and he could see both Jonah and I if he looked over my shoulder.

  Jonah climbed onto the bed behind me, causing it to dip from the extra weight. I was waiting for the telltale sounds of the lube bottle being opened, but instead I felt Jonah’s hands on my ass, then he was splitting me open.

  “Fuck!” I cried out as he blew a warm breath over my hole. I’d never been rimmed before, and while I enjoyed doing it, no one had ever reciprocated. A moment later I felt a warm and firm tongue licking over my entrance, and I shuddered as my cock stirred and came back to life.

  “Fuck, oh god,” I whimpered and moaned as Jonah alternated between licking, sucking and even biting my hole. It felt so incredible my entire body was shaking and every nerve lit up and started firing on every fucking cylinder.

  “Oh shit!”

  Suddenly I felt his tongue pressing inside me, licking and teasing my inner walls, and it was too much.

  “Fuck, stop!” I begged. “I’m too close.”

  Jonah pulled his tongue out of me and I sagged in relief.

  “Wow.” Cody was staring at me with a mix of awe and hunger in his eyes. “That felt good?”

  “So amazing, baby. He almost made me come again.” I nodded and tried to calm my body down. “I’d love to do that for you. To tease and taste all of you.”

  His eyes darkened at my words and his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip in a way that was unbelievably sexy.

  “Would you like that, Cody? To feel Isaac’s tongue inside you before he fucks you?” Jonah asked in a husky voice as he ran his hand up and down my spine in a soothing yet still erotic way.

  “Yes,” Cody breathed, nodding slightly as his hand reached out to cup my cheek. “I want that.”

  I grinned and pressed my cheek against his hand. “Do you want to watch Jonah fuck me while I jack you off, or do you want me to suck you?”

  “S-suck me.” He looked between us and nodded. “I want to watch as you suck me.”

  Hearing Cody say that sent another shockwave of pleasure through me, and my mostly hard dick went rock solid in the next breath. It was a pretty innocent thing to say as far as dirty talk went, but hearing it come from Cody’s mouth was like a caress and a tease at the same time.

  Unable to wait another second I leaned down and grasped the base of Cody’s cock. He moaned as I lowered my mouth, and gasped as I ran my tongue over his crown, making sure to lap up the pre-cum that was leaking out of his slit.

  “You taste good too,” I murmured, glancing up at him as I flicked my tongue over his circumcision scar.

  “Fuck!” we both cried out together.

  At the same moment I pressed my tongue back over Cody’s slit, I felt the broad head of Jonah’s cock pressing against my entrance. He moved slowly as he pushed past my outer muscles, giving me a chance to get used to the stretching and burning sensation. It was incredible, and I wanted all of him.

  As Jonah began rocking his hips, moving deeper inside me with each thrust, I tried to focus on Cody’s cock. If this was his first blow job, I was going to pull out every trick I knew to make it as incredible for him as I could.

  Jonah seemed to understand what I was doing and he kept his thrusts slow and even, giving me a chance to concentrate on Cody.

  I ran my tongue up and down Cody’s shaft, tracing e
very ridge and vein that I could reach. When I found myself at the base of his cock I moved my tongue so I could circle his balls one at a time before licking a trail up his seam.

  Cody’s body was tight and I could hear his breathing pick up. I would have loved to worship his cock for hours, but I could tell he needed more.

  I returned my tongue to his tip, and then I drew him into my mouth. I’d thought of going slow and starting with shallow, soft sucks, but my need outweighed my common sense and instead I swallowed him down to the root, until my nose was nestled against the neat thatch of hair at his base.

  “Fuck!” Cody shouted, his hand fisting in my hair as I hollowed my cheeks and started bobbing my head over his dick. “Isaac!”

  Hearing Cody call out my name sent a torrent of pleasure up and down my spine and I had to fight to keep control. It was so fucking sexy, and I wanted to hear him come.

  Jonah chose that moment to start pounding inside me, and I cried out around Cody’s cock as I struggled to concentrate on the task at hand as Jonah fucked me within an inch of my life.

  I felt Cody put his hand on my shoulder and then Jonah was covering it with his, connecting all three of us as he mercilessly pounded his cock inside me.

  After only a few minutes Cody began lifting his hips, fucking my mouth as he begged me for more. My eyes watered as he repeatedly bumped the back of my throat, but I didn’t care. I held my head and body still as my men fucked me, both giving and taking pleasure, and I wrapped my hand around my aching cock.

  Jonah shifted and nailed my prostate at the exact moment that Cody came, screaming our names as he coated my throat with his release.

  I was so close to my orgasm, but was determined to milk every drop out of Cody that I could and didn’t stop until he pulled his dick out of my mouth with a cry.

  As Cody fell back against the headboard in a sated heap, Jonah continued his ruthless pace, still hitting my prostate with every pass. He was grunting and crying out behind me, and when he knocked my hand off my cock and gripped it in his slightly rough hand, I was done.


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