Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2) Page 13

by A. T Brennan

  Galen nodded but sighed. “My family did it to me, mind you it was this year and I’m an adult so it wasn’t nearly as rough on me. Blaze’s family did the same to him and he went through hell because of it. Nothing surprises me anymore.”

  I didn’t know much about Blaze’s past, only that he’d been kicked out at fifteen and had spent six years homeless and living on the streets before he’d come to the shelter for drug and alcohol treatment. He’d left a few years before I’d started and I only knew him through his volunteer work. He didn’t talk about his past much, but he was really good at talking to kids who were in danger of falling into the traps he had about the dangers of substance abuse.

  “Did you ever find out who broke into your office?” I’d been meaning to ask but it had slipped my mind.

  “Not yet. I narrowed down the missing files, though.”

  “Oh?” I asked when he gave me a strange look.

  “You didn’t hear?”

  “No, should I have?”

  “I told Christianne and she said she’d inform the staff.”

  Christianne Ryan was the founder of Open Arms. Her son had been killed in a gay bashing fifteen years ago when he was twenty, only six months after her husband had died of a heart attack. Opening the shelter had been her passion and her therapy, and she was the kindest and most generous woman I’d ever met.

  Christianne was actually the reason I’d wanted to work here. I’d read about her story and applied for a job. After a phone interview I’d flown out to meet with her, and when she’d offered me a position I hadn’t hesitated. I’d packed up, moved across the country and started a new life here. She was in her mid-sixties and semi-retired now, but she was still very active in the running of the shelter and we all considered her our boss.

  “No one told me.”

  “They were my case files from the kids here.”


  “All of the missing files were from my cases here. Nothing else was taken.”


  “Yeah. Someone knew what they were looking for, but we can’t figure out why. I have a new security system and put all of my files in a safe now, but it’s still unnerving to know that someone specifically targeted this place and the kids I’ve helped.”

  “Are the police looking into it?”

  “Actively. I’m hoping they can figure it out before whoever did this puts whatever plan they had in place.”

  I sat back in shock. There were dozens of kids Galen had helped since he’d started volunteering his time. He’d done everything from RO’s and emancipations, to getting parents to relinquish their rights, and had even overseen a few adoptions. Whoever had those files could hurt a lot of kids, and they’d already been through enough.

  * * * * *

  What’s up?

  I glanced down at Isaac’s text and smiled. It was nine o’clock on Friday and Cody was working. I’d thought about inviting him over but hadn’t wanted to make Cody feel left out.

  Shitty day. How are you?

  Want to talk about it? I can come over.

  You wouldn’t mind?

  Mind having a chance to see you? Are you nuts?!

  Lol. Point taken. You can come over if you like.

  I like! I’ll be there in twenty.

  The door will be unlocked for you.

  True to his word Isaac was over in twenty minutes. He came in, locking the door behind him and found me on the couch.

  “I could have been a serial killer you know,” he admonished playfully as he came to sit with me. “Didn’t your momma teach you to always lock the door when you’re home?”

  “I grew up in a subdivision outside of Flagstaff.” I grinned. “No one locked their doors.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re in the big city now. We lock our doors to keep the bad guys out.”

  “What about sexy boyfriends?” I asked as I put my arm over his shoulder and pulled him close.

  “We lock the doors to keep those in,” he said cheekily as he curled up next to me, putting his head on my chest as he reached up to hold my hand. “What’s going on?”

  I told him about Nick and Jordan, at least what I could, and about Galen’s files.

  “Wow. That’s really bad.”

  “Yeah. A lot of kids could get hurt, it just doesn’t make sense.”

  “Maybe they were looking for one file and took them all in a rush? It’s bad, but maybe it’s not as bad as it seems.”

  “You have a way of making things clearer, you know that?” I kissed his temple and breathed in his unique smell. Whatever body wash he used was a little spicy, and when it mixed with his natural male scent it was intoxicating.

  “I’m an optimist.” He cuddled against me and sighed. “This feels nice.”

  “It does,” I agreed.

  “What else is bothering you?”

  “How could you tell?”

  “Your body. You’re still stiff, and not in a good way.”

  I laughed, grateful to have him there. “It’s those boys.”

  “The twins?”

  “Yeah. I don’t understand how a mother could abandon both her kids, especially since only one of them was outed.”

  “It’s not that crazy. Our mom did the same thing.”

  “What?” I pulled away so I could look into his eyes.

  “She had us when she was a teenager and remarried when we were eighteen. She didn’t want her old life and her new life to mix so she moved on. We never hear from her or see her. The last time was at her wedding.”

  “Isaac... I had no idea.”

  “I didn’t tell you the details,” he pointed out. “It’s not the worst thing. I have Noah so it’s not like I’m alone.”

  “Did it have anything to do with you being gay?”

  “I doubt it. She didn’t really like the idea but never said anything about not accepting it. Her thing was that she couldn’t understand it.”

  “So it’s just you and your brother? No other family?”

  “None that we know of. My grandparents were the only other family we had, but they died when we were twelve in a car accident.”

  “I’m sorry.” I pulled him close and kissed his soft hair as I held him close. “Especially about your mom.”

  “It’s been seven years. She made her choice and I’m making my own life.”

  “That’s a good way to look at it.”

  Just then Isaac’s phone beeped, and I let go of him so he could dig it out of his pocket. By the grin that spread across his face, I knew it was Cody who’d texted him.

  “Tristan asked to switch shifts with Cody. He’s working ten until four tomorrow.” He glanced up, a wide smile on his face. “He wants to know if we can change our plans.”

  “Ask him if he likes steak,” I said with a grin as an idea bloomed in my mind.

  “Steak?” Isaac looked confused but typed in the question. A moment later his phone beeped with a reply. “He likes steak.”

  “Do you?”

  “I love steak.”

  “Ask him if he’d like to go out for dinner.”

  “Okay— wait. Are you asking us out on a date?”

  The look on his face was so cute, but also a bit comical. He seemed genuinely shocked that I’d want to go out in public with them.

  “I am. Do you not want to—”

  “No! I mean, hell yeah I do. I just didn’t think... never mind. I’ll ask Cody.”

  I glanced over his shoulder as he typed his message and grinned.

  Jonah wants to take us out. You in?


  Isaac and I laughed as he typed in that he’d send more details later and tucked his phone away.

  “I think he’s excited.” I grinned, sighing when Isaac resumed his position curled up against me.

  “I’d say so. It’s his first date.”

  “Right, it would be.”

  “It’s not mine, but it’s the first in a long time. And my first as a threesome,” he add
ed with a laugh.

  “Mine too, about the threesome.”

  “Oh?” He nudged me playfully. “You a big dater?”

  “I’ve had my share,” I said truthfully.

  “I feel there’s more to this conversation but I don’t know what to ask.”

  “I’ve gone on a lot of dates but haven’t had many boyfriends.”

  “Any reason?”

  “I never found the right person. After I broke up with my highschool boyfriend I dabbled, then I met David... after that I looked but never really found who I was looking for.”

  “You’re getting stiff again,” Isaac said quietly as he looked up at me.

  “A year before I moved here I started dating someone. I fell pretty hard for him and I thought things were going well. I found out he was cheating on me the entire time we were together. The worst part was that it was with my best friend. Last I heard they were engaged and looking at adopting. I needed a change and to get away from everything, so I moved here to work at Open Arms.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jonah. That’s the worst kind of betrayal.”

  “I’m over it now, and it brought me here to you and Cody so it obviously happened for a reason.”

  Isaac leaned up and gave me a soft and sweet kiss before snuggling up against me again.

  “I’m really glad you came to The Den that night.”

  “Me too, baby.”

  His fingers were tracing an idle pattern on my stomach and I had to fight my arousal as my cock stirred. Now wasn’t the time to be popping wood.

  There was so much more I wanted to say, but didn’t know how to start. Instead I just held Isaac tighter and enjoyed the feel of his hard body against mine as we sat in silence.

  I still couldn’t believe I had someone like Isaac in my life, but to also have Cody was beyond anything I could have ever hoped for. Even if it was only for a little while, I was glad I’d met them.

  I shoved that offensive thought away and tried to focus on the man in my arms and the one we were going to see tomorrow. That negativity had no place in this moment.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After working until almost three in the morning and then starting a new shift at ten I was tired. When Tristan had asked to switch shifts I’d almost said no, then I’d realized I would be able to spend the entire evening, and maybe the night, with Isaac and Jonah if I did.

  Then Jonah had asked to take us out, and my mind couldn’t stop thinking that it was a date. I wasn’t nervous per se, but I was a little freaked out. I’d never gone on a date before and I wasn’t sure how to act. Were we going to pretend we were just three friends having dinner, or was this an actual date where we acted like a couple, or a trio in our case.

  I didn’t like being the center of attention, and hated when people stared at me. I loved spending time with Isaac and Jonah, but being out in public would put a spotlight on us if we didn’t act like we were only friends.

  I knew I was overthinking and worrying too much. Layla constantly told me that worrying was a down payment on a debt I may never owe, but it was hard to stop my mind from spinning.

  Jonah, Isaac and I were together. We were all dating and I shouldn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought about us. I was in love with Isaac, I was falling for Jonah, and I was happy. Nothing else should matter.

  “Earth to Cody.”

  “What? Sorry.” I pushed back my hair as I turned toward the voice that had jarred me out of my musings.

  “You okay, man? You’re a million miles away.” Rhys gave me a critical look as he leaned against the bar.

  It was still early enough that the happy hour crew had yet to arrive so we were experiencing a bit of a lull.

  “I’m fine, just confused.”

  “What about?”


  “Cody.” Rhys paused as he looked at me, almost as though he was choosing his words carefully. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I may be a bit of a dick and crack jokes all the time, but if something’s on your mind, you can tell me.”

  I looked at Rhys and bit my lip.

  It was true that Rhys was a bit of an ass with an acerbic sense of humor and a tendency to make jokes to cover up uncomfortable situations, but he was a good guy and he was my friend. He’d proved that more than once.

  When I’d first started working at The Den a customer had started harassing me. He’d show up when I was working and make lewd comments as I cleared dishes and kept busy. I’d ignored him, but one night he’d followed me out of the bar when my shift had been over. Rhys had noticed and chased after us.

  The man had just grabbed my arm and was trying to pull me into the alley next to the bar when Rhys had come running up. He’d gotten the guy off me, pinned him on the ground and threatened him within an inch of his life if he ever so much as looked at the bar or me again. Then he’d used his break to drive me home and make sure Layla knew what had happened so she could take care of me.

  He was an amazing guy, he just covered his feelings up with sarcasm and charm.

  “I’m kinda having guy trouble,” I started haltingly.

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “I’m seeing someone, two someones, and I’m having a hard time letting go.” I blushed furiously but kept eye contact with him.

  “Like you’re dating them at the same time, or all three of you are together?”

  “The three of us.” Now my ears were so hot they felt like they were going to melt.

  “Is your friend Isaac one of them?”


  “And the other?”

  “A guy we met. His name is Jonah.”

  “What are you specifically having trouble with? Besides the intimacy.”

  Rhys didn’t know much about my past, but all of the guys at work knew there was a reason I didn’t like to be touched and it had to do with how I’d grown up.

  “The fact that there are three of us.”

  “Like you can’t reconcile it, or you don’t think other people will?”

  “Other people.”

  Rhys paused and ran his hand through his short blond hair.

  “Threesome relationships aren’t unheard of, especially in our community. A lot of people can’t wrap their heads around two men together so three will definitely raise some eyebrows. You have to ask yourself if you’re happy.”

  “I’m happy. Really happy with them,” I said honestly.

  “Then you have to focus on that and be ready for people’s reactions. Finding someone you click with isn’t easy, and if you’ve found two then I say go for it. Own it and fuck anyone who thinks they have a say in your happiness.”

  “Thanks, Rhys. That means a lot.”

  “You’re a good kid, Cody. I’ve seen the change in you in just the past few weeks. You smile more, blush a hell of a lot more, and you seem lighter. It’s like the darkness in your eyes has faded and the real Cody, the one we knew was there but couldn’t seem to set free, is out for the first time since I’ve known you.”

  I’d never heard Rhys talk so seriously about anything, but his words warmed something deep inside me.

  He was right. I had to live my life for me and do what made me happy. Jonah and Isaac made me happy, so fuck anyone who didn’t understand.

  * * * * *

  After I’d gotten home from my shift I’d jumped in a shower, taking the time to make sure all of me was clean, and then stood in front of my closet wondering what to wear. I didn’t have a lot of clothes that weren’t casual, and I had no idea what someone wore on a date.

  On a whim I’d grabbed a blue sweater that Layla had bought me and a pair of dress pants. I layered a t-shirt under the sweater just in case I got warm, and then took a little extra time on my hair.

  Jonah had said he wanted to pick us up, so at six I was ready and waiting, trying not to throw up as my nerves came out in full force.

  I expected a text when he got there, but instead there was
a knock on my door. When I pulled the door open I got the surprise of a lifetime.

  Both Jonah and Isaac were standing there with smiles on their faces and looking gorgeous. Jonah had put on a white dress shirt that looked incredible against his darker skin tone, and his slacks clung to him in all the right places. Isaac was wearing a green sweater that brought out his dark eyes and hair, and he was wearing my favorite pair of dark wash jeans.

  “You look amazing.” Jonah’s eyes raked up my body as he smiled appreciatively.

  “You do, Cody.” Isaac nodded, biting his lip as his gaze lingered on my ass.

  “So do you guys.” It seemed like such a lame thing to say considering they were both smoking hot, but it was all I could come up with since my brain was short circuiting with the knowledge that they were both mine.

  “All ready?” Jonah asked.

  “I’m ready.” I made sure I had my wallet, keys and phone, and then stepped out of my apartment. Before I could close the door Isaac gently grabbed my arm and turned me toward him so he could give me a sweet but still searing kiss. When he pulled back Jonah did the same. I flushed happily as I locked the apartment and the three of us headed toward Jonah’s car.

  When I was alone I felt so small and insignificant, like I could get swallowed up by the world around me and I’d never be able to break free. With my men at my side I felt confident and strong, like I could take on anything and anyone. Individually we were just three men trying to find our way in the world. Together we were a force to be reckoned with. It was the first time in my life I felt truly happy and completely safe, and I loved it.

  It turned out that I had nothing to worry about. The dinner was perfect.

  Jonah had taken us to an upscale steakhouse. While it was nice inside, the atmosphere was relaxed enough it wasn’t stuffy. We’d joked and laughed, telling each other about our weeks and little anecdotes about our lives.

  At one point Jonah had held both Isaac’s and my hands as we waited for our appetiser to show up, and while the waiter had given us a curious look and more than a few of the patrons had blatantly stared, we ignored it.

  Being with them was as natural as breathing, and I forgot to be self-conscious and care what other people were thinking. The only two people who mattered were sitting at the table with me, and as long as they were happy, I was happy.


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