Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2) Page 14

by A. T Brennan

  The food was delicious, and Jonah had enjoyed watching Isaac and I share a big piece of molten lava cake with vanilla ice cream after we’d finished the meal. We’d teased him about being on a diet, but he’d pointed out that he was ten years older than me so his metabolism wasn’t the same. We’d made a big show of enjoying the succulent dessert while he stared at us enviously, although I wasn’t sure if it was the dessert or us he was craving at that moment.

  After Jonah had paid, at his insistence, we left the restaurant and went back to his car. It would have been nice to work off some of the food with a long walk, but it was dark out and none of us felt all that safe wandering around at that time of night.

  When Jonah suggested going back to his place for a drink, I knew I was ready to take the next step with them.

  Rhys’ words were echoing in my mind as we made our way into Jonah’s house, and while I was a bit apprehensive about the unknown, I wasn’t scared.

  “Beer?” Jonah offered.

  “Maybe after.” I tried to grin suggestively, but I’m pretty sure it came out as a grimace. “We could maybe go to your room first?”

  “Cody?” Isaac looked at me closely. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I’ve never been more sure about anything.”

  It was the truth. Now that I knew what being with them could be like, I wanted it. I craved their touch, and while I was unsure of how I might react if things started to get overwhelming, I wasn’t afraid.

  As I’d been trying to sleep last night I’d realized that I hadn’t had any more nightmares after Isaac, Jonah and I had been together. Both men had touched me, given me orgasms, and there had been no panic or fear, and it hadn’t triggered anything.

  I couldn’t be sure, but I think it had to do with what Jonah had brought up when he’d asked if it was sex or arousal that had scared me. In truth it was neither, it was what happened after. Now that I’d experienced sex, or at least sexual touching, and nothing had happened, I felt confident that whatever block I’d had was gone.

  I wanted my men, and for the first time in my life I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t bubbling with confidence, but I trusted my men to take care of me, and to show me how it could be when everyone involved cares about the others.

  Jonah didn’t say anything, he just took mine and Isaac’s hands in his and led us up toward his bedroom.

  “Tell us if it’s too much,” Jonah said as he pulled us to a stop next to his bed. “If you can’t—”

  “I will, I promise.” Still keeping hold of Isaac’s hand I turned and gave Jonah a sweet kiss. His lips were hot and soft, and I moaned when he slipped his tongue into my mouth to tease mine.

  When Jonah released me I turned to Isaac, wanting to feel his kiss as well. He kept it short and sweet, but I was still almost vibrating with need when he pulled away.

  I had no idea what to do, but my men took over for me.

  Jonah pressed up against my back, his hands grazing over my body as Isaac cupped my face in his warm hands and kissed me, keeping control and holding me exactly where he wanted.

  Big hands slid under my sweater, rubbing over my shirt before slipping beneath the material so Jonah could hold my bare hips.

  I could feel his hard cock pressing into my lower back as Isaac’s erection nudged mine.

  It all felt so incredible, but it was a little overwhelming and I started to feel a bit dizzy. Almost as though they could sense it, both men backed off slightly so their bodies were no longer sandwiching me between them.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as Isaac stepped back so Jonah could pull off both my shirts, exposing my skin to the slightly chilled air in the room. I shivered involuntarily and took a moment to try and collect myself. I wasn’t scared, but there were so many new feelings and sensations swirling around inside me that I needed a second to sort them out.

  My dick was so hard and my balls were already high and tight, and I was afraid of what would happen if they touched me again. I could already feel the slight cramping in my thighs and the tingle in my lower back that told me my orgasm was coming and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

  Jonah spun me around, dropping to his knees as he ripped open my pants. I gasped, staring down at him as he pulled my leaking cock free of my briefs and gripped it by the base.

  “Isaac,” I whimpered, leaning back as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his body, holding me up as Jonah wrapped his big hand around my cock.

  “Just let go and feel,” Isaac whispered in my ear as he held me close.


  Jonah ran the tip of his tongue up my shaft, teasing the largest of my veins as he looked up at me. His eyes were so dark with lust they looked black, and I shuddered as he drew the tip into his mouth and sucked hard.

  “Oh god. Oh god!”

  “I’ve got you,” Isaac tightened his grip as my legs threatened to give out.

  Jonah’s mouth was incredible. It was different from the blowjob Isaac had given me, but just as amazing. He swallowed me down to the root, holding me deep in his throat as he swallowed and rubbed his tongue against my shaft, and that move was my undoing.

  “Shit, I’m gonna come,” I warned, pushing on Jonah’s shoulder as my body shuddered and shook from the effort of holding back.

  Jonah didn’t move, instead he gave me one more hard suck and I was lost.

  I came with a cry, my legs buckling as my head fell back against Isaac’s shoulder. The pleasure was so intense I momentarily lost all sense of time and space and the only thing I was aware of was how incredible it felt.

  When I came back to reality Jonah and Isaac were shirtless and my dick had been tucked back into my briefs.

  “You okay?” Isaac asked as he stroked my chest. I could hear he was grinning and couldn’t help smiling.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “What do you want, Cody. Tell us.” Jonah leaned in to give me a quick kiss.

  “I’m ready.” I nodded to him and glanced over my shoulder. “I want this,” I assured Isaac before he could ask.

  I was glad when neither of them questioned me and instead Jonah turned me toward Isaac, stepping back so he could watch us together.

  “I love you,” Isaac whispered as he looked into my eyes.

  “I love you too.”

  Heat bloomed out from my chest and a flutter of adrenaline rushed through me. I was about to be with the man I loved, giving myself to him, and Jonah was there to make it perfect.

  This was the moment I’d been waiting for but never thought I could have, and I wanted it more than anything.

  Isaac leaned forward, his lips ghosting over mine as his hands moved over my body, sending zings of pleasure up my spine.

  I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close as I returned his kiss, tracing my tongue over the seam of his lips so I could taste him.

  He groaned as his tongue slipped into my mouth and he deepened the kiss. I think he’d wanted to go slow and ease me into it, but I was done waiting. I needed him so badly I was actually aching. The time for slow was long gone.

  Soon we were a mess of limbs, lips and tongues as we kissed and groped each other. Isaac’s body pressed against mine, his hips rocking and grinding our cocks together. I could feel my spent dick stirring, and soon I was as hard as he was.

  My hands shook as I reached for his waistband, but not because I was scared. It was because of the adrenaline rushing through me. Isaac batted my hands away and ripped open his pants, shoving them down before grabbing my pants and pulling them over my hips. It took us a moment to get our socks and shoes off before we could finally kick off our pants.

  It was only the second time I’d been naked in front of anyone in years, and I felt a surge of confidence go through me as Isaac looked at me with hooded eyes.

  “You’re beautiful.” He reached out and traced his fingers over my cheek.

  “So are you.” My voice was hoarse as a wave of emotion hit me.

  This time our kisses we
re slow and languid. Our hands moved over each other’s bodies, our tongues dancing and twining. After a long time of just kissing, Isaac walked me backward until my legs hit the mattress.

  I sat down, sliding back as Isaac climbed up and lay over me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he settled between my legs, his cock nestled against mine.


  Isaac gave me a sweet smile and bent to kiss me before looking back over his shoulder at Jonah.

  I glanced around Isaac and saw Jonah standing against the wall, palming his cock as he watched us with pure hunger in his eyes.

  “You want to get our boy ready for me?” Isaac asked, and my chest tightened at the possibility that Jonah would be touching me too.

  Instead of answering Jonah pushed off the wall and climbed onto the bed, crawling over to us. He kissed Isaac first, their tongues and lips battling for control. Jonah finally won and Isaac submitted with a whimper that made my cock jump and a jolt of electricity shoot through my body.

  When they pulled apart Isaac moved off me and went to get the lube and condoms out of Jonah’s bedside table.

  Jonah lay over me, his big body pressing me down into the mattress. The soft material of his pants rubbed against my sensitive skin, making me squirm as the friction added to my arousal.

  His kiss was hard and hot, and just when I thought I would go crazy from need, he began trailing his lips down the column of my throat as he nipped and licked at my skin.

  Isaac lay on the bed with me, his body angled so he could slip his arm under my shoulders and pull me close. As Isaac ravaged my mouth Jonah continued to kiss down by body, taking the time to flick his tongue over my nipples until I was moaning against Isaac’s kiss.

  He ran his tongue over my stomach, but instead of taking my cock into his mouth, he bypassed it and kissed over my hip before pulling away.

  “Jonah,” I moaned when Isaac paused to give me a chance to catch my breath.

  Everything felt incredible, and all I could think about was how much I wanted whatever Jonah was planning on doing to me next. My entire body felt like putty and I didn’t protest as Jonah pushed my legs apart and then back so my knees rested against my chest.


  My body jerked when I felt his hot, wet mouth close over my ass cheek, his teeth nipping slightly as he kissed my flesh. Isaac put his free arm over the front of my legs, right under my knees to pull me back so I was sort of folded in on my body. I didn’t even have a chance to feel crowded or vulnerable before Jonah moved his mouth to suck on my other cheek.

  “That’s it, baby. Feel everything,” Isaac encouraged softly, his eyes on my face as Jonah continued his incredible assault on my skin.

  “Fuck, it’s so good.” I turned my face to look at Isaac as sweat broke out on my body and I began to shake.

  “Just wait until he tastes you. It’s like you’re flying and falling, all at the same time.”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but Jonah chose that moment to run his tongue over my entrance.

  “Jesus, fuck!”

  If it hadn’t been for Isaac’s arm holding me down I would have rocked off the bed. Jonah was driving me crazy. He used his hot and nimble appendage to lick over me a few times, then he pressed the flat part of his tongue over my hole and began pulsing it slightly. I’d never felt anything like it before and almost came when he dipped the tip of his tongue inside me.

  “Too much!” I cried out, not wanting him to stop but needing to feel Isaac inside me when I came again.

  Jonah backed off and I took the reprieve to breathe, my chest heaving as Isaac let go of my legs so they fell on the bed, feet down and splayed open.

  “Fuck you’re so beautiful. I love watching you with him.” Isaac brushed a lock of my hair back off my face and gently pressed his lips over mine in a sweet kiss.

  I whimpered against him when I heard the snap of the lube cap being closed. I knew what was coming, and while I wanted it more than anything, I was afraid of the pain.

  “It’s okay, babe.” Jonah pressed his slick finger against my entrance “It’s going to sting and burn a bit, and there will be some pain. Just bear down when you feel me. It’ll help me slide in. I promise it will feel good, you just have to let yourself adjust.”

  I glanced at Isaac and found him nodding, a smile on his full and perfect lips. I’d seen how much he’d enjoyed having Jonah prep him, and fuck him. I trusted them, and that trust helped me let go of the last of my lingering doubt. After a pause I blew out a breath, trying to force my body to relax.

  Jonah pressed his finger against me a little harder until he sank in up to the first knuckle. There was that burning and stinging he’d talked about, but instead of panicking I looked into Isaac’s eyes and instantly felt myself relaxing.

  When the pressure increased I tried to do what he’d said and pushed back against his finger. He took his time, gently pushing in a bit before pulling out. It gave me a chance to get used to the sensations, and while it hurt, it was more a feeling of stretching.


  He slid all the way inside me, and after only a second the pain faded and I was left with a feeling of emptiness, like I needed more.

  “God you’re so hot.” Isaac was holding me close, petting my hair as he kissed my forehead.

  “It feels good. I need more.” I looked around Isaac to glance down at Jonah. “Please.”

  Jonah nodded and added a second finger. He moved slowly and there was pain when he breached my outer muscles, but my body seemed to know what to do and soon he had both of his fingers all the way inside me.

  He slowly pumped them, pulling out and then curling them slightly just before pushing all the way back in. I didn’t understand what he was doing until his fingers brushed over some spot inside me that instantly sent my body into sensory overload.


  Lights exploded in my vision, there was a whistling sound in my ears, and every nerve ending and molecule in my body was lit up with a pleasure I’d never felt before.

  He hit that delicious spot a few more times before scissoring his fingers inside me. I moaned and whimpered like a slut, but Isaac continued to whisper encouraging words to me as Jonah told me how beautiful Isaac and I were together.

  When Jonah finally pulled his fingers free I gasped at the sense of loss that washed over me. I needed Isaac inside me as much as I needed my next breath, and whimpered as Jonah sat back on his heels and grabbed the condom off the bed.

  Jonah ripped it open as Isaac gave me one last kiss before moving away from me. I watched as Jonah rolled the condom onto Isaac’s cock and then slicked it up with a fair amount of lube.

  They switched places and Jonah lay next to me on the bed, leaving about a foot of space between us.

  My attention was brought back to Isaac as he leaned over me, hooking my knee over the arm holding his body up with as he used his free hand to guide his cock so it nudged my hole.

  This was it.

  This was the moment that I was going to share myself with someone by choice for the first time. I might not have been a virgin, but it felt like I was losing my virginity, and I had to blink as my eyes prickled with tears.

  “It’s okay. I feel it too.” Isaac bent down and gently kissed my closed eyes. “Thank you for choosing us.”

  It was true that Isaac was the one who was over me, but Jonah was just as much a part of the moment. I turned my head to look at him, and Jonah smiled as he leaned forward to give us each a soft kiss.

  “Ready?” Isaac asked after Jonah had pulled back and was settled on the bed again.

  I nodded, not trusting my voice.

  “It’s the same as before. Bear down when you feel me push in and it’ll make it easier. Okay?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Isaac gave me one last kiss, and then he started to push in.

  “Wrap your other leg around me, ba
be. Let me inside you.”

  I did as he said, gasping as the move opened me up slightly.

  He was a lot bigger than Jonah’s fingers and a slice of pain shot through my body as he pushed inside me. I felt a rush of fear go through me, unsure that I could handle any more of him if it already hurt that much, but Isaac’s eyes never left mine, and the love and tenderness shining in them calmed me.

  Instead of pushing in any further, he let go of his cock and hooked my other leg around his arm before resting it next to my ribs. He leaned forward, bending my body back and lifting my hips right off the bed, and that move helped him slip in another inch. I gasped as he began rocking his hips, using his gentle thrusts to slip a little deeper with each one until his thighs were brushing the globes of my ass and he was fully seated in me.

  “God you feel so good.” Isaac grit his teeth and pulled about halfway out of my body. “So tight. So fucking beautiful.”

  One of my hands fell from his back and I reached out for Jonah. He gripped my hand, linking our fingers together as he held it.

  “You’re perfect. Both of you,” Jonah said reverently before kissing the back of my hand.

  “Oh god!” I gasped as a starburst of pleasure exploded deep in my body when the head of Isaac’s cock brushed against that same spot inside me that Jonah had found. Was that my prostate?

  He nailed it again on his next thrust and I turned into a blubbering mess of arousal, clinging to him, begging him to fuck me harder, faster, to keep hitting that delicious spot.

  I was dimly aware of Jonah reaching between us, his hand closing around my flushed and swollen cock as I kept my death grip on his other hand. I was moaning and crying out, panting and grunting like an animal, and it seemed to spurn Isaac on.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he warned, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. “Come with me, baby.”

  I couldn’t talk. Between the waves of pleasure from having Isaac inside me and the jolts Jonah’s hand was creating, I was so close to my orgasm I thought I might just pass out before it hit.


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