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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

Page 16

by A. T Brennan

  When our food was done and the containers were cleaned up, we relaxed on the couch and put on a movie. Cody lay down with his head on Jonah’s lap as Jonah gently rubbed his scalp, and I curled up against Jonah’s side as he held me close. As soon as he’d laid down, Cody had reached behind him for my hand and I’d linked our fingers together and held on throughout the movie.

  When the credits were rolling I moved so Jonah could reach the remote and turn off the TV. When everything was shut down he leaned forward to give me a sweet kiss.

  “How about I drive you boys home so you can grab some clothes for the weekend? I’d say wear mine, but I don’t think they’d fit too well.”

  I laughed as he bent down to kiss Cody.

  “Yeah, not so much.”

  Jonah was four inches taller than Cody and two taller than me. He also had at least fifty pounds of muscle and bulk on Cody, and while we had similar builds Jonah was definitely broader. I might be able to wear his clothes in a pinch, but they’d be big on me. On Cody, they’d be huge.

  Picturing Cody in Jonah’s clothes, with pants falling off him as a shirt hung down like a dress sent a new wave of giggles through me, and before I could stop myself I was laughing so hard tears sprang into my eyes.

  Jonah stared at me like I was crazy, but Cody joined right in, holding his stomach and rolling onto his side as he gasped for air and laughed with me.

  “What did I miss?” Jonah asked when I stopped laughing long enough to pull in a few shallow breaths, wiping tears from the corner of my eyes as I did.

  “Sorry, nothing.”

  “You guys are about to split in two from laughing so hard... what is it?”

  “Just Cody, in your clothes... so big... like wearing bad hand me downs—” I snorted as another burst of laughter bubbled out of me, sending Cody into another fit as well.

  This time Jonah laughed with us, and it wasn’t until my sides and stomach were aching and I could barely breathe that I was able to stop.

  “Oh fuck that hurts!” Cody gasped, his hands on his stomach as he shook his head. “Ow.”

  “I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.” Jonah cleared his throat and glanced over at me, his eyes twinkling. “Remind me never to mention sharing clothes again.”

  I bit back a snort of laughter. There was no way in hell I was starting that again. My stomach wouldn’t survive.

  “Deal.” I pulled in one more deep breath and sighed. It still hurt, but at least now the giggles had passed. “We actually brought our own stuff. You know, just in case you wanted us to stick around.”

  Jonah grinned and pulled me toward him for a kiss. “I definitely want you around.”

  “You know what I want?” Cody asked suddenly, grinning up at us.

  “What’s that?” I braced myself for some sort of crazy food request. Cody was notorious from having strange cravings at the weirdest times.

  “Chocolate covered pretzels.”

  “Now that does sound good.” I leaned down and gave Cody a quick upside-down kiss.

  “I’m in the mood for something sweet and salty.” He winked and Jonah and I chuckled.

  “As good as that sounds, I’m afraid I don’t have any on hand.” Jonah said regretfully.

  “I’ll go pick some up,” I offered. “I’ll bring our bags in when I come back.”

  “Are you sure?” Jonah asked.

  “Yeah. Believe it or not this is one of his tamer requests. The last time he had a craving he sent me out for banana chips and salted caramel candy.”

  “Don’t give me any ideas or I’m going to have to send you out with a list.” Cody grinned.

  “Yeah. On that note, I’m out.” I leaned in to kiss Jonah and then dropped a quick kiss on Cody’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.

  “When you get back and our boy’s stomach is satisfied, I have a surprise for you,” Jonah said cryptically.

  “Really?” I paused and glanced over my shoulder as I stood. “Intriguing.”

  Jonah just gave me a casual smile and leaned back against the couch, his hand threading in Cody’s hair as they both stared at me.

  Shaking my head I hurried out to my car, very curious to find out what Jonah was talking about.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When I heard the front door close behind Isaac I looked down at Cody’s smiling face.

  He was like a new man. Before there had always been a shadow behind his eyes, something stopping him from showing the world who he really was. I’d seen a hint of the man he could be the first time I’d talked to him, even with his nerves and stumbling answers, but to see the transformation in him was incredible.

  He smiled more, laughed freely, and he couldn’t stop touching us. Before we had to be so careful not to push or spook him, but now he reached out and not only showed us casual affection, he also seemed to crave it.

  I loved seeing this version of Cody, but there was still that little voice in the back of my mind telling me I wasn’t really part of this arrangement.

  Cody was passive and a bit submissive. Isaac could be dominant but preferred to be neutral, neither taking control or handing over his power. I was the one who took charge without thinking, and I worried that with Cody’s transformation, they’d fall into a new dynamic.

  They’d needed me to help bring Cody out of his shell and to show Isaac a different side of himself. Now they were finding a new groove, and I could see how much they loved each other.

  I couldn’t compete with their history, and while I was grateful to be a part of their present, I knew there was no place for me in their future. Isaac and Cody were perfect together, and I was just a momentary distraction.

  Neither man had given me any indication that they didn’t want me there or felt I was filling in a gap, but the truth was obvious. I just wished I hadn’t fallen in love with them.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” I asked Cody, running my hands through his long hair.

  “I always have fun when I’m with you guys.” He smiled up at me.

  “Me too. How was work?”

  “Pretty good. I was working with Zander and Tristan so it was a pretty fun day. How was yours?”

  “Good. We’re planning some new things for the kids so that’s always fun.”

  “Like what?”

  “A few excursions, and hosting some volunteer and fundraising events.”

  “I wish I could do more to help out there. They saved my life. Evan might have given me a chance to have one, but the shelter saved it.”

  Cody didn’t talk much about his time at Open Arms, and he’d never mentioned his life before after that one chat we’d had.

  “I wish places like that didn’t have to exist, but I’m happy I get to help.”

  “Same.” He nodded thoughtfully.

  “Have you thought of what you might want to do in the future?” I asked casually. I knew Cody was happy at the bar and he had plenty of time to figure things out, but I was curious as to what he might have planned for the future.

  “I was kinda thinking about going back to school.” He blushed and looked up at me.

  “What for?”

  “I’m not exactly sure. I want to help people, but haven’t figured out how yet.”

  “There’s a lot of options out there. You’ll figure it out when it’s time.”

  “Yeah, I keep forgetting I’m only twenty-one.”

  “Trust me, I never forget that.” I chuckled but Cody looked up at me with concern in his eyes.

  “What do you mean? Does our age difference bother you?”

  “No, it doesn’t bother me. It’s just something I notice from time to time.”

  “Like when?”

  “Just random times.” I didn’t want to get into it, but there were a few times when I’d felt like an old man next to them. They were so open and free, and I sometimes felt I was bringing them down.

  “Well, you shouldn’t. You balance us out.”

  I smiled
but didn’t say anything. I wanted to believe him, but I was still afraid that I was the odd man out in the equation.

  “Oh, I have to tell you what Tristan did this morning at work.” Cody’s eyes lit up as he changed the subject.

  As he launched into an animated conversation about Tristan having to kick a couple of drunk guys out of the bar before noon I felt myself relaxing.

  It was then I realized Cody and I had never really spent any alone time together. It was nice, just the two of us talking, and as the conversation shifted and evolved, I found myself completely relaxed and at ease. There was something so calming about Cody. It was true he could drive me crazy with a single look, but then there were these kinds of moments where just talking with him made me melt and smile.

  I heard Isaac’s car drive up about ten minutes later and looked down at Cody. “I think he’s here.”

  “You’re so comfy. I almost don’t want to move.”

  “How will you eat your snack if you don’t?” I asked teasingly.

  “I have you to feed it to me.” He winked cheekily and I shook my head playfully.

  “Nope. I only feed grapes.”

  “Think Isaac will mind going out for grapes?”

  I laughed and rubbed my hand through his hair. “He might have issues with that.”

  “Mmmmm. I love when you do that.” He smiled up at me, almost purring. “It feels so good.”

  “I love making you feel good.”

  “You do, Jonah, every day. Just thinking about you makes me feel good.”

  My throat tightened at his words as a wave of sadness washed over me. He might think that now, but it wouldn’t last.

  “So, what’s this surprise you have for us?”

  “You’ll see. I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’m so curious I’m tempted to skip the snack.”

  “We’ll bring it to my room and eat later. If we have any energy left, that is.”

  Cody flushed at my words and nodded.

  “Come on, let’s go greet our man.”

  Cody eagerly took the hand I offered him and I helped him sit up. “You okay?” I asked when he paused and shook his head.

  “Just a bit dizzy. I sat up too fast. I’m good.”

  As we stood and headed toward the stairs the front door opened and Isaac strode into the house with two small duffle bags and a plastic bag from the grocery store in his hands.

  “Still expecting the boogeyman to come in while we’re upstairs?” I teased as Isaac took a moment to lock the door.

  “I’m not taking any chances with you guys. If you want to tempt fate and leave it unlocked that’s your prerogative. Just know that I’m going to go ape shit on your ass if anything happens to you because you think you still live in Mayberry.”

  “Funny, the subdivision I grew up in was called Mayfield.”

  “Yeah, well this is the real world and bad people do bad shit all the time. You’re mine and I don’t intend to let anything happen to either of you. Not on my watch.”

  “My hero,” Cody drawled teasingly as Isaac followed us up the stairs.

  “That’s it. Your ass is mine tonight,” Isaac growled playfully as he reached out and pinched Cody’s ass.

  “What if Jonah wants it?” Cody tossed a teasing look over his shoulder. “Ever think about that?”

  “Nah. Isaac can have your ass, I’m going to take his.”

  “Deal,” both men said together, and promptly dissolved into giggles.

  When we were in my room I waited until Isaac had dropped the bags in the corner before I picked two small bags up off my dresser.

  “Do we get a hint?” Isaac asked playfully.

  “Andrew Christian,” I supplied.

  “Who’s that?” Cody asked as he looked between us.

  I glanced over at Isaac and saw that his eyes were hooded as he looked at the bag in his hands and then up at me. He knew who Andrew Christian was.

  “He makes a line of things I’m a big fan of,” I said cryptically as I nodded to the bag. “Open it.”

  Cody reached in and pulled out an aqua blue jock, and his cheeks turned pink as he looked between Isaac and I.

  Isaac was holding a matching jock, only his was royal blue.

  “Please tell me you have one too,” Isaac said as he looked me up and down. “Otherwise I’m getting online and one-clicking the fuck out of a pair for you.”

  “I have one too.” I grinned and went over to my underwear drawer. “I actually have a whole bunch.”

  Isaac and Cody watched me with hungry eyes as I dug through my collection. Sometimes I liked to wear jocks instead of briefs, so I had quite a few to choose from. “How about this one. I haven’t broken it in yet.”

  I pulled out a navy blue jock with the tags still on it and my men nodded in unison.

  “I’ve never worn anything like this before.” Cody looked between us. “But fuck me I want to see you in yours.”

  “Cody, go into the bathroom to change. Isaac into the closet and I’ll stay here. Put them on and then come out when I tell you.”

  Isaac and Cody nodded eagerly and took off into their respective change areas.

  Smiling at their willingness I stripped off my clothes and pulled on the jock, ripping the tag off as I did. I would have worn it ahead of time if I’d known both men were coming over and surprised them after we started undressing, but this threeway reveal was much better.

  “Ready?” I called out when I didn’t hear any rustling.



  “Then come out.”

  As Cody emerged from the bathroom Isaac stepped out of the closet, and my jaw actually dropped.

  Seeing their tight, toned bodies in regular briefs was enough to send my arousal into overdrive, but the jocks brought things to a whole new level.

  Their cocks were already hard and the small swatch of material in the front could barely cover their erections. The straps framed their incredible bubble butts, showcasing every muscle and line of their bodies.

  They were perfect, and for now, they were mine.

  The three of us looked at each other for a long moment, then we came together in a crash of warm bodies, seeking hands and crushing lips.

  I lost track of who I was kissing, whose skin I was running my hands over, and which one of my men was touching me at any given moment.

  After a few minutes I forced us to slow down. Isaac was pressed up against my side as Cody stood in front of me. They were kissing each other, their tongues sliding together in a sensual dance as they ran their hands over my body. I shifted so I could push them together then gently ran my hands up and down their backs, urging them to slow their pace.

  They understood my hints, and soon their kisses became long and languid as they held me against them.

  When Isaac broke the kiss, his lips seeking mine so he could plunder my willing mouth. I could feel him shaking slightly and knew it was time to get things started.

  The moment Isaac pulled back I reached down and picked Cody up, giving him a chance to wrap his arms and legs around me before I walked him over to my bed, kissing him as I did. He moaned against my lips and then gasped when I leaned over and lay him on the mattress.

  “Jonah,” Isaac groaned as I stood up, leaving Cody where I put him, and tugged him over.

  “Climb on top of him. Keep yourselves spread while I prep you.”

  Isaac nodded, his eyes glazed with passion and lust as he reached down to pull Cody’s ass closer to the edge of the bed.

  I watched as Isaac lifted Cody’s legs up and wrapped them around his hips. Cody hooked his ankles together to keep his body opened up as Isaac lay over him and spread his own legs, positioning his knees on either side of Cody’s hips.

  Seeing them like that was almost enough to send me over the edge. I couldn’t see them kiss, but I could hear the soft, wet sounds punctuated by soft moans and gentle sighs. The jocks framed their pert little asses in a way that was alm
ost too hot, but it was how they did exactly what I asked, not questioning or even pausing, that really moved me.

  They trusted me, and in that moment I swore I would never betray that trust. It didn’t matter how long I stayed in the picture, I was going to make sure they never felt pushed or used again.

  I grabbed the bottle of lube I’d put on my dresser and moved to stand behind them. From this angle I could see both the passionate kisses they were exchanging and their asses. It really was the best of both worlds.

  I squeezed a dollop of lube onto my fingers, rubbing them together to warm it up a bit, before lowering my hand so I could spread some of the lube over Isaac’s hole. He whimpered against Cody’s kiss as I gently rubbed my fingers over his wrinkled skin before moving my hand down to give Cody the same treatment.

  When I was satisfied they were ready for more I poured a generous amount of lube on my fingers and rubbed my hands together to warm it up. Using my right hand on Isaac and my left on Cody, I traced gentle circles over their holes, teasing them before I slowly pushed my fingers into their bodies.

  They were both tight, their hot channels gripping my fingers as I pushed in. I could hear they were still kissing, but the flow was broken by gasps and moans.

  Making sure to move in unison I pulled my fingers almost all the way out of their bodies, and then surged back in.

  Both men cried out and Isaac tore his lips from Cody’s, his back arching as his body trembled.

  I’d planned on a quick prep and then getting right to the fucking, but now that I had both men at my mercy I wanted to drag it out.

  I continued to finger fuck them, slowly and gently, ignoring their cries for more.

  It wasn’t until both were shamelessly begging me, their bodies arching and bucking as they slowly came undone that I decided they’d had enough. I slipped a second finger inside them, scissoring gently as I slid them in and out. I purposely missed their prostates because I wasn’t sure they’d last with the extra stimulation.

  “More. Please, Jonah. More!” Isaac begged, his forehead resting against Cody’s as they rutted together.

  “Not yet.” I grabbed Isaac’s hips with both hands, pulling my fingers free from their bodies in the process, and held him still. “Are you ready?”


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