Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2)

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Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2) Page 21

by A. T Brennan

Every single word they’d said rang true. They loved me. They needed and wanted me, and I’d tried to push them away because of my own insecurities.

  “Cody and I want to prove something to you.” Isaac let go of my hand and pressed the papers he was holding into my palm.

  Cody had to let go as well so I could open the pages and read them.

  They’d gone to a clinic and gotten tested for STI’s.

  “No more barriers. From now on we belong to each other completely.”

  “I don’t have any recent results—”

  “Tonight, right now, it’s about us loving you.” Isaac took the pages and quickly folded them back up and shoved them in his pocket. “We can worry about your results later. This is about you, babe.”

  Lust and love moved through me, seeping out into my body from deep in my chest.

  “Will you let us love you?” Cody asked softly.


  Chapter Nineteen


  The heaviness in Jonah’s voice was gone, as was the doubt that had been shining in his eyes. He’d been so good at giving Cody and I exactly what we needed, both physically and emotionally. Now it was our turn to do the same for him.

  I took Jonah’s hand again and tugged him toward the stairs. The three of us walked up to his bedroom hand in hand in hand, and when we were finally inside and in front of his bed, we stopped.

  I moved behind Jonah, wrapping my arms around his waist as I rested my cheek against the back of his shoulder. Cody stood in front of him, his arms around Jonah’s neck as he nestled his smaller body against Jonah’s larger frame.

  After a moment Jonah reached back with one arm, pulling me closer as his other arm snaked around Cody. This moment wasn’t about sex. It was about love and intimacy, about showing Jonah that we would always be there for him and he didn’t have to be afraid of letting us support him the way he’d always done for us.

  The tension in Jonah’s body slowly faded away, and after a few minutes a different sort of energy began passing between us. Jonah’s hand slid from the small of my back to cup my ass, telling me he was ready for us to love him.

  Cody’s hands began moving through Jonah’s hair, playing with and tugging on the strands, as Jonah bent his head to capture Cody’s mouth in a deep kiss. I carefully pulled my arms free from, where they’d been trapped between their bodies. I slipped my hands under the back of Jonah’s shirt so I could caress his skin, as I pressed gentle kisses against his neck and shoulders.

  Jonah shuddered between us, a soft sigh escaping his lips. I loved how he was letting us take the lead for once, to shower him with attention and affection. It proved how much he trusted us, and that he was completely ours.

  We took our time teasing him, slowly working his body with gentle touches and searing kisses.

  He broke away from Cody’s kiss, his lips swollen and wet, his breathing ragged, and turned around in our arms so he was facing me. I pulled him down to give him my own kiss, immediately sweeping my tongue into his mouth so I could taste and tease every part of him.

  Together Cody and I gripped Jonah’s shirt and tugged it up, only pulling away from him so we could strip the garment off and toss it aside. I resumed kissing Jonah’s lips, as Cody used his hands and mouth to tease Jonah’s back.

  I could feel Jonah’s cock, hard and ready against my hip, and he groaned as I pressed against it teasingly.

  “Please,” he begged against my lips, his voice broken and soft.

  Still kissing him I undid his pants, making quick work of the button and fly, before ripping them open and shoving them down. He was wearing a pair of soft briefs, and I smiled against his lips as I ran my fingers over his length.

  Jonah broke free from my kiss as I reached into his briefs to grip his shaft, his breathing heavy and ragged and his head falling back.

  Cody and I feasted on his neck, nibbling and licking the sensitive flesh as I slowly pumped his cock with my hand. I loved jacking him off, but I needed to taste him.

  I pulled my lips from Jonah’s neck and dropped to my knees if front of him, yanking his briefs and pants down as I did.

  His cock was hard and flushed, the head almost purple as drops of pre-cum leaked from his slit. I bent forward, sweeping my tongue over his tip and moaned as his salty and unique flavor exploded in my mouth.

  I’d planned to go slow. To use my tongue and hands to tease first his shaft and then his balls as I tongued his crown, but that plan flew right out the window the moment he looked down at me with passion-glazed eyes.

  I swallowed him down to the root, and was rewarded with a deep groan as his hand threaded in my hair. I could hear wet kissing as I swallowed around Jonah’s cock, and the thought of Cody and Jonah making out as I sucked him made my already hard dick pulse. Ignoring my own arousal I planted my hands on Jonah’s powerful thighs to anchor myself as I began bobbing over his cock, hollowing my cheeks as more of his essence flooded my mouth.

  After a few minutes of teasing him, Jonah tugged on my hair and pulled me off his cock. I released him with an audible pop, and he yanked me to my feet so he could kiss me, hard and hot.

  When he finally pulled away I stepped back and started stripping off my clothes. Jonah was completely nude, but Cody and I were still dressed. As hot as the contrast was, I wanted all of us naked, now.

  Cody followed suit, and when we’d tossed aside our last article of clothing, I pushed Jonah back so he was sitting on the bed.

  “Will you let me love you?” I asked Jonah, crawling into his lap and pressing our bodies together.

  Jonah had told us he was versatile, but he’d never bottomed for either of us.

  “Yes, baby. Please. Love me,” he murmured against my lips as he held me tight.

  “I will. Just lay back and relax. Let us take care of you, okay?”

  Jonah nodded and allowed me to push him back so he was laying on the bed. It took a bit of maneuvering and fumbling, but Cody and I managed to move Jonah up the bed so he was laying in the middle of the mattress.

  Cody and I had talked a bit about what we would do if Jonah let us make love to him, so while our movements were a bit clumsy we were completely in sync.

  As Cody went to the night table to get the lube, I pushed Jonah’s legs back and apart, opening his body to me. The sight of his hole, already fluttering in anticipation, sent another bolt of lust and desire through me. I didn’t waste another second.

  I lay between his legs and gently licked a trail through his crease and right up over the seam on his sac. He shuddered, cursing loudly, and I grinned as I did it again.

  “Fuck, baby,” he moaned as I ran just the tip of my tongue over the wrinkled skin of his entrance.

  I loved rimming, and while I’d only done it for Jonah once before, I remembered what he’d liked last time and pulled out all of my tricks to make sure this experience was incredible for him.

  I alternated between teasing licks and probing thrusts, gradually feeling his muscles soften until I was able to dip my tongue inside him.


  Jonah was moaning and crying out, his breathing ragged as his hands fisted in the comforter. A moment later he shouted in pleasure, his entire body tensing as Cody bent over him and sucked the tip of Jonah’s cock in his mouth.

  Together we pleasured Jonah until he was a quivering mess, only stopping when he begged us to.

  “I’m gonna come, it’s too much,” he warned with a strangled cry.

  Cody popped off his cock and I pulled my tongue back. As much as I wanted to make him come from the foreplay alone, tonight was about more than just pleasure and orgasms.

  “Roll onto your side,” I instructed softly, sitting up so I could look at my men.

  Jonah’s skin was flushed, his eyes were shining and his breathing was labored and heavy. I loved seeing him so undone, knowing that Cody and I had done that to him. It was hot as fuck, and I needed to get inside him.

  Jonah rolled onto his right sid
e and Cody settled in front of him, their lips meeting in a hot and languid kiss as they held each other. My own arousal ratcheted up to a level I’d never experienced before, and I had to focus on prepping Jonah so I didn’t blow my load before I could fuck him.

  I grabbed the lube Cody had tossed on the bed, and quickly slicked up my fingers and cock. I settled behind Jonah and pushed his top leg over Cody’s thigh so he was opened up to me, then I pressed two fingers against his hole

  “Oh god!” Jonah gasped against Cody’s kiss as my fingers slid inside him. “Fuck.”

  I pressed my lips against his neck as I slowly moved my fingers inside him, gradually moving deeper until my palm was against his ass, then I sped up my pace.

  Jonah cried out against Cody’s lips, his hips moving back as he silently begged for more. I took my time working a third finger in but made sure to keep away from his prostate. He was wound so tight I was afraid he’d come.

  “Now, please now.” Jonah reached behind him and grabbed my hip, yanking me against his body. “Please, Isaac.”

  “I’ve got you.” I kissed his shoulder as I pulled my fingers free and grabbed the base of my shaft so I could guide my cock toward his hole.

  As I slipped inside him I could hear Cody telling Jonah how much we loved him, and how beautiful he was as he lay gentle kisses on Jonah’s face and lips. It was an incredible moment and my love for both of my men grew a tiny bit more.

  “Fuck you feel good.” I bit my lip, forcing myself to move slowly as Jonah pushed back, helping me slip all the way inside him. His channel was so hot and tight, and feeling his smooth walls against my bare cock was incredible.

  This was the first time I’d ever been bare inside someone. Cody and I had kept using protection even after getting our results back because we’d wanted to save this moment for Jonah, and it was absolutely perfect.

  Latching my lips to Jonah’s neck, I flattened my body against his and started to move. I kept my strokes even and long, needing to pace myself as Cody fisted their dicks in one hand while threading the other through Jonah’s hair.

  Jonah broke away from Cody’s kiss, his head turning to face me, his lips seeking mine. The kiss was messy and wet, and so fucking hot it sent a wave of heat rushing through me.

  “More. I need more,” Jonah moaned against my lips. “It’s not enough.”

  “Tell us what you want, what you need, baby.” I kissed his swollen lips and held him closer.

  “Both of you. Please.”

  I pulled back from the kiss to look into Jonah’s eyes. They were open and desperate, and so filled with love and trust there was no way I would ever deny him. I glanced up at Cody to see how he felt about it, and while he looked scared, he nodded.

  “Okay.” I gave him a quick kiss. “Roll back with me.”

  I’d never done double penetration before, but had watched a lot of porn so I knew the mechanics of how it worked. I knew Cody had no frame of reference for it but I wasn’t worried. The three of us were so in sync we would figure it out.

  Jonah settled over my body, his back against my front and my cock still buried in his ass. He spread his legs and lifted them as I shifted mine to make room for Cody.

  Cody knelt between my legs and put his hands on Jonah’s shins, helping him hold his legs back as Jonah used his arms to stay balanced on me.

  “Use your finger to open him up more,” I instructed Cody as I held Jonah’s waist and rolled my hips so my cock slid in and out of him at a slow and steady pace.

  Cody paused and then let go of Jonah’s legs. I heard the snick of the top of the lube bottle opening, and a moment later a finger pressed against my cock. Jonah whimpered above me as Cody teased his already filled hole for a moment, and then slipped that finger inside him, following the path and rhythm of my strokes.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, concentrating on my movements. Feeling Cody’s finger against my shaft was driving me crazy, I could only imagine how it would feel when it was his cock against it.

  “More. Please, more,” Jonah begged in a strangled voice.

  A second finger joined the first, and after a few pumps Jonah shuddered.

  “Now, I’m ready,” he pleaded, his voice raw with emotion and need.

  I felt Cody’s broad head against my shaft, then there was a strange pressure as he began to push in. I felt the moment he breached Jonah’s outer muscles and he stilled for a moment before he gently pushed in, his pace slow and deliberate.

  Jonah pulled in a hissing breath, his body tensing. Cody paused to give him time to adjust, and when Jonah relaxed and nodded, he began to move again.

  “Oh god, Jonah,” Cody moaned as he sank deeper inside him. “Isaac!”

  “I know, babe. Fuck it feels so good.” I grit my teeth and concentrated on my movements, and not blowing my load right then and there.

  When Cody was all the way inside Jonah he set a gentle pace as he fucked him. I tried to follow, but my mind was already starting to cloud, and my balls were so high and tight it felt like they’d disappeared.

  Between feeling Cody’s cock against mine as we fucked Jonah, and knowing that Jonah loved and trusted us enough to want this, I was lost. The tingling at the base of my spine increased, and then my thighs cramped. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  Jonah cried out above me, his shouts drowning out the moans and grunts coming from Cody and I.

  Just as I was about to warn everyone that I was going to come, Jonah jerked above me, crying out as his ass clenched down on both of our cocks. That added pressure was enough to send me flying over the edge, and I shouted my release as I shot deep inside Jonah’s body.

  Cody came at almost the same time, nearly falling on us as he was overcome with pleasure. I could feel his hot seed on my softening cock and groaned. I’d never felt anything like it before, and it was fucking amazing.

  After a moment Cody pulled both of our cocks out of Jonah and climbed off of us. He flopped down on the bed, a sated and happy smile playing on his full lips.

  Jonah was shaking slightly, his body jerking as aftershocks moved through him. I slid out from under him and curled up against his side as he recovered. Cody did the same on the other side, and we laced our fingers together so we could hold hands over Jonah’s heart. We were all a little sticky and in need of a shower, but we’d deal with that later.

  “I love you,” Cody said softly, speaking to both of us.

  “I love you too.” I smiled and squeezed his hand as I looked at Jonah’s flushed face.

  “Love you.” He looked between us, his eyes glassy and hooded. “So much.”

  He leaned forward, his lips seeking Cody’s for a soft kiss before he turned to me. I gave him a kiss and then smoothed his hair back from his sweaty forehead with my free hand.

  “Sleep, we’ll be here when you wake up.”

  Jonah smiled as his eyes fluttered closed, and Cody and I snuggled against him.

  For the first time since we started this relationship, I felt like everything was out in the open and we were completely connected to each other.

  There were no more secrets and nothing holding us back. From this point on we could only grow stronger together, and I knew we were ready to take on the world. I had my men and they had me. What more could I ask for?



  Three months later

  “Is that it?” I asked Isaac, wiping my hands off on my pants as I looked around what used to be my apartment.

  “I think so.” Isaac grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist. “How does it feel?”

  “Pretty damn good.” I leaned against his strong body and smiled.

  We’d spent the day moving Noah’s things into my apartment and it looked like we were finally done.

  The last month had been hectic.

  Jonah had asked Isaac and I to move in with him, but I’d been on a one year lease that would cost a fortune to break. Isaac had been worried about leaving Noah on his own to cover th
e cost of their two-bedroom apartment alone.

  After talking with his brother, Isaac had suggested that he and Noah could put in their notice, and then Noah could take my place. That way he’d be able to afford to live on his own and I’d be free to move in with him and Jonah.

  It had taken some haggling with my landlord to get permission to let Noah sublet for me until the lease was done, but in the end everything had been signed over and we’d been ready to move.

  Even with the legal stuff taken care of, actually moving had been a bit of a pain in the ass. Jonah’s place was fully furnished, and his stuff was a lot nicer than anything Isaac or I owned. Noah had taken all of his and Isaac’s furniture, but between us that still left a lot of stuff we didn’t need or want to bring with us.

  Isaac and I had sold what we could and donated the rest to a local charity that helped the homeless. We’d moved all of our personal things into Jonah’s spare room until we could find a bigger place, one that was completely ours.

  It was an amazing feeling, knowing that Jonah and Isaac were as committed to this relationship as I was. Moving into a house where we could start fresh in our triad felt right, and I’d been so happy when Jonah had suggested it.

  But as much as I wanted to live with my men, a part of me was sad at leaving my apartment. It was the first place that had truly been mine, and where I’d felt I could survive on my own.

  “When’s Noah coming over?” I asked, breathing in Isaac’s unique scent and letting the familiarity of it wash over me.

  “After his shift tonight. I offered to help him unpack but he said I could come over tomorrow since we have that party tonight.”

  “I still can’t believe Galen and Blaze got engaged.” I leaned up to give Isaac a kiss. “I mean I can because they’re perfect together, but that it actually happened is so cool.”

  “I know what you mean.” Isaac gave me another kiss and then dropped his arm to playfully swat me on the ass. “Let’s get moving so we can get home and get ready.”

  “Yeah. I don’t know about you, but I need a shower. I am not made for heavy lifting.”


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