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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 7

Page 46

by Maxim Jakubowski

  Carrie looks like she’s trying to figure out what to say as she licks the newly salted rim of her glass. “Girl, I have to tell you, I think you’re a little bit crazy. But so am I, and he looks so fine, I feel like I’d be kicking myself if I refused. He really doesn’t know a thing about this yet?” she asks, her voice lilting upward.

  “Not yet, but he will,” I say, slipping her my card as she scrawls her information on a napkin.

  We finish our drinks, but every time her tongue pokes out to lick the glass, I can’t help picturing it winding its way along his cock. I’m ready to race home, and I do – right after she leaves, right after I sneak off to the bar’s bathroom and bring myself to a quick, rousing orgasm as my fingers flick at my wet clit while my other hand muffles my moans.

  When I get home, I find Kyle on the couch in front of a football game. I smile and say, “Hey, baby,” but when he puts his arms out to welcome me, I instead reach down and grab his cock, sinking to my knees. I pull down the layers of his shorts and boxers to unveil a dick that’s already half-hard and getting harder by the minute as I hold it. I lean forward and ever-so-lightly suck the head into my mouth, then sit back and let my tongue toy with the veins traveling up and down his shaft before pulling back to look up at him. I’m gratified to see his eyes glued on my face.

  “To what do I owe this honor?” he asks, his face lined with sexy stubble, his light brown eyes glinting as he tries not to break out into a grin.

  “To a girl – Carrie,” I say, then go right back for another lick. He moans as I inch my lips downward, taking half of his length into my mouth, but knowing he’s not done growing. “I’m going to show her how to do this,” I tell him, breaking my mouth’s grip momentarily before plunging back down in one smooth movement, my lips wrapped around my teeth as I feel his cock travel all the way down my throat. I keep his full length inside me for as long as I can, breathing in his manly scent, feeling every bit of him pressing against my lips, my cheeks, surrounded by cock, cock, and more cock. Finally I slide slowly, reluctantly upward, my cheeks already aching with that glorious effort my blow jobs entail.

  “What?” he asks, his voice husky, his eyes slightly cloudy as I stand and then straddle him, his naked cock bouncing back against him, then getting flattened between us as I rub my pussy along his hardness.

  “I’m going to give her a little show and tell, and then she’s gonna fuck you and suck your cock while I watch. I’m gonna make sure she does it perfectly,” I say, then quickly plant my mouth back on his pole, tasting my own heady juices. The whole scenario, from the feel of his hot penis in my mouth to picturing Carrie doing the very same thing, to his strangled moans has me soaking wet. When he pulls me up toward him, turning me around so my hips are hovering over his face, then starts to devour me as I swallow him, I relent, even though normally I prefer to do one thing at a time, fully savoring each sensation. As his tongue parts my lower lips, diving into my swollen, dripping sex, I shudder all over, my hard nipples mashed against his torso, my mouth slackening involuntarily as he pushes deeper inside. His hot tongue swirls in mesmerizing circles as I sink my lips down, down, down, until they meet the base of his cock, the head easing around the bend in my throat. His fingers ply my clit, parting the hood and massaging the hard button beneath as his tongue probes me, his lips and teeth and fingers making me rumble. I ease up on his cock, barely able to breathe, barely wanting to. When he adds a finger inside me alongside his tongue, I’m a goner, my entire lower half tightening and then sparking, my legs clamped around his head as I suck the crown of his dick for all I’m worth, rewarded by the hot spurts of come that erupt from him.

  He kisses me between my legs a few more times and then we finally turn around, and I taste myself, this time on his lips. Kyle looks into my eyes, smoothing my hair off my sweaty forehead, his fingers tracing my brows. “I’ll give you anything you want, but I have to tell you, I don’t think any girl out there can suck my cock the way you do,” he finally says.

  “Just wait,” I tease, my previously sated body already perking up again at the thought of Carrie grinding herself against my man. I move aside, looking up and down at the man I consider my personal male model, my own private piece of eye candy others may sometimes get to borrow as their eyes drink their fill while we walk down the street, but who I get to take home every night. Feeling him against me is still a thrill, a prize, a treasure, but sharing him is going to take things to a whole new level.

  I just hope Carrie is as excited as I am. When I call her the next day, she tells me she had a dream about him, about us. “I was lying on my back, my hands above my head, and his dick was coming at me, so big and hard and powerful. I spread my legs at the same time I opened my lips and he entered me in one fast motion. I gripped the headboard, and pulled against it, and then you shackled me to it so I really couldn’t move, and while he fucked my face I watched his cock as it moved in and out. Then I saw you, naked, with your fingers between your legs, and I tried to focus on sucking his dick while memorizing the way you were touching yourself so I could do it later.” Her words spill out in one big outpouring, racing ahead of one another, tripping over themselves in her eagerness to share her fantasy with me. The more she talks, the wetter I get, picturing exactly what she’s described.

  “I guess that means you’re in,” I tease her, knowing that I’d have a fight on my hands if I tried to refuse her at this point.

  After that, everything else moves at warp speed. For the next few days, all I can think about is watching Kyle and Carrie, directing them in my own little play, and the very idea of her naked along with him, in a scene that I’d created but ultimately would only be a bit player in, has the part of my stomach closest to my pussy doing somersaults, dropping as far as it does when I ride a roller coaster. My body literally aches, and the night before we’re to meet, when Kyle slides a simple finger inside me, I pitch forward, burying my face in his shoulder as I clutch him, my eyes tight as I squirm. “You’re thinking about me with her, aren’t you, Sarah? I know you are, and damn it, now I am too. You’ve made me want to fuck another woman, and even though I’m doing it for you,” he says, his voice rough, almost growling, as his finger surrenders to my cunt’s entreaties, pushing as far as it can go while the flat of his hand mashes my clit. “I’m gonna enjoy it. I’m gonna shove my tongue so deep inside her cunt that she’ll scream.” I reach for his cock through the haze, each of us alternating a fantasy web with our dream girl.

  But as many scenarios as we’ve played out the night before, none of them could have prepared us for how hungry Carrie is for him. Any reservations she may have had have clearly vanished, because she pounces on my man immediately, as if they’ve been the ones conducting the secret affair, negotiating this night under cover of darkness, not her and me. I’m wearing a silky sheer black camisole and the tiniest scrap of black lace panties, which are soaked practically from the moment I put them on. I’ve kept them on me, though, letting my scent permeate the room, dipping my fingers inside to offer Kyle a taste of my juices as we wait. Then, all too soon, she’s here, looking even hotter than she did when we met, au naturel in a slinky red dress that seems molded to her body. We converge in the living room where she greets me with a full body hug, her hands traveling from my shoulders on down, and then I hear her say, “And you must be Kyle.” Unconsciously, I slip away, letting them get to know each other. I head to the kitchen to make cocktails, eavesdropping the whole while.

  “Hi, Carrie,” he says, his voice deep and husky. “I’ve heard all about what a naughty girl you are,” and that’s the last thing I hear as I fumble with the ice cubes. I pour us all sodas, nixing the alcohol, and quickly hurry back. I almost drop the glasses when I see them kissing, his denim-clad leg thrust between her thighs, pressing upward as she pushes downward. He suckles her lower lip, tugging it between his teeth. I set the glasses down on coasters, and he looks over and gives me a little smile. “You have good eyes, my dear, very good eyes,” he say
s, and pulls back enough so we can both see how swollen his cock is. There’s no need for small talk, awkward or otherwise, and things are moving along even faster than I’d anticipated. I follow them up the stairs, watch his hand on her back pushing her up, and I have a feeling he’s going to spank her from that slight show of dominance. When she starts to go right instead of left, his other hand lashes out, pulling her close, while the hand that was guiding her back slides easily into her blonde tresses, tugging her head backward to expose her neck. “I’ll show you where to go,” he says, and she moans in response, giving me a glimpse of hard nipples pressed against the fabric of her dress. I realize she must not be wearing a bra and I feel a gush of moisture fall against my panties.

  We reach the bedroom, his hand still tangled in her hair while his other hand immediately goes to his zipper. I step back, giving them a little room to explore but keeping them in my sight. I can see the tendons in her neck straining, her silent swallows as she looks up at him adoringly. She’s caught the magic, the fever; that special ability he has to make powerful, sexy women quiver before him, eager to do his bidding. He lets go of her hair so he can push down his pants to reveal his hard, strong cock. He lets the jeans drop to the ground, then sits on the edge of the bed. “Down,” he says, pointing, the single word enough to have her instantly on her knees.

  This is the moment I’ve been waiting for, the one I can hardly believe is actually happening. She reaches for his cock with her hand, but he pushes it back and then leans over her, shoving his cock against her cheek as he fixes her wrists behind her back, her hands dangling down just above the end of her spine, right above her ass. “Keep them there. I just want your sweet little mouth,” he says, the naughty words making me plunge my fingers into my wet panties for some much-needed relief. I try my best to stay silent, biting my lip as she kisses his cock reverently then licks her way in one long motion from his balls on up to the crown before taking him between her lips. I don’t get to see the glory of his cock anymore, but watching her strain to wrap her lips around him more than compensates, maybe because I’ve been there countless times; maybe because I can hear her heavy breathing in the otherwise silent room, her snorts and gurgles as she swallows him. I peek around and see her rocking slightly, her ass bobbing along with her head, and know she’s getting as wet as I always do. I give myself a mental pat on the back for having chosen such a perfect slut as Carrie, as my fingers dive inside my slit. It’s hard to tell who’ll be offended and who’ll be turned on by the chance to bang your boyfriend, you know.

  She’s got his entire cock shoved down her throat, and her eyes gaze up at him, waiting for his next instruction. She keeps her mouth there, nudging the base, her lower lip flush with his ball sac, until she needs air, and then she slowly rises upward, unveiling his glistening cock for me. I add another finger, and feel my own breath shoot harshly out of my nose, my nostrils surely flared like a horse’s, my noises of arousal joining hers.

  Carrie starts writhing up and down, faster and faster; and Kyle, who’s been trying to maintain a stoic expression, can’t help but part his lips, his eyes starting to glaze. She’s moaning now, her fingers twitching at their imposed exile from her pussy, when he pulls her up again. “You’re a fabulous cock-sucker, Carrie. I hope you get lots of practice because clearly you just need cock as often as you can get it,” he says, his voice husky, not giving away any sense of just how much he’s enjoyed her skills. “I think that made you very wet, didn’t it?” he asks. He’s not talking to me, and yet it feels like he is. I’ve orchestrated this little game, but they’ve run with it. They’re not putting on a show for me, I just happen to be their audience I realize as he sits up on the bed, propping his back against the headboard and lifting her dress off to reveal her smooth, naked backside. He hasn’t looked at me once, his eyes fixed on her perfect ass curving across his lap. It doesn’t matter though, whether they’re trying to show off or not. Watching him do all the things he usually does to me, and seeing her react, has my eyes tearing with arousal, the way they do when I give him a really brilliant blow job. I wouldn’t call them tears of joy, exactly; more like tears of overwhelming desire, my body’s natural reaction to feeling like I might shatter, exploding in a fiery orgasm right there on the carpet. I dare to step closer and perch on a corner of the bed, so I feel it bounce as he lifts his hand and brings it down with a resounding smack on her ass. Her hands have automatically settled above her head, perfectly subservient, and now I see her bring her arm toward her mouth, so she can muffle her own cries as he does the same thing to her other cheek.

  Handprints, large and pink, immediately flower on her pale skin, but he just keeps on going until her ass is totally his, marked by his smacks. I note the way her body moves slightly, her legs widening, her ass arching higher to make the most of his smacks. Soon even her arm can’t muffle her sounds. He’s had his hand pressed against her lower back, keeping her still so she can fully absorb his smacks, but at her cries, he moves to shove four fat fingers into her mouth. She immediately starts suckling them, as if starved, her face rocking against his invading fingers. This is all way too much for me, and I get up and grab my favorite vibrator. I briefly wish it were one of those small, silent ones, but those have never really done the trick for me. This is a dual-action powerhouse, and I lay it in front of me and hump it, sliding it inside me so I’m pretty much sitting on it before I let it start buzzing. As Carrie sucks and gets spanked, I let the toy whir against my clit and tumble inside my pussy, bringing me to a powerful climax in moments. Carrie turns her head and watches me, her eyes glossed over as he keeps on spanking her. Finally, he pauses, and the lack of noise suffuses the air. I’m spent, and I turn the vibe off. He slides his fingers out of her mouth, but when she whimpers, Kyle offers her his thumb, and she sucks it like a child.

  He rubs his hand along her hot skin, then looks up at me, beckoning me forward. I inch closer, so I’m sitting on my knees, which are just grazing her hip. He reaches for my hand, and lets me feel just how warm he’s made her ass. I rest my hand there, gently curving my fingers into her sore flesh, while he dips lower, bringing two fingers into her hole. I stare blatantly, so close up, as they emerge covered in her juices, and I hear her sucking on his thumb, gurgling almost as his fingers torment her pussy. He adds a third finger and she cries out. “I think Carrie’s ready for my cock, don’t you, Sarah?” he asks me, though it’s largely rhetorical – if he wants to fuck her right now, he will, and all three of us know it. When he says this, she buckles against him, and he pushes deeper, twisting his fingers around, making her come while I feel her body tremble below me.

  Usually he likes to be on top, doggy-style being his favorite, so I assume it’s as a favor to me that he lies back against the pillows, sinking down so he’s flat on the bed, and turns her around so she’s on top of him. He pushes her up so she’s straddling him, her hips near his, then nods toward me. I scurry to get a condom, then hand it to her, watching as he holds the base of his cock and she rolls the latex sheath along his bulging length. Her face is serious, full of concentration as she unrolls it. I’m back in the corner of the bed, my body heating up again as she completes her mission and climbs on top of him. I watch from behind, see her reddened ass as it rises up and down along his cock. I let my fingers drift to my cunt, but the urgency isn’t there anymore. My fingers lazily part my lips, simply feeling the blood gently swirling below as he keeps his hands on her hips and guides her.

  They’re not too loud, so all I hear is the slapping as their bodies rub together. I’m suddenly wiped out, exhausted in a way only orgasm can make me, and I lie down next to Kyle, my head on an adjacent pillow, as Carrie smiles at me, her perfect breasts bobbing along with the rest of her. When his hands move around to cup her ass, squeezing it firmly and then pulling her cheeks apart, she pitches forward, tumbling on top of him and smothering my boyfriend with her blonde hair. A few strands land on me, tickling until she lifts her head and shakes them behind her. T
hey kiss; a slow, passionate meeting of the lips as they grind together. I shut my eyes for a moment and find the image of them seared into my mind, captured indelibly. I purr without meaning to, open my eyes to find him sitting up, pushing her onto her back, and sliding out. He takes off the condom, tossing it to the ground as he now climbs on top of her. I don’t know what he’s doing at first until I see her hold her breasts together, and he slides between them. He spits into his hand to lube up his cock, then puts it back into her titty tunnel, and she pushes them tightly together. “Come on my tits,” she says, her gaze fixed on his swollen head riding ever closer to her mouth as he thrusts in and out of her. She doesn’t have to do much to get him to spurt, and when he does, I watch his hot lava arc over her body, then land all along her chest, leaving her covered in his white mess. He grunts, then jerks the last few droplets out of his dick before getting up to wash off.

  Kyle’s never much of a talker right after he’s come. I’m still absorbing all of what’s happened, my mind adrift as Carrie stares back at me lazily. I’m about to ask what she thought when she says, simply, “You were right. It’s perfect,” then smears his cream all over her.

  I guess if there’s any lesson to be learned it’s that you shouldn’t gloat over your prized possessions, be they a mansion in Malibu, a sleek sports car, or your boyfriend’s killer cock. The best things in life, the ones that truly matter, aren’t meant to be hoarded, they’re meant to be shared. I’ll probably lease out Kyle’s cock again, maybe for our anniversary, but for now, I’m gonna spend some time savoring his perfect cock all by myself.

  Making Do

  W. S. Cross

  Married men are easy to seduce. And being a secretary has made it even easier. I get to know them, and no matter how much they love their wives there’s always a restlessness, an ego that needs stroking. That’s what has been so damnably frustrating about you, Will. I’ve tried everything, but to no avail. You’re not my boss, but being married to my boss has made the campaign all the more tempting and galling.


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