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Nemesis: The Search for Orion

Page 7

by Saxon Andrew

  Captain Patel stared at the Admiral for a moment and said, “This is not something we’re allowed to do, Sir.”

  “Can you do it?”

  “I can.”

  “Captain, you know I won’t hang you out to dry. You’ve been with me since we flew together on my first destroyer. I’ve discovered some disturbing things and I need to have a clear picture of what’s going on. You will have to keep this between us and no one else on board should know about it.”

  “Admiral, I will follow your orders ahead of any other officer in the Fleet.”

  “What are you saying, Aubrey?”

  “I’ve been listening in on conversations for more than a year and I don’t trust those that are leading us.”

  “Did you send me a message about the destruction of Avalon?”

  Aubrey’s eyes narrowed, “No Sir. What was the message about?”

  “I’ll talk with you about it later. However, get me those channels on my private frequency.”

  “I’ll have Fleet on channel twelve and Army on thirteen.”

  Blake nodded and put his helmet over his head. He toggled the Army frequency and listened in to the conversation that was taking place between the Drop Commander and General Montgomery. He looked at Aubrey and said, “See if you can intercept the communication of a video being transmitted from Mejinan.” Aubrey nodded and the video began playing on Blake’s console. He watched it and closed his eyes. This was not good. “How many planets has this been sent out to?”

  Aubrey looked at his panel and said, “More than five thousand.”

  Blake flipped back to the General’s conversation and heard him say, “You must clean this up. Admiral Hall is contacting me. I’ll talk with you about this later.”

  Blake flipped over to channel twelve and heard, “No Admiral, I didn’t know anything about this.”

  “Who ordered Leftwitz to carry out these assassinations?”

  “I have no idea, Sir. It had to come from someone above my level. I assumed it was you.”

  “General, I’ve allowed you to run your ship without interference. That ends now. Find out how this happened and get this under control. Do you understand!?”

  “Yes Sir. There is one other thing I’ve just been told.”

  “What is that?”

  “The Ambassador’s body is missing. We’ve tried to determine who the two armored sailors were that moved him out of the street and nothing has shown up. I could use your help in finding them.”

  Blake looked over at Aubrey and ran his hand across his throat. The two lights went dark on his panel and Aubrey said, “Admiral Hall is requesting to speak with you, Sir.”

  Blake pushed the button and said, “Sir, how may I be of service?”

  Admiral Hall began speaking and Blake began to suspect that those two Naval Officers must have been the ones that delivered the message to his communicator. He continued to listen and knew the real question had not been asked yet. Where did the beam come from that had killed the Dragons? He listened and wondered about what nest of vipers he had gotten himself into.

  • • •

  Cinny sat next to the Ambassador’s bed and waited for him to regain consciousness. The drugs should be wearing off and they had to decide what to do with him. She sighed and decided that they should have left him on the planet. “You’re thinking you shouldn’t have saved me.”

  Cinny looked and saw his eyes were open, “I think it would have been easier to do just that.” Stockard tried to sit up, grabbed his chest, and fell back on the bed. Cinny handed him two pills and a glass of water, “Take these; they’ll help with the pain.”

  Stockard swallowed the pills and closed his eyes, “You said you would tell me what was going on after I came back from the meeting.”

  “Sorry Sir, you never made it to the meeting.”

  “You knew that before I left the Embassy, didn’t you? That’s why you insisted I wear armor.”

  “We heard the conversation that made you a target of the Dragons.”


  “An elite unit used to keep the conquered planets in line.”

  “So I was set up to be killed and they would use my death to punish innocent civilians?”

  “It happened once before.”

  “That was also a set up?”

  “It was.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m not going to answer that question. Let’s just leave it at we didn’t think it was right for them to kill innocent beings.”

  Stockard opened his eyes, “You’re human and you’re wearing a naval uniform. Are you saying you’re not in the service?”

  “I am.”

  Stockard stared at Cinny and after a few moments said, “Are you traitors?”

  Cinny chuckled and shook her head, “No, we are not citizens of Earth.”

  “You’re either from Earth or Avalon.”

  “We’re from Avalon.”

  “Why would you be working against Earth?”

  Cinny stared at Stockard and thought, “Grant, I’m going to show the Ambassador the recording of the Raider Colony on Avalon.”


  “I think he deserves to know. You need to be thinking about what we’re going to do with him.”

  “Do you really think this is a good idea?”

  “He deserves to know.”


  “Ambassador, You should be able to stand up in a few minutes. While you’re waiting for the pain to subside, I’m going to share a video with you.” Cinny looked up, “Ana, show him the message you put together.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “Grant has left it up to me. I think he deserves to know.” Cinny stood up and walked out of the room as an image of a planet appeared on the wall monitor. Stockard stared at the monitor and saw the view start moving in toward the planet’s surface.

  Cinny went to the bridge and sat down in her command chair. After twenty minutes, Stockard walked slowly through the portal holding on to the wall, “May I come in?” Cinny nodded and pointed to the chair next to hers. Stockard stared out of the viewport at the distant stars for a minute and then said, “That video was disturbing. How do I know you didn’t just fabricate it?”

  “You don’t.”

  Stockard continued to stare out of the viewport and said, “It was real, wasn’t it?”

  “It was. Avalon was settled with the full intent of having the Raiders kill everyone on the planet.”

  “Why did they wait so long to do it?”

  “They were fighting an interstellar war and it took them that long to win. Attacking Avalon was one of the first things they did after winning that war.”

  “So my planet used the Raiders to justify attacking all the civilized planets in our universe.”

  “Ambassador, it’s all a lie.”

  “Why didn’t you let them kill me?”

  “We really didn’t think it through. We should have done just that; however, after saving you, we should have also left you on the planet…but…”

  “You thought the troops would have killed me if they found me alive.” Cinny nodded. “What are you going to do with me?”

  “We honestly don’t know. You are one of our enemies and, quite frankly, we’ve shown you too much.”

  “You’re one of the two genetics that our Military thinks were killed a while back, aren’t you?”

  “You should view the evidence. It’s clear they killed the two genetics.”

  “The evidence also shows that I was killed as well.”

  Cinny smiled, “Touché.”

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “If you had to make a guess, what would you say?”

  Stockard shrugged, “I would guess that you’re planning to kick our forces butts and send them home packing.” Cinny stared at Stockard with a neutral expression and Stockard tilted his head, “If the two of you are still alive, I suspect those animals of yours are alive as well.” />
  Cinny’s eyebrows lowered, “Why are you telling me this? You should know that you only make yourself more dangerous to release.”

  Stockard looked at Cinny, “I suppose. However, I’ve always been one to seek the truth and turn my back on deception. Do you know why I was targeted?”

  “The conversation we intercepted said you wanted medical supplies and food for the local population. The one speaking said he thought you had gone insane.” Stockard sighed. Cinny said, “What?”

  “You can never conquer others without winning them over to your side. It appears our current leadership disagrees with my assessment.” Stockard tilted his head, “So what happens to me now?”

  “I guess we can take you to a planet and keep you prisoner until this conflict resolves itself.”

  “Do you think you can win?”

  “I don’t know. I know we could weaken your forces to the point where they might be overthrown by the captured planets.”

  “You know we have millions of warships?”

  “Numbers don’t always determine the winner.”

  “No, I suppose they don’t. However, I wouldn’t put it past our government to hold the captured planets hostage to get the two of you to turn yourselves in.” Cinny’s eyes narrowed and Stockard shrugged, “That’s exactly the tactic they used on the citizens after the so called killing of the Ambassadors.”

  “Grant have you been listening to this?”

  “I have.”

  “Do you think they’d do it?”

  “How could they not?”

  “Then it’s absolutely critical that they don’t know about us.”

  Stockard listened to Cinny and said, “Who is Grant?”

  “He’s my mate, my best friend, my lover…”

  “The other Genetic.”

  “I’m coming over on a scooter.”

  Cinny looked at Stockard, “He’s coming over to discuss this.” Stockard shrugged.

  • • •

  Blake pushed the Fleet button on his console and Admiral Hall appeared, “Well, what have you found out?”

  “Basically, nothing.”


  “I’ve had my staff do a close examination of every ship in that quadrant to account for every one of their crewmembers. Every one of them has been accounted for, Sir. We’ve received the recording of the Ambassador’s death from the dead Dragons in that building and have enhanced the images. The two in naval armor do not have any unit markings on their chests or sleeves. We have determined that one was male and one was female. That’s all we’ve been able to determine.”

  “That’s all?”

  “My Weapon’s Officer tells me that the Ambassador might still be alive.” Admiral Hall was already shocked and this new revelation left him speechless. Blake started the video where the Ambassador was shot. “He tells me that the Ambassador was thrown back too far.”

  “I’m not understanding what you’re saying Blake.”

  “He is of the opinion that the blaster bolt fired at the Ambassador should have blown through his body and dropped him where he was standing. Notice how far the Ambassador moves when he’s hit by the bolt.”

  Hall watched the video in slow motion and said, “He’s thrown back at least eight to ten feet.”

  “My Officer says that for that to happen, the bolt had to encounter some form of resistance.”

  “Like armor.”

  “Yes Sir, exactly like armor.”

  “The female appears to be checking for a pulse and shaking her head.”

  “Yes, she is.”


  “We are of the opinion that she was attempting to prevent another shot.”

  “Do you know who the Ambassador is?”

  “Not really, Sir.”

  “His name is Channing Stockard.”

  Blake’s eyes went wide, “Not of the America’s Stockards?”

  “Yes. His father is Tatum Stockard.”

  Blake shook his head, “Why would anyone run the risk of attacking a member of the Stockard Family?”

  “Well, the answer to that died with that idiot Colonel Leftwitz.”

  “Have they been informed about what happened?”

  “No, they have not and that video revealing the Dragon’s complicity has been stopped. The Military are the only ones in contact with the conquered planets and that will be kept secret from the government on Earth.” Blake stared at Hall and he said, “I know it’s a huge risk but the Prime Minister is adamant.” Blake’s eyes narrowed and he saw in Hall’s expression that he had better not say what he was thinking. Could the Prime Minister be the one that ordered the attack?

  “I’ll continue to search for clues but we don’t have much to go on, Sir.”

  “Contact me if you find out anything else.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Blake sat back in his chair and pulled up the video of the destruction of the two Genetics’ warship. He looked at the video of the two dead bodies on board and shook his head. Was it just a coincidence that it was a male and female human that took the Ambassador? He looked at Captain Patel, “Send me every video taken of the Genetics’ ship before it was destroyed.”

  Blake’s panel illuminated and he saw fifty had already been received. He opened the first one and viewed it closely. It was on the seventy-first video that he saw it. A beam flashed destroying a small piece of debris near the ship. During the flash, he saw a hole in the landing bay door. He took a deep breath and knew this wasn’t proof of anything. The two human bodies on the cruiser’s bridge were dead. One had the head missing and the other had the torso missing. His eyes narrowed and he wondered where those pieces had gone. They had destroyed the ship too quickly. Should he issue a warning? He thought about Avalon and decided to wait. He was torn about what was going on. Besides, how could the dead be revived? He shook his head and almost decided to forget it, but that hole in the landing bay appeared to be a large mouth opened wide in surprise. It was a male and female that took the Ambassador. He shook his head.

  • • •

  Grant stared at the Ambassador and shook his head, “I don’t want to kill you. But I really think you’re not giving me a choice. You know too much.”

  Stockard chuckled, “You’re not thinking this through.”

  Grant’s expression turned angry and Cinny said, “Ana.”


  “How many people on Earth know about the real reason the Raiders attacked Avalon?” Grant looked at Cinny and his expression turned neutral.

  “According to the log of those that viewed it, only the Prime Minister and Admiral Hall. All the others died years ago except for that Admiral that was killed during the final attacks on the Raiders. He had viewed it.”

  Stockard smiled and Grant said, “You think you should be allowed to return to Earth to share this information?”

  “Earth is controlled by the Government and the Prime Minister has extraordinary powers. One would have to be extremely careful about sharing this information with anyone.”

  “But you have someone in mind that needs to see it?”

  “I do.”


  “My Father, Tatum Stockard.”

  “Who is he?”

  Stockard laughed out loud as Ana said, “He is the senior member of the Armed Forces Committee on Earth.”

  Grant looked at Cinny, “We can’t risk releasing him. He knows too much.”

  “He really doesn’t know anything.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “Have you or I verified any of his statements.” Grant shook his head. “If he goes back and says the Genetics survived, what do you think would happen?”

  Grant looked at Stockard, “They’d look at the video of their destruction and put me in a padded room.”

  “Where does your loyalty lie?”

  “With Earth, of course.”

  Grant’s eyebrows came together and Cinny said, �
��I’ve always been one to turn my back on deception and seek the truth.”

  Stockard said, “Bravo!”

  Grant stared at Stockard and took a deep breath. He released it slowly and said, “How would we get you back to your family?”

  “I’ll handle that little item.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “I’ll get my wife to pick me up.”

  “And just how will you do that?”

  “I’ll contact her with the coordinates and she’ll come and get me.”

  “Just like that? Don’t you think she’ll be followed?”

  “They’ll try but they won’t push their luck with my father. He’ll send a family ship to pick her up with Subspace Scouts to make sure nothing surprises her during her voyage. Those Scouts will be loyal to my family.”

  “How can you be certain of that?”

  “All of them are my nieces and nephews.”

  “You know they’ll hear your communication with her?”

  “Let them.” Grant’s eyes narrowed again and Stockard said, “The communication will say, “Bunky three, D, FS.” Grant tilted his head and Stockard smiled, “Bunky three was her first cat that died when she was eight years old. D is the coordinates on her family locator sheet. FS means only use Family Ships. She’ll know it’s me that sent the message.”

  “How will she know when to show up?”

  “Twenty four hours from the moment she receives the message.”

  Cinny sighed, “Are your family’s ships at the planet where she’s currently located?”

  “No, she was away at another planet when I was attacked but I’m sure she’ll be taken to my Embassy. We have ways to get a message out during times of emergency and she’ll make sure the ships will arrive; she’ll leave quickly. She’ll be there to pick me up.”

  “When do you want to do this?”

  “In another thirteen days.” Grant shook his head and Stockard said, “All the members of my family know that if any of us are captured or goes missing that the one missing will wait exactly two weeks before requesting a pick up. My wife is on Mejinan now demanding the military find me. She has refused to leave and is causing them a lot of headaches. She’s following the plan and praying that I’m still alive. The Military will be glad to see her go.”


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