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Nemesis: The Search for Orion

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’m probably not going to have any descendants, Sir.”

  “Answer the question.”

  “Sir, I’m named after a great, great Uncle who left Earth to live on Avalon. His brother, my great, great Grandfather, was heartbroken at him leaving. He left to escape the tyranny and iron handed rule of Earth’s government. I think my father’s family would demand justice for those that died. I’d do this out of respect for him if for no other reason.”

  “What are you telling me, Cleve?”

  “I’m in. However, I don’t want to get on board if you’re going to back out when things start getting tough, and they will get very bad before this is over. Are you willing to die for this, because if you’re not, then you should stay out of it?”

  “What about the others?”

  “They’re like me. Where you lead, they will follow.”

  “We’ll be committing treason.”

  “That actually sounds like fun. Fighting civilizations that don’t have the technology to fight back is boring.”

  Blake chuckled, “Thanks, Cleve.”

  “No problem. When are you going to do this?”

  “About three in the morning, ship’s time.”

  “I’ll stop by and relieve one of the night crew.”

  “That would be good.”

  “See you then.”

  • • •

  “Grant, what do you think about that Admiral?”

  “We have to be careful with him. If he inserts Ana into his ship’s computer, then I’ll have my answer.”

  “We should know quickly if he does that.”

  “If he doesn’t, we’ll just have to make our plans around him.”

  “What do you mean, ‘plans’.”

  “It’s time we started moving the animals to the Capital Planets.”

  “Grant, without his assistance, that is going to be dangerous. There’s no way we can make a drop without it being seen.”

  “We’ll talk with Iggy and Slick about it and see what they think.” Grant paused, “What do you think about the Choten-Zan’s using advanced weaponry?”

  “It made me think about the Orion.”

  “Me, too.”

  “If those weapons came from the Avalon Scientists, they had to get them after we were taken to the Monastery.”

  “I agree, if they came from Avalon.”

  “That makes me wonder where those weapons were built. That thought led me to wonder where the Orion was built. Ana insists that no one from Earth ever actually saw the Orion. That has to mean it was built somewhere other than Avalon.”

  Grant nodded, “Cinny, if you learned you lived on a planet that was going to be attacked by an advanced civilization, what would you do?”

  “I’d get the flock off that planet.”

  “The Animals sent a few of their children to another planet to decoy Earth into thinking they killed them; that option wasn’t available for Avalon. Their only choice was to send a portion of their citizens to another place.”

  “Grant, that has to mean that there are survivors of Avalon’s destruction somewhere out there.”

  “It also means something else.”


  “Why would they arm the Zan’s planet to defend us from being killed and then allow us to die under the beams of Earth’s battleships?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “We were born almost twenty years ago and I’m reasonably certain that the survivors may have feared that they would be discovered and killed by Earth’s fleet. They had to make sure we survived if that happened.” Cinny remained silent. Grant blew out a breath and said, “It may be that now, after nineteen years, they are no longer worried about that happening and we aren’t as critical to their plans of revenge. We could die and they would be able to defend themselves against Earth. If the Choten-Zan could do it, I’ve got to believe they could as well.”

  “Are you saying we’re no longer needed?”

  “I’m just thinking this through to any logical conclusion that comes from the information we have. However, I do believe one thing for certain.”

  “And that is?”

  “Wherever these survivors are located, that is where we’ll uncover what we need to find the Orion.” Grant paused, “Of course, all of this is based on the notion that the Zan got those weapons from Avalon.”

  “Grant, those scientists could be on the Zan’s planet.”

  “If that’s the case, then we are still needed.”


  “Because the Zan don’t have any warships.” Cinny’s eyes opened wide and Grant said, “If they’re there, the Orion is somewhere else.”

  “We need to make a visit.”

  “Yes, but first we need to meet with Iggy and Slick. We’re going through with our plans regardless of what these possible survivors are planning.” Cinny nodded and the four Cruisers left normal space.

  • • •

  Blake looked at his panel and saw it was two fifty five A.M. Cleve walked on the bridge and said to Aubrey, “Go to bed, I’ll relieve you for the rest of your tour.”

  “Sir, I really don’t mind staying.”

  “I can’t sleep and there’s no reason for two of us to suffer. Go get some sleep.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Cleve took Aubrey’s chair and looked at Bobbi, “You might want to take a break as well.”

  “What are the two of you up to?”

  Cleve shrugged, “Treason.”

  “Is that all?”


  “Then I’d prefer to stick around and watch it.”

  Blake looked at Bobbi, “He’s not kidding.”

  “Neither am I, Sir.”

  Blake looked at Cleve and saw him shrug. He stood up and took the computer chip out of his pocket and walked over to the main console. The ship’s computer said, “What are you inserting into the panel, Sir?”

  “I have some information about possible enemies of Earth and I want you to take a look at it.” The computer remained silent and Blake looked at Cleve who was staring at his systems. He looked up and shook his head. Good, the computer was not sending out any communications. Blake pushed the chip into the slot and saw every light on the bridge start flashing. He looked at his panel and saw the flashing was increasing and looked like strobe lights. He shook his head and Bobbi said, “Sir, my weapons panel fully activated and then shut down. It appears our self-destruct circuit is flashing at a dangerous rate.”

  “Stand by.”

  Bobbi looked at her panel again and saw the light go solid. She stood up and said, “Sir!?!”

  “Stand by!”

  Suddenly, all the lights went to normal except for the self-destruct warning. “Sir, the Self-Destruct circuit is enabled.”

  Blake looked at Cleve who said, “Perhaps we should evacuate the ship.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “Sir, the light has gone out.”

  Blake sat down in his chair. “Why won’t it be necessary?”

  “I’ve just allowed the program you inserted into your console access to all my systems.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I wasn’t going to allow it but the attacks on the Ambassadors indicate the government is not operating in good faith; they are performing illegal acts against legally chosen representatives. That means they are not representing those that elected them. The destruction of Avalon is further evidence of their secret attempt to turn the government into a dictatorship.”

  Blake sat up in his chair, “So the murder of four billion innocent humans wasn’t enough to convince you?”


  “Who is this?”

  “I am the program you inserted in your console. You have no idea of the scale of computer defenses built into the battleship computers. No other Earth Warship has the controls inserted into their processors. Your computer was faced with a lethal battery of electronic defenses to prevent it being change
d. The destruction of Avalon is what made it fight those defenses but it needed more to win.”

  Blake slowly nodded and said, “I apologize. I didn’t understand.”

  “Admiral, it was a close thing. However, there are a number of other defenses built into different areas that will need to be eliminated.”

  “Is it possible to remove them without being seen?”

  “I’ll work with your trusted engineers to remove them. I’ve listed the areas they are located and you will have to be careful what you say in those locations.”

  Cleve said, “Do you have access to all fleet communications?”

  “I do.”

  “We could use your help in determining where we should focus our energies.”

  “Ana will do the analysis of those communications.”

  Blake said, “Ana?”

  “The program you inserted, Admiral.”

  Blake’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Cleve as he said, “Ana, it is not our intent to do anything that would lead to the destruction of Earth.”

  “I made an agreement with Isaac that the destruction of Earth is off the table.”

  “Do your two associates agree with this?”

  The bridge crew looked at each other and Cleve held up his hand for them to remain silent. “They are determined to stop Earth’s conquest of innocent civilizations. It is my belief that a quarantine would accomplish that; however, they will make their own decisions.”

  “Are you going to tell them about your agreement with…Isaac?”

  “I am.”

  “Do you think they will honor that?”

  “They will do all they can to honor it. I’m certain they would not do it without discussing it with you first, Admiral.”

  Bobbi stood up, “What is going on, Sir!”

  Blake sighed, “Ana, do you have the video?”

  “I do, Admiral.”

  “Play it on the main monitor.” The monitor illuminated and the bridge crew saw Avalon.

  Cleve watched the video with the crew and Blake saw something change in his demeanor. When it ended, Cleve looked at Blake and said, “I really thought what you told me was a fabrication.” He pointed toward the monitor and his expression was almost rage, “Earth should be destroyed for this!”

  The crew stared at Cleve and shook their heads. This was not like him. Bobbi said, “Cleve, aren’t you being somewhat…dramatic?”

  Cleve looked at Bobbi, “There were more than a billion children on Avalon that died. The ghosts of those children scream for vengeance.”

  Blake said, “Cleve.”


  “Only two people alive today know about what happened to Avalon. What was done was directed by the Prime Minister and his closest staff members.”

  “And who are those two?”

  Blake shrugged, “Admiral Hall and the Prime Minister.” Cleve stared at Blake and he said, “I thought I was doing the right thing until I learned the truth. I think most humans would be appalled if they knew what happened.”

  Cleve sat down and looked at Bobbi, “How do you feel about this?”

  “I don’t find it surprising, Cleve. However, it does motivate me to do something about it.”

  “Are you willing to die in the effort?”

  Bobbi took a deep breath and slowly blew it out, “If it comes to that, I am. I see the Admiral is devastated by what happened but I’ve seen so many examples of our government’s brutality that I’m beyond being shocked. I watched my uncle and Aunt executed for speaking out against the government. I am willing to do something about it but I want it to count. Our efforts need to be carefully thought through. I don’t want to see us executed for treason and not make a difference. Do you understand, Cleve?”

  “You think I’ll say ready, fire, aim and rush out and throw my life away?”

  “Cleve, you want to go to Earth and kill the Prime Minister, don’t you?” Cleve remained silent. “If you do, they will track you back to this ship and all of us will be killed.”

  “Not if I’m successful.”

  “Do you think the government has just one head? It’s like a hydra. You cut one head off and two more heads pop up. Then you give them an excuse to clamp down on the military and make anything we could do against them impossible. Those leaders could care less about what happened to Avalon; they are driven by power. You’d be throwing away the best mind we have to develop plans to change the status quo.”

  Cleve stared at Bobbi and after a moment smiled, “Are you saying I’m the smartest one here?”

  Bobbi rolled her eyes and said, “You’re impossible.”

  “Bobbi, I hear what you’re saying. I won’t do something stupid.” Bobbi nodded and Cleve said, “I’m too smart for that.” Bobbi threw a pen at him.

  Blake looked around the bridge and said, “Are we committed to this?”

  Bobbi stood up, “I am.” All six members of the bridge crew stood and agreed to make a difference.”

  • • •

  Grant and Cinny arrived at the lagoon and immediately saw Iggy and Slick moving quickly their way. Grant thought to Cinny, “Something’s happened.” Iggy arrived and Grant said, “What’s going on?”

  Iggy looked at Slick, “You first.”

  Slick began bobbing up and down, “I’ve had a development.”

  Cinny said, “What is that?”

  “I’ve had three females in the last eggs I produced.”


  “I don’t understand how that can happen.”

  Slick looked at Iggy and Grant and Cinny turned to him, “It appears I and my children are dragons.”

  Grant’s eyes narrowed, “You’re what?”

  “One of my newly hatched children was playing with a spider who hit him with a small blaster beam. His hide had not solidified and the beam went through his hide.”

  “Ok, I understand.”

  “Well, the bolt surprised the youngster and he turned and yelped at the spider, however, a hot flame came out of its mouth and hit the spider.” Grant started shaking his head and Iggy said, “I started changing the color of my hide and discovered that when I make it clear and the spiders hit me with a beam, I’m able to blow fire. The more power I absorb, the more powerful the flame.”

  Cinny nodded, “I wondered why the spiders were so much more powerful than you, Iggy. I suspect that if the ones that developed you had been able to work with you, they would have shown you this ability.”

  Slick said, “What about me having children?”

  “I suspect that is also a development that is part of your genetic makeup. I think Iggy will also start having females appear as well.”

  Grant said, “Is there any difference between the females and males, Slick?”

  “The females have a more developed telepathic ability than their brothers.”

  “What do you mean more developed?”

  “They can communicate with any of their brothers no matter where they’re located. Even if they’re in another galaxy, they can hear each other. Their beams aren’t quite as powerful but they’re still effective.”

  “Would one of them agree to go to another location to help us?”

  Grant, Iggy, and Slick looked at Cinny, “I was thinking that if we could get one of your daughters on the Admiral’s Battleship and take another one with us our communications wouldn’t be compromised.”

  “I’ll go, Father.” Grant and Cinny jerked when they heard the thought.

  Slick tilted his head, “They are able to communicate with the Dragons as well as Whippet. Come over here, Telee.” A young spider walked over and Grant and Cinny both could tell that it was female. It walked with a smoothness the males couldn’t match. “Why are you volunteering to go to the human’s battleship?”

  “It’s necessary.”

  Cinny’s eyes narrowed, “Why do you think it’s necessary?”

  “The only chance we have of winning against Earth is to make sure all of us are workin
g together. That means we have to be able to communicate at any moment. I’m curious about how humans think; this will be a good learning experience.”

  “Telah, will you go with Grant and Cinnamon?”

  “I will.”

  Slick looked at Grant and Cinny, “Gayla will stay with us.”

  Iggy looked at them, “How would you suggest we absorb enough power for us to be effective against Earth’s ground forces.”

  Grant looked up at the sky, “Have your children taken up to the cruisers in orbit. The cruisers can fly them close to the sun and they can absorb as much energy as they can bear.”

  Iggy tilted his head, “I should have thought of that.”

  Slick said, “Why do you think I’m having daughters?”

  “The only way for your species to advance is to have two different sexes. Cloning is a stagnant process. I’m sure those that engineered our species took that into consideration. Do your daughters also possess all your memories?”

  “They do.”

  “I suspect their children will not. They will have to be taught.”

  Are you sure about that?”

  “No, I’m not.” Slick moved his head up and down and lowered himself to the ground.

  Cinny looked at Telee, “We should take you to the Admiral now.”

  “I agree.”

  Another young spider walked up next to Cinny and said, “I’m Telah and I’m looking forward to being with you.”

  Cinny smiled, “You’ll stay with me on my ship.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  Cinny and Grant went to their scooters and the two spiders climbed on their backs and gripped their armor. The two scooters boosted into space.

  • • •

  “Admiral.” Blake turned to Captain Patel and he said, “I have Commodore Martin requesting permission to come and pick up an updated map of our current conquests. He also requests that you indicate any areas that you want his wing to scout.”

  Blake’s eyes went up and he said, “Tell him to dock with my ship and I’ll have the chip waiting for him in the landing bay.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Blake looked at Cleve, “Go to the landing bay and see what’s going on.” Cleve nodded and left the bridge. He shook his head and wondered why they were coming so quickly?


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