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Rockstar's Temptation (Decoy #4)

Page 9

by K. T Fisher

  However, I don’t know if I can stand by and watch as he spends time with other girls because after last night, my feelings for Max have more than doubled! I fear my heart couldn’t take watching him with someone else. So I come to the horrible dilemma of do I stay being his friend and hurt as I watch him with other women, or do I distance myself from him? Either option will hurt me deeply.

  With a heavy heart, I slip out of bed, trying not to stir Max and slip on the closest thing I can find. This happens to be my silk nightie, but I need some space to think and I can’t do that while Max is lying naked in my bed with the sheet lying low on his stomach. I pause in the doorway to look back at him, just one more look. I see the dark lines of his tattoos mixed with the deep ridges of his abs. Damn you, Max Lawson!


  When I open my eyes the next morning, I am hoping to look over at Maisy, maybe get some more action in before the day starts, but she isn’t here. Instead, her side of the bed is empty, but not too cold. That tells me that she hasn’t been gone long. I hope she doesn’t regret what happened last night because I sure as shit don’t! That was the best night of my life, by far, and I know for certain now that I’ve had Maisy under me, I don’t want anyone else. I already knew that before we slept together, but now that I’ve been inside of her, no other woman interests me. I just fucking hope she feels the same, but Maisy is a woman who thinks way too much! The woman over-thinks every fucking thing, and I know last night will be going over and over in her mind right now.

  After lying there for a few minutes, the smell of coffee wafts up and I love coffee in the morning. I get up and shrug on my jeans. When I get downstairs, I stop dead in my tracks when I spot Maisy in the kitchen. Fuck me, what the fuck is she wearing? She’s trying to fucking kill me!

  She stands in a thin lace dress, which is red, I might add, and finish on her upper thigh. I suddenly don’t want my morning coffee anymore. No, I want something much sweeter and only she can give me that. My mouth goes dry just thinking about tasting her. Damn!

  “Fuck me,” I mumble, and this causes Maisy to quickly turn around. She gasps and clutches at her chest which draws my eyes to her boobs. They’re covered in the red lace and only a small piece of fabric hides her nipples.

  Maisy stares back at me, her eyes devouring me and in particular my chest. I’m not ashamed to say that my six-pack is one of my best features. I worked fucking hard for this! Maisy’s obvious pleasure for my abs makes me smile, and she notices this.

  Her eyes narrow. “What are you smirking at?”

  I take a breath that does nothing to calm me and settle down my hard cock. “Fuck Mase, what are you wearing?”

  She looks down at herself and then smirks. “What?” Her hand touches her thigh and rubs over the lace. Oh, fuck me! “This is what I always wear. You have a problem?”

  “Nothing at all,” I quickly answer, and I hear Maisy giggle.

  This snaps me out of my daydream, and I walk right up to her, lifting her to sit on the kitchen countertop. Maisy’s laughter stops as I cover her mouth with mine and instead turns into a moan. I thrust myself against her open thighs, but my jeans stop any sensation. I quickly bring Maisy back down onto her feet and lift the lacy number over her head, happy to see that she has nothing on under it so I sit her back on the kitchen side and sink to my knees.

  I look up to Maisy and see she looks a little nervous. “You ever been kissed down here, Maisy Moo?”

  She shakes her head, and I’m not surprised. She wouldn’t look this shy with me facing her glorious pussy if someone had done this before. I’m actually glad I’m the first. Fucking yes!

  From the first lick, she tilts her head back and moans so loudly, I almost laugh against her sensitive skin. I say “almost” because I am enjoying myself way too fucking much where I am.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After Max made me orgasm with his mouth, he picked me up and carried me into the living room where he sat me on top of him, and I rode him like a pony! I wasn’t shy at all as I scratched at his skin and ground my pussy all over his cock, but now, as we’re getting dressed again, I’m feeling a little awkward.

  I sip on my coffee and look over to Max from the corner of my eye and see him watching me.

  “Mase, don’t start.” He sounds irritated and I have no idea what I have done.


  He gives me that look that tells me it’s so fucking obvious. “You’re over-thinking.”

  “No I am not,” I scoff like a child.

  “Yes you are,” he growls. “You do it with everything and you’re doing it now. Admit it, you regret us.”

  I’m shocked. “What? No!”

  “Then why are you sitting so far away from me rather than here on my lap where you should be?”

  Great question, only I can’t answer that. My silence seems like a good enough answer for him, and he suddenly stands, grabbing his boots and cursing all sorts of words as he roughly puts them on.

  Before leaving, he looks down at me. “Come talk to me when you’re ready because you obviously are not ready for this shit.”

  “Wait, Max.” I protest.

  But he doesn’t wait. Instead he walks right out, slamming the door on his way. After sitting by myself for I don’t know how long, I place mine and Max’s mugs in the sink and go get freshened up. Once dressed, I take my phone and send out an SOS text message to the girls, including Tilly. She doesn’t know my friends that well, but she has helped me a bit with the whole Max situation and I need to let them all know what is happening.

  I get my replies right away.

  Tanya: Can’t make it, honey, on my way to the midwife with Leo. I will call you later x

  Kendal: Crap, I’m at the zoo with Jax and the kids! Call later x

  Sophie: On my way x

  Jess: Hope you’re ok, I’m coming now x

  Tilly: SOS? What the hell?

  Oh yeah, I forgot that Tilly isn’t used to our SOS text messages.

  I reply to the girls and then explain to Tilly that I need her ASAP!

  Tilly: Well, you should have said so! On my way x

  Me: Seriously, Till? Everyone knows what SOS means x

  Tilly: Shut up x

  This should be an interesting meeting. They will be shocked, no doubt about that, but all three are total opposites. Sophie is a complete romantic: she lives in Disney Princess Land, I swear! Jessica is a harsh ‘tell it how it is’ kind of person, she doesn’t like messing around, and Tilly is a spoiled girl who is used to getting her own way so sort of gives you the ‘take it if you want it’ attitude. So all three opinions should be interesting.

  All the girls arrive within a couple minutes of each other and I put the kettle on right away. We need tea and coffee for this shit. Once I’ve made them their desired hot drink, being careful not to stare at the cup Max used this morning, I set them down on the coffee table in my front room and join Jessica on the sofa.

  “Okay, so you’re probably wondering why I’ve asked you all here.” I start.

  They all nod, but Tilly narrows her eyes. I suspect she knows this has something to do with Max.

  “Right.” I prepare myself. “Something happened last night.”

  “With the Jake guy?” Sophie asks, her eyes already looking dreamy.

  “Sort of,” I frown. “Actually, he turned out to be a dick. He took me out on a date to a Mexican restaurant.” Tilly laughs at that. “Then he decided to take me to a club.”

  “What?” Sophie asks.

  “Classy dude.” Jessica frowns.

  “Yeah, well, it was a disastrous date right from the start. We were at the bar and he suddenly decided he wanted to go home after some dancing. He said I should come with him and that he knew a shortcut to where the taxis are.”

  “A taxi?” Tilly asks.

  “He didn’t drive you?” Jessica now.

  I shake my head. “No, he said he wanted to drink.” I wait to see if anyo
ne else has anything to add before continuing. “So, he took me outside, and we ended up in a dark alley. He said I owed him for the date and started backing me up against the wall.” I ignore the gasps. “He started to try to lift my dress and was being really aggressive.”

  Their faces look horrified. “Have you told Max?” Sophie asks, her voice cracking.

  See? These girls just know how close we are and that Max would need to know.

  “This is where it gets interesting.”

  “Wait, so that wasn’t the interesting part?” Jessica asks.

  I shake my head and take a peak over at Tilly who is back to narrowing her eyes at me.

  “So, Jake is attacking me, and I’m so scared, but out of nowhere Max turns up and punches Jake to the ground. He wouldn’t stop hitting and kicking him until I pleaded with him, and as soon as he looked at me, he picked me up and took me home.”

  “I’m so glad he kicked his ass!” Jessica shouts.

  “Thank god he was there.” Sophie clutches at her chest.

  “What happened next?” Tilly asks, and I just know she already knows what I’m about to say. This is the hard part.

  “Well, he brought me here where he looked after me. He made me clean up and made me a hot chocolate.” I take a look around them and see all three of their faces are wearing smiles at hearing how Max saved me and looked after me. I decide to just quickly say it. “And then we started kissing and had sex,” I quickly blurt it out, closing my eyes as I do.

  I hear their gasps and shocked noises, even Tilly.

  “What?” Jessica’s eyes widen.

  “What did you say?” Sophie asks.

  “You had sex?” Tilly squeals.

  I open my eyes, daring to look at them. They’re not smiling now. No, they look really shocked and I don’t blame them. Tilly has a slight smirk, smug bitch.

  “Yes.” I whisper.

  “I knew it!” Tilly shouts.

  “This is perfect!” Sophie adds.

  I wait to hear what Jessica has to say. She’s looking at me carefully, watching me. “So what happens between you now?”

  “This is why I need help.” I lean back into the sofa. “I was scared, but happy, when I woke up this morning. I don’t know what’s going to happen! You know what he’s like! He’s the worst one out of all the guys! Do I stay his friend and watch as he sleeps with more girls, or do I distance myself because it’s going to be hard?”

  “Wait,” Tilly interrupts. “So this wasn’t just a fuck? You do have feelings for him?”

  Tears sting my eyes, and I nod. Sophie and Tilly look happy, but Jessica doesn’t.

  “This changes things.”

  “I know and that’s not it. We had sex again this morning, but it ended badly. I upset him. He thinks I don’t want this, but I do! I’ve ignored it for too long now, and now that we’ve slept together, I think I love him.”

  “You think you love him, or you know that you love him?” Jess asks.

  I hang my head. “I love him.”

  “Oh, honey.” Sophie comes over and holds my hand. “What’s the matter, then? Does Max not want to be together?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I’m so confused. He’s never had a proper relationship and loves sleeping around. I’ve realized my feelings for him are more than those for a friend and now that we’ve had sex, I’m fucked.”

  “Nice words,” Tilly snickers.

  “Really, Till?” I ask frustrated.

  “Look, from where I’m sitting, you need to tell him how you feel.”

  I know that, and I should have told him before he left, but the words just wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

  “But what if he changes his mind? That’s our friendship fucked, it will affect every single one of us!”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Tilly assures me.

  “I’m in shock, but I agree with Tilly. I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” Sophie adds.

  “Don’t worry about us, just think about yourself.” Jessica smiles over at me. “But, there’s a reason why we tease you and Max, we can all see it.”

  I’m shocked at that because Jessica is always the one to steer you away. Maybe I should have a real sit-down with Max. All these feelings are up in the air, and it’s left me really fucking confused. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going, and another thing I’m really worried about is that I’m now on his list of many!

  I’ve slept with other men, sure, but I’m no way near as experienced as Max. The women he has been with are a wide variety, and yeah, some of them were trashy and slutty, but no doubt they were all beautiful. I haven’t great confidence. I hate certain parts of my body like any girl does and I can’t help but compare myself to all these women he has been with, and I know there’re many because of that stupid fucking message-board in his bathroom! Plus, I bet there were more than those. What about the groupies on tour? There’s bound to be loads of them! Here’s average little me, no comparison in beauty or experience.

  The girls give me their hugs after deciding I need to be alone with my thoughts. Not before Sophie reminds me that next weekend is a Decoy gig. Nodding, I wave them away and hide inside my house.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I walk into work a little later than usual, and this surprises everyone as I walk past them into my office. Through the clear glass walls in Tilly’s office, I see her raise her eyebrows. Wow, apparently I’m not allowed to have a bad day.

  I haven’t spoken to Max since he walked out on Sunday morning, and now it’s Wednesday. Not that I’ve ignored him. He said he would give me space, and that’s exactly what he has done, and I’ve missed him like crazy. I stayed up late last night reading and thinking way too much about all of this. Normally, I probably would have gotten my vibrator out and relieved myself, but since having Max inside of me, nothing else will do.

  As soon as my ass hits my large comfy chair behind my desk, Tilly stands in the doorway, arms folded.

  “Hey, you doing okay?” She asks.

  “I’m fine.” I turn on my computer so I don’t have to keep eye contact.

  “Liar,” Tilly snaps back, and she’s right. I’m not fine at all. “Look, I’m not going to nag, but enough is enough, Maisy. Talk to Max, tell him everything. Not just for you, but for me, too. I’m sick of seeing that miserable face.”

  I frown up at her and see she’s smiling back. Tilly gives me a wink before catching up with our staff members. Seeing as we’ve picked up a few new contracts for this month, they have a little more responsibility than usual.

  After dinner, I’m in no better mood than when I first arrived. Mrs. Harold has been on the phone, and I’ve been putting together some designs for my dad and uncle’s construction company. They’ve just bought a big space of land and are halfway through building houses, but the few that are going to be the show houses are already completed so they now need me and Tilly to design the inside.

  I’m busy talking on the phone to my father when I see Lauren. She takes a quick look around as she pauses by the front door and rudely ignores the receptionist who goes to welcome her. Waltzing by the remaining staff, who are not out with clients, with her head held high, she’s stopped by Tilly.

  “Dad, I have to go, my loving sister is here,” I make sure to let my dad here the sarcasm in my voice.

  He sighs down the phone. “Be nice, please,” he begs, but I don’t answer him because I can’t promise that.

  “Lauren, what are you doing here?” Tilly has her back to me, but I can tell by her tone she’s not happy to see Lauren either.

  Lauren smirks. “I’m here to see my sister.”

  “She’s busy,” Tilly snaps.

  Lauren’s smile turns into a frown. “You’re not the boss here.”

  Before it can turn nasty, I decide to step in. “Lauren, get in here!” I shout from my seat and watch as Lauren walks past Tilly as if she owns the place.

  “Maisy,” s
he greets me as she walks in. “What a nice little office.”

  Patronizing bitch! “Don’t ever talk to Tilly like that again.” Lauren dares to roll her eyes at me. “I mean it, Lauren! We both own this business equally, and you will apologize to her.”

  “Oh, she’s family, there’s no need for that.” She speaks as if it’s not big problem.

  “No, you will say sorry before you leave.”

  I continue to stare at her to prove how serious I am. “Oh, fine.” She sulks.

  “What brings me the pleasure of your company?” I ask.

  She doesn’t answer right away, but her question surprises me. “Are we okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t we be?” I think back to when I saw her at Max’s house, in his shirt, after I saw the pictures from the night before. I inwardly cringe from the thought.

  “Well, because of the whole Max thing? I know we spoke at yours’, but I feel like you’re still mad at me.”

  I take a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

  “So? We’re good?” I nod my head, even though I’m not happy with her at all. Lauren seems pleased with this and smiles brightly. “Oh, well that makes this easier, then.”

  I have a bad feeling. “Easier for what?”

  “I’m thinking of asking Max out.” My heart starts to beat fast. “You know, because he asked me the other night, and it was so great, I want to return the favor. If you know what I mean.” She winks, and I calm myself as quickly as I can so I don’t jump over this desk and pull her hair out.

  It’s a good thing I trust in what Max told me was the truth. How dare she sit here, at my work place, and lie to me?! Max didn’t ask her out! She practically black-mailed him, and then, to make matters worse, she fucking called the paparazzi and tipped them off!

  “He really knows how to treat a girl.” She continues.

  Okay, now I’m pissed. “He’s not available this weekend.” I snap and Lauren’s eyebrows shoot up.

  Max isn’t available for any weekend where Lauren is concerned.


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