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Black Smoke

Page 16

by Robin Leigh Miller

  “Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, if that doctor finds out you’re not in bed, he’s gonna stroke,” Ricochet said lying a blanket over her legs.

  “Don’t worry about me. I have to see her.”

  The two men wheeled her down the hall, down another hall and into a small cubicle like hers.

  Sam’s heart sunk when she saw how horrible the woman looked. All her hope was gone now—there would be no recovery for this woman. The only thing Sam could do for her now was help her to the other side.

  “Will you leave us alone please?” Sam whispered. The two men left, but didn’t go far. They planted themselves firmly outside the curtain.

  “Hi,” Sam said wheeling herself next to the bed. “You must be Rhonda.” It was going to take an enormous amount of control not to break down. Even with all the medical help and cleaning they had done to her body she still looked like the walking dead.

  Tears welled in Rhonda’s eyes. “Yes, I am. What’s your name?”

  “My name is Samantha. They tell me things are pretty bad.” Sam’s throat grew painfully tight. She didn’t want to do this.

  This is not a bad thing Samantha. This is good. She has family waiting for her.

  “Is there anyone I can contact for you? Family?” Sam asked taking the frail woman’s hand.

  “I don’t have any family alive. I came here to make a difference, help with the schools. I figured it was better I came instead of someone who had a family. That way if something happened, well, no one would miss me.” The more Rhonda talked, the weaker her voice became.

  Hot tears spilled down Sam’s face. This was selflessness, something Sam rarely saw in people today. “Is the pain bad?” Sam asked. The least she could do was help her to be comfortable.

  “Surprisingly enough, I don’t feel anything but weak, tired. I’ve been fighting to stay awake so I could talk to you. I asked your fellow soldiers how you were doing and they said very well.”

  “Yeah, I’m a tough old bird,” Sam said with a smile.

  “I don’t think that’s it. You’re blessed,” Rhonda said trying to squeeze Sam’s hand. “I saw it back at the cabin.” Rachel’s eyes seemed to focus on something far away. Like she was seeing something in a different place and time.

  “You saw what?”

  “I saw the angels with you. Two of them. So beautiful. They helped you move the table over us when the explosion happened.” Rhonda closed her eyes and smiled. “The most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”

  “You saw angels?” What did she really see? Sam asked silently.

  She just told you.

  Another question to add to the list of things she had to think about when she got home. Were these angels always with her and if so, why hadn’t her guide told her about them? And most importantly, who where they?

  Sam closed her eyes and laid her head on the side of the bed. “Rhonda, your angels are with you as well. In fact, you have lots of angels waiting for you on the other side. Are you ready to join them?” Sam’s eyes burned from the force of the tears running down her face.

  “Do you really think I have someone waiting for me Samantha? I’d like to believe that.”

  Rhonda’s voice was becoming barely audible. Her strength was draining with every breath she took.

  Tell her Mahana is waiting for her.

  “Mahana is waiting for you Rhonda.” Sam’s voice broke and a hiccup escaped from her mouth.

  Boomer and Ricochet were listening at the door. To Ricochet’s alarm, Boomer didn’t seem all that surprised about what he was hearing. As they stood listening, Kong came strolling down the hall. Boomer lifted his finger to his lips, as he came closer.

  “Mahana? Mahana is my grandmother. She raised me and died when I was eighteen. How did you know about her?” It took all of Rhonda’s strength to smile at Sam, but when she did, it was full of hope.

  “Rhonda, this is hard for me. Please trust what I’m telling you is the truth. I have a strong connection to my spirit guide. We talk constantly. She’s telling me they are waiting for you.”

  Sam was shaking from the power of her tears. In one sense her heart was breaking. In another she envied Rhonda the journey she was about to make.

  “I believe you Sam. After what I saw at the cabin, those glorious angels, I believe you. How do I go?” No fear now, not for Rhonda. If her family was waiting for her, she was more than willing to join them.

  Sam could already feel the life draining from her body. All that was left was to let her soul go with it. “Relax and sleep Rhonda. I’ll sit here with you. Just close your eyes and sleep.”

  “Thank you Samantha. God bless you.” With those words, Rhonda took two last breaths and passed over to the other side.

  Sam watched a brilliant light float above Rhonda’s body. Through the tears, she smiled.

  She says to tell you not to give up. Your happiness is close at hand.

  Sam couldn’t take any more. She dropped her head to the bed and wailed. Her body shook, and her hands fisted. Kong started to go to her, but Boomer stopped him. With one look Kong could see he’d lost something he’d had with his friends.

  Kong stood back and watched as Boomer and Ricochet cradled Sam in their arms. She leaned on Boomer and held Ricochet’s hand tightly. Kong’s arms ached to hold her. He wanted to let her cry on his shoulder, to be the one to soothe her pain. Instead, he added to it.

  “You have to tell the doctor she’s gone. Tell him I was with her when she went. I want him to know she didn’t die alone,” Sam said wiping her face. “Get me back to my bed, would ya?”

  “No problem,” Boomer said looking up at Kong. “Can Kong wheel you back? I’ll go find the doctor.”

  Sam looked up into Kong’s face. She saw the pain and the regret. So he didn’t want her for anything more than a teammate. If she couldn’t handle it, she had no business doing this kind of work. “Yeah, if he has time.” She didn’t mean for it to come out so nasty. But her feelings were raw.

  Kong stepped behind her wheelchair and pushed. He didn’t say anything to her on the way, but his eyes darted from person to person as they passed. He only got a quick look at the guy who was claiming he knew who she was. But if someone so much as looked at her crossways, he was taking them out.

  “If you have few minutes, could you help me into bed? I’m exhausted,” Sam said as he reached her room.

  “I’m not going anywhere Sam,” he growled at her.

  “I know you have other things to do. Just help me up and you can go.” She was so tired she could barely hold her head up.

  “Damn it Sam. I didn’t do anything with that woman. That’s why she came here, to make trouble for me. She’s pissed off cause I turned her down.” Kong explained as he lifted her into the bed. God, she felt so good in his arms.

  “I know that Mark,” she whispered.

  “Jeez, the woman’s the base tramp for God’s sake,” he grumbled as he spread her blanket over her.

  “Are you just figuring that out?”

  “If you knew I didn’t…well…you know. Why didn’t you say something to them? They’re acting like I’m the number one enemy.”

  “I knew you didn’t have sex with her, because your eyes told me. You have the most beautiful eyes, by the way. I just didn’t appreciate her coming in here acting like I wasn’t worthy. Do I seem butchy to you? Is that why no guy wants me, because I’m butch?” Sam’s head lolled back on her pillow. “Anyway, you’ll have to ask the guys why they’re mad. I’m too tired to care right now.”

  Kong stood over her bed with his mouth gaping open. She said he had beautiful eyes. It wasn’t a declaration of love, but she was talking to him. And she knew he didn’t sleep with Rebecca. Things were looking up.

  “Did you see what I saw in there?” Ricochet’s voice was coming up the hall. “Don’t tell me that didn’t shock the hell outta you? It sure did me. And what’s up with spirit guide stuff?”

  “I see you knocked her out already,�
� Boomer said walking through the curtain ignoring Ricochet’s comments. He’d seen and heard and it only added to his affection for Sam.

  “She’s wiped out. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.” Kong said still looking down at her. Her skin was still pale and her eyes were swollen and red. His hands ached to brush the moisture from her cheeks.

  “That was hard on her. She risked her life to save that woman, only to hold her hand and help her die. No one should have to endure something like that.” Boomer’s heart broke for her. He was sure now more than ever that she was special.

  “She’s endured more than you know,” Kong whispered. Then he turned and looked at the two men. “Tell me you saw it too?” The question was more for his sanity, than anything. If they saw what happened, then maybe he wasn’t losing his mind.

  Boomer nodded his head. Ricochet made a deep throaty sound, meaning “Hell yes”. The three stood over her for a few more minutes, just watching her sleep—all of them afraid to leave her, none sure how to help. The subject of what they saw was dropped. It was a personal matter for each of them to deal with.

  “Look, we have a security problem. I heard some talk in the mess tent. There’s a guy who’s heard about Black Smoke. It’s no secret that we brought hostages in and word’s out that a female soldier was brought in injured. He thinks he has it figured out. And he’s right,” he told them.

  “So, let him think what he wants,” Ricochet replied.

  “If that was all it was, I wouldn’t be so worried. But he thinks he’s gonna walk in here and see for himself.”

  “Like hell he will.” Boomer’s eyes flashed with anger, it reflected in his voice.

  Kong started wondering if his friend was beginning to have feelings for her. Not wanting to deal with it at the moment, he rubbed his eyes. “Look, I’m gonna get a hold of Cannon, see if he can get us moved out. We’ll take shifts standing guard. No one but doctors and nurses walk in here.”

  “I’ll go first,” Boomer said pulling a chair next to the bed. “Ricochet, you go get something to eat and get some rest. You can relieve me in a few hours.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He left Kong and Boomer alone in the room with Sam and headed for the mess tent.

  Silence filled the small space for a few moments, then Kong spoke. “Boomer, tell me you’re not falling for her.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice. He hated it, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Boomer continued to gaze at Sam, a weak smile on his lips. “I wouldn’t say I’m falling for her. I sort of feel like a big brother. She’s so small, I feel like I should protect her.” Then he looked up at Kong. “Not just her life, but her feelings too.”

  “I don’t want to hurt her Boomer. Believe me, that’s the last thing I want to do.” When Boomer looked away, Kong continued. “Look, she scares me all right. She scares the hell outta me. You know me. How many times have I been scared by a woman? And I don’t mean because she can kick my ass either.”

  Boomer gave a small laugh. What was it that Ricochet said? Two peas in a pod. He decided to push Kong a little further. “What is it then?”

  Kong didn’t want to have this conversation. Not with Boomer. These were his feelings they were about to discuss, his private feelings. He wasn’t about to lay them out to another man.

  Kong’s silence angered Boomer. Why was it so hard to admit he loved her? “You better figure it out. Sometimes we don’t get second chances,” Boomer told him.

  That scared Kong even more. “Look, I have to call Cannon. I’ll be back later.”

  “Don’t blow it Lowe,” Boomer said in a stern voice. “Don’t go looking for gratification somewhere else. It’s the sure way to lose what’s special.”

  Kong knew exactly what he meant and it pissed him off that he thought he was running to Rebecca. “I didn’t Campbell. I thought you knew me better than that.” Having said that, Kong left.

  When he stepped outside, the sun was going down. The blistering heat was fading to the coolness of the darkness. God, he wanted out of here. He wanted to go home, back to the States, where Sam would be safe and he could get the chance to know her better. Sometime in the last hour or so, he’d decided that was what needed to be done. If he got to know her better, maybe these agonizing feelings would let up. Maybe he’d find out she wasn’t as sweet and tender as she seemed to be. Maybe she was boring outside of work. If that were the case, then he could walk away free and clear. No regrets.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Cannon, it’s Lowe,” Kong said into the phone.

  “How’s my niece doing Lowe?” Walt wasn’t sure he liked Mark Lowe. It seemed he knew more about Sam then was comfortable for him.

  “She’s doing fine Sir.”

  “How are the hostages doing?” The small talk was just to gauge the attitude of the man. Something Walt learned was important years ago.

  “Well Sir. The two men are going to recover.”

  “The woman?” This he did want to know. If Sam had risked her life to save her, he hoped to hell she was going to make it.

  “She passed away just a short time ago.” Kong’s voice reflected the grief he felt.

  Walt closed his eyes, Sam had taken a bullet for nothing. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “The doctors couldn’t understand how she hung on as long as she did. Sam went to see her Sir. She helped her go.” Kong knew he would understand what he meant.

  Walt’s heart sunk to his stomach. “What do you mean soldier?” He didn’t know how much Sam had told him yet and he wasn’t going to let anything slip.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean Sir.”

  So there it was. He knew more about her then Walt wanted him to. But that was out of his hands. He hoped the hell she knew what she was doing. “The purpose for this call Lowe.”

  “Yes Sir. We need to get her outta here. ASAP. Talk is already spreading about Black Smoke being on base.”

  “Talk is talk. No one can prove anything.” Walt didn’t like that. As he spoke he was flipping through his phone book, looking for the number for his pilot. He wanted her on her way home by first light.

  “Why take the chance? If enough people get curious, you’ll be hearing rumors for the next five years. Some of those rumors are going to be true. Like what she looks like, what her name is.” He didn’t think he’d have to convince Cannon to get her out.

  “Hold on.” Walt placed Kong on hold. Once he had his pilot on his way to the airfield, he got back to Kong. “The plane will land by four a.m. your time. I’ll clear everything. You just make sure she’s ready to go.”

  “Already done, Sir.” Kong hung up the phone and headed back to the hospital. All they had to do was keep anyone from seeing her tonight and they were home free.

  Boomer was still sitting next to Sam’s bed, his chair facing the curtain. There was just enough space underneath it that he could see people’s shoes as they approached. He scared one nurse as she came in to check on Sam’s dressing. He didn’t mean to—he felt awful about it—but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  When Kong approached, Boomer could tell it was him. His feet were quiet and he had a certain step that Boomer had come to know. When Kong slipped through the curtain, he looked relieved.

  “We good to go?” Boomer asked.

  “Four a.m. Cannon’s clearing everything. Any visitors?”

  “Just a nurse,” Boomer grinned. “I think I made her pee her pants.”

  Kong grinned back. “Why don’t you go get some rest. I’ll watch for a while.”

  Boomer didn’t argue, his stomach had been growling for the last half hour. If he didn’t eat soon, he’d wake Sam up with all the noise. “Sounds good to me.”

  Kong sat in the chair when Boomer left. He looked over at Sam. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so he just watched. The redness around her eyes was fading and her color was beginning to come back. That was a good sign.

  It wasn’t long before Kong heard her start t
o whimper like the times when she was dreaming. He didn’t know if he should wake her or not. If she became too distressed he would. Otherwise, he’d leave her alone.

  “Why can’t you let her sleep in peace?” he asked. He wasn’t sure to whom he was speaking, but it made him angry that she had to deal with this now.

  Seconds after the words left his lips, the bright gold ball of light appeared over her bed. Kong started, then relaxed. He watched as it hovered over her head then began to float down over her body. When it reached her leg it stopped. He wasn’t sure what was happening, but he could feel warmth coming from it.

  After only a few seconds, it moved back up to her injured arm and hovered there. It was paying close attention to her wounds. As the thought slipped through his mind, the light pulsed.

  “What? What do you want me to do?”

  A face appeared again. The same face he saw back in the desert. The words flowed through his head like a breeze.

  Her journey is not over. Protect her.

  He watched as the light lifted to the ceiling then winked out. What did that mean, her journey wasn’t over? Was there going to be trouble on the way home? Couldn’t it be more specific?

  He noticed Sam had calmed, her nightmare gone. When she opened her eyes, they were more alert than they had been earlier. Without thinking, Kong took her hand in his and began to run his thumb over the back of it. As before, he felt the shock all the way to his chest.

  Sam felt it too. She was enjoying the warmth of his skin against hers. It wasn’t fair. Why would a man she couldn’t have affect her so strongly? When she turned her head their eyes met. She loved his eyes. They were just as warm as his skin.


  “Hey yourself. How do you feel?”

  “Pretty good. The pain seems to have let up.”

  So that’s what was happening. She was being healed. Thank you, he said inside his head. “I have to tell you something. Cannon’s sending a plane in the morning to pick us up. Seems your reputation is well-known. Too well known. Some of the soldiers are piecing together some facts. Three hostages that couldn’t be found and a wounded female soldier.”


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