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Winter Goddess_A reverse harem romance

Page 8

by Skye MacKinnon

  When I get tired from swimming against the current, I turn onto my back and let myself drift, looking up at the beautiful blue sky, interspersed with drawn-out fluffy clouds.

  I've not felt this relaxed in a long time. The sun is driving away all my dark thoughts and memories, leaving only contentment and peacefulness.

  This is so much better than sparklies. My emotions here are real, not artificially increased. I'm not hyper, I'm happy.

  I think back to all the family holidays we had here on Barra. The laughter, the walks by the beach and the live music in the evenings in one of the local pubs. No wonder Blaze sent me here. This is a safe place that I almost forgot about. I don't think anything negative had ever happened on any of the holidays. No arguments, no sadness. I'd always planned to return here to write my thesis, staying in a self-catering cottage somewhere close to the sea, without the distractions of everyday life.

  I laugh. My thesis. That isn't going to happen. There are no formal qualifications needed to be Queen. People in the Realms probably don't even know what a PhD is. They don't have schools there, because there aren't any children. There are no universities for the adults either. Guardians are created with all the knowledge and skills they need, and anything else is taught in training sessions. I guess there's the Palace Library as well for all those Guardians who want to learn more. It's strange how I always thought education was essential, but here in the Realms, that's not the case at all.

  "Princess?" Blaze calls from all around me. I turn back onto my front and look around, making sure there isn't a unicorn waiting for me on the beach.


  "I have four gentlemen here who would love to join you. Shall I let them in?"

  A grin spreads on my face. My Guardians. Did Blaze tell them where I am? Well, it doesn't matter.

  "Of course!" I shout back. As beautiful as this beach is, it's much better to share its beauty with others.

  A splash to my right makes me shriek in surprise. Blaze seems to have thrown my Guardians into the water rather than let them appear on the beach.

  "I'm going to kill that unicorn!" Storm splutters and I turn to him. He's still wearing his uniform, except that it's now drenched and clinging to his body. He's tall enough to stand, but he doesn't look happy about it.

  I splash some water at him. "Come on, enjoy it! It's so nice and warm!"

  He looks up at the sky and glares at the clouds.

  "He got me all wet," Storm complains. "Why can't he just behave?"

  I laugh. "Now that would be boring. I can't imagine him following the rules."

  Storm looks back at me, smiling. "No, neither can I."

  That's when I notice that I can see his smile. His mouth, his nose, his eyes. I can see him! The annoying aura has disappeared, letting me see him just like I used to be able to.

  Another splash, this time from behind me, and an angry Arc starts shouting curses at a certain unicorn. Storm and I exchange a look and both burst into laughter.

  He's actually laughing, properly laughing. Okay, this really is a strange place. My Storm, laughing like a normal human being... well, Guardian.

  Frost is the next to arrive, but instead of complaining, he's whooping in joy.

  "I love it!" he shouts and starts swimming towards me. "This place is beautiful!"

  Arc and Storm look around as if they haven't really noticed their surroundings yet.

  "Aye, it's stunning," Arc agrees. "But the water is a wee bit warm."

  "You're so Scottish," I laugh. "Most people would be happy to have warm rather than freezing sea water."

  He shrugs. "I'm used ta cool air around my legs."

  And around other things, I want to say, but his grin says it all. He knows exactly what I'm thinking.

  "Why are you all in the water?" Crispin suddenly shouts, making us all turn to look at the beach. He's standing there, hands in pockets, still fully dressed and compared to the others, very dry. We can't have that.

  I throw a wind lasso around him and drag him into the sea. He screams as he's pulled into the water while the men around me are roaring with laughter.

  "What did you do that for?" he groans when he resurfaces in front of me. "I was very happy on dry land."

  "A little too happy, Crisp," Frost chuckles. "If Wyn hadn't pulled you in, I would have."

  Crispin glares at him but then turns to me. "So, what are we doing here? Is there a reason we're all standing in the sea with our clothes on?" That's when he realises that I'm not wearing anything. "Oh."

  "The elephant in the room..." Arc mutters. "Or the Goddess in the water."

  Heat flares through my body. Did Blaze plan this? Whether he did or not, this is a beautiful present. In the real world, we've not had time to be together in ages, not all four of us. Here, time stands still and we can take as long as we want. We can relax together.

  The guys are standing in a circle around me, watching me, but nobody's making the first move.

  "Do you need instructions?" I ask teasingly. To emphasise my point, I make my magic remove their clothes. There, now we're all naked.

  "Did you just undress us?" Storm asks in a deep voice full of promises and sin.

  I shrug. "You were too slow."

  "Are ye in a rush?" Arc comes at me from behind, little waves signalling his approach. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his chest. "We can do this fast, if you want."

  His cock is pressed against my back, already hard and ready. Do I want this the quick way? Yes, I'm not in the mood for a drawn-out foreplay. I want them, now. But they can take their time once we've started. I don't want this little piece of paradise to end just yet.

  Chapter Ten

  Arc carries me out of the water and onto the sandy beach, despite my protests that I can walk on my own, thank you very much. The sand has been warmed by the sun and makes a cosy mattress that Arc now lies me on.

  "Yer so beautiful," he mutters, looking down at me. I'm the only one on the ground; the men are all standing over me, watching, staring, admiring. It's a bit too much attention.

  I stretch out my arms as if to pull the guys down to my level. Frost smiles and kneels at my feed.

  "Spread your legs, Princess," he whispers and I do so without thinking. I rest my head on the sand, my breath ragged already in anticipation of what's to come. I'm going to enjoy this, that much is for sure.

  Frost's lips graze my thigh, his tongue sliding over my skin ever so softly. It's a touch not much more than a breath, but it makes me shiver in delight. He presses tiny kisses on my thigh, working his way upwards. Electricity is running through my veins, telling my body to prepare for the coming onslaught of emotions and pleasure.

  Frost wraps his hands around my thighs and pushes my legs open even further. His lips have almost reached my centre, only an inch or so away. He's so close to making me come apart already. Only a tiny bit more... his mouth is on me, his tongue flicking against the most sensitive spot of my body and I spread my arms, gripping the sand as if to keep me in place. His touch is too much and not enough at the same time. I close my eyes, unable to focus on anything but the feeling of Frost suckling on me. On the spots where his hands are touching me, little lightning bolts are shot into my skin, giving me goosebumps. Then his hands are on my breasts, no, they can't be his, they must be one of the other's. Gently massaging my boobs, then, fingers twirling my nipples, while yet another pair of hands stroking back my hair. Lips on mine, soft yet hard enough to make me open my mouth and let him in. My right hand is lifted from the ground and put around a warm, hard cock. I smile against the kiss. One of my guys is wanting some attention. I start stroking him in the rhythm Frost is setting with his expertly flicks and swirls of his tongue. I'm so close, not much further. So many sensations, it's hard to keep track of them all. When Frost's lips disappear, I want to protest, but I'm busy kissing, and anyway, a moment later something presses against my entrance. Well, I know exactly what it is. I lift my hips to give him easier a
ccess, but he doesn't need it, he's gliding into me already. I moan against the kiss, squeezing the cock in my hand a little harder than I probably should. He groans - it's Arc, I think - but then holds my wrist and makes me rub him even faster. Someone begins to nibble on my nipples, a warm mouth holding them captive.

  It's too much. I scream and arch my back, coming hard on whoever is fucking me. Sparks are dancing in front of my eyes, rainbow coloured and very sparkly, proving once again that this isn't quite real. Who cares, what I'm feeling is very, very real. I wrap my legs around the man who's still pushing into me, his cock filling me up completely. I'm not going to let him go. I'm not going to let any of them go.

  "Wyn, could you remove the ropes from us?" Crispin asks in a pained voice and I can't help but open my eyes. All four of them - including Storm, who I've got inside of me - are having ropes wrapped around their wrists and torsos, making them unable to move much.

  I laugh, unable to believe that my magic actually did that.


  I'm choking, their affronted expressions making me giggle uncontrollably. I have to say, those ropes suit them. My men. Mine. Definitely mine. Nobody else is allowed to have them, and they're not allowed to leave. Am I turning a little dominant just now?

  Storm steps back and I'm suddenly empty.

  "Come back!" I command, but he just grins.

  "Remove the ropes first."

  I know that they could all do it themselves, they're not exactly magicless, but they want me to do it.

  "I don't like being blackmailed," I complain. "And I quite like that look on you."

  Crispin groans. "We've created a monster."

  "I prefer sexually liberated woman," I retort. "But that doesn't mean you can't be liberated either."

  I tell my magic to remove the ropes and she does as I've asked. Pity. I'd almost hoped I could use my rebellious magic as an excuse.

  "Thank the Gods," Frost exclaims and rubs his wrists. "That was uncomfortable."

  I smile. "Sorry?"

  He winks at me. "My turn."

  He pushes his brother out of the way and takes his place between my legs. "No, let's do this differently," he says and sits on the ground instead. "Sit on me, sweetheart."

  I don't really want to move, but the sight of his erect cock is enough to make me get up and approach him. I slowly lower myself onto his hardness until I can kneel on the ground, my legs pressed against Frost's hips.

  He lifts his pelvis and presses further into me and yet again, I can't prevent a moan escape me. He increases his pace, holding my boobs so they don't whip up and down. He's so deep within me, getting deeper still, that I feel like we're merging, becoming one and the same.

  A hand falls onto my lower back, pressing me forward.

  "Ready for two of us?" Arc whispers into my ear, his finger already circling the entrance to a place I usually don't think about a lot. Before I met the guys, I never thought I would ever have sex with two men at the same time, but they've certainly changed that feeling.

  Arc gently enters me with his finger, rubbing against Frost's cock through my inner walls. It feels dirty and amazing and I need more.

  "More," I groan, followed by chuckles from both of them.

  "So demanding," Arc mutters, removing his finger and replacing it with his cock. It hurts a little when he enters me, but a bit of healing magic immediately removes that feeling. All I want is the pleasure, the sensation of being close to them. They move inside of me, finding a rhythm that works for both of them. I can no longer keep myself upright and let myself lie down on Frost's chest, my nipples hard against his skin. What are the other two Guardians doing? Why aren't they here?

  Frost lifts his head and captures my lips with his, and immediately, all thoughts of the others disappear. He's the best kisser of them all, at least right now, while I don't have anyone else to compare him too. He tastes of sea salt and the freshness of morning dew. I meet his tongue with mine and we begin that most ancient dance, one we have practised before.

  Arc grabs my hips and is starting to breathe heavily as he increases his pace. He's close, and so am I. Frost too, I think. Wouldn't it be nice if... I have a crazy idea. And before I can think about it properly, my magic takes it into her own hands.

  My four men groan at the same time and I do a slightly more moany sound as the orgasm rushes over all of us. All five of us. Coming together. I ride the wave, dimly aware of how the two men are still moving within me.

  "What the fuck was that?" Storm asks breathlessly. "I wasn't... I didn't..."

  "Wyn?" Crispin sounds both amused and shocked. "Was that you?"

  I keep my eyes closed, feigning innocence.

  "I'm not sure I liked that... or maybe I did..."

  It seems I've managed to make them all speechless. Arc steps back and Frost rolls me off him until I'm back on the sand. I moan in frustration.

  "Just giving you some space," Frost whispers before he gets up.

  I sit up, watching as three of them walk away, still naked, their skin flushed, leaving only Crispin behind. I smile, my heart aching at their thoughtfulness. He prefers to be with me on our own, without the others, and that's what they're enabling us to do now.

  I pat the sand on my left, inviting him to join me on the warm ground.

  He lies down on his back and wraps an arm around my shoulders, letting me use him as my pillow.

  "Are you okay with this?" he asks quietly. "I know you like to be with the others."

  I turn my head so I can look him in the eyes.

  "I like to be with the others, and I like to be with you. Don't ever doubt that you don't count just as much as them."

  He sighs. "I want to, but I... it reminds me of..." His voice is shaking all of a sudden. I can't help but turn onto my side and hug him.

  "The Morrigan used to... not just me..."

  I run my hands over his back, trying to hold back the sadness that is threatening to take a hold on both of us.

  "Shhhh," I whisper. "I know. You don't have to say it."

  "Sometimes the memories get too much. I try to be strong, but they slip through the cracks and right into the scars she's left on me."

  "I understand. I've seen what you've gone through," I say soothingly, pressing him closer to my body. I want him to feel safe. Happy. I want to dispel the demons of his past, but I don't know how. We've made progress, but I'm not sure they'll ever let him go.

  "I don't know how I even deserve you," he mutters. "You should run away screaming. You've already got three men, all of them so much stronger than I am, so why do you need me?" His voice has turned bitter.

  "Because you're you," I tell him. "And I think you're the strongest of them all. Look at you, how far you've come. You could have just given in and stayed the Morrigan's slave, but no, you fought, and you're still fighting, every day, even now. You're the strongest person I know, Crispy, and I will tell you that as often as you need to hear it."

  I run one hand through his hair, playing with his golden locks. "Now relax. Just be with me, in this moment, before we have to go back. I want to look at you, see your eyes, your face. Let's pretend everything is alright."

  "We'll find a way to fix your vision," he promises quietly. "There must be a remedy somewhere out there, and I'm going to find it for you."

  "Maybe once we've defeated Angus and the Morrigan, my mother will be strong enough to help me." I know that's wishful thinking, but sometimes, the hope of the impossible is all that gets us through times of darkness. In my heart, I still believe that she'll get better, even though my brain tells me otherwise.


  He returns my hug and lets me snuggle against his naked body. The sun is warming our skin, seagulls are calling in the distance, and I am so happy that my heart could burst.

  "Crispin?" I whisper. "Thank you for being here with me."

  "Any time. Maybe Blaze can show you how to do this trick. We need more moments like this."

  "Agreed. Now
kiss me."

  He lifts himself on his elbows and smiles down at me.

  "With pleasure."

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you going to marry them?”

  Blaze greets us a with a wide grin when we wake up lying on the ground beneath him. All four of my men are by my side, all of them looking rather sleepy.


  Did I miss part of a conversation?

  Blaze sighs. "I thought you may have used the chance to propose to them. A coronation goes so well with a wedding."

  I'm speechless, utterly speechless. Who does the unicorn think he is? And me proposing to them rather them to me... well, I guess it makes sense. I'm about to be Queen, maybe it's the etiquette for rulers to propose to their future consorts? But no, I'm twenty-two, I'm not planning to get married any time soon. My plan was always to wait until I'm at least in my mid-twenties, and then maybe think about children when I'm thirty. I have a life to live first.

  None of the guys says anything. They're waiting for me to respond. Cowards.

  "I think a coronation is enough for now. I don't believe Tamara could handle the stress of adding a wedding to the ceremony."

  There you go, I found a reason why it's a terrible idea. And it's definitely not because I secretly want the guys to go on one knee in front of me... no, I'm a strong and emancipated woman. That tradition is so outdated... but I'm also a romantic, and it would be nice... Stop it, Wyn, think with your head, not your ovaries. This is not a time of romance, it's a time of war.

  "How much time has passed since we disappeared?" I ask the unicorn.

  He sighs again. "You didn't disappear," he explains as if he's talking to a three-year-old. "You were right here, seemingly asleep. But to answer your question, it was mere minutes. Four, five minutes, perhaps? Barely any time at all."

  "Good, I have some research to do. Crispin, coming with me?"

  He nods and gets up from the ground, shaking the dust off his clothes. For some reason, I'm surprised that we're no longer naked, but of course I shouldn't be. It was all just an illusion.


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