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The Butterfly House

Page 2

by Meckley, Lori

  She was bored. Bored? No kidding. The bitch didn't want to work or attend college. What about our baby? She laughed in my face. She took care of that little problem once we got here, that was her reason for wanting to come here. She didn't want anyone back home to know about it. I realized then why she begged me not to tell anyone in her family or mine about the baby. She wanted to come to the Big Apple to party and have fun. A baby would have kept her from all that.

  I was livid. I gave her enough time to pack her stuff and get out. I had the locks changed that same night. I had not seen her again since. It wasn't really that I missed her. I had thought I loved her and she destroyed me with her unfaithfulness and then aborting our child. She knew if she told me she didn't want the baby I would have fought her to keep it.

  My business was making steady money I could have taken care of our child and her. We could have worked something out. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that in the long run it would probably not have worked out in the best interests of the child. I was thankful we had never gotten married, it would have been much harder to get rid of her. She wanted money that first night. I was not falling into that bullshit trap. I offered her money for a hotel room for a night and a ticket home to family in Texas. She laughed in my face. She said she didn't need my money, that she had friends here that would help her out.

  The hurt was still there, even after four years I still felt it. It hurt to know that she had never really loved me and that it had been so easy to rid herself of our child. I never stopped thinking about that part. It was the loneliness that I just couldn't seem to shake.

  I had an early meeting with Sam to discuss business and it was obvious after his insistence that I needed a night out, it involved The Butterfly House in some way. Punching my pillow I willed myself to sleep. I would meet with Sam first then maybe; just maybe I'd find out who Lotus really was.


  I woke feeling like someone had dropped a house on me. Grabbing the clock on my nightstand I saw it was almost eleven am. I had a little time to grab a shower, study a bit then take this exam. Tossing the covers aside I stood up, I had not gotten home until five am from the intensive care at the hospital. I was still very tired but when I left baby Miles seemed to be doing well with the IV medication. I said a silent prayer as I peeled off my yoga shorts and tank top, then headed for the shower. After adjusting the water temp and pulling the curtain aside, I stepped into the shower.

  While lathering my hair I started mentally going over my notes for the anatomy test today. It was on the skull and neck. I had to figure out a better way to manage my homework, study time, work and Miles' visits. I wanted decent grades but that was getting tough to pull off. How did people manage to juggle a family, work and college? I would just have to try harder to make this work.

  I sat down at the kitchen table to study while my hair dried. I picked up my tip envelope, laying the cash aside I stared at the business card that was with it.

  Last night one group of business men had left me a one thousand dollar tip. I had to hide my shocked expression when I looked at my tips before putting them in my purse and leaving. The house didn't allow the customers to tip us in person. There was absolutely no touching inside those doors but customers were always welcome to leave us a business card and tip in an envelope. By leaving us a business card, it meant they could approach us privately, away from work. I never kept business cards or contacted any customer outside of the house. I decided to keep this one, mainly because I loved the design. The design was a beautiful woman blowing glass.

  The card read:

  Walker Deviant Glass Designs

  Nolan Walker, President & CEO

  Downtown Manhattan, Spruce Street

  On the back of the card there was a hand written message.

  “Thank you for the pleasure of so much beauty and soul. Your voice now haunts me but in a good way.”

  It was signed N. Walker.

  Really? I knew I could sing but my voice had beauty and soul. My voice haunted him? Haunted him a good way? Was he being serious?

  I wondered which man sitting on the sofa was Mr. Nolan Walker. The dark haired one who was built like a line backer or the blond one who was well over 6'4” tall. The dark haired guy seemed restless and secretive; the blond, he seemed very intense – a silent type. The blond however didn't miss a thing, I could feel his eyes all over me. I thought he had saw me when I got teary-eyed thinking about how much longer I had to be out there on that dance floor in nothing but my fake smile. Our boss at The Butterfly House, Sin Lee was a very kind lady but I never mistook her kindness for what we really did out there on that dance floor and what some of the girls did after work hours. It was adult entertainment. As beautiful as the house was, behind all that beauty it was a pleasure house.

  Both gentlemen were striking but the blond one was very handsome, he had long fingers a musician would kill for, I thought about those hands stroking across a guitar as I belted out a Joss Stone song. Wow where did that come from? I had studying to do: I had no time for daydreaming, it was time I got my priorities in the right order. I put the business card aside and went back to studying.


  My physical pain felt masked but I was lost in misery. I was missing something important to me, its loss made me feel empty and raw. My heart hurt as I fought the fog I saw in my mind, but I was weak and then I saw him. He was a fighter. I wanted to touch him but every time I reached out for him, he vanished. The pain would tear me apart and I'd die a little more inside. I wanted to run fast and far but something was holding me back. I still could not fight it, but I would never stop trying. I was unraveling like a distant cord but I would not be forgotten for I had a place out there and he belonged to me. I was even paralyzed from praying out loud but even the devil couldn't keep my mind from praying silently. I prayed first for him and then for my strength.

  Nolan ~ Four

  Sam was pacing in front of my assistant's desk when I arrived this morning. I asked Cameron my assistant if he could please bring us in some coffee. I led the way to my office. I tossed my laptop bag onto the leather sofa I kept in my office for those times I stayed so late it was worthless to go home. Loosening my tie that already felt tight for some reason, I turned on my computer and sat down. Sam pulled out one of the chairs in front of my desk and sat down smiling. I felt like bait for a trap.

  “What the hell are you smiling about?” I demanded. I had not really got much sleep and I blamed it all on Sam for last night's visit to The Butterfly House and that beautiful woman who seem to be the only thing on my mind today.

  “You thought about her after we left last night didn't you?” he said smirking.

  “Of course I did! How could I not when you talked about her endlessly? After seeing her in person. That damn body and voice of hers, what the hell did you expect?” I stated.

  “Fuck her hair was unbelievably long!” I said as I ran my hand over my short hair in frustration. I could already picture her and all that glorious hair spread out in my bed.

  “Look Nolan you need something to take your mind off that twat that left her stink on you! I've been a client of yours since you first came here, what four years ago?”

  “Yes it's been four years and I don't still have her stink on me, whatever that means!” I shouted at the ceiling, I was now pacing by the window behind my desk.

  “Man can you even admit honestly when the last time was you got laid? You need the stink of someone new, even if it's just a one-time piece of pussy. The Butterfly House has some fantastic looking women and they take care of themselves.” he stated matter-of -factly.

  “Just because you screw anything with two legs and tits, doesn't mean I do! I just don't want to get involved with any woman, even if it's just for a night of pleasure. I don't need used by a woman again.”

  “Who says you are going to get used? What you can't just take a girl home or to a hotel for a night? Not all women lie! And for the record wo
men like getting cock as much as men like getting pussy! They have needs too,” he stated.

  “Bullshit Sam! So what is it that you came here to discuss, it certainly can't be just about whether I'm getting my share of free pussy.” I asked. I knew damn well ninety-nine percent of women wanted something more than a one-night stand no matter what Sam thought.

  “Ok fine, we can put this conversation on hold until later.” “You saw how stunning that place was last night right?” he asked.

  I had to admit that The Butterfly House was something else inside as well as outside. You just didn't see that many places in Manhattan and the women were extremely attractive. There were women of various ages, not all twenty something college girls.

  “I saw the same thing you did, yes the place was stunning. What does that have to do with me?” I asked.

  “What do you say to building a place just like it in a few other states, like Cali or Seattle for example?” he asked.

  “Maybe.” Wait, why are you asking me when you could just ask the owner of the place who their builder is?”

  “You are looking at the new owner that's why!” he said laughing.

  “What the hell do you mean you are the new owner?”

  “I've been a regular member of The Butterfly House for years, how do you think we were able to just walk into that place last night? It's for members only. Sin Lee the owner wants to retire soon. The builder was her father, he died a few years ago. She is looking for someone who will run the house as she does. Someone who will treat her clients and girls well.” he stated as he stood up.

  I sat back down in my chair and watched as he walked around my office to the same window where I had been standing looking out over the downtown city.

  “I don't know Sam, hell I have a lot on my plate right now. Just how many places are we talking about? What work do you want me to do? I make things out of glass, I am not a builder of anything that isn't made of glass and welded metals.”

  Cameron knocked on the door interrupting us. I told him to come in. He had our coffee ready. Sam sat back down to take his coffee from Cameron.

  “Mr. Walker, did you need anything else?” Cameron asked. I stated that I didn't and asked him to reschedule all my appointments for the day. Then I told Cameron I would not need him anymore today he was free to leave after he rearranged my schedule. Sam sipped his coffee with a shit-eating grin. Damn him! He knew I couldn't say no to this opportunity no matter how busy I was.

  I wanted to look over my schedule in more detail once Sam had let me know what exactly what he needed from me and then I had some questions of my own about her. I wasn't so sure about the building plans but I was sure I wanted to see her again, like tonight for starters.

  Becoming Lotus

  After the last incident with my personal things, I started carrying all my makeup and styling gear in a huge travel case that locked. As I walked into the huge back room that held our dressing room spots I saw it was a full house tonight. Every dancer was here, this was rare. I carried my things back to my table. I flipped the switch on the dressing mirror. My mirror lights came on but all my makeup and brushes were gone. Well that made it easier, nothing to clean up this time. I put my huge travel case up on the table top, unlocked it then started setting up my makeup and brushes. I plugged in my curling iron.

  “Well you know girls I always heard redheads have a hard time keeping their things nice!” shouted Rose from three tables down.

  “Rose why the hell don't you just leave her alone for once!” shouted Orchid who sat beside me.

  Rose's real name was Ruby, somehow both her stage and real name rubbed me the wrong way. Orchid was really Jenny. We all used stage names, though it was really only a small safety net since a lot of times we were recognized outside of work in public places. I really didn't care because my family and friends were all back home in Colorado and I was not ashamed of what I did for work or even taking off my clothes. I was slowly getting used to tuning out everyone while I was nude on stage. I really just needed the money. Some nights were worse than others.

  Rose was one of the main reasons I hated working here. The place was clean and the staff was nice; however Rose and her long time friend Lily – they both liked to have the upper hand. Sin Lee had warned me when I started not to let them give me any shit but also that she was not playing bouncer between any of her girls. I did my best to ignore them. Tonight I was tired. This bullshit was really grating on my nerves.

  I had chosen a deep blue corset, matching boy shorts, a long leather jacket and thigh boots for my routine. I hung up my clothes and sat down to get started on my makeup. Rose and Lily came over together to see me. I started lining my eye lids when they each took a spot on either side of me.

  “Hey Lily do you see anything worth looking at here?” Rose smirked. I wonder if she realized that smirk made her face look harsh under the mirror lights?

  “I don't know Rose, looks like a redheaded slut who don't know her place yet!” “I hear she got a big tip last night, the guy must have been very desperate.” Lily said looking right at me.

  I finished lining my left eye and started on my right eye when Rose bumped my elbow. Orchid looked over at me and started to stand up. I didn't want her to get involved so I shook my head at her not to get up. She slowly sat back down but kept watching while she brushed her hair.

  I was so not in the mood for this shit tonight but I really didn't want to risk my job. I started pulling out a makeup wipes when Lily sent the entire box flying off my table. I really hated to do this but I was so over this high school clique shit. I reached over for my curling iron, then suddenly I grabbed Rose's arm and let her have it. She screamed as the heat of the iron burned into her skin. I let go of her arm quickly. I didn't want to burn her too badly, just enough to let her know I wasn't taking her shit. They were so used to me doing nothing. Lily had already vacated her spot. Rose came at me ready to grab my hair when suddenly there was a loud whistle. We both froze.

  The dark haired guy from last night was standing in the middle of the room.

  “Ladies the name is Sam Rayburn! I am the new owner and your boss! “Your previous owner and boss Sin Lee has officially retired today.”

  You could have heard a pin drop it was that quiet. He was our new boss and the owner?

  He walked over to me. Reaching out, he offered his hand to shake. “I'm Sam Rayburn. They tell me you're Ava Wild and they call you Lotus here.” he stated smiling. I shook his hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Rayburn and yes I am called Lotus.” I stated politely. Thank God I had the foresight to remember to lay down my curling iron first when he offered his hand.

  “Rose! Lily! Front and center ladies!” he shouted. Both Rose and Lily jumped at his command before hurrying to stand in front of him.

  “This is a warning to everyone here, there will no longer be bullshit tolerated here! You will learn to respect each other and be polite. I don't give a shit who doesn't like who, you will get along with each other! No more destroying anyone's personal property or harassment of another employee.”

  “Have I made myself clear ladies?” he asked loudly. We all said yes, Sir. Then I noticed two of our bouncers standing at the front of the room walking slowly towards Mr. Rayburn.

  “Ruby Miller employee name Rose', and Sherry Powers employee name Lily'; your services are no longer needed here at The Butterfly House. Ladies please clear out your area and then see me in my office for any pay the house may owe you.”

  Both girls started complaining at once. “Silence! I will have your things tossed out along with you both! Clear out your things now!” he shouted. Mr. Rayburn's face was red and he was no longer in a negotiating mood. Both girls started packing up their things.

  “Does anyone else have any questions or concerns?” he asked. Nobody uttered a word.

  He left the room for his office with both Rose and Lily being escorted by two of the house bouncers. I smiled as I picked up my eyeliner pen again. Maybe
a new boss is what this place needed. Now I knew which guy was Nolan Walker, the handsome blond with the musician hands. I wondered if he would be here tonight. Without putting much thought behind it I took extra care with my hair and makeup. I wasn't sure if that was because the two thorns in my side were now gone or because I thought maybe Mr. Nolan Walker might come back to the house for another visit.

  Nolan ~ Five

  I sat and watched as Sam Rayburn fired two of his employees. I had no idea they were tormenting Lotus but listening now to Sam tear them both up about their lack of respect to her – I smiled to myself. They were both damn lucky it was him and not me giving them the lecture. I would not have of been as kind. Rose and Lily would never work a job in this city again if it were I handling the situation.

  Earlier Sam and I had spent the entire afternoon going over locations for five more businesses like The Butterfly House in California, Nevada, Louisiana, Texas, and possibly Florida. I was to construct doors for each location and some of the interior as well. Each house would be a little different inside but the door's design would remain the same. This would mean moving my heavy schedule around a bit but it was doable.

  “Earth to Nolan!” Sam said waving his hand in front of my face.

  “What?” I was just getting a mental start on the houses.” I said startled out of my business daydream moment.

  “I said Lotus' real name is Ava Wild. I know you have to be wondering about her.” I don't need to tell you that seeing those two bitches tormenting her pissed me off. I'll do my best to see they have a hard time finding new jobs.”

  “Ava – Ava Wild.” I said her name out loud while rubbing my unshaven chin.

  “Her real name suits her much better.” Those women have a lot to learn about being jealous, its very unbecoming in this job field. Their both lucky I wasn't their boss or even present to see it happen. They'd of been literally tossed out on their asses.”


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