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The Butterfly House

Page 5

by Meckley, Lori

  “You know that's thoughtful, Thank you Nolan. I'm ready if you are,” she said grabbing her purse and slamming the locker shut.

  We walked outside, it was still very warm but still a nice clear night. I put my hand on the small of her back as we walked down a few blocks to the restaurant. She smiled looking up at me as we walked. I swear I died inside. I felt my heart race, I didn't want to fall for her. My heart couldn't take being hurt again but she was so breathtaking to be with. What the hell had Sam gotten me into? Silently I was cursing Sam Rayburn.


  I knew it. The moment I made eye contact with Nolan I was done. I told myself as I walked out to the dance floor I would just do my job like I did any other night, boy was I in for a surprise. As soon as I walked out, there he was. If I thought he looked sexy as hell in dress clothes, it was nothing compared to what he looked like in jeans. His jeans were something else. They were faded Levi’s and torn in just a few of the sexiest places. He also wore a tight ass dark blue tee shirt, which did nothing to hide the fact he worked out. Thank God I was not able to see him from the back, the image I had in my mind of his ass in those jeans was already driving me crazy.

  I had a job to do, I had to push him out of my mind and get this party started. I had practiced this routine a few times so it went like clockwork but as I made my moves and began to sing I could just feel Nolan's eyes sliding all over me. God help me but I wanted to turn him on. I knew it was wrong and it would torment us both but I did it anyway. I had never had a real boyfriend. I had dated a few guys but nothing that ever turned serious, I had goals I wanted to accomplish before I could even let myself get involved with someone. Nolan didn't feel like just someone to me. I wanted to be his friend yet I wanted to test the waters.

  I walked out with my intent for the crowd only. I did my job to the fullest; but from the moment I walked back across the floor for my finale, as my dress slid off my shoulders my nipples got rock hard for him. The moment I turned and we made eye contact, it was like being struck by lightning but in reality, it was lust, carnal and so sinful I felt myself blush all over. Thank God for the lights going out at the perfect time, no one noticed my flushed skin. I walked to the dressing room wondering what it would feel like to have those hands of his on my naked flesh.

  I had just enough time to get changed before he was due to arrive in the dressing room and take me to dinner. I had called before my set to check on baby Miles, he was doing well. I was relieved now I could go to dinner and visit him afterwards. I couldn't remember the last time I had actually eaten a meal, let alone sat down to do it.

  I chose a light sunflower print dress and low-heeled sandals. I put on some lip balm and a touch of mascara. I felt guilty as hell about coming on to Nolan earlier. I had no idea what was wrong with me. Maybe I needed a break from the depressing routine my life had become but baby Miles needed me and I was totally in love with that little guy. He was worth the struggle. My classes were going better than I first expected. I was doing much better but I could still use a little more sleep.

  Tonight however I felt refreshed and excited. Dinner would be nice and I'd apologize for my behavior. Nolan was a nice guy, I wanted to spend time with him but I didn't want to come across as a slut. I may have done just that with my actions. He actually knocked before asking to come in the dressing room. Maybe he didn't notice my forwardness like I thought.

  Ok that was total bullshit, I knew he noticed. I felt his eyes all over me. They were all over me now as he walked in the doorway and over to my dressing table.

  “Hi.” He said.

  “Hi back!” I said, I was struggling to get my locker open, thank God that helped me hide my nervousness. He moved closer as if to help me but suddenly the locker door sprang open as I finally hit the right combination. It caused me to fall backwards against him.

  “We better get going if we are going to make our reservation.” He said smiling as he eased me away from him.

  I was surprised.

  “You made reservations?That's sweet, I would have been okay with pizza or even just coffee.”

  “I thought maybe you might like a real meal. I'm guessing with your schedule you don't get much time for eating.” He said.

  “You know that's thoughtful, Thank you Nolan. I'm ready if you are.” I said grabbing my purse and slamming the locker shut.

  We walked outside, it was a bit warm but I was feeling happy as I felt his hand touch the small of my back lightly as we started walking. I wanted this little moment to last forever, it just felt like the start of something good for a change.

  Nolan ~ Ten

  We arrived just a few seconds shy of our reservations at Les Halles. I was glad when Ava said it was her first time here. We were seated in the back corner, it was not very crowded for a Thursday night.

  Our waiter brought the wine list, we both declined but I talked Ava into letting me chose a drink for her. I chose for us both the “Breakfast Delight.” The drink was tea infused Tanqueray Ten Gin, orange marmalade with grapefruit juice.

  “Nolan this is fantastic,” she said after our drinks had arrived and she tasted hers. I knew she'd like it.

  “I thought you might like it, it's sweet but light.”

  “I haven't been out for a drink or dinner since I moved here almost a year ago.”

  “Are you from Manhattan?” I asked. I could tell by her accent she wasn't from New York.

  “I'm from Colorado, I grew up in Grand Lake. I came to Manhattan to study trauma medicine at NYU. Are you from Manhattan?” she asked.

  “I'm actually from Mesquite, Texas. I came to Manhattan to expand my business. Speaking of my business, I have something for you.” I said. It felt like the right time to give her the gift I had made.

  I reached for my jacket that I had brought but knew I wouldn't need. I pulled out the small box and slid it across the table.

  “A gift? You didn't need to do that Nolan,” she said but I could tell she was curious and a bit excited as she reached for the box.

  Opening the box, she pulled out the purple and turquoise butterfly key ring I had made.

  “Oh Nolan, this is beautiful!” she exclaimed as she held it up to the light, admiring it.”

  “It's just a small sample what I make at my business. I'm glad you like it.”

  “Oh I do, it's amazing. How did you get the colors in the glass and it's so tiny. How in the world did you make this?” She asked smiling.

  “I'd be happy to show you sometime if you'd like a tour of my business.” “I could show you how to make something,” I said returning her smile.

  “I'd love that!” “I don't have much free time but I'd enjoy seeing how you made this.” “Thank you for this, it's very sweet of you,” she said.

  Our waiter had perfect timing, he wanted to know if we were ready to order. We really hadn't even looked at the menu.

  “Nolan if you don't mind, what do you suggest?” she asked.

  “I'd be happy to.” I ended up ordering Cote de boeuf, Black Angus Prime Rib for two, black peppercorn sauce on the side for our fresh cut steak fries.

  The waiter took our menus and left to place our orders.

  “That sounds heavenly. Have you been here before?” she asked.

  “Sam Rayburn, your new boss turned me on to this place when I first arrived in Manhattan. They have amazing food and drinks.”

  “Have you known Mr. Rayburn long?”

  “I met Sam when I first came to New York, I designed a set of lamps for his mother for her birthday, and we have been friends ever since.”

  “He seems nice, he has taken a real interest in the house,” she said.

  “When Sam sees something he likes, he has to have it and make it his.” I said just as I saw our waiter coming with a server.

  Our food had arrived, two huge plates of steaming steak and fries. Ava wasn't like most women, she dug in and ate a decent portion of her steak and fries. She even made a play for the last bit of my peppercorn sau
ce for her fries.

  “Hey now just because you ate all your sauce doesn't mean you can just hover that french fry of yours over my dish.” I said seriously.

  “Oh hey look is that Beyonce?”she yelled pointing behind me!” I stupidly looked without thinking and when I turned around she had switched out our sauce bowls.

  “You know that was pretty sneaky, how did you know I'd fall for that?” I said laughing.

  “Please all men jump when they hear the name Beyonce,” she said waving her empty fork around.

  “You just caught me off guard, I secretly covet redheads only in case you were wondering.”

  “Oh I see, that's good to know,” she said blushing.

  The waiter came by to ask if we wanted dessert or coffee. We both were stuff so we declined.

  “Nolan, I can't thank you enough for tonight, dinner was really good and I love your gift.” “I hate to eat and run but it's getting really late. I have classes real early.” she said reaching for my hand.

  “I had a nice time too, would you like to maybe do it again sometime?” I asked taking her hand in mine.

  “Of course I would. I'd love to see how you made my key ring” she said.

  “That can be arranged.” I said and I meant it. I really wanted to show her where I worked and how the glassblowing process worked.

  After taking care of the check and tip, we walked outside together. I felt like there was so much more I wanted to ask her but I didn't want to keep her out knowing she had early classes.

  We walked back towards The Butterfly House before I realized I didn't know where she lived.

  “Would you like to share a cab ride home?” I asked hoping she'd say yes.

  “I'm actually going to St. Luke’s Hospital before I head home, would that be out of your way?” She asked.

  “Not at all.” I said as I hailed a cab for us. I held the door as she got in first and then I slid in beside her. We rode in silence for a few minutes. I wanted to kiss her. I could smell her hair as she sat beside me. I was wondering why she was going to St. Luke's so late but I didn't want to pry or seem nosy.

  She leaned close to me.

  “Nolan,” she whispered looking at me.

  “Yes Ava,” I said suddenly needing to clear my throat.

  She leaned in and kissed me gently on the mouth. “Thank you for tonight.”

  I couldn't help myself, I grabbed her gently and kissed her. A deep soul-searching kiss. Her lips tasted spicy and sweet, like the drink we had at dinner. I wanted her, it shocked me as I realized for once I wanted a woman, and not just any woman. I wanted Ava and my body was telling me it had a hand in this need for her too. I pulled back gently. I didn't want to ruin the night by having her notice that my jeans had suddenly become very tight. I touched her nose with mine.

  “Ava would it be too soon to ask when I can see you again?”

  “No it wouldn't.” She said a bit breathlessly. I realized I didn't have her number. I wanted to be the one to ask her out this time, like a proper gentleman would.

  “Can I call you?” I asked.

  “Yes you may,” she said.

  “Ava, I don't have your number.” I said stating the obvious as the cab arrived at St. Luke's.

  She asked the driver for a pen. She wrote her number on a scrap of paper from her purse. I asked the cabbie to keep the meter running while I got out with her. I walked with her a little ways to the ER entrance of the hospital.

  We held hands and stood there just staring at each other like a pair of teenagers. I really needed to get my bearings, she was driving me crazy.

  “You made my night Nolan Walker,” She said as she let go of my hand and blew me a kiss. She then disappeared into the side door at the ER entrance.

  I stood there thinking, No Ava Wild, it was you. You made my night. I walked back to the cab whistling, not even realizing at first it was the song Brandy that Ava had sung earlier tonight. I was getting in deep, damn!

  Once I was home and in bed, I pulled out my phone and added her number to my address book. I already had memorized the number on the ride home. Before I could change my mind, I sent her a text.

  “I hope you got home okay.”

  I got a reply a few minutes later.

  “Yes I did, Thank you.”

  I sent one back.

  “Good night beautiful.”

  A few minutes later my phone went off.

  “Good night handsome.”

  I lay in bed smiling like an idiot in the dark and wondering how soon I could ask her out again.


  Baby Miles was asleep when I arrived at the hospital. I wanted to stay until dawn like I usually did but I had a full day and a huge exam. It was my night off at the house so I could come back to see him once my classes were over.

  I sat with him for an hour before I gently let go of his tiny hand. I thought about Nolan as I walked home. He had no idea how much he had made my night. Dinner was great but the fact he took the time to make me a gift, that brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't remember a man ever gifting me anything and not anything they hand-made that was so delicate and beautiful.

  Once I arrived home, I changed and got into my bed. As I was setting my alarm, I heard my cell phone go off on the bed beside me. It was Nolan, he was asking if I had made it home alright – how sweet was that? I told him I did and thanked him again. I had just snuggled into my pillow when I got another text from him. “Good night beautiful” it said. I couldn't help it, I smiled in the dark and texted back “Good night handsome” to him.

  I knew I was asking for trouble. I wanted friendship but it was so easy to be with Nolan and want much more. I must be crazy because this felt so right even if it was wrong.

  I kept thinking about his voice as he described his work. He would get emotional talking about his business. He was so young to be running a successful business and here I was going to college, dancing for money and then there was baby Miles.

  I rolled over on my stomach, hitting my pillow hard. I wanted so much to not have this complicated life, but then it would mean I wouldn't have Miles in my life and I would not have met Nolan. I could do complicated for those two reasons. Maybe in time I could tell Nolan about baby Miles and the situation I was in. Right now I'd just enjoy getting to know him and let the rest take care of itself.

  I was never going to get to sleep, I tossed and turned seeing Nolan's face. In the cab I couldn't help it, I had to kiss him. That kiss felt so right and then when he grabbed me deepening the kiss, it felt even more perfect. I wanted his lips right now, on my lips. I wanted to feel those long fingers of his stroking my body. I touched my own lips. Closing my eyes trying to relive that kiss, with that last thought I fell asleep.


  I felt her beside me again. I could feel her concern for me. I wanted to tell her it was okay I was fine but I really wasn't. I couldn't move but I kept trying to. She touched my hand. I tried my hardest to move my fingers and grasp her hand back. Mentally I could see her, she was beautiful and she was kind. I knew this but I couldn't think of why I knew it.

  I just knew she was looking out for me. She was the woman who saved me. She saw me as not just a stranger but as a person. Without regard to her own safety she risked her life for mine. This state of limbo was driving me crazy, I needed to communicate in order to be free but every time I felt close to having some kind of movement, there would be this flood of warmth, then I'd feel myself fighting the peaceful feeling coming next, like I was feeling now. The feeling would pull me under and into the darkness. Silently I screamed with all my might but in the end I lost the battle as the darkness took over.

  Nolan ~ Eleven

  It had been years since I woke up feeling this good. I had gotten very little sleep but I didn’t care. I couldn't stop thinking about Ava. Her smile, that laugh and her beauty. I thought about her as I stepped into the shower at the gym.

  Those legs of hers were driving me to distraction. I had to do someth
ing or I'd be walking around all day with a hard-on. I thought those eight miles on the treadmill would have worn me out but it obviously didn't tire out my mind or the intense thoughts I had going on. I wanted to feel her bare skin on mine. My cock was suddenly painfully standing at attention.

  I turned the cold water on full blast and grabbed the soap. My first meeting of the day was with Sam. He would naturally want to know how our dinner date went. Fuck, there she was again – in my head! Rinsing off, I grabbed a towel and dried off. It was pointless to even think a cold shower was going to cure the ache I had for her. I needed to call her, that might get part of my mind off her so I could work.

  Twenty minutes later I was at my desk when Cameron buzzed me to let me know Sam was waiting. I asked Cameron to send him in and to have a pot of strong coffee brought in immediately. We had a lot of ground to cover for this new business venture of Sam's. I had a few ideas I wanted to share with him.

  I had thought maybe we could do one of his houses with just a male dancers. Something maybe in Soho, Lower Manhattan. If that went well then maybe he could do both female and male performances in the other states he was leaning towards adding businesses to.

  “Long time no see,” Sam said smirking as he walked in with Cameron leading the way.

  “I don't even want to hear it dickhead! This is all your doing, you are the reason I'm now in way over my head!” I was in over my head in so many ways but I'd be damned if I admitted that to him.

  “Just go with it Nolan, you know the saying 'If it feels good just do it,' right?”

  “I'm aware of that saying but like I said before I was perfectly fine without a woman.”

  “That’s just bullshit and you damn well know it! I take it dinner went well but you seem a bit tense my friend,” he said laughing.

  “I'm tense all right, and yes dinner went very well. I'm sure I'll be frequenting your club more now so you may want to make me pay the membership fee.”


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