Ripper's Torment

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Ripper's Torment Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-823-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  First, as always, I want to thank Evernight Publishing and Karyn White for their constant support, advice, and help when it comes to these books. They mean so much to me that I want them to be the best they can be.

  Also, a big thank you to all the readers out there for your wonderful comments and support. I really can't find the right words to express my thanks to you all.

  Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls are two series that have taken me by surprise. Writing each book takes me on an emotional journey and it's not always an easy one. Judi and Ripper's book had to be done this way. The only man, in my opinion, good enough for Judi was Ripper.

  I hope you all enjoy their story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


  Chaos Bleeds, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Ripper gunned his machine. He shouldn’t be fucking riding given how much alcohol he’d consumed, but there was no getting away from helping Princess. Judi had been officially adopted by his president, Devil, but everyone within Chaos Bleeds referred to her as Princess. She was their princess, the club princess, and no one messed with her without starting a war with the club. They all cared about her and would do anything to protect her.

  Checking the name of the road, he broke the speed limit trying to get to her. Judi should be back at Devil and Lexie’s party, not along some dirt road where she could get fucking murdered. Didn’t women have any regard for their own personal fucking safety? He was getting pissed just thinking about her all alone. What the fuck was she doing out of the house? In fact, if she didn’t have a good enough excuse he was putting her over his knee and slapping her ass silly for putting her life in danger. Didn’t she know how important she was to them?

  These roads were not safe for any kind of woman, not even the Chaos Bleeds Princess. He wouldn’t even leave a whore to sell her wares down this strip of road. All kinds of fuckers were traveling down this road, intent on harming those weaker. He saw her standing on the embankment, pacing up and down. Ripper drew his bike close to her. The light shining over her showed the copious amounts of blood smeared over the front of her body. Princess, what the fuck?

  Climbing off his bike, he went to her. She was crying, the tears streaking her face.

  “What the fuck did you do?” He went to her, holding her at arms’ length where there were no streaks of blood. Checking her over he saw none of the blood was hers.

  “He wouldn’t let go, and I couldn’t get him to stop. Please, Ripper, I need your help.”

  She was sobbing. The tears poured out of her eyes with every second that passed. Cursing, he stared past her shoulder to see the car with the inside light still on. The sight made him feel sick as he knew some of what was about to come. He couldn’t be mad at her for too long. Judi was a real sweetheart, and he’d seen her get stronger since Devil adopted her. They had all tried to make her leave her past behind. There was more to her than being forced to be a prostitute.

  “Show me,” he said, speaking gently.

  Ripper followed behind her heading toward the car. Moving toward the passenger side, he saw the mess that met him. He’d caused a lot of death in his years, and the sight before him didn’t affect him one bit.

  “What happened?” he asked, already thinking of the men he could call to help clean this up.

  “I was walking, and he told me to get into the car. I refused, and he stopped the car. I started running, and he grabbed me. I tried to get away, Ripper. I promise. I tried to fight, but he was too strong. He picked me up and dumped me in the car. I couldn’t get out of the car. If I attacked him while he drove he could get us both killed. I didn’t want to die. He parked here, and I freaked out.” She stopped, lifting her hand to wipe the tears then stopped when she saw the blood on her hands. “He was an old customer, or at least that’s what he said, along with a lot more shit.” Her lips wobbled. “I somehow got out, and he grabbed me, calling me everything I can imagine.”

  From the sight in front of him, Ripper knew what happened. Judi had lost her temper, panicked, and shot a bullet into the man’s head. He stared at the man’s face lying just outside of the door. From the state of her clothing, she’d tried to hold his head but failed. Shit, he shouldn’t have given her a gun. Devil was going to fucking kill him.

  “Shit, I’ve got to get this sorted and you out of here.” Running fingers through his hair, he cursed looking out over the horizon. “Give me the fucking gun,” he said, holding his hand out. Judi handed him the gun. The sun had set and wouldn’t be making an appearance for a good few hours. “Get your clothes off,” he said, removing his jacket. Ripper turned his back giving her privacy.

  “I’m so sorry, Ripper,” she said.

  “I don’t want to hear it. You’re going to do as you’re fucking told without comment.” He held his jacket out for her to take. “Get on my bike.”

  She straddled his bike, holding on to him. He drove to one of the exclusive hotels designed for special clients needing an hour a time room. Ripper waited for the key then helped Judi up to the top floor, letting her into the hotel room. “Don’t let anyone in. Take a shower and get the shit off you. I’ll shout your name when I get back. Don’t answer the door to anyone else.” He didn’t stay behind to hold her hand or console her. The last thing he needed was to waste time. What the fuck were you doing out this late at night alone, Princess?

  Slamming the door closed he headed back to his bike and the scene of the crime. Before leaving he turned the inner light off, shutting off the ignition. No one had passed when he returned. Thinking about the bullet, Ripper knew he couldn’t let the guy he was about to call see the gunshot wound. Grabbing the door, he slammed the car door onto the fucker’s face. Each movement stopped the man from looking like anything. The gun was still pressed to his back, reminding him what a fucking asshole he’d been to give it to her. Once he finished he looked at the mess in front of him, and then he called Curse. The other biker would help without too many questions. There would be questions but the other man wouldn’t demand an answer.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Curse’s number.

  “This better be fucking good,” Curse said, answering on the third ring.

  “I need you, brother.”

  “I’ve got a tight pussy on my cock and another waiting for my attention. Can’t it wait?”

  “It’s a cleanup. No one else is as good as you.”

  He heard the cursing over the line.

  “You fucking owe me.”

  The line went dead. Ripper smiled imagining the women mourning Curse’s loss. Before Lexie tamed Devil, their leader had been the man with all the pussy. Now, it was up to Curse to keep them all satisfied. Ripper smiled thinking about Lexie. She was a sweet woman and a fucking hot bitch. He’d heard her screams as Devil fucked her hard. Devil never took her in front of them like he used to other women. Their leader was possessive of his wife, and Ripper understood why. She was a keeper.

ing at the mess, he waited for Curse to arrive. He blanked all thought of Lexie out of his mind. She didn’t deserve to be part of this mess. Neither did Judi. The young girl—woman—had been through more than her fair share of pain. Fuck, he, along with all of his other brothers, had promised along with all of his other brothers to protect her. The sound of the truck approaching alerted Ripper to someone else’s presence.

  He spotted Curse coming out looking ready to cause trouble. “I had a fucking tight cunt wrapped around my dick. What couldn’t wait ‘til the morning?”

  Ripper pointed at the car. “We need to get this shit cleared away.”

  “What the fuck happened here?” Curse asked, folding his arms.

  Staying silent, Ripper glared at the other man.

  “You pulled me away from pussy and you’re not even going to give me a good reason as to why?”

  They were both immovable.

  The battle kept on going for several minutes. Neither of them was moving, and Ripper thought about Judi. Shit, he couldn’t leave her alone for too long.

  “I owe you. When you need me and can’t go to another brother, I’ll do whatever you need. Please, for fuck’s sake, help me.”

  “This has gotten a woman written all over it. You’re not fucking up the code of dicking a minor, are you?”

  “Fuck no.” Ripper moved to the truck, sliding open the side door to see the cleaning equipment. “We need to dispose of the body. Don’t give a fuck who he is, but he can’t be found with the car.”

  “You want to pretend he left the car to burn?” Curse asked.

  “Yeah. Whatever keeps the two separate.”

  “This woman must be really fucking special.”

  Ripper didn’t know why he didn’t speak the truth to Curse, seeing as the other man would keep it to himself, but then he thought about Judi. She’d called him, no one else. She clearly didn’t want any of the others to know what had gone down, but he hated keeping the secrets. This was not for him to tell but for Judi when she was ready.

  “This is not how I envisioned the night after the barbeque. Did you see some of The Skulls? They looked so fucking happy.” Curse kept talking as they worked, moving the body onto a bag to wrap up.

  “I saw.”

  “Are you still hung up on Lexie?” Curse asked.

  “No.” He wasn’t hung up on her. She was a woman he wanted to wet his dick in, nothing more. Lexie was his president’s woman and out of bounds to him.

  “Don’t worry. Tiny and his crew headed home. It was fun seeing them. They were shit scared we were going to cause a fuss.” Curse laughed.

  Ripper recalled the time they visited Fort Wills and the deal Devil had to make for them all to be good.

  For the next couple of hours, they cleaned all the mess then set fire to the car to leave it.

  “Cops here always leave these kinds of investigations alone. Burned out car, no sign of anyone coming and going,” Curse said. “There will be nothing leading this shit back to us. They won’t find a body and won’t go looking either.”

  “He’s not going to be found any time soon. Do you want a lift back to the club?”

  “No, I’ve got shit I got to do.” Ripper pulled his bike out of the back of the truck. “No one needs to know about this shit, promise me?”

  “I promise. God, I’m not some fucking pussy.” Curse left him, heading down the street and out of sight. Straddling his bike, Ripper went to the hotel, knocking on the door and calling out. He stood waiting, looking over his shoulder to see the rising sun.


  Judi dried her hair coming out of the bathroom after her third shower. Her skin was red raw from all the scrubbing she’d been doing. Every time she looked down she saw the blood over her flesh. She couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her lips nor the panic at the sight. Each shower she scrubbed her skin trying to get the blood and wipe away the memories of what she had done.

  Hearing the knock followed by Ripper’s call had her running to the door. She didn’t know why she’d called him instead of Devil, except that her adoptive father would have gotten Lexie involved, and she didn’t the other woman to see her differently.

  In the last couple of years she’d grown close to Ripper. He was a sweet man even if he was scary as hell to look at. She doubted he ever smiled. Judi couldn’t remember a time when she saw him smile. He listened, talking to her, but never giving anything of himself away.

  She felt safe around him. Judi also knew he’d had a bit of a thing for Lexie, which she would never bring up. Lexie was a beautiful woman, even heavily pregnant. All of the crew adored her, but then she was Devil’s wife. They didn’t really have a choice.

  Ripper stepped into the room, closing and locking the door behind him. She saw the state of his clothing.

  “The shower is free.”

  He didn’t say anything, brushing past her to go to the bathroom. She couldn’t stop looking at his red hair. Never in her life had she found a red-haired man all that attractive, but with Ripper it worked. It didn’t stand out all that much. She couldn’t even believe she was thinking about his hair at a time like this. Ripper was not the kind of man she went for. He was one of Devil’s close friends, including hers. Closing her eyes, she settled on the edge of the bed waiting for him to appear. She wore a robe that she’d found in the hotel.

  Ten minutes later, Ripper appeared with a towel wrapped around his waist. He placed the gun onto the bed beside her.

  “What the fuck were you doing outside without protection?” he asked, glaring down at her.

  She took in his hard muscles. There was a six pack that looked rock hard decorating his abs. Judi knew he worked out. She’d seen him working many times but not given his body much thought. Ink decorated his sides, and she saw the name “Chaos” on one side while on the other “Bleeds” decorated his body in fancy writing. Other tattoos were of snakes, tribal tattoos, and many more.

  Each piece of ink was a testament to his time with the crew. The crew went everywhere together. It was only Vincent who settled down to stay with his wife in town.

  “You better fucking answer me, Judi. I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with your silent treatment.”

  “I wanted to go out for a walk, okay?” She looked up at him, glaring.


  “I was sick and tired of listening to all of them being so fucking happy.” She stood up putting her hands on her hips. “I can never have that, and I went out for a walk. I didn’t even think. I only wanted to be away from it all. Away from college, away from being a fucking princess, away from it all.” Judi felt like such a bitch for letting her anger get the better of her. This man had taken care of her mess, and all she’d done was shout at him, which he didn’t deserve. “Sorry—”

  He held his hand up in front of her face stopping her. “No, you’ve had your fucking say.” Ripper gripped her arms, turning her to press against the wall. His hand landed around her neck, and he stared into her eyes.

  For the first time since knowing the man in front of her, she was afraid.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Judi. I don’t give a fuck who you are. I could kill you right now, and Devil wouldn’t be any the fucking wiser.” He tightened his fingers around her neck, showing his true threat. “People who spoke to me the way you just did end up fucking dead.” He loosened his hold but didn’t drop his hands from around her neck. “I dealt with your fucking mess, but it will never leave this room. Neither of us will ever talk about it again, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she said, nodding, frightened of him.

  “You were a prostitute, Judi. I don’t hold it against you. Shit, you shouldn’t have gone through that kind of shit at all. It’s behind you, but you took on the club, and you will live by the club rules.”

  He let her go, and his eyes were once again bland where seconds ago they’d been terrifyingly cold. She placed a hand to her neck, wondering what he was going to do. He watched the action but
didn’t offer her an apology.

  “If you hate me so much why do you put up with me?” she asked, watching him sit on the edge of the bed. Judi inwardly cringed at her behavior. Since Chaos Bleeds had taken her away from the hell of her life, she’d been pampered with the princess role they gave her. She had to stop being a spoiled brat. Ripper had helped her tonight, and she needed to remember that.

  “I don’t hate you, Judi. Regardless of what I just said I wouldn’t kill you because I happen to like and care about you.” He looked up at her.

  His muscles stood out, and for the first time in her life she felt the pulse between her thighs. “I care about you, too.”

  “When Devil asks, you tell him you spent some time with a girlfriend.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.” She didn’t have any friends.

  “Make up an excuse for him to be satisfied.” He picked up the gun. “You’re not getting this back. I don’t trust you not to fuck up big time.”

  “I messed up,” she said, agreeing. She hated him being mad at her, and after the way she’d spoken to him, he had every right to be.

  “It’s a good job you know that.” He let out a sigh looking around the room. “This is not how I expected to spend the night.” There was only one double bed.

  Judi watched him stand up, going to the top of the bed and pulling down the blankets.

  “I’m not sleeping on the floor. You better be okay sharing this bed with me.”

  “I’ve never shared a bed with a man before.” She stopped, feeling her cheeks heat. There were a lot of things she hadn’t done with a man or boy.

  “Come on then, Princess, in you get.” He slid inside settling onto the pillow. She kept the robe on thinking about what she hadn’t done. She’d never been on a date or been kissed by a boy that she actually wanted to be kissed by. There was never a time to go parking in the car and get felt up. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered what she had done because of her pimp, Rob. He’d taken her, and before she knew what happened, men were taking pleasure out of her.


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