Ripper's Torment

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by Sam Crescent

  Rob’s treatment had been a weekend of being available for the men. Every hole had a use, he would taunt. Her stomach rolled at the acrid memories. Running to the bathroom she bent over the toilet seat letting out everything she’d eaten that night.

  Seconds later she felt Ripper rubbing her hair, holding it out of her way. She heaved, spilling the contents down the pan. Over and over she threw up.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Keep it coming.” His voice soothed her.

  She saw the man with a hole in his head. He’d talked about that weekend of her being broken in, and she’d lost it. That one memory was something she wanted rid of.

  Sinking down to the floor, she cried wishing she didn’t know the evil of some men. Ripper was a man capable of doing evil things, but he wasn’t into forcing a woman. His arms surrounded her along with his heat.

  “I’ve got you.”

  He picked her up, and she was surprised by how easily he carried her to the bed. In the last two years she’d put on a little bit of weight, filling out into a size fourteen figure. Okay, most of her clothes were getting toward a size sixteen, but she refused to believe it. Lexie’s cooking was amazing, and she could never turn it down.

  “Memories are the things we can’t fight, Princess. You’re going to have to learn to accept them and move on.”

  “It was horrible,” she said.

  “I know, but that fucker is dead and not coming back.”

  “How many men have you killed?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to answer that.”

  “Have you killed women?” The question slipped past her lips.

  “I’m not answering that either.” He kissed her temple. “Go to sleep. I’ll hold you when the nightmares come.”

  She closed her eyes, and Ripper wasn’t lying. He held her throughout each nightmare. Every time he smoothed her back, and she was able to think once again.

  Chapter Two

  Opening his eyes, Ripper became aware of the full woman lying in his arms. He stared at the long length of brown hair covering his arms then down at the face. His cock was rock fucking hard. Seeing Judi’s sweet face had him jumping out of bed. She squealed, but he was heading toward the bathroom before she caught sight of his morning boner. Fuck, shit, fuck, shit. There was no excuse for him to be getting a fucking hard-on.

  Dealing with his morning routine, he waited for his body to get back under control before heading out. He caught sight of his clothes and cursed. Last night he’d been so determined to get back to the hotel that he’d forgotten to grab some clothes for Judi.

  Quickly putting his clothes on, he opened the door. He found Judi standing outside the door with her legs crossed. Moving out of the way he waited for her to shut the door.

  “I’m going to get you some clothes,” he said.

  “Okay.” Her voice was a whisper.

  Ignoring the yearning in his soul, he left the room, getting on his bike and heading to the nearest store. He parked in the parking lot, entering the cheap department store and grabbing clothes from the racks. With his arms wrapped around her, Ripper had a good idea of her measurements. She’d put some meat on her bones living with Lexie. He didn’t mind. Years of fucking bags of bones had made him appreciate a woman with curves every day of the week, and Lexie had made him appreciate a woman with curves even more. He’d seen her dancing, and that was a fucking orgasm waiting to happen.

  Paying for the jeans, shirt, and plain as shit underwear, he headed back to the hotel. He let himself inside, finding her on the edge of the bed with her fingers locked together. Handing the bag to her, he took a seat, picking up the remote.

  “Get dressed and I’ll drop you off home.”


  “We’re not talking about shit. Remember, nothing happened?”

  She nodded, not saying anything, disappearing into the bathroom. He wasn’t looking at her shapely legs either. Turning back to the television he cursed his fucking weakness.

  He needed to fuck a woman, and the sooner he did it the better. Watching some design program on television he waited for Judi to come out. Minutes passed, and she finally came out. Her brown hair was bound on top of her head. When he first saw her, her hair had been short. In the last couple of years she’d grown out the silky curls. He wondered what they would feel like as he ran his fingers through the strands.

  Get a woman, fuck her, and stop thinking this shit.

  Turning the television off, he got to his feet and headed toward the door. “Are you coming?” He picked up his jacket waiting for her to follow.

  Locking the door, he took the key back to the main reception. Judi was waiting beside his bike.

  He climbed on waiting for her to straddle the back of his bike. Feeling her arms surround him had his cock jerking in response. He was not fucking doing this. Gunning his machine, he headed toward the street ready to drop her off.

  Breaking the speed limit, he got to her street. She climbed off, handing him back the helmet. He took it without meeting her eyes. There was no way he was going to let this shit happen to him. Judi was the club princess. She was off limits to the likes of him.

  Ripper watched Judi walk up to the house she shared with Devil and Lexie. He made sure she was inside before he turned back heading toward the clubhouse.

  Entering the clubhouse he saw the mess straight away. Devil was going to fucking lose it. Going to the bar, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and then grabbed one of the first women he came across. She had black hair, pale skin, and was more than willing to fuck anything.

  “Hey, Ripper. I missed you,” she said.

  “What’s your name again?” he asked.

  “Ashley.” She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. He picked her up, carrying her toward the room he kept inside the clubhouse. They all had their own space, and no one invaded others’ rooms. He kicked the door closed, dropping Ashley to the bed. Taking a long gulp from the whiskey bottle, he watched her unbutton his jeans. She took out his cock, which wasn’t even hard.

  She took him into his mouth, and he moaned, sinking his fingers in her dark hair. Ashley had been hanging around the club for the past year. Most of the men, apart from Vincent and Devil, had fucked her. She loved cock and couldn’t get enough of all of them. He imagined she also loved the lifestyle of not having to work providing she gave them pussy whenever they demanded. He didn’t have a problem with taking her pussy when the need demanded.

  Waking up beside Judi with a hard-on wasn’t an experience he wanted to repeat. The one woman he didn’t want to be having a hard-on for was Judi. She meant too much to the club to risk losing his life over. Ashley moaned pulling his mind away from the other woman he’d spent the night with.

  Being with Judi would fuck him up. Devil would never allow him to live. She had the club protection, which meant she was untouchable. Feeling sick to his stomach, he sank his fingers into Ashley’s hair, forcing her to take more of his dick.

  “Fuck, suck it good.”

  When she got him nice and hard, he grabbed a condom, quickly protected himself and slammed deep into her hot little pussy. They both moaned, and her pussy worked his dick like they were born to be together. Staying still within her, he took another long swill of whiskey.

  “Who are you trying to forget?” Ashley asked.

  He slapped her ass, shutting her up. Putting the bottle on the floor, he gripped her hips and plunged into her pussy, pounding away inside her. She didn’t complain once about the depth or thickness of his dick. Ripper wouldn’t have stopped. He needed to orgasm or he wasn’t going to be able to get over what happened this morning.

  Closing his eyes, he fucked Ashley hard, using her to find his own release. She was already taking care of her own orgasm, stroking her clit until she went over the edge. He dropped her hips, leaving her to fall to the bed. Removing the condom and throwing it in the trash, he grabbed her head and got her to lick his cock clean of his cum. Ripper watched her tongue licking up every
white droplet of his cream.

  “That’s it, baby. Take it all.” He started to get hard once again watching her lick him. “Do you want a load in your throat?” he asked, knowing he wasn’t going to stop until he came again.

  Ashley spent the next twenty minutes sucking on his cock until he came, giving her a wad of his cum. He watched her swallow him down. Only when he was satisfied did he let her go.

  “Fuck me, Ripper. You’re a fucking dirty bastard. You really do love fucking, don’t you?” she asked, wiping a hand across her forehead.

  Taking a long gulp of whiskey he tried not to think of the guilt at what he’d just done. An image of Judi’s sleeping face entered his mind, and the guilt made him feel like throwing up at what he’d just done.

  “Get out,” he said, swigging down more whiskey.

  He saw the spark of hurt in her eyes but didn’t care. When his door closed, he collapsed to the bed feeling the exhaustion of everything he’d done. Minutes later Curse appeared, leaning against the doorframe with arms folded.

  “What?” Ripper asked.

  “You come in from being out all night, fuck Ashley, and upset her. I hate to say this, but she’s one of the good ones, Ripper.” Curse rarely spoke up for any woman let alone a club sweet-butt.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I need breakfast, and you need to apologize to Ashley. She did nothing wrong last night.”

  Staring at his ceiling, Ripper pictured Judi.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Get fucking hungry. I helped you out last night. You owe me, and it’s going to take too fucking long for me to allow you to live it down.” Curse hadn’t moved from the doorway, but his disapproval was felt deep into the room.

  “She’s a club whore. Ashley means nothing.”

  Glancing at Curse, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. “There are many men downstairs who would disagree. She’s a nice woman and wouldn’t hurt this club for anything. Ashley is not jealous of anyone, and she has a good friendship with Lexie and with Phoebe. She doesn’t go near the men who are taken and respects everyone.”

  “Fine, I’m going for a shower, and then I’ll come to fucking breakfast.”

  Getting to his feet, he headed for the shower, washing the morning off.


  Judi let herself into the kitchen. She walked into the house around the back way not expecting anyone to be up yet.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Devil asked.

  She spun around finding him sitting at the counter with Elizabeth in her high chair. He was feeding her breakfast and was dressed in a pair of sweat pants. Judi knew it had taken him some time getting used to wearing clothes around the house while she was home. The first time they’d come face to face with his dick hanging out would haunt her forever.

  “Erm, I was at a friend’s,” she said, thinking about Ripper’s excuse.

  “You don’t have any friends.” He gave another spoonful of food to Elizabeth then turned his gaze back to her.

  “I’ve got friends.”

  “No, you haven’t. I’ve heard you telling Lexie enough times.”

  “Lexie and I were alone during those conversations.” Had Lexie told him her complaints? She hoped not. Judi would never trust the other woman again.

  “Regardless of what you think, Lexie would never break your trust. She’s rarely alone, and I keep an eye on her constantly.” He pointed in the corner of the kitchen. She glanced back to see a small camera.

  “You’re spying on her?”

  “Not spying. I’m taking care of what’s mine. Lexie is my woman. She belongs to me and the club. If I can’t always be here then I will keep an eye on her at all times.” Devil didn’t even look remorseful.

  “You should be ashamed of yourself,” she said, hating how much he would know about her. Who else knew about the cameras?

  “My woman, my rules. I will never let any harm come to her. Also, any boy you think of bringing here will be seen as well.”

  “You’re insane.” She folded her arms over her chest wishing she could say something to him to stop him from invading Lexie’s privacy.

  “Will you two stop fighting?” Lexie said, rounding the corner. Her hair was piled on top of her head, much like Judi’s. She wore a vest style shirt and a pair of sweat pants showing off her rounded stomach. Devil pretty much kept her pregnant.

  “I was giving you time to sleep,” Devil said, getting up to wrap his arms around her.

  “I know. It’s hard to sleep when Simon likes throwing his playing bricks against the wall.” She wiped the sleep from her eyes. Judi was concerned for her friend. She looked really poorly this morning.

  “Are you all right?” Judi asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Lexie pressed a hand to her mouth then her stomach, going pale. “I swear I’m going to be sick twenty-four hours.”

  Judi took over feeding Elizabeth as Devil went to deal with Simon. There were many bad things she could say about Devil, but she saw the love he had for Lexie. Many nights she would watch the couple. Devil spent most of his time watching Lexie doing something or other.

  “What’s going on between you two?” Lexie asked, sitting down and nibbling on some crackers.

  “Nothing. He’s being overbearing and an ass.” She finished feeding Elizabeth then stood. “I’m going to grab a shower.”

  “What are you doing today?”

  “I’m going to head to the library,” Judi said, needing to get out of the house. If Devil was watching their every movement then she needed to get out of the way.

  “Okay, I’m going to Phoebe’s with the kids. We’re having a girly day.”

  Judi kissed her friend’s cheek then headed upstairs. She closed the door to her bedroom, and then she kept her back to the door and slid to the floor. Covering her face, Judi wondered what she was going to do with the rest of her life. At one stage she was going to be a social worker but soon decided it was not something she wanted to do with her life. Then she thought about caring for others in their home. She closed her eyes, wondering what she was going to do. Devil was providing a lot of money for her education.

  Being a nurse was out of the question as she hated the sight of blood.

  You killed a man last night.

  Cutting the thoughts off, she climbed to her feet heading toward the shower. The clothes Ripper had bought her were a perfect fit. He knew her size, and she didn’t know if she should be embarrassed with him knowing the real size.

  Tugging the band from her hair, she left the waves to fall down around her face. When Rob got his claws inside her and started to hurt her every time one of the clients complained, he took to pulling her around by her hair. She hated it, and when he wasn’t forcing her to fuck, she hacked away at the length with some blunt scissors.

  In the last two years her hair had grown full and long. She stared at the length remembering the man last night, gripping the strands.

  “You’re a fucking whore. The only thing you’re good for is sucking cock, riding cock. Women like you need it in your mouth, cunt, and ass.”

  She pulled out of her memory with a gasp. His comments had ended with him getting a bullet in his head. Splashing cold water onto her face, she turned the shower on and made sure the water was freezing.

  Cold to the bone, she climbed out, grabbed a towel and entered her bedroom. She searched through her wardrobe settling on a pair of jeans and a red shirt. Toeing some flip-flops onto her feet, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs.

  Devil was kissing Lexie at the doorway, stroking her sides.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’ll text me, ring me if anything is different,” Devil asked.

  “Of course. Stop panicking. Phoebe will be taking good care of me. You know how protective she gets.” Lexie smiled at him.

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders then stared at her. “Are you going to town?” he asked.

  She nodded, putting the bag
on her shoulders. “Yes, will you give me a lift?”


  Smiling toward Lexie, Judi climbed on the back of Devil’s bike, giving her friend a wave. She held onto Devil’s waist as he headed into town. He pulled up outside of the library, waiting for her to climb off. “What’s wrong with Lexie?” Judi asked, concerned.

  “She’s struggling with this pregnancy. Her sickness is bad. The doctors are keeping an eye on her.”

  “I take it if anything happens to her, the doctors won’t make it to nightfall.” Judi was joking, but she saw the seriousness on Devil’s face.

  “You’re my daughter in the eyes of the law, Judi. I adopted you, and when I do that, you’re my family. Lexie is the woman who owns my heart and soul. If anything happens to her, I will kill anyone who could have stopped it.”

  Judi swallowed past the lump in her throat. It was sweet, if not a little scary. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “She better be otherwise Piston County will have three dead doctors.” Devil left her alone with his parting words.

  Yes, she hoped nothing was wrong with Lexie other than the early stages of pregnancy.

  Walking into the library, she signed into the computer using her details. She wasn’t at college at the moment as it was a break, but she still had assignments she had to finish. Her education was something she was proud of. After everything she’d been through, she’d passed her exams with a good grade. She had several papers she needed to write. Once she signed in, leaving her bag beside the computer, she grabbed a couple of books and started to work through her paper.

  The moment she started studying all thought of what happened last night went out of her mind. Nothing and no one could hurt her here. The only thought she couldn’t get out of her mind was Ripper and his naked body so close to her face. He’d grabbed her around the neck, threatening her, but she felt sick as she wasn’t even scared of him.


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