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Ripper's Torment

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Who is Prue?” Curse asked.

  “She’s something to do with Zero. Tiny believes one of his boys is in danger. He’s asked for our help if it’s needed. At the moment, it’s only Prue, and they don’t know much else.”

  This was their time to bring ideas to the table and handle problems within the club.

  “I could do with a ride. If Tiny needs us I’d be happy to back you and head to Fort Wills. I love watching The Skulls panic when we arrive,” Curse said, speaking up first.

  “The problem I have is Lexie. If shit goes down with her pregnancy or with the Princess I need people here.” Devil looked around at each of them.

  “I’ll stay behind,” Ripper said, speaking up.

  All of the men turned to him. “I get my shit from driving up to the picnic space. I’m good to stay behind if you all need to get your shit handled.” For an excuse it was a good one. He just couldn’t imagine being away from Judi any time right now. Last night he hadn’t gotten her out of his mind. This morning he couldn’t think of anything else but the feel of her lips against his own.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure,” Ripper said. “Someone needs to stay behind, and I’ve got nothing pulling me away.”

  Curse was staring at him without saying a word.

  “Then it’s handled. If The Skulls need us then we go, and, Ripper, you stay with Vincent and a few others.”

  “I will.” He nodded his head and the meeting moved on toward a drug deal with Jerry. Jerry was a pimp and drug dealer. He lived not too far from Devil but they struck a bargain two years ago when they moved to Piston County. They worked for each other and the profits were split fairly.

  When the meeting was over he left to go to his room. Curse grabbed his arm and led him outside for some privacy.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Ripper asked, wanting to get showered.

  “We’re friends, Ripper. What the fuck is going on?” Curse had his arms folded and wouldn’t budge an inch.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “Shall I go and tell Devil about the guy we buried then, or have you forgotten about him?” Curse turned to go to Devil.

  Shit, there was no way he was going to let that happen.

  “It was Judi’s kill, okay. She called me for help, not fucking Devil.” Ripper let the words tumble out of his mouth.

  “Judi? What the fuck was she doing out?” Curse asked, looking angry.

  “I don’t know. She wanted to walk and get some air or some shit. I didn’t ask the bitch too many questions. I took care of it.”

  “She killed someone, Ripper. Shit like that doesn’t go away.”

  “I’m handling it.”

  He fisted his hands, and Curse kept staring at him.

  “You better. Judi is precious to all of us.”

  Ripper kept his mouth shut. If he said anything more Curse would know the truth of his change of feelings toward the woman they considered a Princess.

  “Is there anything else you’re not telling me?” Curse asked.

  “Nothing. I’ve got everything handled.” Ripper thought about the passion he experienced from Judi’s lips alone. She felt the same way. He had seen the budding of her nipples at their kiss.

  The life she’d led before he turned up didn’t affect him. Judi may have had over one hundred men, but no man ever got into her heart or mind. The fact she’d remained whole throughout her experience was a surprise. Many women would have broken a long time ago. There were strippers at the club who were similar in age but looked years older than Judi’s twenty years.

  “If you need anything else, let me know. I’ll do anything for our Princess.”

  Nodding, Ripper lit up a cigarette looking for some way to change the conversation away from Judi. “What was wrong with you yesterday at the diner? Mia was taking an order, and you looked like she was begging for your cock.”

  Curse took his cigarette from him. “Nothing.”

  “Really, nothing. So you weren’t imagining your cock deep inside her cunt?”

  The other man shook his head. “Stick to fucking with women. I’m out of here.” Curse left him alone.

  Seconds later he heard the sound of Curse’s bike purring to life. Leaning against the back of the wall of the club Ripper tried to gather his thoughts together.

  You should put an end to this shit with Judi. The club is far more important than some bitch.

  Taking a deep draw on his cigarette he closed his eyes and rubbed them to try to clear his mind.

  She’s not yours to have, to touch, or to fuck.

  “I appreciate you staying behind if the shit hits the fan,” Devil said.

  Opening his eyes, Ripper saw his leader stood beside him. “No problem. I don’t mind sticking around for the girls.” Staring down at his feet, the torment started to build back up inside him. Judi was off limits to men like him.

  “I don’t want to ruin shit. Judi is happier than I’ve ever seen her. Lexie is ill, but life still keeps on going.” Devil lit up a cigarette.

  Chancing a glance at his president, Ripper saw the pain in Devil’s eyes.

  “You’re not going to lose Lexie.”

  “I know. Until you’ve got a woman pregnant, Ripper, don’t say anything more.”

  He wished there was something more he could say. At thirty-three years old, Ripper had been through hell, but his loyalty to Devil was absolute.

  Your loyalty means shit. You’re going to fuck with Judi.

  She deserves better than you.

  “I can’t speak from experience of having kids. My dick has always got a rubber on it, but Lexie will not let anything happen to her.”

  Devil didn’t say anything.

  “She became a stripper for Simon. If a woman who is as reserved as Lexie is at times, still took her clothes off to earn money, she won’t put herself in danger for your kid.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about my kid. Do you think I want any brat around me if they’re responsible for killing her?” Devil shouted the words.

  The sound of a gasp came from behind him. Lexie stood there, pale, and stared at him.

  “Shit, baby, I’m so sorry.” Devil went to Lexie, who turned to walk away. Rubbing at his eyes, Ripper knew he’d fucked up talking to his boss. Shit, he shouldn’t have said anything, and Lexie shouldn’t have turned up. Leaving the clubhouse, which reminded him a lot of the building in Fort Wills, he rounded the building to see Lexie shouting at Devil. In all fairness, Devil looked ready to pick her up and take her away like some kind of caveman.

  “I’ve got morning sickness, Devil. When are you going to get it through your thick fucking skull?” Lexie asked, shouting.

  “You were not this way with Elizabeth.”

  “Newsflash, jerk, I’m not pregnant with Elizabeth.”

  Ripper climbed on his bike leaving them to their argument. Several of the women were laughing. The last thing he saw was Devil shutting her up with his mouth. Yep, that’s the only way to keep a woman silent these days.

  He entered town going to the library. The librarian clucked her tongue at him. Chuckling, he looked through the rooms until he found Judi sitting at one computer typing away. For several minutes he stood watching her with his arms folded. She looked distracted reading through each line then checking out some fact in one of the books. Two guys close to her age were chuckling and pointing over at her.

  Ripper didn’t like the look on their faces and took the seat beside her. “Hey, Princess,” he said, raising his voice so all could hear.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red. Leaning forward, he brushed a strand of hair out of his way to watch her. “I thought I’d come and see you. Devil and Lexie were arguing about her morning sickness when I left them at the club. I thought I’d come and see what you’re doing.” Ripper wanted to do so much more than touch.

  “I should be getting my co

urse books in the post in the next couple of weeks. When they turn up I’m good to go. I just need to get this assignment done and I can have a few days off.”

  Getting to his feet, Ripper smiled down at her. “Then go ahead, write. I’m going to look around.” He was going to threaten the two dipshits with his gun, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Okay.” Her attention was already back on the computer.

  Now, he could go and take his anger out on the two men who were pointing at his woman.


  Typing the last few sentences, Judi rubbed the back of her neck working out the kinks. She’d been staring at her computer screen for the last couple of hours, and she was feeling the strain on her eyes. Ripper still hadn’t left. Lexie and Devil phoned her earlier to make sure she was okay. They told her to get her assignment finished before returning home.

  “Are you done?” Ripper asked, suddenly appearing behind her.

  She’d been aware of two boys pointing and giggling hours earlier, but something must have happened because they left the building looking pale.

  “Yeah, I just finished up.” Judi stretched out, her muscles moaning. Pressing the necessary keys she stood up going to the printer. She would have to read through it before sending it back to her tutor. Filing the assignment away, she pushed some hair out of her face then closed the computer down. “I’m so tired.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

  “Hungry as well,” Ripper said, chuckling.

  “Are you laughing at me?” She tensed, feeling her cheeks heat at the noise her body made.

  “No, I’m not laughing at you. It’s a good job I’ve got plenty of money to feed you.” He took her hand as she placed the strap of her bag on her shoulder. Before she said anything he was leading her out of the room toward the diner opposite the library.

  “Are you always this bossy?” she asked, getting annoyed at him taking charge.

  Not annoyed, turned on.

  Cutting the thought off, she followed behind him with no choice as he held her hand. They were seated in the back of the diner and looking over the menu within seconds.

  “Yes, I’m bossy. I like shit done my way. Besides, what would you have done for food?” he asked.

  “I’d have gone home to eat.”

  “Yeah, probably waited until dinner and survived on a piece of fruit. Women, fucking lunatics.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” she asked. Her anger sparked at his condescending attitude.

  “We live one life, and you’re always so fussy about what goes in your mouth. Food is fucking food. Enjoy it and relish it.”

  “It’s easy to say coming from a guy who can eat whatever the hell he wants.” She folded her arms, glaring at him.

  “I take great pains to keep my body in shape.”

  “Fucking every woman you come across, I’m surprised you’re not anorexic.” There was a time before Lexie when she’d been slender, underweight even. Now she had curves in all the wrong places.

  “Are you jealous?” he asked. There was a wicked smile on his face. She hated him.

  “No, I’m not jealous. You’re a walking, talking advert for sexual diseases.” She picked up the menu, lifting it in front of her face so she didn’t have to look at Ripper’s smug looking bastard face. In that instant she hated him and everything he stood for.

  Ripper quickly moved, sitting beside her. She was trapped against the wall and his hard body. “What’s the matter, baby? Do I get you all hot?” He placed a hand in between her thighs right against her pussy.

  She gasped. The heat of him landed where she most needed him. “What are you doing?” she asked, glancing around the diner. No one was paying them any attention. No one would even know his hand was on her mound.

  “I’m looking at your menu. I shooed the waitress away. There’s only me and you.” He didn’t move his hand away.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on something that wasn’t him. “This shouldn’t be happening.”

  Her panties were soaking wet against her skin. She was sure of it. The torture of his hand was driving her insane. His lips were so close to her neck.

  “I love your curves, Judi. You were too fucking thin when we first met. This is much better. I will boss you around because it’s fun and I enjoy it. I imagine there is going to come a time when you will, too.”

  Suddenly his hand was gone, and she was left alone where he had sat once before. Licking her lips, she tucked some hair behind her ear as the waitress approached. Mia smiled at each of them. “What can I get you both?”

  Ripper ordered for both of them. Smiling, Judi closed the menu and waited for the woman to leave.

  “Why did you do that? Was it some kind of control thing?” she asked.

  “I did it because I wanted to.”

  “You know Devil would kill you if he knew,” she said, not knowing why she brought him into their conversation.

  “Any time you want to tell I’ll be ready.” He didn’t avoid her gaze but looked directly at her.

  “Don’t you care?” she asked.

  “I care. I shouldn’t be touching you or be anywhere near you.”

  Tears filled her eyes at the dark look in his eyes. “Then why are you?” She was so confused.

  “I can’t stay away from you.”

  Biting her lip she looked down at the table in front of her. Her stomach growled, but she ignored the need to eat. “Have you tried to stay away from me?”

  “More than you know.”

  She stayed silent as Mia brought food to the table. Judi had never felt happier at having a reason to eat. The conversation was scaring her a little. Ripper was a good friend to her, and she didn’t want any hurt to come to him.

  “I won’t say anything to Devil. I don’t even know why I said anything. Just ignore me.” She picked up her burger and started eating.

  Neither of them spoke. Ripper looked tormented as his gaze stayed on her. Her cell phone buzzed, and she placed the burger down to answer.

  Lexie was calling.

  “Hello,” Judi said, answering. She tried to sound happy as she spoke to her friend.

  “Judi, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I’m eating lunch with Ripper.” She wasn’t going to lie.

  “Good. I wanted to let you know Devil is taking us out and wanted to know if you wanted to come. He’s driving us out to a spa for a couple of days.” Lexie sounded so excited.

  “No, I’m going to pass. I’ve got a lot of work planned to catch up on.”

  “Are you sure?” Lexie asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll stay at the house. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. Are you sure? We can have some fun.” If Devil was taking Lexie and the kids to a spa, Judi knew he had every intention of them being looked after while he spent hours making love to her. There was no way she was going to be cramping his style.

  “I’ll pass. Maybe another time.” Her heart was racing as Ripper stared at her, waiting.

  What was going on in his head?

  “Tell Ripper that Devil wants a word,” Lexie said.

  She handed the phone across the table. He didn’t avert his gaze as Devil spoke. “I’ll keep her protected. Yeah, spare bedroom sounds good.”

  Ripper ended the call, pocketing her phone.

  “Hey, I need that.”

  “Eat up.” He didn’t give her back her phone.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “We’re spending a few days together. Devil has already told the club I’m with you. We won’t be disturbed.” Ripper’s gaze slid down her body.

  For the last two years any man who looked at her like that would send her scampering away. Ripper made her burn brighter than ever before. Licking her lips, she took a bite out of her burger knowing it wasn’t what she wanted to eat.

  Neither of them spoke again. Ripper paid for their lunch. Wit
hin minutes they were back on his bike and riding toward her home. The car was gone from the lot, and when she entered she found the house incredibly empty.

  Entering the kitchen she found an envelope on the counter. Inside was a note for her from Lexie including numbers and also plenty of money for her.

  “With the way they treat me people would think I’m a child,” Judi said.

  “Like I said, Devil has taken on the daddy role, and there’s no going back. As far as he’s concerned, you’re his little girl, and that’s never going to change.” His hand gripped the back of her neck.

  The moment he touched her, her body went into overdrive. She couldn’t think as his fingers stroked across her skin.

  “I’m breaking so many rules you don’t even know,” he said, brushing his lips against her cheek.

  Her heart was pounding with each touch. “Then stop,” she said, hoping he didn’t.

  “I can’t stop, Judi.” Ripper spun her around to face him. “There is no turning back for me.”

  She stared up into his eyes seeing the green depths sparkle with his need. He pressed her against the counter. His cock rubbed her stomach. Judi gasped. Ripper was long, thick, and rock hard.

  “Tell me to fuck off, Judi, and I will. I will never hurt you. You’ll like everything I do to you.”

  Licking her lips, Judi knew there was no going back for either of them.

  Chapter Six

  Judi’s arms circled his neck, and Ripper was completely lost. He lifted her up until her ass settled onto the counter. The jeans she wore were in the way of what he wanted, but gripping her head he took possession of her lips instead. She melted against him, moaning into his mouth.

  Plunging his tongue between her lips, he tasted her and wanted more. He was a dying man, and the only thing left for him was her. Picking her up, he carried her across the hallway and made his way up to her bedroom. The only time he stopped was to press her against the wall and make love to her mouth. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and he rubbed his cock against her core. The moment their clothes were gone, both of them were going to be screaming for more.

  Devil was gone for a few days giving Ripper alone time with Judi. If he believed in God, he would think his prayers had been answered. He didn’t believe in anything but his gut and his bike. Both never failed him. Even now his head was telling him to get the fuck out while his gut was sticking to fucking Judi.


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