Ripper's Torment

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Ripper's Torment Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Slamming her door closed, he placed her on her feet.

  “Last chance, Princess.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

  “Good.” Dropping his jacket to the floor, he rid his body of his shoes and shirt, leaving his jeans on. Through it all he watched Judi getting undressed. Her hands were shaking, and he took over removing her clothing for her. She tried to cover her body, but he captured her hands holding them by her side.

  “Fuck, you’re something else.” He held her hands out by her side and stared down at her full body. His cock was rock hard at the sight. Ripper was still in his jeans, and the tightness was unbearable. Her tits were large with tiny red nipples. He could fit one whole nipple into his mouth. They were fucking heavenly to look at. Her stomach was rounded and her hips flared out.

  Her legs were nice and thick and could take a pounding. “Get on the bed,” he said.

  Going to his belt, he released his jeans, taking his time to move the fabric over his enlarged cock. He sprang free, and her eyes widened at the sight.

  Climbing onto the bed, he shut out all thought of why he shouldn’t be doing this.

  “I’ll give you one last chance, Princess,” he said, settling between her thighs.

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I’m clean.”

  “So am I. I got tested when Devil took me in.” He pressed his palm over her mouth, stopping her from talking.

  “I know you’re clean, baby. I’ve got condoms, but I wanted you to know I’m careful with my dick.”

  Leaning down, he took her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, her nails scoring his back as he kissed his way down her body.

  He took one nipple into his mouth, biting down onto the rock hard bud. Judi arched up to meet him. She tasted so fucking sweet. Moving to the next nipple, he circled the bud then went back to the first. When he was satisfied with the hardness of her nipples, he kissed down her stomach coming to just above her mound.

  She had a nicely trimmed thatch of hair. He slid his fingers over, brushing the fine hairs. Her legs opened wide, and he smelled her arousal wafting up.

  Ripper opened the lips of her sex to find her swollen clit glinting at him. The nub looked like a precious jewel. Using the tip of his finger, he caressed the nub watching her explode from the slightest bit of pressure.

  “My Princess is so responsive and tender.”

  She screamed. Her whole body shook underneath his touch. Ripper stared up her body watching her tits quiver with her indrawn breaths. He closed the distance, covering her clit with his lips. Sucking the little jewel into his mouth, he held Judi down with hands on her hips. Sucking, flicking, and licking the tight little bud, Ripper held Judi in place while he made her come apart in his arms. Her pussy was on fire, and he intended to spend the rest of the day and night watching her splinter apart from his touch alone.

  After her first orgasm, he pulled away wiping her cream from his face.

  Her gaze was on his face with tears in her eyes. Ripper was determined to show her what making love was all about. All of his life he’d fucked women, rarely making love as that was about the connection between two people. Part of Judi’s mind was broken, shattered over what her life had been for a few short years. He saw how little respect she had for men apart from the club men. They never held her past against her nor did they force her to give them something. She really was a princess in all of their eyes.

  “I’ve, erm, I’ve never—” Judi stopped wiping the tears from her eyes. Crawling up the bed, Ripper wrapped his arms around her shoulders and drew her in close.

  “Sh, you don’t need to say anything to me. I’m not going to force you or make you do something you don’t want.” He kissed her head, knowing he would kill every last fucker who had touched her if it would take the sadness from her eyes. Judi was everything he wanted to protect.

  “It’s not you. I’ve never felt anything so amazing before in my life. I never knew it could … be that way.” Her tears were falling thick and fast.

  Holding her tighter, Ripper made a deal with himself that he would kill any man who had touched her in the past. If he so much as saw fear in her eyes he was going to annihilate them.

  “It can be that way, baby. There can also be so much more. Your body, given the chance, can come alive in ways you’ve only ever dreamed of.”

  “I’m afraid, Ripper.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “I’ll hold you throughout, baby. No one will ever harm you, I promise.”

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  Gripping her cheek, he stared into her eyes feeling his anger close. “You deserve fucking better than me. I’m a fucking biker, Judi. I’ve fucked more women than you ever have men. I didn’t care about anyone but the club until you. You make me want to be fucking better.”

  Running a hand down her body, he kept his gaze on her at all times. “You’re fucking perfection whereas I’m a monster in comparison. I wish I could give you the kind words and all that shit, but I can’t. I’ve only got what I am.”

  She touched his cheek, and her fingers heated his skin. He never wanted her to not want him. Judi was beautiful, sweet, and her eyes held a lifetime of pain. Given the chance he would replace that pain with love, happiness, and everything to make a woman’s heart soar.

  Judi smiled up at him with tears still in her eyes. “Be careful, Ripper. Anyone would think you’ve got words of love inside you.” Her fingers moved to his lips, running the tips over him. “There’s no one else I’d rather be with than with you.”

  Taking hold of her fingers, he sucked the digits into his mouth loving the gasp that left her lips at his touch. Each finger he sucked inside his mouth relishing the chance of tasting her. The sweet juice of her cream still in his mouth, he ran his fingers up and down her body. Her skin was soft to the touch.

  “Please,” she said, moaning.

  Covering her lips with his own, he plundered her mouth with his tongue. “That’s it, baby. Open up for me. Give me what I want.”

  She opened her lips, and their kiss deepened. His heart pounded as lust started to take over. He felt her hands running down his stomach tracing the rock hard abs before gripping his length. Hissing, he pulled away to watch her pale fingers pumping his cock.

  “Be careful, baby. I’m so close to fucking coming, I’m not going to last.”

  “I think it’s only fair.”

  Ripper wanted to be deep inside her cunt, but if this was what she wanted to do their first time he was more than happy about it. Gazing down at her full body, his cock tightened painfully. Her body was curvy in all the right places.

  She fisted his cock creating a steady pace. He took several deep breaths not wanting to go over the edge too soon. In many respects this was Judi’s first real time. All of the other times she’d been with the men had been paying for a release. This time was about their mutual pleasure. Ripper wanted to hear her come apart just as much as he wanted to feel his own orgasm.

  “Am I doing this right?” she asked.

  Pressing his head to hers, Ripper chuckled. “Baby, you’re doing everything fucking right.”

  Ripper claimed her lips as she worked his cock. The tightness of her fingers was driving him crazy. He cupped her cheeks, tilting her head back to deepen the kiss. Her breathing increased going to shallow pants.

  Thrusting his hips up against her hands Ripper felt himself getting close to his release. Growling, he tightened his hands on her hips as she worked his cock.

  “I’m coming, baby,” he said, panting.

  The first drops of his cum coated her stomach. His release spurted between them covering them both.

  She didn’t stop until he stilled her movements with his hand. “You need to stop, baby, while I’ve got some sanity left.” Fuck, that one orgasm alone was so fucking perfect that all others paled in comparison.


  Judi stared up into his beautiful green eyes. Her he
art pounded, and she didn’t care that she was covered in his cum. That one moment together meant more to her than the hundred she spent with other men. His hand remained over hers. She was shocked by the heat of his touch.

  “Wow,” he said, drawing her attention to his lips, which were amazing to feel against her own.

  “What?” she asked, wanting to hear his voice.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “You’re the one who made a mess.” She released his cock to finger the white droplets coating her skin.

  He chuckled. “Time for a shower I think.” Ripper got up from the bed then picked her up. “We’ll take care of the sheets once we’re cleaned.”

  Judi gasped as he carried her through to the bathroom. This was her space, and she’d never be able to look at it the same way again. She watched as he turned the shower on testing the water for the heat. Glancing in the mirror she was shocked by the total contrast of the pair of them. She was pale as she didn’t go out in the sun all that much. Keeping her body covered was all she cared about. Ripper was dark from working in the sun. His body was rock hard whereas she was soft, curvy.

  Turning away from the mirror she saw Ripper was watching her. He moved behind her, circling her body with his arms. Together they looked at their reflections. “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?” he asked.

  She shook her head glancing down at his hands.

  “You make me so fucking hot for you.” He pressed his cock against her ass. She felt he was already thickening at that simple touch. “We’re taking this one step at a time.”


  “Let’s get washed,” he said, taking her hand and leading her into the shower.

  Judi would have slipped if not for his hold on her body.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “When are you going to learn I’m always going to be here to catch you?” He kissed her neck, and she swallowed against the lump in her throat. His entire presence took her by surprise. Ripper would say something that left her completely speechless.

  He pressed her toward the front with a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at the water, closing her eyes to let the warmth seep into her bones.

  Ripper’s hands held the soap as he started to work the lather against her skin.

  “I can wash myself,” she said, going to turn around. He stopped her, tightening his grip on her shoulder to keep her in place. Licking her lips, she stayed still as he soaped her body.

  “I’m going to do what I want,” he said, working the soap down her back. When his hands were covered in soap he used them to wash her body. She gasped as he paid careful attention to her breasts then between her legs. “I’ve got to get you all nice and clean. I can’t have you feeling dirty.”

  Once all the soap was off his hands she expected him to take his turn. That was not the case. His hands rubbed against her skin, taking his time almost as if to memorize her shape. Up his hands went to cup her tits. His thumb pressed on her nipples then pinched them creating a spark of pleasure that took her completely by surprise.

  She whimpered.

  “Are you nice and wet for me, Judi?” he asked, whispering the words against her ear.

  Jerking her head, she had no choice but to stand in his arms waiting.

  “I didn’t hear you.”

  “I’m wet,” she said, crying out.

  One of his palms cupped her pussy. She felt him slide between her folds, going down to sink a finger inside her.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re fucking wet.” A second finger was added inside her stretching her out. “You’re tight as well. I’m a big man, baby. I’ve got to make sure you can fit me inside your tight little cunt.” He pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy. Each delicious pump of his hand made it hard for her to concentrate. There was a burning sensation from being stretched from his fingers alone.

  From the moment Devil entered her life she’d not been with a man since. She didn’t touch herself or invite men to think anything else. Judi had kept them at arms’ length until Ripper. There was so much more she wanted from him but couldn’t find the right words to tell him what she really wanted.

  “Do you always talk?” she asked. His words were not offending her. They turned her on. He had one of those voices that struck her hard, melting her.

  “Baby, I want the woman I’m with to know what I want. Get used to me talking, telling you what I like.”

  She whimpered as another finger penetrated her pussy.

  “Get used to this pussy being fucked. When you let me inside your body, Judi, I know I’m going to be in heaven. You’ll give me everything and take everything I’ve got to give you.” He worked his fingers in and out. Her cream lubricated his movements. Biting her lip, she reached out to the wall to hold herself up. Palms flat, she felt his body still pressed firmly behind her. “Your pussy is going to be like heaven. I’m never going to be able to find pleasure anywhere else. Will you give me your pussy whenever I need to fuck?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes, thinking about what he said. There was a time the thought of sex repulsed her, but not anymore. Her body was on fire for Ripper and his brand of sex.

  “Please,” she said, moaning as his thumb pressed to her clit.

  “Do you want to come over my fingers, baby? Do I get to feel your cream soaking my fingers?”

  Words failed her as her body took over demanding to be heard.

  “Come on, Judi, give me your orgasm. Let me hear you scream.”

  Nothing else mattered. Her past fell away, and the only people left in the world were her and Ripper.

  “Trust me, baby. I’ll be here to catch you, always.”

  His thumb stroked over her nub, and her orgasm crashed over her, taking her breath away. Her grip on the wall held her up.

  “That’s it, Judi. I can feel your cream coating my fingers. Give me your cum.”

  Ripper’s words tore into her soul leaving nothing in its place. She never thought she’d be able to have something like this with anyone else. Every word that left his lips opened her up to more.

  “Such a good girl. Give me it all.” His touch didn’t stop until he was satisfied.

  Slowly, he moved his hand away holding her hips.

  “Now it’s your turn to wash me.” He took her place standing under the water. She picked up the soap then started to touch his skin. His back was covered in tattoos. None of them really stood out. His flesh was a work of art.

  “Do you have a thing for needles?” she asked, caressing down his back.

  “I love feeling the bite in my skin.”

  The designs were amazing, beautiful, and breathtaking, like the male. His hair darkened from the water. She soaped his back and ass going to her knees to do his feet. She stepped to the side to wash his front. Any chance she got to look at him she would take.

  His cock was thrust out, long, thick and pulsed to life. Her hands shook as she did his chest working her way down to his cock.

  “How can you be ready to go again?” she asked, shocked by the strength of his arousal.

  “You. You make me want to fuck you, Judi.”

  Soaping his length, she heard him moan. Seconds later his fingers circled hers around his shaft, and he showed her the pace he wanted her to keep. Her fingers were tight as she worked his length.

  “I’m going to come,” he said.

  Judi kept up her ministrations watching the tip as his cum jerked out, splashing onto the bottom of the shower, washing down the drain.

  Once they were finished, Ripper turned the water off grabbing a towel for himself. She made to climb out, but he wrapped a towel around her body.

  “Are you sure you’re a bad-ass biker?” she asked.


  He was being sweet to her, and she didn’t understand where his tough image came from. Thinking about the dead body, she closed the thoughts down. Ripper was a force to be reckoned with. She doubted anyone got to see this side of h

  “Don’t mistake my caring for you as a weakness, Judi. Only you will see this side of me and only in private.” He kissed her cheek then took her hand leading her back to her bedroom.

  “I’m hungry.”

  She was shocked to see they’d been in her bedroom for two hours already. The time didn’t even register when they were together.

  Chapter Seven

  Sitting at the kitchen counter, Ripper watched Judi buzzing around the spacious kitchen. She wore a pair of shorts and a vest. He wouldn’t let her have a bra or panties, and he liked the view of watching her tits bounce as she moved. His cock was in pain at the jeans he wore, but he wasn’t prepared to walk around buck ass naked yet.

  “Do you mind having spicy chicken with salad?” she asked, holding up a plate with lots of chicken breasts on it.

  “Make sure you cook all of that,” he said.

  “What? There’s a lot here.”

  “Baby, I eat a lot, and chicken and salad is not going to cut it.”

  “Okay, I’ll make something to go with it.”

  Watching her move around the kitchen, he took a sip of his coffee while also thinking about her tight cunt squeezing the life out of his fingers. Her body was going to give him a walking, talking hard-on.

  The shower alone had him bursting at the seams. He didn’t shower with a woman. Ripper fucked women, and once he was done, they left his space. Judi was different. She made him want to be a different kind of man for her.

  Running fingers through his hair he stood up going to look outside of the window. The sun was still bright in the sky. The neighborhood was a good one. He watched kids playing on the front lawns. All of them were wearing buttoned up shirts and looked out of place shooting hoops.

  “How do you like living here?” he asked.

  “It’s good. We’re left alone. Lexie won’t take any shit from any of the women, and the men are terrified of Devil.” She giggled, looking over at him. “Lexie went to grab the mail the other day from the post box at the end of the drive, and one of the guys who lives a few doors down was passing with his dog.” Her eyes were twinkling as she spoke. “He was flirting with Lexie. His hands reached out as if to touch her, and Devil lost it. He stormed out of the house and threatened him with his gun. Pretty much said if he didn’t stick to his own pussy, he wouldn’t have a dick left.”


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